COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L'EUROPE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS CONFIDENTIAL CM/Del/Concl(82)342 CONCLUSIONS OF THE 342nd MEETING OF THE MINISTERS' DEPUTIES HELD IN STRASBOURG FROM 11 TO 15 JANUARY 1982 STRASBOURG -CONFIDENTIA i L- CM/Del/Concl(82)342 SUMMARY Page 1. Adoption of the agenda 5 Political and General Policy Questions 2. The question of "Political discussions" 7 3. Cultural co-operation 9 4. Fight against terrorism 13 5. Balanced development in Europe 27 6. United Nations - Exchange of views 33 7. Situation in Cyprus 35 8. Afghanistan - Recommendation 922 on the situation of refugees from Afghanistan and Order No. 399 on the solution of the Afghan crisis 37 9. Resale rights for works of Art - Request from the Commission of the European Communities 39 10. Conferences of Specialised Ministers 41 Human Rights 11. McVeigh, O'Neill and Evans against the United Kingdom - Decision to be taken under Article 32 of the European Convention on Human Rights 43 12. Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Luedicke, Belkacem and Koç - Application of Article 54 of the European Convention on Human Rights 45 CONFIDENTIAL CM/Del/Concl(82)342 - ii - Page 13. Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) - Report of the 10th meeting (Strasbourg, 20-27 November 198.1) 47 14. International Convention against Torture - Recommendation 909 49 15. Access by the public to government records and freedom of information - Recommendation 854 51 Legal Questions 16. Ad hoc Committee of Experts on the International Transport of Animals (CAHTA) - Meeting report (9-11 December 1981) 53 17. Ill-treatment of horses during international transport - Recommendation 923 57 18. Ad hoc Committee of Experts on the underwater cultural heritage (CAHAQ) - Second meeting (Strasbourg, 6-9 October 1981) 61 19. Fight against international tax evasion and avoidance - Written Question No. 245 by Mr. Antoni 63 20. Trade mark law - Recommendation 899 65 Economic and Social Questions 21. Ratification of the European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers 69 22. European Social Charter - 6th period of supervision - Assembly Opinion No. 106 71 23. Public participation in decision-making on aircraft noise matters - Recommendation 875 77 24. 7th Seminar on International Voluntary Service - Assembly - Recommendation 894 79 25. Individual social fellowships - Request from the British Council for a financial contribution 81 CONFIDENTIAL - iii - CM/Del/Concl(82)342 Page- Youth 26. European Youth Centre - Membership of the statutory organs (Governing Board and Advisory Committee) 83 Environment and Local Authorities 27. 6th European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) 85 Administrative Questions 28. Appeals board - Administrative meeting 87 29. Preparation of forthcoming meetings 89 30. Other business, a. Dialogue with the Secretary General 91 b. Statement by the Representative of Turkey on the situation in his country 99 c. European Youth Centre - 1982 Budget 101 d. Situation in Poland 103 e. Situation of Polish refugees in Austria 105 CM/Del/Concl(82)342 - iv - Page APPENDIX I: Agenda of the 342nd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (A level) al APPENDIX II: Draft Agenda of the 343rd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (A and B levels) a5 APPENDIX III: Draft schedule of meetings for the second (item 29) half of 1982 a9 APPENDIX IV: RECOMMENDATION No. R(82)1 (item 4) of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning international co- operation in the prosecution and punishment of acts of terrorism all APPENDIX V: DECISION No. CM/263/130182 (CDDH) a15 (item 13) APPENDIX VII: Letter from the Secretary General of the (item 30a, Council of Europe to the Secretary General Part 3) of the European Parliament a17 APPENDIX VIII: Statement by the Representative of Turkey (item 30b) on the situation in his country a19 CONFIDENTIAL - 1 - CM/Del/Concl(82)342 The 342nd meeting of the Deputies was opened on Monday, 11 January 1982, at 3 pm, under the Chairmanship of Mr. D. Cape, Deputy for the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. PRESENT AUSTRIA Mr. D. Bukowski, Vice-Chairman Mr. U. Hack Mr. H. Wiesner (item 6) BELGIUM Mr. A. Vranken Mr. P. Duqué Mr. M. van den Reeck Mr. P. de Muelenaere (item 6) CYPRUS Mr. C. Papademas Mr. N. Yiannakis DENMARK Mr. B. Christensen Mr. S. Haslund (item 6) Mrs. A. Moltke-Leth (item 6) FRANCE Mr. R. Doise Mr. R. Schublin Mr. F. Erhard Mr. L. Giustetti (item 6) FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Mr. K.A. Hampe Mr. K. Timmermann Mrs. R. Lassing Mr. S. Böhm (item 6) GREECE Mr. J. Grigoriadis Mr. D. Constantinou Mr. A. Mallias Mr. A. Velliadis (item 6) ICELAND Mr. H. Gislason IRELAND Mr. M. Flynn Mr. J. Carroll (item 6) CONFIDENTIAL CM/Del/Concl(82)342 - 2 - ITALY