PARISH OF OUR LADY IMMACULATE, WESTBOURNE Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth: registered charity 246871 visit us at catholicwestbourne.org RECOMMISSIONING ORGANIST: Do you know anyone who on Saturday 12th August at noon and OF EXTRAORDINARY would be interested in being our church at 3pm, and Sunday 13th August at MINISTERS OF HOLY organist? An understanding and love of 3pm. COMMUNION: Will take place today the liturgy essential. Please contact the during 9am and 11am Masses. parish office for further information. ROSARIES FOR PRISONERS: The Catenians are currently FR. TONY PENNICOTT: Today is Fr. SECOND COLLECTION: None today, collecting white plastic rosaries Tony’s last Sunday with us for a while. nor next week. to meet demand for them However, he will continue to offer among Catholic prisoners. If you can Mass on Fridays up until September, CHURCH CLEANING: 2pm on August help, please send rosaries to: Michael and also stand in whenever Fr. An- 14th and September 4th. New volun- Blackburn, 164 Green Park Road, drew is away. We are so very grateful teers always welcome. Halifax HX3 0SP. For further infor- to him for his continued stable influ- mation, call 01422 352559 or email ence on the parish during this year of [email protected] transition. PASTORAL AREA AND BEYOND JOHN BRADBURNE AND THE SUNDAYS IN AUGUST: Fr. Peter MUTEMWA LEPER COLONY, Edwards and Fr. Dominic Jacob from FATIMA RELICS TO VISIT ZIMBABWE: A talk by Reverend Ben the Oratorian community at the Sacred PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL: Bradshaw about John Bradburne who Heart, Bournemouth, will be celebrat- During this Centenary Year, the spent many years in total dedication to ing Masses here at OLI during the World Apostolate of Fatima statue of Our a leprosy colony. Since his death, there month of August. Next Sunday, we Lady of Fatima is on a journey around has been increasing interest in his life welcome Fr. Peter Edwards to our the cathedrals of England and Wales and work. Friday 4th August, 7pm at parish. along with relics of recently canonised St Corpus Christi Hall, St James Square, Jacinto and St Francisco Marto. The Boscombe. To reserve a seat, please statue and relics will be visiting St John's CONGRATULATIONS: to Paul and either phone 07549 230415 or email Cathedral in Portsmouth from Saturday Craig Maclean on [email protected] Teresa Maher, whose wedding took 26th to Sunday 27th August. Please place here yesterday. We wish them see the poster for more details. Alterna- every blessing for the future. tively, portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/fatima/ CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS FOR BLESSED OSCAR ROMARO: This CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Today will ACTORS REQUIRED: For an open-air year, 2017, is the centenary of the birth be the last Children’s Liturgy before play ‘Jesus in the Park’, written by of Blessed Oscar Romaro. To mark the the summer break. It will resume on James Burke-Dunsmore of Havant Pas- anniversary, there will be a Special September 10th. Many thanks to Liz, sion Play Ltd. James is well known for Centenary Mass at St. George’s Ca- Michelle and Stewart for their gentle playing the role of Jesus in the Life of thedral, Southwark on Saturday 12th and inspiring leadership over the past Christ at Wintershall and in Trafalgar August at 12.30pm. As Archbishop in year. Square, London on Good Friday. If any El Salvador in the 1970s, Oscar adults or school-age children would like Romero became increasingly outspoken to take part, please contact Jacky Chong about human rights violations, which A PRAYER FOR GRANDPARENTS: ultimately led to his assassination in Please find copies at the back of the at [email protected] Perfor- mances will take place in Havant Park, 1980 when he was shot whilst celebrat- church. ing Mass. He was beatified by Pope Francis on May 23rd 2015. LITURGICAL CALENDAR, MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS PRAYER CORNER Cycle of Prayer: Europe THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND: Patricia Bonelli, Patricia Plumb, Joan SUNDAY 17TH SUNDAY IN 9.00AM People of the Parish Guyomarsh, John & Dee McGuire, 30TH JULY ORDINARY TIME 11.00AM The Bonelli Family Christopher Browne, Joy Chiari, Win Mon 31st St Ignatius of Loyola No service Sheridan, Jeanette McKay, Mary Bell, Christopher Fordham-Hall, Felicity Tues 1st St Alphonsus Liguori 11.00am No Special Intention Whitehead, Rosemary Baker, Ian Dolman, Naiada Blunden, Margaret Wed 2nd Feria 11.00am No Special Intention Barkway, Louise Borber, and Dorothy Matthews. Thurs 3rd Feria No service Fri 4th St John Vianney 11.00am Peggy Wallace THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: All men- tioned in our Book of Remembrance. Sat 5th Feria No service REQUESTS: in our visitor’s book. SUNDAY THE TRANSFIGURATION OF 9.00AM Bob Philipps 6TH AUG THE LORD 11.00AM People of the Parish PARISH CALENDAR Welcome to all our visitors today. JULY Dedicated bays for wheelchair and buggy