MASAKHANEMASAKHANE Steve Tshwete Municipality OCTOBER 2007 PRAISE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CARE FROM MEC he Mpumalanga MEC for Agri- culture and Land Administration, T Dina Pule, was full of praise for the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality during a recent visit. She expressed her appreciation to the Local Municipality for maintaining a high stan- dard with regard to environmental issues. This municipality has won awards repeat- edly as the Cleanest Town in the province and took the third place in its category in the national Cleanest Town awards. Furthermore, it won the coveted Vuna Awards, among other prestigious honours. She urged the Steve Tshwete Municipality to keep up their good work in this regard. Front: Nomsa Masemola - Member of the Mayoral Committee, Speedy Mashilo, Executive Mayor - Nkangala District Municipality, Executive Mayor, Mantlhakeng Mahlangu - Steve Tshwete Municipality, Dina Pule - MEC for Agriculture and Land Administration and Alex Xulu - Member of the May- MEC Pule was here to attend meetings and oral Committee. Back: Willie Mahlangu, CEO - Mpumalanga Agricultural Development Co-operation, Peter Mhangwane - Land Claims Commission, other engagements at the Nkangala Dis- Rehana Pilodia - Member of the Mayoral Committee, Bongani Mayaba - Member of the Mayoral Committee and Elfas Mathebula - Member of the trict Municipality. Mayoral Committee. Mayor reaches out to Ward 21 t a meeting convened on June 24, the Executive Mayor of the Steve Tshwete Munici- pality, Mantlhakeng Mahlangu, together with the mayoral committee, councillors and A municipal officials reached out to residents of Ward 21 at kaMakalane, to see how their problems could be addressed. The Mayor gave residents feedback on the achievements that the municipality was making, before taking note of the particular problems being experienced in Ward 21, which are: • Issues i.r.o. the provision of houses, toilets, water and electricity, as well as the establishment of a cemetery. • The (non) availability of services promised to them during previous elections. • The creation of Bankfontein Village (the first rural development of its kind since the establishment of Doornkop). The token of appreciation handed over to the Steve Tshwete Municipality. • Problems encountered by councillors to introduce new developments in their wards She also recorded her appreciation to the (with water maintenance being a key issue Executive Mayor, Mantlhakeng Mahlangu in a here). letter which reads: • The construction and maintenance of gravel ❝The municipality’s efforts to keep the environ- roads. Executive Mayor, Mantlhakeng Mahlangu, Bongani Mayaba - ment clean are commended. Your waste man- • Farmers who were not co-operating with Member of the Mayoral Committee, Cllr Collen Tonga and Speaker, agement initiatives are indeed a positive step government to maintain the gravel roads. Thomas Mpye address the residents. to realise the National Waste Management • The lack of a trans- Strategy. port infrastructure You have shown great commitment on issues here. of taking stewardship of the environment. As residents were af- Your recent waste summit was a good indica- forded the opportunity tion of your support of the State of the Envi- to raise concerns, regis- ronmental Report done by the Nkangala Dis- ter complaints and give trict Municipality. suggestions, it became The Department of Agriculture and Land Ad- evident that the provi- ministration will continue to support your ini- sion of water, electric- tiatives to make the lives of the people better. ity, land and transport are still burning issues Congratulations on your achievement as a sec- for these rural dwellers. ond runner-up in the 2006/07 Cleanest Town Florence Phiri, Manager : Public Services, second from left, amongst the residents of Ward 21. Competition.❞ NKANGALA DISTRICT OUTREACH AT STEVE TSHWETE he Executive Mayor of Nkangala District These figures therefore indicate that the Nkan- progress made in the Masibuyele Emasimini pilot Municipality, Cllr Speedy Mashilo, ac- gala District Municipality has budgeted an esti- project. The project is aimed at mobilising com- T companied by members of his mayoral mated R17 300 000 in the 2007/2008 financial munities in rural areas to engage in farming ac- committee, district councillors, delegates from year for bulk service projects of the Steve Tsh- tivities, through the provision of basic assistance, government departments and officials recently wete Municipality. like seeds, fertilisers, mechanisation and training. went to see for themselves what is going on at TRANSPORT The department has budgeted an amount of the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality and to as- The District Mayor further clarified the issue of R19 766 667 for land care for the