1877. ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 263 By Mr. SCHLEICHER: Papers relatin~ to the claim of George H. Mr. STEPHENS, of Georgia. I ask consent to submit the resolu~ Giddings, mail contractor-to the Comnuttee on the Post-Office and tion which I send to the desk. Post-Roads. The Clerk read as follows: By Mr. SPRINGER: The petition of Daniel Clary, for a pension­ Buolved, That the House bas heard t..be Jetter just read with feelings of deep to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. regret; and in parting with Dr. PoisaJ. we return him our sincere t.hanks for the By Mr. STEPHENS, of Georgia: The petitions of V. Richards & manner in which be has discharged his duties. The best wishes of the Hou.se go Brothers and A. L. Maxwell, for stores furnished and supplies taken with him in his new sphere of W!efulness. by the United States Army-to the Committee on War Claims. There bein~ no objection the resolution was received, and was Also, the petition of Bernard Rice, for compensation for property adopted unarumously. destroyed by the United States Army-to the same committee. GEORGE V. HEBB. By Mr. SWANN: The petition of F. C. Latrobe, mayor,and5,000 Mr. WHITTHORNE, by unanimous consent, submitted the follow­ citizens of Baltimore, for an increase of the salaries of letter-carriers­ ing resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Appropri­ to the Committee on the Po~t-Office and Post-Roads. ations: Also, the petition of George Wolf, for arrears of pension-to the Resolved, That tho Clerk of the House be authorized and directed t() pay George Committee on Invalid Pensions. · V. Hebb out of the contingent fund, the amonnt which may be due him for serv­ ices 1endere(l as doorkeeper to the diplomatic gallery fr.;m the 5th of January, Also, the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Goldsborough, widow of Rear­ 1877, t() the 1st of November, 1877. Admiral L. M. Goldsborough, for a pension-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. ORDER OF BUSINESS. · Also, tho petition of John H. Bond and 25 other mechanics and The SPEAKER. The regular orrler is the special order fixed for labc.rers of Baltimore, that the salaries of Go\"ernment employes be to-day immediately after the reading of the Journal, the Army ap­ equalized and that unjust discriminations be destroyed-to the Com­ propriation bill. mittee on Reform in the Civil Service. Mr. ATKINS. I desire to say that the Committee on Appropria­ B.v Mr. TIPTON : Remonstrance of the Letter-Carriers' Association tions wish to postpone the consideration of the Army bill to-day and of Bloomington, Illinois, against making the salaries of one class of to take it up to-morrow morning immediately after the reading of letter-carriers larger than those of another-to the Committee on the the Journal. Post-Office and Post-Roads. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Tennessee, chairman of the By Mr. WHITTHORNE: A paper relating to the establishment of Committee on Appropriations, gives notice that he will not exercise a post-route between Whitten's Stand and Wayland's Springs-to the his right to-day to bring up tho Army appropriation bill, but will do same committee. so to-morrow immediately after the reading of the Journal. The Also, the petition of John Barclay and other beneficiaries of the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. EWING) is recognized. Naval Asylum at Philadelphia, for a change of their relations to the Mr. CONGER. I would inquire whether the regular order this Government by granting them pensions-to the Committee on Naval morning is not the call of committees. Affairs. The SPEAKER. The regular order is the unfinished business com. By 1\Ir. WILLIAMS, of Michigan : The petition of the workmen on ing over from yesterday, which was made a special order by the Poverty Island light-house, for relief-to the Committee of Claims. action of the House. Also, papers relating to the petition of John Pulford to b~ restored Mr. CONGER. }fy point is that the special order to which the to his former rank as a lieutenant-colonel United States Army on the Speaker now refers was to come up after the mornio~ hour, and not retired list-to the CommHtee on Military Affairs. immediately after the reading of the Journal. I th10k that is the Also, the petition of Joseph Sawyer for compensation for property tenor of tlle resolution making the special order. lost while in the service of the United States-to the Committee on The SPEAKER: The Clerk will read the resolution, according to War Claims. the terms of which the Chair must of course decide. Also, the petition of Thomas W. Hewitt, for a pension-to the Com­ The Clerk read as follows: mittee on Invalid Pensions. Resolved, That