

INDEX* Agates, 376. Cardium, 280. Agua Caliente Indians. See Cupeflo Charmstones, 255. Indians. Chert, formation in Humboldt bay Alaska Indians, culture of, 368. region, 279; implements of, 357, Algonkin linguistic stock, 250-251. 359, 360, 361, 375. Arcata, California, 248. Chilula Indians, 251-253; the "Arrow Archaeology of the Wiyot Territory, Tree, " 252. sites or deposits, 255, 256-257, Chukchansi Indians, 216. 258, 260-261, 275-281; classes of Chumash Indians, 216. remains, 279-281; illustrations of, Chunut Indians, 216. opp. 414, 416, 424, 428. Clan names; Luisenio, 203; of women: Gunther island shellmound (site Piman, 176, 219; Shoshonean 67), 337-386, 352; environment, (Serrano), 180; Yuman, 157-161, 337; size, shape, composition, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 219. 339-345; vertebrate remains, 345; Clans and Moieties in Southern Cali- age, 347; human remains, 350; fornia, 155-219; Indian inform- material culture, 357. ants on, 164, 166, 167, 172, 176, Arrow tree, 252, 253; picture of, opp. 187, 192, 209 note, 211. 410. Clay, objects of, 377-380. Artifacts of the Wiyot Indians, 280, Clowns, in Indian dance ceremonies, 387-392. See also Implements. 457. Athapascan Indians, 251-256; plant Composition of Gunther Island shell- names, 234; geographical names, mound, 339-344, 346. See also 284, 285, 290-292. Gunther island. Barrett, S. A., 437. Copper, 242. Basketry, 386. Cocopa Indians, 156, 216; clans of, "Battle-grounds," Indian, 257. 158, 159-161; women 's clan Beads, use of, by Wiyot Indians, 386. names, 162, 163, 164, 165; clan Bear shamans, 209-211. customs, 166; totem beliefs, 166. Blue Lake, Indian settlements near, Colorado river Indian tribes, 156, 263-265. 215, 216. Bodega, Spanish explorer, 241. Bone, objects of, 382-384. Coulter, 5. Bucksport, California, 248. Cremation, 347, 353. Burials, Indian, 254, 350, 351-353, Culture, material, of Indians in Wiyot 367-368, 386. See also Cremation. Territory, 357-392. See also Cahuilla Indians, totems of, 169, 170, Artifacts; Implements; Names of 186; clan and moiety organiza- materials, etc. tion, 186-188, 215, 216, 219; Cupenfo Indians, 170; clan and moiety myths, 188; list of clans, 189-191. organization, 192-199, 216; to- California, aboriginal population, esti- tems, 192, 193; clans and parties mates, 298-305; treatment of, of, 193-195; ceremonies and cus- 308-311, 317-329, 334-337; reser- toms, 196-198; myths, 199-201. vation system, 311-316; massacres Curtis, E. S., acknowledgment, 157; by the whites in 1860, 329-334. cited and quoted on Piman clan See also under Indian and names system, 174-176. of Indian tribes. Dances (dance ceremonies), 174, 196, Moieties, clans, and totems in, 215- 208, 213, 268, 269, 282, 461, 462, 219; map showing locations of, 464, 472; ceremonial objects, opp. 215; varieties of moiety or- 441-442; Tuya dances, 447, 454, ganization, 215; distribution of 457, 460; Moki dance, 451; sweat clan organization, four groups, dances, 454, 461; Toto dance 216, 217; affinity and ultimate songs, 481. See also Orations; origin of, 218; problem of totem- Wintun Indians. ism, 219. de la Cuesta, A., 5. * Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Ethn., XIV. [503] Index Diegueno Indians, 156; clan features vertebrate remains, 345; age, of, 167, 216; list of clans of, 167- 347; human remains, 350; mate- 168, 174; clan customs, 168-169; rial culture, 357. culture and origin myth of the Hale, N., 5. Southern Dieguenio, 169-172. Harrington, J. P., acknowledgment, Northern Dieguefno, clans, 172-173; 157. clan customs, 173. Henshaw, H. W., 5. Dixon, R. B., 5. Hesi ceremony. See Wintun Hesi Dixon and Kroeber, cited, 250. ceremony. Drake, Francis, 241. Hokan family of Indian languages, 5. Eel river, Indian settlements on, 271- Hopi Indians, 219. 