Rotherhithe Community Council – Meeting and Planning Meeting Main Agenda Date: Monday 26th July 2004 Time: 7.00pm Place: Surrey Docks Watersports Centre, Rope Street, Plough Way SE16 ***** SEE VENUE MAP INSIDE BACK PAGE***** 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Apologies 3. Notification of any items which the Chair deems urgent 4. Disclosure of Members’ interests and dispensations Matters from the previous meeting 5. Minutes to be agreed from the meeting held on 28th June 2004 6. Update on issues raised previously Main Business 7. Policing in Rotherhithe Update (7.10pm) Sergeant Nick Govind to update residents on local police issues. 1 8. Cleaner, Greener, Safer Programme – Update (7.30pm) Officers to update residents on last month’s exercise and the latest position. 9. Break (8.00pm) Opportunity for members of the public to speak with Coucillors and officers. (Tea and coffee available) 10. Tourism (8.20pm) Elsbeth Turnbull to give a presentation followed by questions from the floor. 11. Canada Water Supplementary Planning Guidance (8.40pm) Officers to give a presentation. Closing Comments by the Chair Upcoming meetings: Date Venue Monday TBC 28th September 2004 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Rotherhithe Community Council Membership Councillor Lisa Rajan Chair Councillor Gavin O’Brien Vice Chair Councillor Columba Blango Councillor Jeff Hook Councillor David Hubber Councillor Jonathan Hunt Councillor Graham Neale Councillor Richard Porter Councillor Anne Yates 2 Carers’ Allowances If you are a Southwark resident and have paid someone to look after your children, or an elderly dependant or a dependant with disabilities, so that you can attend this meeting, you may claim an allowance from the Council. Please collect a claim form from the clerk at the meeting. Deputations For information on deputations please ask the clerk for the relevant hand-out. Exclusion of Press and Public The following motion should be moved, seconded and approved if the Community Council wishes to exclude the press and public to deal with reports revealing exempt information. “That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information as defined in paragraphs 1-15, Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Constitution.” Transport Assistance for Disabled Members of the Public Members of the public with a disability who wish to attend Community Council meetings and who require transport assistance in order to access the meeting, are requested to call the meeting clerk at the number below to give his/her contact and address details. The clerk will arrange for a driver to collect the person and provide return transport after the meeting. There will be no charge to the person collected. Please note that it is necessary to call the clerk as far in advance as possible, at least three working days before the meeting. Wheelchair access Wheelchair access to the venue is via a ramp at the main entrance. For further information, please contact the Rotherhithe Community Council clerk: Tim Murtagh Phone: 0207 525 7187 E-mail: [email protected] Council Website: www.southwark.gov.uk Language Needs If you want information on the Community Councils translated into your language please telephone 020 7525 57514 To inform us of any special needs or requirements, such as transport or signer/interpreter, please telephone 020 752 57514 3 Bengali Kendi dilinizde Toplum meclisleri hakkønda bilgi almak için 020 7525 7514’nolu telefonu arayønøz. Özel gereksinimlerinizi bize bildirmek için 020 7525 7514’nolu telefonu çeviriniz. Turkish Haddii aad doonayso warbixin ku saabsan qoraalka Kawnsalkada Bulshada oo ku turjuman af Soomaali fadlan tilifoon u dir 020 7525 7514 Si aad noogu sheegto haddii aad leedahay baahi gaar ama wax gooni kuu ah sida gaadiid, af celiyaha dadka indha la’ fadlan tilifooni 020 7525 7514 Somali Chinese Se voce quiser informações nos conselhos comunitários traduzidas em sua língua por favor ligue para 020 7525 7514 Para-nos informar de quaisquer necessidades especiais ou requisitos , tipo trasporte, linguagem dos sinais/ intérprete, por favor ligue para 020 7525 7514. Portuguese Si vous désirer avoir l'information sur les Conseils de la Communauté (Community Councils) traduite en votre langue téléphonez SVP au 020 7525 7514 Pour nous informer de tout besoin ou condition spéciale, telles que le transport ou le signataire / interprète, téléphonez SVP au 020 7525 7514 French 4 Si precisa información sobre los departamentos sociales (Community Councils) traducida a su idioma, por favor llame al número de teléfono 020 7525 7514 Si tiene necesidades o requisitos específicos, como es transporte especial o un intérprete, por favor llame al número de teléfono 020 7525 7514 Spanish 5 Rotherhithe Community Council Minutes of Meeting Monday 28th June 2004 Links Community Centre, 353 Rotherhithe New Road, SE16 PRESENT 1. Councillor Lisa Rajan – Chair Councillor Columba Blango Councillor David Hubber Councillor Jonathan Hunt Councillor Gavin O’Brien Councillor Richard Porter Councillor Anne Yates INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME 2. The meeting commenced at 7:05pm. 3. Chair welcomed the public to the Rotherhithe Community Council Meeting and outlined housekeeping matters relating to the venue. APOLOGIES 4. Apologies for lateness were received from Cllrs Hook, Hunt and Neale. NOTIFICATION OF ANY ITEMS OF BUSINESS WHICH THE CHAIR DEEMS URGENT 5. There were none. 6 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS AND DISPENSATIONS 6. There were none. