St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 4052 E 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46218 317-546-1571 www.standrewindy.org The Epiphany of the Lord January 3, 2021 Executive Parish Council Chairperson Marvin Johnson [email protected] Vice Chairperson Mary Thompson [email protected] Secretary Peggy O’Connor-Campbell [email protected] Parish Council Darlene Barnett [email protected] Henry Allen, III [email protected] Gigi Benbow [email protected] Diane Murdock [email protected] Parish Staff Terri Cuellar Parish Life Coordinator: Deacon Kerry Blandford [email protected] 317-442-8217 [email protected] Finance Chair Business Manager: Lisa Akers Ody Oruche [email protected] [email protected] Office Assistant: Darlene Barnett [email protected] Facilities Manager: Wayne Rogers Director of Music: Eric Hynson For sacramental preparation, [email protected] please contact Deacon Kerry. To learn anew the Gospel: The Good News that God loves us—Then to live it and share it. Page 2 January 3, 2021 From the Deacon’s Bench Please remember the following in your prayers... Brothers and Sisters, Lynn Allen (Vivian Allen’s daughter) Today we celebrate The Epiphany of the Lord, and each year we sing “We three Kings of Orient Vivian Allen are...” It’s a nice song, but let’s consider what the Fred Arnold Gospel says. Orient? OK, we got that one right, sort Thea Barrett of... Matthew tells us they are from the East. Scholars Phil Bradshaw (Peggy O’Connor-Campbell’s today would say probably from ancient Persia, what is brother-in-law) now modern Iraq and Iran. Kings? Well, no. We get that and the business with the camels more from our Roscoe Campbell (Jerria Jones’ nephew) reading of Isaiah. Matthew says they were Magi. The Brenda Chaney Magi were astrologers - followers of a faith founded Morgan Craig (Diane & Charlie’s granddaughter) by a Persian prophet by the name of Zoroaster. So, Mynelle Gardner these guys were Zoroastrian priests; they were Gen- tiles with a capital “G.” But their prophet had fore- Morris Gardner told of the birth of a Savior for the entire world. That Carla Gerton is who they set out to find, and that’s who they found! Catherine Hall (Gloria Ellis’ mother) And, when they found Jesus they didn’t kneel. They Andrea Hill (Jerria Jones’ sister) “prostrated themselves and did Him homage.” They lay face down on the ground, as before God. Flossie Hill They brought Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Betty Jones The three gifts are significant. Gold is a sign of Jesus’ Beverley Jones human kingship. Frankincense, like the incense we Gwendolyn King use at Mass, is a sign of His divinity. And Myrrh, an Mary Martin (Myrle Dulaney & Myrna Martin’s oil used to anoint the dead, is a foreshadowing of His death for our salvation. It’s from the three gifts that sister) we arrive at the number of three kings or really three Martha Mayes (Thelma Mayes’ mother) magi. Matthew never gives us a number. Ray Owens (Marie Owens’ husband) OK, so what? Over the centuries, our stories James Patton (Karen Martin’s father) of the Magi, the Wise Men, the three Kings, have tak- Adolph Peterson (Evelyn Peterson’s husband) en on a life of their own. We’ve given them names: Melchior, Balthazar, and Casper. The “kings” in our Rita Prince (Lorenza Prince’s sister) nativity scenes are often depicted as African, Asian, Jim (Rookie) Reynolds (Terri Cuellar’s brother) and Northern European, to remind us that Jesus came Molly Spaeth (Mary Barr’s niece) for everyone. That’s what the song really adds to our Shamar White (Francine Weems’ grandson) celebration of Christmas. That’s what today’s feast is all about. We will encounter those who travel “from Stanley Young (Wanda Barrett’s brother) afar” seeking the light of Christ. They too, like the Magi, will arrive at “God’s house.” And our homes Please contact Deacon Kerry if you should also be “God’s house.” He is present there too. would like to add or remove someone So, how will we welcome them? from this Prayer List. Merry Christmas, Dcn. Kerry Page 3 January 3, 2021 Nicene Creed Responsorial Psalm: Every Nation On Earth I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of Refrain: heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. Ev’ry nation on earth will adore you, Lord; ev’ry I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten nation on earth will adore you, Lord. Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God Verses: from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; 1. O God, with your judgment endow the king; through him all things were made. For us men and for with your justice endow the king’s son; With justice he will govern your people, your af- our salvation he came down from heaven, flicted ones with right judgment. and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. 2. Justice shall flow’r in his days, } bow lasting peace, ‘til the moon be no more. For our sake he was crucified under May he rule from sea to sea, Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and from the river to the ends of the earth. rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at 3. The kings of Tarshish and the Isles offer gifts, the right hand of the Father. He will come again in those from Seba and Arabia bring tribute. glory to judge the living and the dead and his king- All kings shall pay him their homage, dom will have no end. all nations shall serve him. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, 4. He rescues the poor when they cry out, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the afflicted with no one to help. the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who The lowly and the poor he shall pity, has spoken through the prophets. the lives of the poor he will save. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the Offertory Hymn: life of the world to come. Amen. We Three Kings Refrain: Entrance Hymn: City of God O… star of wonder, star of night Refrain: Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Let us build the city of God. May our tears be Guide us to thy perfect light turned into dancing! For the Lord, our light and our love, has turned the night into day! Verses: Verses: 1. We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar 1. Awake from your slumber! Arise from your Field and fountain, moor and mountain sleep! A new day is dawning for all those who Following yonder star… weep. The people in darkness have seen a great light. The Lord of our longing has conquered the 2. Born a babe on Bethlehem's plain, night. Gold we bring to crown Him again King forever, ceasing never 2. We are sons of the morning; we are daughters of Over us all to reign… day. The One who has loved us has brightened our way. The Lord of all kindness has called us to be a light for his people to set their hearts free. Page 4 January 3, 2021 Communion Hymn: The First Nowell Ministers in Service - January 10 1. The first Nowell, the angel did say, Ushers: Anthony Bell (c), Karen Martin Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, Lector: Diane Murdock On a cold winter's night that was so deep. Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel. Mass Intentions for the Week 2. They looked up and saw a star Shining in the east, beyond them far, Friday, January 1 And to the earth it gave great light, 10:30 am: Melvin Schisla (d) And so it continued both day and night. by Charles Schisla Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Sunday, January 3 Born is the King of Israel. 10:30 am: Eric Schmiegel (d) 3. And by the light of that same star by Marie & Michael Beason Three wise men came from country far; Sunday, January 10 To seek for a king was their intent, 10:30 am: George Szeszycki (d) And to follow the star wherever it went. by Aldona Szeszycki & Family Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Born is the King of Israel. Closing Hymn: As with Gladness Men of Old FYI … If you or a family 1. As with gladness men of old member is in the hospital, did the guiding star behold, please let the Parish Office as with joy they hailed its light, know. Hospitals can no long- leading onward, beaming bright: er contact us directly (due to so, most gracious Lord, may we HIPAA regulations). evermore your splendor see. 2. As with joyful steps they sped to that lowly manger bed, there to bend the knee before Christ whom heav’n and earth adore: so may we with hurried pace run to seek your throne of grace. 3. As they offered gifts most rare at that manger crude and bare; so may we this holy day, drawn to you without delay, all our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to you, our heav’nly king.
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