272. Horn, objects of, 380-381. Emeryville, shellmound, 347. Hudson Bay Company, 247. Ethnobotany of Humboldt bay re- Human remains in shellmounds, 350. gion, 231-235; Wiyot plant names Human sacrifice among Indians, 368, and uses, 232; Athapascan plant 372. names, 234. Humboldt bay, discovery of, 245; ln- Ethnogeography and Archaeology of dian settlements on, 269-271; the Wiyot Territory, 221-436. early map of, opp. 406. See also Wiyot Territory. Humboldt bay region, 226-248, 279- Eureka, Indian villages near town 280; physiography, 226; forest, of, 266-269. 228; prairie, 230; Indian trails, Exogamy, 166, 167, 169, 173, 177, 178, 230; ethnobotany, 231; discovery 180, 186, 193, 213. and settlement, 241. Fauna of Humboldt bay region, 235- 251; mammals, 235; birds, 237; Humboldt city, 270. fish, 237; mollusks, 239; other Hustenate, shellmound described by fauna, 240. Schumacher, 349, 352, 354, 356. Ferrelo, Spanish explorer, 241. Implements of the Wiyot Indians, Flint, 256; implements of, 358, 359, 280, 357-375. 360, 361; illustrated, opp. 420, Indian Commissioners for California, 422; in Gunther island shell- 1851, report of, 298; various esti- mound, 376. mates of its members as to abo- Gabrielino Indians, 216. riginal population, 299-301. Gambling songs, Indian, 483, 484. Indian ceremonial systems, 438, 440. Gashowu Indians, 216. See also Wintun Hesi ceremony; Genetic Relationship of the North Wintun Indians. American Indian Languages, 489- Indian languages, Hokan, and Isko- 502; early studies of, 489-490; man, groups, 5; vocabularies of, list of linguistic stocks in North 5. See also Genetic Relationship, America, 490,; fundamental re- etc.; Salinan Indians, Language semblances, morphological, 490- of. 491; with reference to specific Indian reservation system in Cali- tracts, 491; three subgroups sug- fornia, 311-316. gested, 492; ethnological consid- "Indian Wars" in California, 309- erations, 492; data demonstrat- 311. ing, 493-502. Iron, 242. Geographical names used by Indians: "Iskoman" group, of Indian lan- Athapascan, 284, 285, 290-292; guages, 5. Yurok, 297-298; Wiyot, 284-285, Juanefno Indians, 216. 286-290, 292-296. Kamia Indians, clan names, 158, 159, Geology of the Humboldt bay region, 161, 162, 164, 167. 279-280. Kawaiisu Indians, 216. Gifford, E. W., 155. Klamath river, 248. Glen Cove, shellmound, 347. Kohuana Indians, clan names, 156- Goddard, P. E., cited, 255, 264. 162. Gould and Yates, 5. Kroeber, A. L., 5; cited, 250, 269, Gunther island, massacre on, 263, 268. 282; acknowledgment, 155, 157. Gunther island shellmound, 225, 266, 250. 268, 283, 352; archaeology of, Kroeber and Dixon, R. B., cited, 337-386; environment, size, and Lindsey, W. R., cited, 259. shape, 337; composition, 339; Loud, L. L., 221. [504] Index Luiseflo Indians, non-totemic, 201; Powers, S., cited, 253, 254, 256. organization, 201-202, 216; clan Quartz, 376. names, 202, 203-205; parties, 206- Radin, P., 489. 