. Mayport Ships Training Takes Innovative Initiatives, Pages 4-5 2008 CHINFO Award Winner ������������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������� Rules For Extensions To Change By Katie Suich orders to places that require less than 24 into. NPC also has procedures in place Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs Office ��������������� months, such as Diego Garcia and unac- to handle unique situations that might The Navy will change the Short Term companied tours. require more than two extensions per Extension (STE) policy Oct. 1, affecting ����������� *All other obligated-service require- contract. obligated service (OBLISERV) rules for ments will remain the same. *Extension policy for Sailors taking enlisted personnel. ����������������� The maximum number of short-term individual augmentee/global war on ter- Labor Day According to NAVADMIN 242/09, the ������������ extensions that a Sailor may now use reason for the change is that the Navy will be two per contract. The length rorism support assignments (IA/GSA) Hours For MWR has noticed during the past several years ����������������������� of an extension will be limited to 23 orders remains the same. Once they the number of STEs has risen substan- months, and the total of all extensions have completed the GSA/IA assignment, In recognition of Labor tially. ���������� cannot exceed 24 months. Other rules they will fall under current detailing and Day on Sept. 7, the following “The impact of this change is that include: extension policies MWR facilities will be closed: more Sailors will be directed toward Currently, a Sailor has to obligate for *Extensions counting against the Sailors choosing not to obligate for Auto Skills reenlistments, said Master Chief Petty 12 months when they receive orders to Sailor’s two-extension limit are those Bingo the required 24 months but have more Officer of the Navy Rick West. “It sea duty, unless DoD area requirements that help manage their careers or if CDC/CDH than 12 months of contract time left will also gives our Sailors more flexibili- are greater. The new policy will require they benefit to the Sailor. For example: CPO Club be assigned based on the “needs of the ty to manage their careers early in the 24 months of obligated service, with Instead of reenlisting, a Sailor uses an ITT/Recreation Ticket Navy” or, if eligible, will be encouraged [career review board] process while tak- these exceptions: extension to obtain OBLISERV so he/ Vehicle to voluntarily separate at end of obligat- ing advantage of monetary incentives. *Sailors with less than 24 months until she can execute PCS orders. Ocean Breeze Conference Standardizing the rules will assist our their high year tenure date must only *Extensions not counted are Navy- ed service {EAOS} or projected rotation Center Sailors in managing their careers while obligate for the amount of time needed required ones, such as the PCS delay this date {PRD), whichever is closer. Those Outdoor Adventures allowing the Navy to better manage the to reach that date. past summer. Navy Personnel Command assigned “needs of the Navy” orders will Recycling Center/Scrap force. We should have done this years *Sailors will obligate for the requisite (NPC) can answer specific questions not necessarily stay at their present com- Metal Yard/Vehicle Scale ago” time-on-station requirements for PCS on what category an extension falls mand. House Surfside Fitness Youth Activities Center Vehicle Storage Report Veterinary Future CPOs Work On Ground Game Beachside Community Center Computer Cove will Calls For be open 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Castaways, 2 p.m.-1:30 a.m.; Bogey�s, 6 a.m.-7 p.m.; Changes Gym, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Mayport Bowling Center, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Pelican Roost, 10 a.m.- To NSPS 4 p.m.; Pizza Hut, 10:30 By Jim Garamone a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Planet American Forces Press Service Mayport, 10 a.m.-11 p.m.; In its final report, a Defense Pool, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Windy Business Board task group has Harbor Golf, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. recommended a “reconstruc- tion” of the National Security Personnel System. Former Deputy Defense Communicate Secretary Rudy DeLeon chaired the group. Defense At Mayport Department officials will use the board’s recommendations DESRON 14 is hosting the as they ponder the system’s 2009 Mayport Regional C51 future. Communicators Conference “We’ll take the findings on Sept. 9-10 from 7 a.m.