Ill I CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY BEPARTMEiNT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS \ Senior Social Paid Your Student Tonight Activity Fee? Official Student Body Publication of Tcxai Chrittian Vniwreitv VOL. XXXII FORT WORTH, TEXAS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1934. NO. 17 Group to Meet Here i Horned Frog Staff B.B.A/stoGive 270 Students in Tuesday, Wednesday T. C. U. Students International Y. H. To Speak Monday Warns All "Guilty' Get Valentines No Campus Club B: C. B. to Be Host to Mid-Win- Secretary to Talk Dignified Snapshots to Be Used Chapel Program ter Conference of Preachers— For Good Points If in Yearbook Office Or Organization Morro to Speak. * In Chapel Mondayj by Wednesday. ' Next Wednesday Feb. 14 is the proper day to send A warning te all students who Brite College of the Bible will be love notes to your sweetheart, or have a guilty conscience and desire Stewart Hellman, Pres- 19 Have More Than 20 the meeting place of the Texas Mid- funny little messages mocking the Francis S. Harmon Will to keep out of the humor section of Activity Points Winter Ministers' Conference, which idiosyncrasies of your enemies. It Tell of European ident Class of '30, is to be held here Tuesday and Wed- may not be in the order of the day, Observations. the yearbook, has been issued by Roy Will Speak. for Year. nesday. but we would like to send valen- Bacus, editor. They must print their Two members of the T. C. U. facul- tines to the following on their good names on a piece of paper and slip 23 Clubs Are Active ty and three graduates will be among points. Both Y's Sponsor it under the door of the Horned Frog Hotel Band to Play those on the program of the confer- Juanita Freeman for her poise. office. Room 7, in the basement of the Administration Building, accord- Incomplete Report Shows 132 ence. Fred Miller for his friendliness. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Fred Cassidy to Give Invoca- Dr. W. C. Morro will speak on "The Louise Cauker for her figure. ing to the announcement. tion—Truelson and Kitch- Are Working for Bring Speaker for Only Cam- "This notice is being published," School. Message of Jesus to Our Troubled Lynn Brown for his general good pus Appearance. en to Assist. World" at the first session of the looks. says Bacus, "so that if any staff mem- Two hundred and seventy students Paul Donovan for his eyes. ber is shot after the book is issued meeting Tuesday morning, Feb. 13. Stewart Hellman, local attorney and in T. C. U. do not belong to any cam- Roy O'Brien for his smile. Francis S. Harmon, general secre- there will be plenty of evidence that A discussion following Dr. Morro's president of the class of 1930, will pus club or organization. This fact Helen McKissick for her willing- tary of the International Committee the person with the conscience was talk will be led by the Rev. Charles be the principal speaker at the next was brought out in a recent report of ness to help. of the Y. M. C. A., will speak in the warned. There will be lots of snap- B. Mohle, graduate of the class of chapel program, the first patriotic the committee on student activities. Elna Winton for her petiteness. University Auditorium at 10 a. m. shots in the humor section and since 1926, who is now pastor of the South program observed this semester, under- The investigation of the committee Mary Conine for her complexion.^ Monday, according to an announce- End Christian Church of Houston. it Is the policy of the Horned Frog the auspices of the business adminis- was based on the 690 students of the Jack Langdon for his physique. ' ment by Fred Miller, president of the The Rev. Harry Knowles, . pastor photographers to "shjoot" and then tration department. He will talk on university. Slim Kinzy for his profile. campus Y. M. C. A. of the First Christian Church of answer questions, that section of the "Abraham Lincoln" in commemora- T. C. U. adopted the point system Elna Evans for her spunk. "Everyone is invited to hear this Houston and father of John Knowles, book is. likely to be a regular 'T. C. ition of the former president's birth- Joy Welch for her clothes. speaker," Miller said. "He has re- to govern student activities in 1930. sophomore in the Univeristy, will U. Merry-Go-Round.'" day, Feb. 12. Under this system each student is al- Natalie Collins for her hair. cently returned from a tour of in- Francis S. Harmon, general secre- talk on "Every Disciple of Christ "Any student, however, who wishes Wayne Vargason and his Blacks tone lowed 20 points in extra-curricula ac- Elizabeth Ann Penry for her ca- spection of the Y. M.