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 7. Paragraph 67 should read, …consult everyone North of Raymouth road… 8. Paragraph 81 should read, …it would go back to public access on the dock front. 9. The correct spelling of John Hellings was noted. 10.The Chair moved that the minutes of the Rotherhithe Community Council meeting of 28th June 2004 be confirmed as a true and accurate record, subject to the aforementioned changes listed. GENERAL 11. Chair said that the new additions to the Minutes of Action and Decision Sheets were helpful. 12. Gill Davies reported that she was still working on the matter of a bicycle and trolley park and that she hoped to have something for the next meeting. 13. The Clerk said that he would look further into why some residents were not being informed in advance of meetings. 14. Pat Hickson asked that the flyers be sent out to residents one week earlier than in the past. The Clerk said he would follow this up. 15. Chair said that she had written a letter to Commander Thomas regarding the reopening of Rotherhithe Police Station and that a copy would be included in the next set of minutes. Chair made the following announcements: i) Liz Johnston-Franklin had provided an update on youth provision on the Silwood Estate The youth provision on the Silwood Estate is delivered by Lewisham Youth Service. The new community centre which will include space for youth activities has an estimated date of 2006 for completion. The Silwood Youth team are working 3 evenings per week undertaking 7 detached work on the estate in order to provided youth activities and trips for the young people. In conjunction with Millwall FC the Silwood youth team will be running summer activities from 21st July to 20th August 2004. The programme will include dance, art, workshops, music & video and film work. There will also be various day trips during that period. Further information is available from the Cyber café on 020 7394 0923. ii) Jackie Rose had asked for it to be declared that: The private resident sector election for the 2 Canada Water posts will be held on 21st July 2004 and anyone requiring information should contact her at –'[email protected]' Jackie could also help with anyone interested in taking part in the Rotherhithe Festival, Southwark Event or Bermondsey Carnival POLICING IN ROTHERHITHE UPDATE Sergeant Nick Govind updated residents on the latest events 16. Sgt. Govind said that regarding police confiscating motorbikes causing a nuisance, the public could provide evidence under s3 of the Road Traffic Act. Ultimately the bike could be confiscated. 17. He said that regarding safer neighbourhoods, residents in Surrey Docks should see an improvement. 18. Sgt. Govind said that on the Silwood Estate there had been drug problems and part of it had been closed. 19. Sgt. Govind reported that in the last few weeks 3 new Police Community Support Officers had been appointed and another one was due in July 2004. Further that new recruits from Hendon would also be coming. 20. He said that he would be available during the break. 21. Jeremy from the community asked that regarding cycle patrols, are there permanent ones within the peninsula ? He said that these were effective in countering anti-social behaviour. 22. Sgt. Govind said that Jeremy probably was referring to the TfL police unit who could have been in that area by chance. He added that there were 8 2 bicycle beat officers but it was probably not them that had been seen. 23. Jeremy said that the City of London police used bikes effectively. He added that it would be effective in this area and asked that it be given consideration. 24. Sgt. Govind said that he would take it on board and raise it appropriately. 25. John Hellings said that regarding writing to the borough commander it was a move that was roundly supported. He asked if new local police officers would welcome Rotherhithe police station being open on a 24 hour basis ? 26. Sgt Govind said that his personal view was support for the idea. 27. Cllr Hargove asked if mopeds could be chased by police in plain clothes and whether CCTV could be used in evidence to prosecute ? 28. Sgt. Govind said it was not that the police wouldn’t pursue, it was that they needed to do a risk assessment at the time and a stringent policy covered the issue.
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