-4 of the business board under p.m. on Wednesday and 8 advisement and study and work a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Thursday. toward a decision on NSPS in The two-day event will be the fall,” Pentagon spokesman held at the ATG Mayport Bryan Whitman said today. The auditorium, Bldg. 1842. For system, in place since 2003, more information, contact must be rebuilt, the report says. ITC(SW/AW) Raddler or “A ‘fix’ could not address the IT1(SW/AW) Hay at 270- 5801 ext. 147//149. depth of the systemic prob- lems discovered,” according -Photo by Paige Gnann to the report. “The Task Group ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� does not recommend an abol- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ishment of the NSPS because Mentor At ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� the performance management �������� system that has been created is achieving alignment of employ- Duval Schools ee goals with organizational Instructors from Duval goals.” County Public School Any reconstruction needs to (DCPS) system will hold USS The Sullivans Welcomes include input from the work a training session for the force in making the needed DCPS Mentor Program in changes, the report says. The the training classroom at Aboard New Commanding Officer task group called on the depart- Building One on Sept. 10 ment to re-establish a “commit- from 9:30-11 a.m. All military By Ensign Kari Weniger ment to partnership and collab- USS The Sullivans Public Affairs and civilian personnel are orating with employees through Cmdr. Ryan C. Tillotson, Commanding welcome to attend. Please their unions.” Officer, USS The Sullivans, handed over respond by email to ernest. The task group recommended the reins to Cmdr. Neil E. Funtanilla on [email protected] if you are that the Defense Department interested in joining the men- Aug 28 during a change of command cer- halt any more transitions from toring team. emony on board the ship. legacy personnel systems to The mentor program pro- Funtanilla was born in Honolulu, Hawaii NSPS. Specifically, the Defense vides an adult mentor to a and graduated from the United States Naval Department must address pay child in grades K-12 who Academy in 1991. pools and their lack of trans- wants or needs a mentor. From there he went on to serve aboard parency. The department also Needs will be determined by USS Scott (DDG 995), USS Biddle (CG must examine pay bands, espe- student, parent and educa- 34), USS Stout (DDG 55), and USS Lake cially Pay Band 2, which has tors. Erie (CG 70). Additionally, he served a large portion of the defense Mentors will help meet the as Strike Officer/Maritime Operations work force. The group said that needs of a particular student, Planner on the staff of Commander, pay band lacks “clear linkage to ranging from help with aca- Cruiser-Destroyer Group 12 and as Deputy career progression.” demics to dealing with social Director, Joint Maritime Operations and NSPS is eroding trust problems, support with sport- Integration at the Missile Defense Agency/ between supervisors and ing activities to just having Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense Program employees, the report says. someone to talk to. Office. At the AEGIS BMD Program The task group calls on the Ti m e c o m m i t m e n t i s Office, he aided in the successful Standard department to create a “col- around one to one and a half Missile 3 Engagement of a failed satellite in laborative process for [Defense hours per week, depending February 2008. Department] managers and on student/mentor availabil- Tillotson leaves The Sullivans after com- employees currently in the ity. manding her through a very successful -Photo courtesy of USS The Sullivans General Schedule system to NS Mayport recruits inter- seven month and seven day deployment. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� design and implement a per- ested Sailors and civilians Some highlights of his tour include: rep- ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� formance management system semi-annually with an orien- resenting the United States on the beaches ������������������������������������������������� that ties individual employee tation session held on base. of Normandy for the dedication of the first performance goals to organiza- Sailors will fill out profile World War II monument in honor of the guiding The Sullivans in her first Seventh In an emotional ceremony, Tillotson tional goals.” sheet/questionaire with their U.S. Navy; commanding a multi-ship sur- Fleet deployment, stopping in five Pacific thanked the crew and declared them all Part of this is to explore the interests and availability. face action group into the Persian Gulf dur- ports of call; and representing the nation heroes in his eyes. replacement of the current Background checks will be ing the NATO Standing Maritime Group during Operation Indigo Serpent with the General Schedule classification run. Two’s maiden out-of area deployment; Royal Saudi Naval Forces. See The Sullivans, Page 3 system. 2 THE MIRROR, NS MAYPORT, Thursday, September 3, 2009 CO Column The City of Jacksonville and er got by without getting to were injured. Please don’t over- who have sacrificed so much into the test site. If you have the Beaches Cities have once talk to the JSO and suspected do it this weekend and if you for this nation. The Tri-Base any questions at all, contact again partnered with Naval drinkers were given a sobriety are going to be near the water, Navy Ball Committee is hosting PSC Perez at 270-7614 ext.
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