September 2009 5. Monitoring and review Coastal Catchments Initiative 1. Existing activities Local Water Quality Improvement Plan What are we doing to improve water quality? Southern River Catchment In June 2006 the Swan Canning river system was nutrient levels in the river system using scientific Local WQIPs link to existing projects and programs Sustainable landscaping strategies Strategy Implementation Lead Supporting Timing identified as a hotspot for water quality issues as part models and decision support tools prepared under in the target area. They draw together activities organisations partners of the Australian Government’s Coastal Catchments this new initiative. contributing to improved water quality and target The City of Gosnells is minimising fertiliser and water Initiative (CCI). The Trust was responsible for future investment for optimal water quality outcomes. use in public open spaces through tissue analysis How do we The study on Surface Water Trust, SERCUL WC, DoP, CoA, Starting Integrating science and management actions, an preparing the regional WQIP for the Swan Canning Projects are based on partnerships with local before fertilising, soil amendments, plant selection measure our and Groundwater Quality in CoG, CSIRO, 2009-10 accredited WQIP will underpin a long-term investment river system. government, community and shared stakeholders. and computerised irrigation programming. The City of success? the Southern River Catchment Perth Region strategy to improve water quality in known hotspots (CSIRO 2008) and the Trust’s NRM, DoW, DEC, Armadale uses tissue analysis before fertilising and only annual catchment nutrient AGLG, developers, The regional WQIP provides a roadmap for reducing such as the Swan Canning river system. Examples of key programs in the Southern River fertilises active recreation reserves. Catchment: reports provide a baseline for ARA Both cities encourage Waterwise and Fertiliser Wise water quality condition. landscape designs and construction. • Design and conduct a water Community awareness and education quality monitoring plan for the Background Southern River Catchment Water Partners: Cities of Armadale and Gosnells, 2009-10 period Quality Improvement Plan The Phosphorus Awareness Project, funded by SERCUL, AGLG, the Trust, Perth Region NRM and The Swan River Trust (Trust) works to reduce • Annual stakeholder meeting the Trust and delivered through SERCUL, delivers developers to assess progress on nutrients and other contaminants entering the Swan The Southern River Catchment incorporates education to light industry, local government, school Outcomes: Medium improvement in water quality current and new programs, and Canning rivers. Southern River and its tributaries, Wungong River, groups and the community. It provides information on identify funding opportunities and low improvement in biodiversity Neerigen Brook and Forrestdale Main Drain. reducing the amount of nutrients reaching waterways and determine objectives The Trust has developed and is investing in local Wungong River is dammed within its hill catchment and actions for the next 12 and raises awareness of the impacts of elevated Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs). and managed as a drain by the Water Corporation Rehabilitation programs months These will provide local councils and communities nutrients in the river system. in the low lying area. The catchment covers an area These collaborative projects between local with a mechanism to prioritise recommendations of 149km², has a variety of soil types and includes a The City of Armadale delivers a community and resources, and seek funding to improve water behaviour change program in Harrisdale and Piara governments, regional NRM groups, community number of drains and natural waterways flowing into groups, lead agencies and the Trust involve the quality in catchments contributing the greatest the Canning River. Waters encouraging residents to use Fertilise amount of nutrients. These plans should be reviewed Wise products retaining nutrients in the soil while removal of weed species and rehabilitation with annually and assessed after five years. Under the The Southern River Catchment is characterised by enhancing plant growth. indigenous vegetation. Maps Healthy Rivers Action Plan (HRAP), the Southern low lying areas and high groundwater. It contributes School children working on the Catchment Activity Day organised by Southern River Partners: Cities of Armadale and Gosnells, Partners: Cities of Armadale and Gosnells, Western 395000 400000 405000 410000 415000 420000 Phosphorus Action Group Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group River Catchment is identified as one of eight priority more water to the Canning River than any other Australian Planning Commission, AGLG, SERCUL, Ç SERCUL, AGLG and the Trust )"! Ca catchment model and Swan River Trust monitored catchment. Many wetlands in the n catchments in the Swan Canning Catchment. n in Southern River Catchment Perth Region NRM, industry, Main Roads and the Trust !