(2007) Perfamilie in Alfabetische Volgorde. Family

(2007) Perfamilie in Alfabetische Volgorde. Family

- 167 SPIRULA nr. 359 (2007) 167 Tijdschriftartikelen Journal papers W. Faber Artikelen over mariene weekdieren in andere tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen perfamilie in alfabetische volgorde. [] redactioneleopmerkingen. about marine in other and bivalves in Papers molluscs magazines. Gastropods per family alfabetical order. [] editorialnotes. - * GENERAL/ALGEMEEN 2007. Comunidades de moluscos de las NOSEWORTHY, R.G., N.-R. LIM & K.S. * GOLDING, R.E. & A.S. JONES, 2007. - praderas de fanerógamas marinas (Zostera CHOI, 2007. - A Catalogue of the Mol- Micro-CT novel for 3D marina nodosa del de la lusks of South Korea. - Kore- as a technique y Cymodocea f) sur Jeju Island, reconstruction of molluscan anatomy. - Peninsula Ibérica. [con riassunto italiano; anJ. Malac. 23(1): 65-104. * Moll. Res. 27(3): 123-128. with English abstract] - Boll. Malac. 43(1- ORLIN, Z., 2007. - Australian Marine Mol- 8): 13-20. lusks. - Am. Conch. 35(3): 18. * REGIONAL / REGIONAAL *GRACE, T., 2007. - Exotic Molluscan Intro- PANETTA, P., F. MASTROTOTARO & A. * - DELONGUEVILLE, C. & R. SCAILLET, 2007. - ductions to the San Francisco Bay Area. - MATARRESE, 2007. Malacofauna dei Les espèces invasives de mollusques en Am. Conch. 35(3): 19-22. fondi incoerenti del Golfo di Manfredonia. - * Méditerranée. [with English abstract] KAISER, K.L., 2007. - The Recent Mollus- [with English abstract] - Boll. Malac. 57-61. Novapex 8(2): 47-70. can Fauna of the lie Clipperton (Tropical 43(1-8): * Eastern - * - Nuevas GONZALEZ, A.R., M.J. MAESTRE, E. SAN- Pacific). The Festivus ROLAN, E., 2007. citas de espe- de CHEZ-MOYANO & J.C. GARCIA-GÓMEZ, 39(suppl.): i-iii. 1-162. cies de aguas profundas Galicia. [Lepe- 168168 SPIRULA - nr. 359 (2007) * - * tidae, Fissurellidae, Rissoidae, Vanilori- FABER, M.J., 2007. Marine Gastropods TUCKER, J.K., 2007. - Distribution of dae, Pectinidae] -Noticiario SEM No. 47: from the ABC Islands and other localities. Conus kohni McLean and Nybakken, 31-36. 18. The 1839. - Mis- 1979. - The Festivus 81-85. genus Engina Gray, 39(8): * * SOPPELSA, O., F. CROCETTA & G. FASULO, cellanea Malacologica2(4): 73-77. TUCKER, J.K., F. SICILIA-GUILLÉN & M.J. * 2007. 1 K. & G.T. 2007. - The - - molluschi marini di Punta di FRAUSSEN, POPPE, TENORIO, 2007. Conus lucidus in the - Pioppeto. [with English abstract] - Boll. Genus Nassaria in the Central Philippines. Solomon Islands. The Festivus 39(10): Malac. 43(1-8): 21-32. - Vasaya 2(2): 43-56. 101-103. * * VANWALLEGHEM, R., Y. VERHAEGHE & F. WATTERS, G.Z., 2007. - Small Western SWINNEN, 2007. - Seashells taken by Bel- Atlantic Buccinidae. Part 1. The Genus CORALLIOPHILIDAE * gian trawlers in the eastern Bay of Biscay, Bailya M. Smith, 1944. - Am. Conch. HERTZ, C.M., 2007. - Filling in a gap on - Western France. [aussi en FranQais] 35(3): 10-11. Rhizochilus antipathum Steenstrup, 1850. * - XenophoraNo. 120: 10-14. WIESE, V. & I. RICHLING, 2007. - Pyrulofu- The Festivus 39(9): 89-91. sus deformis in Nordostgrönland. - Schr. MONOPLACOPHORA (Class) Malakozool. 23: 30. COSTELLARIIDAE * See under Fissurellidae. "TURNER, H., S. GORI & R. SALISBURY, 2007. CALLIOSTOMATIDAE - Costellariidae of the Maldive Islands, * POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) ROLAN, E. & M. SUAREZ, 2007. - Primera - Vita MalacologicaNo. 