mw - kr~eai~act Volume VI I Issue 4 Des Moines Area Community College, Boone Campus February 19856 Murillo and Kostichka Are Royalty 1985 Homecoming Activities Successful The DMACC-Boone Campus cheering with popular breakdancing place to let us use their facilities." homecoming celebration was quite moves. The United Community High Students also agreed with the successful, with Steve Kostichka and School Drill Team capped off the successful dance. Tom Stucker . Felicia Murillo reigning as king and special entertainment with a routine commented, "I though it went queen during festivities held at Fast featuring glow-in-the-dark sticks. alright. I had a good time. The beer Lane, Wednesday, January 30th. Although there were some could of been cheaper though, Homecoming activities got un- problems making enough room for because now I'm blpke!" derway with the Lady Bears losing a all the Boone Campus students at The coronation ceremony took close one to Reames of Des Moines, Fast Lane, Dan Crouthamel, owner, place at 10:30 a.m. at Fast Lane. 63-62. The Bears were victorious over commented the evening went very Tim Orr, accounting teacher and Iowa Western of Clarinda as they well. Joni Shreve, the 1984 homecoming sealed a 84-69 score. George Silberhorn, Counselor and queen, had the honors of crowning Special half-time features at the student services Advisor, agreed the this year's royalty. game included the Boone Campus evening went very well. The homecoming court consisted cheerleadig squad and drill team. "It all worked out for the best. I of Steve Kostichka escorting Felicia Boone Junior-Senior High School don't think Dan anticipated 200 Murillo. Following them were Alan students, Brad Hamilton and T.J. people attending. I thought it was Slight escorting Paula Kissner, Troy Clemons, also had the crowd reallv nice of the owners of a new Wilson and Natalie Patteson. Steve BEAR FACTS photo by Trbb Lolkem men and women who received the Royalty- Remodeled Office candidates.most votes became Students king then and queenvoted 1985Homecoming King and Queen. King Steve Kostlchka and Queen FelIela John- McNace.- Sandi Johnson, and Kriss Philips (D Friday, Monday and Tuesday for the klurillo. ean), shows off new office arrangement. King and Queen. Page 2, The Bear Facts, February 1985 Boone Campus Enrollment Up By FELICIA MIJRILLO classroom that contributes to better individual attention. This spring saw an 18 student in- John Gamerdinger, a new student crease in enrollment at DMACC- here said, "I don't know why I chose bne Campus, with 684 students the Boone Campus. I wanted to learn cornpared to the 666 fall semester. more about becoming a Counselors play a big part in psychologist." recruiting new students to attend Bill Ryan, Biology teacher here at here. The total enrollment includes the campus commented, "I think it's both full-and part-time+students. The a good thing because we're built to enrollment as of last month stood at accomdate them. I think it's nice for 612, but those registering late ac- people not to get lost in the shuffle of cwnted for the increase. a6'big university." Mast students who come here are interestedin picking up extra credits No matter what the reason for or improving their grade point. students deciding to attend here, we DMACC is well known for its welcome them and hope their business program, baseball, and the semester proves to be an "ex- d atmosphere provided in the perience" they won't forget. 1985 Homecoming Court Tim Johnson, Krista Goeppinger, Madge Clark, Todd Miller, Natalie TasForms Available Patterson, Troy Wilson, John Courter, Lori Holland, Steve Rowe, Tammy Sebring, Alan Slight, Paula Kissner, Steve Kcrotichka, and Felicia Murillo. By ROB HOOK hours. Also, the library will be having a Tbe DMACC library now has tax fanns available, free of charge, to used book sale February 18-22. Prices for hard books are as low as 25 any student or faculty member. cents, and some paper backs are Specifictax forms are also available, available for ten to 15 cents. In ad- along with reproducable forms for dition to these, many 1984 magazines COPY. can be purchsed for 5 cents each. Louise Payton, library technician, stated "each year there are many The sale will he held during library changes in tax forms, and we want to hours, Monday through Thursday, alert people of these changes and do 7:3&8:00 p.m., and Friday 7:3&4:30 them a service." p.m., and the money made from this The forms can be picked up sale will be used to replace used and anytime during regular library tom out materials. I We welcome I 1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR! I I Simply drop them in the box in the library Deadline for March issue: MONDAY, MARCH 1 1 BEAR FACTS photo