VOL. 62 NO. 13 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA 16546 THURSDAY, JANUARY 19,1989 College required to give crime stats Keg Law By Maria Kelly Merciad staff rMil l rter isn't as hard-line as it sounds. 4<Nothing is carved in stone,'' he said.' He went on to say College students "live to party" and that he takes many factors into account, in- parties with kegs seem to be the main source cluding past conduct and the degree of the of weekend entertainment, die Mercyhurst problem. Keg Law enacted in the autumn of 1986. Kennedy admitted that he had not sent o u t According to William Kennedy, Direc- such a letter sooner because he "somehow tor of Student Services, the Keg Law pro- thought that possibly the (Christmas) season hibits keg beer on the campus. This applies would have a softening effect and make it a to all students— even those over the age of kinder and gentler world." After a number of 21. It also prohibits large or noisy parties. groans from those assembled, Kennedy said, Large parties are defined as one that cannot 4 'Boy, was I wrong.' • | W be contained within a dwelling or one host- 44If someone is attacked and defends ing over 50 people. *| himself or herself, what then?" Kennedy "If campus security are attracted to a -v> asked, when questioned on the lack of a set party by its noise level and they find p e o p l e policy in dealing with fighting. I with open containers of b e e r , which usually • # There have been no reported fights s i n c e indicates a keg, they are fully entitled to Dec. 14, as students went home for break one confiscate the tap," Kennedy said. I. week later, so the letter sent to students has not Students are not only violating the cam- been tested. « pus laws by drinking out o f o p e n containers All of the acts of violence have involved in public they are also violating the state of DIRECTOR OF STUDENT SERVICES, E. William Kennedy, addresses College Senate. alcohol, and Kennedy reiterated the substance Pennsylvania liquor laws, according to j Photo by Kevin McHugh of the keg law. (see sidebar) Kennedy. At p r e s e n t , students in trouble for fighting Even though the state laws do not pro- By Christopher J. Kovski If an institution fails to comply with this are handled through Student Services and hibit kegs, the college enforces their keg Merciad Editor act, which went into effect on Nov. 1,1988, Housing. At one point, there was a judicial laws because, "Kegs give students an ex- and it is subject to fines o f up to $ 10,000. panel involving students to determine the cuse to get drunk, and in certain cases, create Kevin McHugh As of this time, Mercyhurst hasn't com- punishment for offenders of campus policy, a disturbance,* * Kennedy said. 1 Merciad staff reporter jK -ft plied with the Clery Act f. According to Ken- but Kennedy said that such a situation would A first v i o l a t i o n of the Keg Law results nedy, die state's attitude is "don't call us, "hurt the confidentiality" of dealing with in a $25 fine a n d confiscation of the tap. A E. William Kennedy, director of Student we'll call you," and as long as the state feels students. v second violation results in a $100 fine a n d Services,) and Phyllis Aiello, director of that way, Mercyhurst isn't going to rush into Some of the students protested, asking J the loss of housing privileges for the rest of Housing, met with the Mercyhurst College a report when it is appropriate for people to be given the year. If a student is uncooperative with Senate on Jan. 10,1989, to discuss the effects Also, Aiello and Kennedy noted repeat- some responsibility, especially due to the security and there is enough evidence to of t h e 1988 Clery Act on Mercyhurst College. edly that the police have yet to tell the school educational role of the institution. suggest that there is a keg on the premises The Clery Act, also known as the College if the report is to be for the fiscal year or the Due to the surge in campus violence in (ie., people walking around with open con- and University Security Information Act, is a calendar year. October and November, it was suggested that tainers) he or she could face a fine of $100. response of the Pennsylvania House of Rep- This issue was raised by a number of coaches notify their athletes of the penalties "We have quite a few problems with resentatives to the problem o f students 9 being students w ho were concerned with the c o n s e - for fighting, as well as threaten to kick them students violating the law. Even though the unaware of campus crime. quences o f increased fighting o n campus. No off o f the team. Kennedy agreed that this was number of violations hasn't been great, it is The Act requires all Pennsylvania institu- one has told students any set policy that a good idea. something we have to deal with on a regular tions of higher learning to report annual crime applies if there is a fight, a n d this group felt But it was also brought up that campus basis," Kennedy said. statistics to the Pennsylvania State Police. there should be one. security has no police powers — they cannot Penn State Behrend has the same stipu- These figures will then be published in an Kennedy stated that the reason there is no make arrests, and the most they can do is lations in their Keg Law as Mercyhurst and annual report set policy on fighting because every situation report offenders. If they had police powers, for alcohol guidelines they follow the state [5* It also requires these institutions to pub- is different In a letter sent out on Dec. 14, they would be obligated to give students laws. Gannon University does not allow lish and distribute a report, which will be 1988, Kennedy notified students that anyone citations for underage drinking and for fight- alcohol on the campus even for those stu- updated annually, containing crime statistics fighting would be suspended. ing. | dents of a legal drinking age. for the most recent three-year period. There Yet at the meeting, he admitted that this are also to be crime rates listed in the report, based on the number of f u l l - t i m e students and full-time employees. I H 9 This report is to be made available to any person, on request, who applies to the institu- Hospital situation not the same as 'Hurst tion, as well as any new employee at the time of e m p l o y m e n t It is also to be provided to all By Michelle Bush man, Bukowski said. "It costs money to do said. HH !&} I I students and employees on an annual basis. Merciad staff editor these things because obviously you have to The * Hurst provides many community In addition, every person who applies to pay people to do it," he added. services to Erie besides education. The col- an educational institution, and anyone hired Until now the church community has b e e n Erie asked St Vincent's and Hamot lege has a film s e r i e s , the academic celebra- by one, is to be given a copy of the campus largely tax-exempt, but the city's financial Medical Center to pay a user fee or else pay a tion, the July 4 celebration, the theater pro- security policies and procedures. need brings Mercyhurst and St Vincent's real-estate tax, the Director of Finance John ductions, the D'Angelo music presentations, status under question. * Maus said; the dance performances, and more, Bukowski This report is to include the number of Nonprofit organizations such as colleges, The hospitals are expanding into other explained. " students, the number of students living on- public schools, churches, parks, telephone businesses besides healthcare (for-profit Money is also provided for m a n y students campus, total number of employees, the of- companies, electric companies, hospitals, etc. ventures) and are offering services that com- who attend Mercyhurst "With the student fice responsible for security on campus, a don't have to pay real-estate tax, according to pete with local businesses, Maus explained. •:•:•j y we have, we award almost 2 million a description of t h e type and number o f security the Director of Institutional Advancement, | " Some nonprofits are really making more year for aid," Maus said. personnel, as well as their training, enforce- Gary Bukowski. money than they need be," Bukowski said. According to Bukowski, the college is ment authority of security personnel, policy However, Erie needs money because of a *'• Mercyhurst has the same nonprofit status here to help and puts a lot back into die on reporting criminal incidents to state and crumbling tax base—more people are m o v i n g as St Vincent's but the college is really in a community. "It isn't driven by profit but by local police, and policies on reporting crimi- to the outskirts — yet the city provides more different situationv "Our mission and status nal actions or other emergencies.
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