*C. A.'s program tary of the International Committee an Evangelist" Wednesday morning, to be assured of a nice, dignified, Hotel Orchestra will play. Fred Cas- tivities in each year. pability. in Europe, and he will speak on his of .the V- M. C. A., will speak in the Feb. 14. looking snapshot should contact his sidy will render the invocation, Judy Nineteen students in the University Helen Moody for her personality. European observations." University Auditorium at 10 a. m. Dr. Clinton Lockhart will address club officers at once," said Bacus, Truelson will read the scripture and went over their 20 points this year. Sonia Gilula for her attractive- Harmon spent two months with Monday. J the conference at the Wednesday af- "and see that they have in the pho- Johnny Kitchen will pronounce the These are working students and their ness. Y. M. C. A. and government officials ternoon session. His subject will be tos for the club snapshot section by benediction. work counts 10 points as an activity. David Hickey for his dancing in Russia, Germany, France, Italy, "The Message of the Old Testament next Wednesday. We will publish Hellman was winner of the Gough These students are Frank Aguirre, ability. Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Poland, Eng- Prophets to Our Day." The discussion "T" Association any presentable snapshots which are Oratorical Contest in 1928, 1929 and Hayes Bacus, Lynn Brown, Yernon Ruth Ratliff for her strength of land. Denmark and Austria. following the talk will be led by the handed in by club officers." 1930. He was state oratorical cham- Brown, Janelle Bush, Melvin Diggs, chsracter. "In public addresses he has the fac- Rev. E. R. McWilliams, pastor of the R. L. Trimble, business manager, pion in '29 and '30 and reached the Florence Fallis, Lee Glasgow, Louise Evelyn Green for her native ulty for presenting his material in Show Is Feb. 19 First Christian Church of Hereford has announced that the second pay- semifinals in the national contest. Glass, Dean Harrison, John Kitchen, ability. vivid highlights which not only touch and member of the class of 1927. ment on the clut) pages will be due Jack Langdon, Fred Miller, Robert Mary Seidel for her naturalness. upon the work of the Y. M. C. A. in Boys, in Initiation Garb, March 1. I Mitchell, Roy O'Brien, Cy Perkins, The Rev. L. D. Anderson, T. C. U. Boaz Hoskins for his nea'ness of these countries but also show the sig- "It is now that the club executives Herman Pitman, Bud Taylor and Nat graduate and pastor of the First appearance. nificance of its service in the present to Sell Tickets . Moody Has Lead should be preparing for that pay- Wells. Christnsn Church of Fort Worth will world situation," Miller said. Downtown. ment," Trimble said. Eleven students have from 16 to 20 be the principal speaker at a banquet Harmon is being brought to the According to Ed Bryan, assistant In Alumni Play , 1 points, 23 from 11 to 15 points, 100 Wednesday evening, Feb. 14, at the campus by both the University The "T" Association will present Delegates Named editor in charge of class pictures, all from 6 to 10 points, and 278 from 2 University Christian Church. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Accord- several - playlets, comedy skits and students are requested to read the to 6 points. ing to Miller, the Monday morning 10- vaudeville numbers at a show to be "Charming: Pretender" lists of names in the Administration There are 23 active clubs on the To Student Heet o'clock speaking engagement will be given at 8 p. m. Monday, Feb. 19»Jn Library Is Presented Building and verify that they have to Be Given Next campus in which students may make his only appearance on the campus. the University Auditorium, according had their pictures made. activity point*. On the campus there With Six New Books to Jack Langdon, president. The show Friday Night art gO activities in which students Local Group to Adopt will climax the annual "T" initiation, Waller Moody, in the leading male may participate. Interest of Ex-Students Shown Russian Viewpoint which will begin that morning and "Mothers" Offer role, and Sidney Lightfoot will hava One hundred and thirty-two stud- in Requests Received last until midnight. Gresham to Speak in Discussions. the distinction of being the only ants are employed on the_ campus and by Librarian. Miia La Varan Branson is directing .Over KFJZ Tonight $5 for Members T. C. U. students to have parts in 35 h»ve reported work on'the outside. the production and Wallace Myers is Misses Loraine O'Gorman and Ruth the cast of the annual alumni play, This is not an accurate report for "The History of the George Wash- chairman of the secret initiation ser- "Indestructible Religion" Sub- Campbell, and Carsky Makarwich and The T.
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