by Trlsh Lulken Barbers Who Care! FULL FAMILY HAIR CARE APPOCNTMENTS 8 WALK-INS WELCOME A FOUR BARBER STYLISTS: Richard Sibert Julie Herrstrom Mandy Peterson Boone Hair Care Center 722 - Keeler The Bear Facts, February 1985, Page 3 I I International Classes Dropped By ROB HOOK Several Boone Campus in- and literature classes. ternational students were left in a Other classes cancelled were basic difficult situation after four classes writing 1, study skills and designed to help international developmental reading. students were cancelled this The only alternative left for the semester. The classes were can- students was for them to take in- celled at the recommendation of Dr. struction in a writing tutorial, and to Bea Clupper, due to the fact that seek help in the learning center. At there was a low enrollment in these DMACC the international students classes. are required to take a minimum of DMACC policies require a five hours of English aaeek, which minimum of 15 students per class is what the students are now taking. and during the first week of Sunny Powers, international registration, only a few students student advisor, stated that this is a were enrolled in the classes as in- problem because "students who ternational students. Shortly after were unable to take basic English this, the classes were cancelled courses which are important, may go before registration was completed. into classes unprepared, thus The main class cancelled that creating problems for the faculty, affected the students was English as and could cause problems for the a second language.- - This class whole school." prepares international students in reading, writing, and understanding The which were cancelled English, as well as preparing them are in the curriculum offerings for for future classes in the English the 1985 summer session, and for the department, such as composition of 19115. TIM ORR BEAR FACTS photo by TrLh Lulken Combat the 1 Former bone Campus Student / Winter Blahs! What do DMACCBoone Campus Mike Paris - Take a trip (to Orr En joys Challenge students do to escape the winter Colorado!) blahs? Steve Stumbo - Invite a lady Rich Abrahamson - Grab my friend over to share the fire. Of Teaching camera and head for the woods! Kevin Richards - Go to Florida. computer accounting, typing for Cathy Tigner -Party at Bar None Jana Kennedy - Party with my By TODD MANN University in Des Moines, where he accountants, and taxes and payroll. in Stratford. buddies. majored in business education and In Tim's view the campus has not Lou Ann Ahrens - Take my kids Mark Pritchard - Go skiing. A past student and now the most marketing. changed much since he was a student Jim Horstman - Studying, recent business teacher at DMACC- Tim's teaching career started as a from the Glenwood hospital and do here. However, attendance has in- outdoor activities. reading, going for walks, and wat- Boone Campus, Tim Orr accepts the substitute teacher for schools in the creased overall and more local ching T.V. challenge of teacher over student. surrounding area. He also spent four students have enrolled. To him the Dave Jorgensen - Go to the Michelle Ratchford - Lay in a A native of Boone, Tim graduated weeks teaching in Chaska, Minn., major change is the added respon- YMCA from DMACC in the spring of 1981. during a teachers' strike. tanning bed and dream... of Florida! sibility of being a teacher. teaching Becky Gilliam - Rent a V.C.R., my He then transferred to Drake Tim now teaches cost accounting, versus a student at DMACC. Paul Stover - Party with watch T.V. or shop, shop, shop! "Buddy" ! Intramurals Underwav I BY FELICIA MURILU) with 18 a piece. Steve Rowe followed Facial Tanner Fitness Coach Rrst Game with 16, Mark Zeratsky and Russ The DMACCBoone Campus in- Gerke had 14. Todd Mam rounded Sunfit bed tramural basketball games began out the scoring by chipping in 9. Nautilus Sunday, Feb. 3 at the gym. Top scorer for the Skid Marks was 30 Minute The opener featured Harry's Dave Jorgenson with 18 point's and Penthouse against the 504% Slam- Russ Gillian added 14. Sessions Free Weights mers in the first game. The half time Other Games Cassette Stereo score went in favor of Harry's Action continued Sunday, Feb. 10, 504% Penthouse men m16. Then, with one with the Slammers playing the FITNESS & TANNING CENTER minute remaining the Penthouse's Skid Marks. Halftime score favored saw their biggest lead at 49-36. They the Skid Marks 3228. They held on to 919 Story Street went on to win the game 52-38as the win 57-54. Tony Hartsack led all Boone, Iowa 50036 504% Slammers fell into the loser's scorers pouring in 32 points. Kenny J bracket. Rundle paced the losers with 22 9 a.m.
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