January 9, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E41 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS KROEGER WINS FOOT LOCKER Following his first duty assignment with Ma- CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF JANE HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY rine Corps Security Forces in Kings Bay, FAGERSTROM NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Georgia, Corporal Dunham was assigned to Fourth Platoon, Kilo Company, Third Battalion, HON. BRIAN HIGGINS HON. LINCOLN DAVIS Regimental Combat Team 7, First Marine Divi- OF NEW YORK OF TENNESSEE sion. Having quickly proven himself as a capa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ble and conscientious leader, Corporal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, January 9, 2007 Dunham was assigned as a Squad Leader Tuesday, January 9, 2007 and entrusted with the training, welfare, and Mr. LINCOLN DAVIS of Tennessee. Madam lives of nine American Sons. He soon earned Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, it is my dis- Speaker, it is not everyday a Member of Con- a reputation for his unwavering commitment to tinct honor to remember the life of a proud gress gets the opportunity to proclaim they his fellow Marines. He had a caring, respect- Chautauqua County leader. Jane Fagerstrom, have a national champion attending school in ful, and humane style of leadership and be- born April 1, 1927, to Floyd and Bertha Alden their district. I rise today to congratulate Kathy lieved above all in leadership by example. Nelson, passed away on January 6, 2006, at Kroeger, a student at Independence High the age of 79. She left behind a legacy for all School in Thompson Station, Tennessee, for On 14 April 2004, while conducting a recon- Chautauqua County residents to be proud of. naissance mission in the town of Karabilah in winning the 2006 Foot Locker High School A compassionate and dynamic woman, Al Anbar province, Corporal Dunham and his Cross Country National Championship. Jane Fagerstrom was a strong leader who had ‘‘The Beast,’’ as she is commonly called for men heard rocket-propelled grenade and small a real desire to help the working people of her consistent domination over her cross- arms fire erupt two kilometers to the west. Chautauqua County. She served her commu- country opponents, is a two-time defending Their Battalion Commander’s patrol had been nity for over four decades and was a pioneer Class AAA State champion and holds multiple ambushed while enroute to visit Lima Com- in the Chautauqua County legislature, serving State records. pany at Camp Husaybah, right on the Syrian as the first chairperson between 2000 and Kathy recorded a time of 17:29, several sec- border. Realizing that his unit was in a posi- 2002. onds ahead of her closest competitor during tion to assist, Corporal Dunham ordered the Jane began her career in 1963 as a sec- the National Championship in San Diego. In vehicles of his Combined Anti-Armor Team to 2005, Kathy came in a very respectable 16th retary for Joe Gerace, Sr., who was a lawyer link up with his dismounted squad and ad- at the time and also served as supervisor for place. vance toward the engagement to provide rein- Winning a national championship is not an the town of Busti. When Gerace became the forcement. Upon reaching the site of the am- first county executive in 1975, Mrs. easy feat in any sport. You must be committed bush, they were quickly barraged with enemy to constantly improving yourself, have a great Fagerstrom stayed with him and played an in- fire. Corporal Dunham ordered the vehicles tegral role in helping run the county’s execu- support system around you, and have the de- dismounted and led one of his fireteams into termination and drive to compete. Kathy has tive branch. the village to neutralize the ambush. After hav- all of the above factors, which lead her to win- As the former director of Chautauqua’s ing moved several blocks south into the vil- ning the championship. Comprehensive Employment Training Admin- We look for many good things to come from lage, they discovered seven Iraqi vehicles in a istration, and through her efforts to support the Kathy in the future; whether on the course, in column attempting to depart to the east. Cor- Manufacturing Technology Institute, Jane will school, or out in the world, I wish her all the poral Dunham ordered his Marines to block be remembered for her efforts to help those best. their movement and check the vehicles for in- without work. surgents. As he approached the second vehi- f She was also a past president of the Joint cle in the column, an insurgent leaped out and Neighborhood Project, a founding member of SEMPER FIDELIS, A TRIBUTE TO attacked