( g )"!Ç Outcomes: Medium improvement in water quality !( Water Quality Improvement Plan catchment have been filled and large areas of semi- !( KALAMUNDA (S) WQIPs trace nutrient and pollutant pathways through Outcomes: Low improvement in water quality and Ç ^ !( CANNING MILLS rural land approved for urban development. !( high improvement in biodiversity !Ç !Ç)" Monitored Site R catchments from their source to the discharge point. )" i LEGEND v Light Industry Survey and Auditing Program e ILLAWARRA !( )"Ç r !Ç )" !Ç Clearing native vegetation has already caused severe !( High nutrient site in surface water Ç 6450000 )" 6450000 )"Ç KARRAGULLEN High non nutrient sites in surface!( water Y^ÇÇ weed infestations, erosion and degradation of the This program engages small to medium enterprises Wungong Urban Water project !Ç ^Ç High nutrient site in groundwater )"!Ç Ç ^Ç Y High non nutrient sites in groundwater Southern River and its natural waterways by siltation in environmental management by providing )"!Ç Ranford The Wungong Urban Water (WUW) project is a )"!Ç Hydrography Outcomes Ç !Ç and flow restrictions. Future development must !( support and education with a focus on protecting ^ !Ç )" )"!Ç!Ç Major roads )"Ç CANNING VALE PRISON !Ç !Ç significant project of the Armadale Redevelopment )"!Ç )"Y^)"ÇÇ Y^ÇÇ Partners balance ecological impacts with urban expansion. CITY OF Y^ EPP Lake Policy Areas The Water Quality Improvement Plan will: stormwater quality. ÇÇ Y^ !( CANNING Local Govt. Authorities (LGA) Authority demonstrating total water cycle )"!Ç !( )"!Ç CITY OF GOSNELLS ^Ç The cities of Armadale and Gosnells have worked Perth Region NRM, SERCUL, the Trust, Road Southern River Watersheds • identify ecological condition and water quality; Partners: management and water sensitive urban design CITY OF COCKBURN )"ÇÇ!Ç )"!Ç Y^ )"!Ç Bassendean Ç with catchment management groups since 1998 Ç ! ARALUEN City of Armadale and Department of Water !Ç )" !( (WSUD) to manage water quality and quantity. Y^ÇÇ Dam • identify environmental values of water bodies !Ç !Ç !( This WQIP has been developed in consultation with the following stakeholders )"!Ç )" !Ç to develop the Upper Canning Southern Wungong Outcomes: Low improvement in water quality for ÇÇ Guildford Ç 6445000 Y^ )"! !Ç 6445000 and water quality objectives required to protect !( !Ç Hills The project trials large-scale water treatment in an !Ç )" Catchment Management Team (now the Armadale Ç nutrients, medium for non-nutrients Ç ! Y^ÇÇ )" !( SHERWOOD Southern River the values; and CITY OF ARMADALE !( THE CORNER Department of Environment and Conservation urban development area as a national demonstration !( !Ç WESTFIELD Urban Gosnells Landcare Group (AGLG)). These cities also Ç Department of )"! !Ç Water !Ç )" " Ç E R N ) ! M V E O N Ç G ! T E O • identify and commit to a set of cost-effective H Department of F Planning project through the Water Smart Australia Program. T Ç W ! A E I Our environment, our future S L work in partnership with the South East Regional Ç T A !Ç Ç E R Armadale R !( Ç T Ç Road Ç )" Ç N A U S Ç SERCUL Light Industry Project ! Ç Western Australian )"!Ç ! Ç Ç ^ Planning Commission ^ Ç YÇ " Ç ) Y^)"!Ç )"! )"! )"!Ç Ç ARMADALE !(!Ç FORRESTDALE ^ !Ç management measures to achieve and ÇÇ Y^ )"!Ç Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL) and AGLG. Ç Ç Ç 0 1 2 3 4 5 Armadale Redevelopment Authority, City Ç Ç Ç Partners: Ç Ç Ç ^ Ç ^ Y^ !Ç Ç Y ! ^ Ç Y^ Y ^Ç ") Ç Ç )" ")! ^Ç Y^ maintain those values and objectives. ‘Winning with the Laggards’ is a research project )"!Ç Kilometers of Armadale, the Trust, Department of Planning, Ç !Ç Ç "!Ç ^ ^ ) ÇÇ Y^ )"!Ç assessing the behavioural response and cost Ç !Ç Ç ! ÇÇ ÇÇÇ Y^Ç^Ç!ÇY^ Department of Water, CSIRO and Department of the ^Ç Albany )"! ÇÇ Ç )" ÇÇ Y^ ÇÇ ^ Ç Ç !Ç ^Ç Ç ÇÇ Y^ ^ÇÇY^ÇÇ ^ effectiveness of direct collaborative engagement with Y^Y^Ç ^ )"!Ç ")Ç Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts "!Ç Ç Ç ) ^ÇÇ)"! South Western Highway ^Ç^ ^Ç Highway Ç 6440000 ^ ! 6440000 the poorest environmentally-performing micro-sized ^Ç ^Ç Outcomes: Medium improvement in water quality )"Ç !( Ç )"Ç ^Ç light industrial businesses. ^ !Ç BEDFORDALE )" !Ç YÇ Ç Ç Ç WUNGONG Ç Ç !( 4. Ç YÇ 1. 2. 3. 5. ^Y !Ç Y^ ^ YÇ ") Ç Partners: City of Canning, SERCUL, Department of Ç ^ ^ )"Ç EXISTING CONDITION VALUES, IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING )"!Ç Southern River Ç Ç)" Catchment ") Water, Waste Management Authority and Murdoch !( For further information contact ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES, & REVIEW )"Ç TARGETS University
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