5: 1-47. * M. GRIGIS & A. BONFIT- cita de Calliostoma DELL'ANGELO, B., leptophyma para aguas - - Noticiario TO, 2007. Notes on fossil chitons. 2. de la Penlnsula Ibérica. SEM CYLINDROBULLIDAE * Polyplacophora from the Middle Miocene No. 47: 39-43. See under Volvatellidae. of Lapugiu (Romania) [con riassunto ital- - iano] Boll. Malac. 43(1-8): 39-50. CALYPTRAEIDAE CYPRAEIDAE * * * GORDILLO, S., 2007. - Analisis tafonómico ROLAN, E., 2007. - Especies introducidas HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. - About Cribrarula - - de quitones holocenos de Tierra del Fuego, en Galicia: algunos nuevos datos. Noti- cribraria esontropia. Pallidula 37(2): 13- Argentina. - Ameghiniana44(2): 407-416. ciario SEM No. 47: 37-38. 15. * * ÖZTÜRK, B., A. ÖOgAN, M. ÖNEN & C. HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. — Erosaria caputdra- - £EVIK, 2007. - Lepidopleurus cimicoides CERITHIOPSIDAE conis Poppei needs further confirmation. * (Monterosato, 1879) and Lepidochitona FABER, M.J., 2007. - Marine Gastropods Triton No. 16: 5. * furtiva (Monterosato, 1879): two new from the ABC Islands and other localities. HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. - About the sub- 19. The and reports for the Polyplacophora fauna of the genera Cerithiella Retilaskeya species Cribrarula cribraria esontropia. Triton Aegean Sea. [con riassunto italiano] - - Miscellanea Malacologica 2(4): No. 16: 10-16. 79-83. * 2007. About Luria Boll. Malac. 43(1-8): 33-38. HEIMAN, E.L., - lurida - *SAITO, H., 2006. Shallow Water Chitons minima. -Triton No. 16: 17-20. * from Puerto Galera, Mindoro Island, the COLLONIIDAE HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. - "Intraspecific varia- * Philippines. - Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., MCCLEAN, J.H. & S. KIEL, 2007. - Creta- tion in living cowries" Nomenclatural TokyoNo. 44: 119-133. ceous and living Colloniidae of the rede- results of Part 3. - Triton No. 16: 21-26. * fined Petromatinae, with HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. - Additional concho- subfamily ...., notes on opercular evolution in turbi- logical information on Schilderia noideans, and the fossil record of Lioti- achatidea. - Triton No. 16: 27. - * - idae. Palaont. Zeitschrift 81(3): 254-266. LORENZ, F. & M. CHAPPONI, 2007. The deep water subspecies of Zoila friendii COLUMBELLIDAE Gray 1831. - Schr. Malakozool. 23: 39-44. * * - BEECHEY, D L. & R.C. WILLAN, 2007. - RAWLINGS, C.E., 2007. Erosaria guttata Establishment of the East Asian Dove (Gmelin, 1791) : the Great Spotted Snail Mitrella bicincta (Gould, 1860) in Cowrie. - Am. Conch. 35(3): 12-13. * Australia. - Moll. Res. 27(2): 51-59. Yourrou, D., 2007. - Quoi de neuf du cöté * BEECHEY, D., 2007. - East Asian Dove d'Hyères? Ou la quête de la porcelaine Snail Mitrella bicincta introduced in orangeée....-Xenophora No. 120: 32-33. NSW. - Austr. Shell News No. 132: 7-8. mm. Point. Acanthopleura spinosa. 