Corporal Dunham. In the ensuing the Resource Center board of directors, she CORPORAL JASON L. DUNHAM, hand-to-hand struggle, Corporal Dunham served on the Research and Strategic Plan- UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS wrestled the Iraqi insurgent to the ground and ning Council, the planning committee of the immediately noticed that the insurgent was United Way, was commissioner of the Civil HON. JOHN R. KUHL, JR. holding a live grenade. Corporal Dunham Service in Jamestown, was on the advisory OF NEW YORK alerted his fellow Marines, and aware of the committee of Habitat for Humanity, the Inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES imminent danger but without hesitation, he re- faith Volunteer Program, Salvation Army Advi- Tuesday, January 9, 2007 moved his helmet and covered the grenade, sory Board, Board of Trustees of Jamestown absorbing the brunt of the explosion and Community College and the SALT organiza- Mr. KUHL of New York. Madam Speaker, it shielding his fellow Marines from the blast in is with honor and pleasure that I rise to recog- tion. a selfless act of bravery that most certainly Mrs. Fagerstrom was preceded in death by nize Corporal Jason L. Dunham, United States saved the lives of two of his Marines. Marine Corps. Corporal Dunham will post- her husband of over 50 years, John W. humously receive our Nation’s highest award By his undaunted courage, intrepid fighting Fagerstrom, whom she wed September 21, for valor on January 11, 2007 from our 43rd spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the 1946, and who passed away on November 25, President, George W. Bush. face of certain death, Corporal Dunham gal- 1997. Surviving her are her three sons, John Corporal Dunham grew up in Scio, New lantly gave his life for his country, thereby re- W. (Ann) Fagerstrom of Jamestown, Jeffrey L. York. He was known for his prowess in base- flecting great credit upon himself and uphold- Fagerstrom of Billings, Montana and David A. ball, basketball, and soccer at Scio Central ing the highest traditions of the Marine Corps (Deb) Fagerstrom of Cherry Creek; two grand- School. He was also well-known throughout and the United States Naval Service. Corporal daughters, Nikki (Kevin) Pierce of Jamestown his entire community, not just for his good-na- Jason L. Dunham epitomizes the selfless de- and Ashley Fagerstrom of Billings; two great- tured pranks, but for being a young man of votion to duty that our young men and women grandchildren, Kal and Addie Pierce; her sis- enthusiastic yet humble spirit, someone who have displayed time and time again in Iraq, Af- ter, Dorothy Olson of Jamestown; and several genuinely cared for others and who could al- ghanistan, Africa, and numerous other places nieces and nephews. ways be counted on if someone was in need. around the world. Our Nation is blessed to Madam Speaker, I would like to take this He enlisted in the Marine Corps in July 2000, have a military full of Corporal Dunhams who opportunity to remember and celebrate the life because the Marines were known to have the are serving with great distinction. My heart of Jane Fagerstrom and remember her con- toughest training, but also the strongest broth- goes out to his family, the townspeople of tributions to her community. I ask my col- erhood. He also felt a personal challenge to Scio, NY, and the Marines, for they have lost leagues to join me in honoring her spirit here complete basic training and to do it well. one of America’s finest. today. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:15 Jan 10, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09JA8.001 E09JAPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with REMARKS E42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 9, 2007 HONORING POLICE CHIEF JACK W. another son, SGT Jesse Castro, U.S. Army, of It has become clear to all Americans that LONG AS HE RETIRES FROM THE Chalan Pago. With a heavy but proud heart, I the ethical safeguards here in our Nation’s DUNCANVILLE POLICE DEPART- extend heartfelt condolences and profound Capital are broken. Rogue lobbyists such as MENT sympathy to Jesse’s family on behalf of the Jack Abramoff were allowed to run amok for People of Guam and a grateful Nation. Jesse years, leaving behind a vast web of corruption HON. KENNY MARCHANT was a caring son, a loving husband, a devoted in their wake. Wayward Members of Congress OF TEXAS father, and a proud American patriot. were swayed by the offers of expensive gifts, Jesse will be remembered by so many peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES travel, and campaign contibutions that came ple, but he will especially be remembered by their way.
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