2 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, MARCH 15, 2008 GOINGS ON... ■ MARCH 17 cation technology on that division. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The President Their work in Cyprus began in 1994 of the Alexander S. Onassis Public as an extension of their study of the Benefit Foundation Mr. Anthony Pa- Greek American Community in Asto- padimitriou cordially invites the ria. They have lectured throughout community to a dramatic reading of the world on the role of communica- selected passages “Thucydides’ His- tion in sites of conflict and division. tory of the Peloponnesian War,” with They have visited Cyprus at least 20 commentary by Dr. Josiah Ober Pro- times and have published extensive- fessor of Classics and Political Sci- ly as the result of their research. ence; Constantinos Mitsotakis Chair, They have interviewed Presidents School of Humanities and Sciences, Clerides, Papadopolous and Stanford University, California at Christofias, as well as Turkish Cypri- The Shakespeare Theatre Company ot community leaders Rauf Denk- Lansburgh Theatre (450 7th Street tash and Mehmet Talat and other no- NW) on Monday, March 17 at 7 PM. table figures in Cyprus. They have Dramatic reading by professional ac- conducted Media Literacy work- tors. Directed by David Muse, Associ- shops for Greek and Turkish Cypriot ate Director, Shakespeare Theatre participants. For more information, Company. The Spartans consider ar- call Despina Axiotakis at 201-444- guments for and against going to 8237. war with the Athenians, exposing timeless issues of foreign policy. Peri- ■ MAY 2 – JUNE 1 cles delivers his great funeral oration NEW YORK – Theatron Inc. cordially setting forth the highest ideals of the invite the community to the play “39 civilization of Classical Athens. & Single!” (Despoinis... eton 39!) at Those ideals are tested when Athens The Hellenic Cultural Center The- destroys Melos. Alcibiades urges the atre (the intersection of Crescent Athenians to expand their empire, Street and Newtown Avenue in Asto- but the invasion in Sicily fails, lead- ria) from May 2 – June 1 on Friday ing to Thucydides' sober assessment and Saturday at 8PM, Sundays at of the most momentous event in all 2:30 & 7:30PM. This bitter-sweet The Hellenic American Academy in Lowell, Massachusetts is on the right track say members of the faculty and parish that support it. Hellenic history. comedy written by one of Greece’s foremost teams, Sakellarios and Gi- ■ MARCH 20 annakopoulos, examines an old NEW YORK – The Hellenic American Greek tradition as it relates to mar- Bankers Association cordially invites riage. Tilemachos postpones marry- Hellenic American Academy of Lowell Roundtable the community to its’ Executive of ing his girlfriend in order for his old- the Year Award Dinner in honor of er sister, whom he lives with, to mar- Captain Panagiotis N. Tsakos and ry first. His closest friend convinces Discusses the Past, Present and Future with TNH Nikolas P. Tsakos, President & CEO of him that the fastest way to attract Tsakos Energy Navigation Limited at potential husbands is to place an ad By Theodore Kalmoukos The New York Athletic Club (180 in the newspapers. The suitors arrive Special to The National Herald Central Park South) on Thursday, and are ready to marry but it turns March 20 at 6 PM. Tickets are $250. out that the women they meet in BOSTON – The principal Doug An- Master of ceremonies will be Sote- Tilemachos’ house, are not his sister. desron, Melia Mahoney the school rios Johnson, host of NPR’s Morning This leads to a series of hilarious committee chairperson along with Edition, WNYC Radio. For more in- episodes and farcical encounters. Di- members Dona Zouzas and Mary formation, call 212-421-1057. rected by Larisa Antipa. For more in- Themelis and also Steve Themelis formation, call 718-721-7610. president of Holy Trinity’s Parish ■ MARCH 22 council discussed the state, the STAMFORD, Conn. – The Stamford ■ THROUGH MAY 2008 challenges and the vision of the chapter of AHEPA and the Greek Or- NEW YORK – The Children’s Muse- Hellenic American Day School of thodox Church of the Archangels um of Manhattan cordially invites the historic community of the Holy cordially invite the community to a the community to “Gods, Myths & Trinity of Lowell, known today as performance by The Hellenic Mortals: Discover Ancient Greece,” Hellenic American Academy since Dancers of New Jersey on at the an exhibition which allows children its name was changed three years church hall (at 1527 Bedford Street, to explore the world of ancient ago, in an interview with the Na- Stamford, CT 06905) on Saturday, Greece at CMOM (The Tisch Build- tional Herald. March 