the bill to repeal the third section of the resumption law be made By Mr. WILLIS, of Kentucky: The petition of Rev. W. H. Miles, the special ol'cler, not to interfere with any appropriation bills, for to-morrow at the bishop of the colored Methodist Episcopal Church of America, repre­ expiration of the morning hour, and from day to uay thereafter until the following senting a membership of 100,000, for govermental aid for the educa­ Tuesday at tb.ree o'clock. when the previous question shall be ordered on it and on any amendments then pending, all amendments meanwhile to be in order, provided tion of the colored people of the South-to the Committee on Educa­ the time shall be extencled, if necessary, so as t() allow five days after the morning tion and Labor. hour for the consideration of said bill and amendmeuts. By Mr. YOUNG: Papers relating to the claims of Indiana Hughes, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will see that this bill was made a. Charles C. Burke, Francis Molitor, trustees of La Grange College, spec1al order for yesterday after the morning hour, but that in its Tennessee, Mrs. Elizabeth Too£, and Rosetta Freel, for property continuance aa a special order it interrupts the morning hour, subject taken and destroyed by the United States Army-to the Committee only to the priority of appropriation bills; and the gentleman from on War Claims. Tennessee [Mr. ATKINS] has stated that this morning he does not Also, papers relating to the claims of Mrs. Lucie A. Jameson, John wish to exercise his right as to the appropriation bill. Morrison, Ezekiel T. Keel, Mrs. A. G. Bankhead, R. Dudley Frayser, Mr. CONGER. But the Chair will observe that the last clause-of La Grange Synodical College, and Mrs. Sarah E. Norton, for use, the resolution speaks of "five days after the morning hour." occupation, and damage to property by United States authorities­ The SPEAKER. That applies in case of an extension of the time to the same committee. for the special order. The Clerk will read Rule 56. Also, papers relating to the claim of Benjamin Bibb and others, of The Clerk read as follows : Memphis, Tennessee, to be reimbursed the amounts wrongfully col­ The conflicleration of the unfinished business in which the Honse may be engaged lected from them by United States authorities as tax for rope and bag­ at an adjournment shall be resumed as soon as the Journal of the next day is rea.d, ging-to the same committee. and at the same time each day thereafter until disposed of; and if, from any caW!e, other business shall intervene, it shall be resumt~d as soon as such other business is disposed of. And the consilleration of all other unfinished business shall be resumed whenever the class of business to which it belongs shall be in order under the rnles. The SPEAKER. The g~ntleman from Michigan will see that under the rule this order neces.:-~arily interrupts all business not excepted by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. the wording of the resolution; and the only exception waa in favor of appropriation bills. WEDNESDAY, November 7, 1877. Mr. CONGER. A part of my understanding in assenting to the resolution was that the morning hour should not be interfered with The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. by this business. J OH..."i POISAL, D. D. The SPEAKER. The resolution does not state so. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. CONGER. The resolution says "after the morning hour." RESIGNATION OF THE CHAPLAIN. The SPEAKER. It says that it shalJ be taken up as the special The SPEAKER. The Chair has received a communication which order after the morning hour on Tuesday. The gentleman from he desires to submit to the attention of the House. Michigan having called attention to the matter, enables the Chair, The Clerk read as follows: after re-exawination, to be further satisfied the course he has taken NOVEMBER 5, 1877. is the right one. To the hO'TtO'T'ahle the Speak~ and House of Representatives: PERSONAL EXPLANATION. GENTLEMRN: Having been unexpectedly called ro fill another position, which I must regard as providential, I hereby tender my resignation as Chaplain to the Mr. LEONARD. I rise to a question of privilege. House, to t.ake effect after Wednesday next. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. When I remember the cordial support and the complimentary manner in which Mr. LEONARD. I desire to make a. personal explanation, and if the chaplaincy was conferred upon me, I confesR I retire from the position with in nnfei~ed regret. Be assured, gentlemen, never while memory ho1ds her seat, by there be no objection will ask leave to have it printed the RECORD.
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