municipality. sess service delivery. learner transport to the residents and explained HOUSING The meeting was held on 2 September, and was to them that the provincial government had In relation to the building of houses, the Depart- well attended by the residents of Steve Tsh- suspended this service as they were presently ment of Local Government and Housing’s Viljoen wete Municipality. Although both district and investigating contractors who transported school Mtshweni mentioned the fact that the Steve Tsh- local municipalities have the primary function children. wete Municipality was fortunate among munici- of service delivery, as outlined in the Constitu- According to the province, they had uncovered palities to be considered as the municipality with tion, the District Municipality must provide bulk fraudulent practises by some contractors. It the highest demand for houses. supplies and services and overall support - often is alleged that they provide the province with in the form of project finance - to the various Through the allocation by the province, 23% fraudulent kilometre readings in order to earn towns within its area of jurisdiction. The Local of the share for housing will come to the Steve more money without in reality transporting the Municipalities are directly involved in delivering Tshwete Municipality. learners the full length of the journey to their services to the residents of their particular area destinations. At the close of the meeting, community mem- of jurisdiction. bers were afforded the opportunity to make This has led the province to employ auditors Jabu Masondo, Public Liaison Among these comments, complaints and suggestions and ask who have confirmed these allegations. This - Nkangala District Municipal- services are questions regarding their needs. then prompted the Department of Education to ity (left) takes questions at the the supply review the tariffs it paid to the transport contrac- The main local concerns that emerged from this of water, outreach. tors. Contractors, in turn, declined to work for were unemployment, alleged abuse by farm- electric- the amount offered and thus the school learners ers, the lack of infrastructure in their areas, the ity, sewage are now suffering the consequences. lack of houses, the lack of sport facilities for the purification, youth and a shortage of staff at clinics. He criticised the Middelburg Observer and the solid waste ❝ resident of Doornkop who said in a recent article How can I get funding to get my small hand- disposal, the ❞ construc- that the Executive Mayor of the Steve Tshwete craft business off the ground, asked Hilda tion and Municipality, Mantlhakeng Mahlangu, had lied Dlamini, to mention just one of the many ques- maintenance when she promised that school buses would be tions asked. of roads, the regulation of passenger transport available again from August 27 this year. The Executive Mayor, the relevant councillor and services, the management of municipal airports This happened after the death of two learners officials responded to the questions. and municipal health services. and injury to many in separate car accidents. Speedy Mashilo, Executive Speaking to the residents, Executive District He informed parents about a stipulated condition Mayor - Nkangala District Mayor Mashilo reviewed the flagship projects of scholar transport, namely that the distance be- Municipality addresses announced by Mpumalanga Premier, Thabang tween the residential place and the school should residents of the Steve Tshwete Makwetla, earlier this year during the opening of be five kilometres and more. Municipality. On his left is the the Mpumalanga Legislature. They are: ❝ • Water for all. The Mayor reported to the people what she Executive Mayor, Mantlhakeng • The Maputo Corridor. was told by the province. The newspaper was Mahlangu - Steve Tshwete supposed to investigate first before making this Municipality. • The Moloto Development Corridor. ❞ • Acceleration of management capacity to allegation, he said. deliver. EDUCATION • Heritage, tourism and the greening of The Department of Education presented its re- Mpumalanga. port as well, which revealed satisfactory progress NEW PROJECTS in the construction of classrooms to improve the In the 2007/2008 financial year, Nkangala Dis- teaching and learning environment. Schools that trict Municipality will provide funding for the will benefit are: following projects of the Steve Tshwete Munici- • Kanhym - a fence at a cost of R1 521 130. pality: • Eikeboom - four classrooms and a fence at a • Water - an estimated amount of R5 000 000 cost of R1 261 638. has been budgeted to install bulk water at • Bankfontein - six classrooms at a cost of new industrial stands in the town. R1 212 083. • Sanitation - an estimated R3
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