208, 212; customs, 208-212, 213; Russell, F., cited and quoted, on Pima bear shamans, 209-211; myths, clan system, 174, 176. 212; individual names, 214. Russians, The, on the Pacific Coast, McKee expedition of 1851, 298-300, 245. 301. Salinan Indians, The Language of the, Macoma nasuta, 280. 1-154; early work on, 4-6; In- Mad river, Wiyot Indian settlements dian informants, 4; dialect of, 6; on, 258-263. phonology, 7-17; morphology, 18- Mad river slough, Wiyot Indian set- 58; texts, 59-120; vocabulary, tlements on, 265-266. 121-154. See also pages 1-3. Maidu Indians, ceremonial dance sys- Sandstone, 376; implements, 361-375, tem, 440; ceremonial clown, 457. 379. Maricopa Indians, clan names, 156- San Francisco bay, shellmounds, 245. 162. Sapir, E., 5. Mason, J. Alden, 1. Saxidomws, 280. Massacres of, 1860, 270, 272, 274, 329- Schizothaerus, 280. 334; at Gunther island, 263, 268. Schumacher, Paul, cited, 349. Matthole Indians, 256. Sequoia sempervirens, 228. Maurelle, cited, 245. Serrano Indians, 170; clan and moiety Miwok moieties, 176, 215; clan names, organization, 178-182, 216, 219; 202; personal names, 219. totems, 178; clan names, 179-180; Mohave Indians, clans of, 156-16]; clan customs, 180-182; myths, women's clan names, 164-165; 182-186. clan organization, 216. Shamans, bear, 209-211. Moieties, and Clans, of Southem Cali- Shell, objects of, 384-386; figures fornia, 155-219. showing, 385. Moki, ceremonial dance, cloak for, Shellmounds. See Emeryville; Glen 442; the dance, 451; speeches, Cove; Gunther island; San Fran- 476-479. cisco bay. Mono moiety organization, 215. Shoshonean Indians, 155, 167, 168, Mythology (mythological interest), 170. myths, among the Wiyot Indians, Shoshonean clans and moieties, 177- 281-284; among the Athapascan 214. See also Cahuilla Indians; Indians, 283, 284. Cupefio Indians; Luisenlo Indians; Mytilus californianus, 280. Serrano Indians. edulis, 280. Siliqua patula, 280. Nongatl Indians, 255. Sinkyone Indians, 256. Nutunutu Indians, 216. Sitjar, Fray Buenaventura, 5. Obsidian in Humboldt bay region, Slave-killers, 366-375; figures of, 371, 243, 280, 376; ceremonial blades, 373, opp. 430. knives, etc., 357, 358, 359, 360, Slavery among the Indians, 366-367, 361; illustrated, opp. 420. 368. Ophthalmia among Wiyot Indians, Sparkman, P. S., acknowledgment, 278. 203. Orations, in Indian dance ceremonies, Steatite, 376. 452, 460, 462, 465, 473, 475-482 Surf-fishing sites, 278-281. (Bole Ho), 476. Sweat danees, 454-461. Papago Indians, totemic clans in, Tachi Indians, 216. 174-177; clan names, 219. Taylor, A. S., 5. Paphia, 280. Telamni Indians, 216. Pestles, sandstone, 361-363; figures Totemic Indian clans, 155, 156-161, of, 389. 163, 164, 166, 169, 170, 174-176, Pima Indians, totemic clans of, 174- 177. 176; clan names, 219. Totemism, in California, origin, 219; Piman clans. See Papago Indians; development of, in moiety organ- Pima Indians. ization, 219; expressed in names Pomo Indians, ceremonial clowns of, of individuals, 219. 457. Toto ceremony of the Wintun Indians, Powell, J. W., 5. 438, 439. [505] Index Trinidad bay, 242; Spanish accounts Wiyot house, description of, 264, 267; of Indians on, 242-243; EEnglish figures showing, 267. accounts of Indians on, 244-245; Wiyot Indians, leading men of, 260; discovery and accounts of, by gold ophthalmia among, 278; estimates seekers, 247-248.

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