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The con- Commons Disfavor wR.eek, travelled to the U.N. on Wednesday, November 21, to present a nine- struction is expected to begin at the end of this semester, and they should be pipoint resolution, signed by 600 persons, to the American Delegation. ready by the beginning of the fall term next year. Cause Of Conclave A telegram, endorsed by a similar number, drew replies flrom Senators As a result of this construction, several students wvill be forced to vacate 1[nowland and Humphrey. These replies are printed below. their rooms next term. Dean Fassett said that the number of rooms which are S e v e n t y Baker lesidents met The delegates at the U.N. commended the MIT students for their action to be vacated will not be known until the end of this semester when the study Wednesday night in the Baker dining and suggested that this school communicate with foreign campuses, organize wvill be completed. room to discuss the quality and quan- tity of commons meals. Many of those a3fund-raising campaign, and present certain of its resolutions to the United When the dining room is complete, all residents of Burton will be required present expressed discontent of the States11Si government. to take compulsory commons meals. The telegram urged that Mrs. Anna Kethly, leader of the Social Demo- The Alumni fund has contributed $1,000 toward the building of the din- family style meal and the quality of ratic Party and Minister of State of ing hall, but Mr. R. Colin Maclaurin, the meals served. The informal dis- cussion lasted about three hours with 1e Nagy regime in Hungary, be al- Director of General Services, has in- o)ed to address the U.N. Mrs. Kethly dicated that the cost of construction no definite conclusion being reached. poke last Friday before an Assembly Struik Puzzled By Recall would be considerably more than that. Several suggestions were made dur- ommittee. Until-as recommended by the Ryer ing the meeting. The idea of disband- Knovwland's letter, addressed to Mal Committee on student housing-East ing the family style meal was brought ones '57, UAP, follows: Campus is changed to a graduate cen- to the floor by one person. He express- Dear Mr. Jones: Before State Comminttee ter and the Grad. House used for ed the belief that the Institute should "The telegram signed by you and undergraduates, residents of East put the money it is now spending for number of other students of the Resuming an earlier investigation, Campus -will not have Compulsory family style waiters into better meals. assachusetts Institute of Technology the State Committee on Communism Commons. Another suggestion was that an out- as been received, and I wish to thank has called MIT mathematics professor These changes are being made be- side caterer be employed to serve the u for your comments relative to the Dirk J. Struik to appear before it in cause of the recommendation of the meal instead of the Baker House staff ngarian situation. a closed session December 10 to testify Ryer committee. The exact recom- that is now used. "You may rest assured that I will on his alleged Communist leanings. mendations are: "Each of the two Some residents, however, believed that no decisions on the subject should everything possible to see that Dr. Struik wnas indicted by the state units (Burton House and Connor Hall) Irs. Anna Kethly has an opportunity should contain a dining room and a be made until a committee could have in 1951 for advocating violent over- time to study the subject. In the same o appear before Committee 1 of the throw of the U. S. government. The main lounge on the first floor . that tnited Nations General Assembly. I undergraduates electing to live in a vein one older resident of the Institute U. So Supreme Court quashed the in- stated that this was a usual complaint ould personally like to have her ap- dictment, ruling that state sedition house having a dining room be re- pear before the General Assembly but quired to have their meals at that among undergraduates and that it laws are invalid, since their power is should not be taken seriously. understand there is no precedent or pre-empted by federal laws. Dr. Struik house and that the evening meal be le under which this would be pos- served in family style..." After the meeting Baker House was then cleared and re-instated by the President Willard "Butch" Dickerson ible. Executive Commnlittee of MIT. "With best regards, etc." Talbot OpenFoqChristmas '57 said that he was "not alarmed" Senator Humphrey, who is also a Dr. Stlruik is puzzled about the rea- about the situation. "Of course," he Ilegate to the U.N., wrote as fol- son for the new investigation. He Residents of East Campus will be added, "we are always ready to change points out that the State Committee 'ows: able to use Talbot Lounge again short- the present .system of commons if a on Communism is a legislative body DearII 3rr. Jones: better system is available." He - Kent whose chief function has been to re- "Please convey to the co-signers of The Lounge caught fire on the 12th on to say that Pete Moss '59, Chair- our telegram of November 20 my port to the state legislature. He feels of October. It asas hoped that the man of the Commons Meals Committee that the committee is attempting to (Continued on page 12) lounge would be ready by Thanlcs- was looking into the situation. act as a punitive body. He considers giving, but it was impossible to com- The conflict about Commons meals the investigation to be a means to Professor Dirk J. S ruik plete it by that date. Mr. R. Colin started when some Baker House resi- 00 Area Groups folrce conformity-a means of thought Maclaurin, Director of General Ser- dents posted an anonymous letter com- control. me," Struik argues, "but they alre vices, said that while no definite dates plaining about the quality of the Judging by past investigations, he could be announced, the lounge would meals. Dickerson posted a reply to the I really hulting you . People speak Will Benefit From expects something on the order of of the academic freedom of teachers probably be ready by the Christmas complaints which was immediately "What meeting did you attend in 1935 being harmed. Actually the right of vacation. followed by another anonymous letter rA Charities Drive .. ? Were you affiliated with such students to listen to different points The architect who redesigned the in reply to Dickerson. As of now no and such ... ?" of view and to make up their own lounge has made considerable changes decision on how to handle the com- The Campus Charities Drive spon- "They seem to be acting against minds is suffering." in the design. plaints has been reached. ored by TCA ends Sunday. It is hoped hat by the end of the campaign that -------- - - I I~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ heII goal of $4,000 will be reached. his is the only fund drive that will eheld on the MIT campus this year. Fire Guts Eastman Buildirng Che nistry Laboratory; MIany Charities Benefit The charities benefited by this drive reI the Jimmy Fund, Red Feather, No Official Estimate Yet Buat Damage Is In Thousands erebral Palsy, and World University earvice. These particular charities During the Thanksgiving vacation, ere chosen by TCA because they an explosion, followed by fire, rocked !presented local, national, and inter- a chemical storage refrigerator room tional groups. and laboratory on the second floor of Building Six. Living Groups Canvassed representatives are covering all liv- Began in the Evening ngn groups at the present time. Re- The firle began about 9:15 p.m. on sultsL recently in showed that some Friday, No-. 25. In spite of the bitter iraternitiesr have contributed 100% of cold, a lalrge crowd soon gathered. their quota. According to Fitz Ravls, About eight pieces of fire apparatus residentI of TCA, contributions can answered the alarm. Every few min- emade at the TCA. offices in Walker utes, there were more explosions from remorial. Since some commuters can- within the labolratory, and a red glow ot be contacted, it is hoped that they could be seen through the window. The ill personally contribute at the TCA firemen played streams of water on race.f the windows, and some of the panes broke under the force. The firemen Kickoff Banquet broke other panes with a ladder to The Charities Drive campaign was admit more water. ;tartedt last Monday at a banquet given iorthe campaign representatives in Large Crowd Gathered he Graduate House.
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