users at the Sun 30 9&11am Recommissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of front and back. Holy Communion OLI Church Please remember: mobile phones off. AUGUST Just moved in? Sun 6 9&11am Masses celebrated by Fr. Peter Edwards OLI Church Please give us your details. Sun 13 9&11am Masses celebrated by Fr. Dominic Jacob OLI Church Mon 14 Parish Administrator on holiday for two weeks If you need any assistance, please ask one of our welcome team, who DIOCESAN INFO FANNING THE FLAME CATHOLIC MISSION: will be happy to help will be running a Hampshire summer camp from RETREAT DAY FOR THE DEAF: Wednesday 21st—25th August for young people aged 10-25 Church Cleaning 9th August 2017. At St John’s Cathedral and Dis- alternate Mondays at with the theme ‘The ACTS of the Apostles’. A 2:00pm. covery Centre. This event will be fully sign- week full of fun, games, horse riding, creative interpreted. The day will begin at 10:45am and will workshops, lively worship and Mass, as well as SVP Society meets include Mass at 12.15pm. If you would like further camping under amazing night skies! For more Weds, once a month 11:30am in the Hall. information please contact Fr Robin Ellwood information and booking forms go to [email protected] www.fanningtheflame.co.uk/web/events/ Rosary in church hampshire-camp2017/ Wednesdays 10.15am DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES - LAST CHANCE TO BOOK: This is your last chance to YOUTH 2000 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Inheritance Benediction and book the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes is a five-day camping festival, for young adults Confessions: from 18th - 25th August. You can still book up aged between 16-35. It will take place just oppo- Fridays 11:30am. until 31st July - but only if you don’t require as- site the National Catholic Shrine of Our Lady of Tea and Coffee sistance. We are short on helpers this year (for Walsingham. The festival includes talks, music, Downstairs after both the first time ever) so we can, unfortunately, no prayer times and loads more. If you are looking for Sunday Masses. longer accept bookings from Assisted pilgrims. answers to the big questions in life, then this re- treat is for you! From August 24th-28th Parish Administrator The camp site is at Houghton St. Giles, & hall bookings DIOCESAN DAY FOR ALTAR SERVERS: Satur- Walsingham, Norfolk NR22 6AL. For more infor- Suzanne Quinn day, September 9th. Bishop Phillip invites altar mation visit www.youth2000/inheritance 01202 760640 servers from across the diocese to this special Office hours : Mon, Wed, Fri day. More details to follow—for now, save the CAFOD 9.30-11.30am. date! MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN: Join Email CREATING A SAFER ENVIRONMENT TRAIN- other CAFOD volunteers and get oliadmin ING: For all Children’s Liturgy and Ministers directly involved in helping bring @portsmouth diocese.org.uk of Holy Communion group leaders. The Dioce- poverty to an end. To find out san Safeguarding Office has expressed the im- more about CAFOD’s fundraising Parochial Vicar: portance of attendance at the training ses- events for this Autumn, why not consider going Fr Bernadine Nsom sion which is to be delivered to all relevant group along to the Harvest Briefings at either Christ- Tel: 01202 764 027 leaders. It will take place on Saturday 7th Octo- church on Saturday 9 September from 10am to email: ber 2017 at Annunciation Church Hall, 218 12pm at St Joseph’s Centre, Immaculate & St westbourne Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RW. Joseph’s, 67 Purewell, Christchurch BH23 1EH or @portsmouth 10.00am - 12.30pm. There are other availa- Winchester on Saturday 23 September from diocese.org.uk ble locations/dates in the diocese for this training if 2.15pm to 4.15pm at St Stephen’s Church Hall, website: catholicwestbourne.org required. In order to book a place or for further Oliver’s Battery Road, Winchester S022 4JB. information please contact, Soraya Ciccarone, PA Please book a place by 7th August by calling Address: to Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator. 01252 329385 or [email protected] Our Lady Immaculate Tel: (Direct dial) 023 92 836511/023 92 Make change happen, volunteer! Seamoor Road, 816396/023 92 825430 You can also email at Bournemouth, [email protected] BH4 9AE SPIRITUALITY AND PRAYER GIFT AID YOUTH NEWS DISCERNMENT WEEKEND FOR MEN AGED Pay income tax? We can reclaim 25% FAITH SUMMER BREAK 2017: A residential faith OVER 30: The Beda College in Rome together with St Beuno’s Spirituality Centre in North Wales, of your offering today camp for children aged 11-15 at Woldingham from the Government School, Caterham, CR3 7YA. Monday 14th— are running a discernment weekend for men be- at no cost to you. Thursday 17th August. The week includes daily tween the ages of 30 and 55 from Friday 15th to Please use one of our Mass as well as fun activities including a trip to Sunday 17th September 2017.
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