85.3 Laguna - * - Mem. Nath. Sci. Mus. Tokyo No. 44: 130. MONSECOUR, K. & D., 2007. The Aesopus ELLOBIIDAE * (Lavesopus) spiculus Species Complex in MATSUMURA, I., 2007. - The first record of the Tropical Indo-Pacific. - Visaya 2(2): Ellobium chinense ffom Hyogo Prefecture, GASTROPODA 57-61. Japan. - Chiribotan 38(1-2): 8-11. GENERAL / ALGEMEEN * - 2007. Are familiar with the CONIDAE EPITONIIDAE NN., you - * * shells frora South America? Xenophora FRANKLIN, B., S.A. FERNANDO, B.A. ICOKSHOORN, B., J. GOUD, E. GITTENBERGER No. 120: 24-25, 34. CHALKE & K.S. KRISHAN, 2007. - Radular & A. GITTENBERGER, 2007. - Epitoniid * VERMEIJ, G.J., 2007. -The ecology of inva- morphology of Conus from India. - Moll. parasites and their host sea anemones in sion: acquisition and loss of the siphonal Res. 27(3): 111-122. the Spermonde archipelago, Sulawesi, * - canal in gastropods. - Paleobiology 33(3): KOHN, A.J. & D.L.N. VINK, 2007. Conus Indonesia. - Basteria 71(1-3): 33-56. * G.W. & 2007. - 469493. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791: proposed conser- SCHMELZ, R.W. PORTELL, vation of the specifïc name by designation The Epitoniidae from the lower Alum ARCHITECTONICIDAE of a neotype. - Buil. Zool Nomenclature Bluff Group (lower to middle Miocene) of * NIELSEN, S.N. & D. FRASSINETTI, 2007. - 64(3): 144-148. Florida,.... - The Nautilus 121(3): 105- * The Miocene Architectonicidae of Chile. SMRIGLIO, G., A. DI GIULIO, F. GUBBIOLO & 130. * [mit deutscher Kurzfassung] - Palaont, P. MARIOTTINI, 2007. - Brachycylhara See also under Janthinidae. Zeitschrift 81(3): 291-303. atlantidea (Knudsen, 1952), first report from the Western Mediterranean Sea. - EULIMIDAE * BUCCINIDAE Basteria 71(1-3): 29-32. HALES, J., 2007. - A New Live Eulimid * * - BURN, B., 2007. - Yes, No, Probalbly: Eng- TRENCART, A., 2007. - Moments rares et Gastropod Record in Victoria. Australian ina - No. News No. australis in Victoria. - Australian Shell intenses au Sénégal. Xenophora 120: Shell 132:3. News No. 132: 5. 7. SPIRULA - nr. 359 (2007) 169 * FASCIOLARIIDAE Recognition of the Paleocene gastropod HEIMAN, E.L., 2007. - Two forms of * P. - — Triton No. 16: 28. CALLOMON, & M.A. SNYDER, 2007. On “Solariella” alabamensis (Aldrich, 1886) Chicoreus ramosus. * the Genus Fusinus in Japan III: Nine Fur- as a member of lower heterobranchs MORTON, B., M. PEHARDA & E.M. HARPER, - - ther Species with Type Selections. (Mathildidae),with description of Toul- 2007. Drilling and chipping patterns of Venus 19-47. — shell 66(1-2): minella n. gen. Palaont. Zeitschrift bivalve prey penetration by Hexaplex 81(3): 283-290. trunculus. - J. Marine Biol. Ass. U.K. * - FISSURELLIDAE GUZHOV, A.V., 2007. Systematics and 87(4): 933-940. * PONDER, W.F., P.Yu. PARKHAEV & D.L. Evolution of the Genus Clathrobaculus BEECHEY, 2007. - A remarkable similarity Cossmann, 1912. - Paleont. J. 41(4): 382- in scaly shell structure in Early Cambrium 394. univalved limpets (Monoplacophora)and a with Recent fissurellid limpet a review of - Maikhanellidae. Moll. Res. 27(3): 129- 139. HALIOTIDAE * - CAZALIS, P., 2007. Un haliotide bien nommé: Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846. - Xenophora No. 120: 40. * HUANG, B., ZR. DENG, XB. WANG, JL. LIU & Z. ZHOU, 2007. - The ultrastructure of A Hexaplex truncu- the spermatozoon of the ear abalone Hali- lus individual drill- Clathrobaculus fahrenkohli (Rouillier, 1846). otis asinina. [in Chinese with English ing Mytilus gallo- Bank of Oka River, Middle Oxfordian. Scale bars - J. abstract] - Acta. Zool. Sinica 55(3): 552- provincialis. 100μ. - Paleont. J. 41(40: 388. Marine Biol. Ass. 556.

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