Mr. M. Pisa Miss M. Costa Mr. G. Ceruti Mr. F. Rausi (item 6) Mr. C. Zanghi (item 6) LIECHTENSTEIN HSH Prince Nicholas of Liechtenstein LUXEMBOURG Mr. J. Hostert MALTA NETHERLANDS Mr. D.T. Schuurman Volker Mr. R. van Rijssen Mr. J.H. Burgers (item 6) NORWAY Mr. E. Winsnes Mr. E. Bjørnebye Mr. K. Mørkved (item 6) PORTUGAL Mr. A.L. da Costa Lobo Mr. J. da Rocha Paris Mr. J. Pais Moreira (item 6) SPAIN Mr. J.L. Messía Mr. J.A. Yáñez-Barnuevo Mr. J.P. García-Trelles Mr. A. Fernandez-Villaverde (item 6) SWEDEN Mr. L. Westerberg Mr. S.O. Petersson Mrs. B. Andreen (item 6) SWITZERLAND Mr. A. Wacker Mrs. I. Apelbaum Mr. R. Mayor (item 6) Mr. J. D. Vigny (item 6) TURKEY Mr. S. Günver Mr. V. Sentürker Mr. S. Umar Mrs. R. Aygen UNITED KINGDOM Mr. D. Cape, Chairman Miss A. Stoddart Mr. M. Corbett Miss S. Ross Viscount Colville of Culross (item 6) Mr. P. Roberts (item 6) CONFIDENTIAL - 3 - CM/Del/Concl(82)342 At the opening of the meeting, the Chairman had the pleasure of expressing a welcome to two new members of the Committee of Ministers, namely Mr. Leo Tindemans, Minister for External Relations of Belgium, and Mr. Sciberras Trigona, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malta. He also had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Nicos Yiannakis, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cyprus, who was attending a meeting of the Deputies for the first time. At the close of the meeting, the Chairman bade farewell to Mrs. Rose Lässing, Deputy to the Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany, who was leaving Strasbourg. Mr. Yáñez-Barnuevo (on behalf of his B-level colleagues) and the Deputy Secretary General also offered their best wishes to Mrs. Lässing and paid tribute to the contribution she had made to the work of the Council of Europe, in particular its intergovernmental committees and notably the Council for Cultural Co-operation (CDCC). Mrs. Lässing thanked the previous speakers, and expressed her regret that family reasons were obliging her to leave. CONFIDENTIAL - 5 - CM/Del/Concl(82)342 Item 1 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Chairman said that he had received requests for postponement of the consideration of items 9 (Resale rights for works of art) and 23 (Public participation in decision-making on aircraft noise matters) for which the basic documents had been distributed only recently. The Secretary to the Committee said that it appeared that item 30c (European Youth Centre - 1982 Budget) was not in fact as urgent as it had seemed when the Secretariat proposed its addition under Other Business. The item could therefore be postponed. The Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany said that he wished to request, with reluctance, postponement of item 12 (Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Luedicke, Belkacem and Koç) on the ground that new developments in this matter had arisen very recently. On the same subject, the Director of Human Rights, in reply to a question, said that the Secretariat could go along with the German proposal that the item be postponed. The Representative of Turkey said that as far as item 7 was concerned (Situation in Cyprus) the position of his delegation remained unchanged with regard to both the substance and the form. The Representative of France, supported by the Representative of Ireland, said that he felt that there were too many items on the agenda for the present meeting. Thirty was an excessive number of items for consideration at an A-level meeting, and many of the items listed concerned points of detail which could possibly be referred to B level. This was a matter of general concern to his delegation which wished to see A-level meetings enabled to concentrate on in-depth discussion of major issues. The Chairman replied that he would always endeavour whenever possible to refer matters to B level. However, this was not always particularly easy when B-level meetings were fairly intermittent, and also when there was a possibility of the Committee being able to adopt replies to Assembly texts prior to a forthcoming session of the Assembly when there was no further B-level meeting before that session. CONFIDENTIAL CM/Del/Concl(82)342 - 6 - Item 1 Decision The Deputies adopted the agenda of their 342nd meeting (January 1982 - A level) as it appears at Appendix I to these Conclusions, subject to the postponement of items 9, 12, 23 and 30c to their 343rd meeting (February 1982 - A and B levels - items 9, 12 and 30c to be discussed at A level, and item 23 at B level). CONFIDENTIAL - 7 - CM/Del/Concl(82)342 Item 2 2. THE QUESTION OF "POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS" (Concl(81)341/2b, CM(81)PV 3 prov.) The Chairman said that the following points had been selected for the exchange of views on East/West relations: 1.
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