22 at 7 PM. Doors will open at ing, 212 West 83rd Street). Your ini- Principal Andesron who brought 7:00 p.m. for a buffet of Greek appe- tial tour guides will be the great gods to the school more than 35 years of tizers and wine (included in the tick- Zeus, Poseidon and Athena as they educational and administrative ex- et price). The performance will be- reminisce about their powers and re- perience said, “It’s been my first gin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are sponsibilities. Learn how the Ancient year and I am extremely excited $35 if payment is received by March Greeks believed gods and mortals in- about this opportunity to work with 15; $40 if payment is received after teracted and take an on-screen per- young people, not only of culture March 15 or at the door; $10 for stu- sonality quiz to determine which but of tremendous knowledge and dents; children under 12 free. This is mythological character you are most potential. The school is doing quite a fundraiser for the benefit of the like. Visit the gymnasium (school) well, I see nothing but optimism Stamford AHEPA Scholarship Fund. and oikos (home) to discover which here. The people care about the The Hellenic Dancers of New Jersey skills were most valued in Ancient children in this community and have performed at Presidential ral- Greek boys and girls. Explore the im- that includes their culture, their lies and inaugurations, for the royal- portance of athletic competition as heritage, their knowledge and their ty and ambassadors of several na- you arm wrestle ancient Greek coun- future.” Principal Anderson teaches tions, the NJ State Ethnic and Diver- terparts using mechanical arms, or social studies as well. sity Festival, won first prize at the test your leg strength as you learn “Today we discussed democracy A roundtable discussion about the Hellenic American Day School included Principal Doug Anderson, Com- Garden State Arts Center intra-State about ancient jumpers. Become fa- and what role it played in ancient mittee Chairperson Melia Mahoney, Dora Zouzas and Mary and Steve Themelis. Competition, sent dancers for the miliar with the ancient Greek alpha- Greece and where it is today with Closing Ceremonies of the 2004 bet by translating messages from us,” he said. ture through the students.” vestment for the community, of continuous existence of the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, Greek to English. Learn about the The school today has 143 pupils Concerning the student popula- Themelis said “the best” and Ms. school, can the hundreds of gradu- as well as many other Greek and oth- heroism of ancient Greek women in pre-kindergarten through Grade 6, tion and if it is up, down or steady, Mahoney added “absolutely, you ates do well in academics, profes- er cultural festivals and programs. myth and daily life and compete 78 boys and 55 girls, the break school committee chairperson put your money in your future.” sional life, or just life in general Their most recent performance was with the goddess Athena in a virtual down is 32 in Pre-K and 110 in 1st Melia Mahoney said, “It has been Ms. Mahoney also said that “the without the school being accredit- at the Annual New York Times Travel weaving contest. Climb inside a 12 to 6th grades. steady. We had a little a bit of a loss school is also the future of the ed, Ms. Mahoney said, “that is ab- Show at the Jacob Javits Convention foot tall Trojan Horse before step- School committee chairperson last year but we made up for it. I church because it is the young cou- solutely true” and she added “but in Center in New York City on March 2, ping into Homer’s great epic poem, Melia Mahoney called the Kinder- think we have something so special ples, the children, your faith, your order to move on I think that also 2008. For more information, call The Odyssey, where you will journey garten a “feeding program” be- here and we are trying to figure out heritage. You are insuring it.” people are looking for certain types 203-554-5570. through rocky caves and over open cause as she explained it “feeds up” how we verbalize what we know The tuition is $2,550 for the of validation.” seas; escape the crawl-through Cy- meaning that the Kindergarten about this place. We have a dia- members of the Holy Trinity parish Asked if stability in administra- ■ MARCH 26 clops Cave; and sing like a Siren in pupils will eventually enroll in the mond and we want to make sure and $2,850 for non members. tion and faculty are pivotal to the NEW YORK – The Cyprus Federation the Sirens Karaoke Cove. Be pre- first year school program. She also people see it.” Asked if they agree with the idea school, Mr. Themelis said, “Yes it is of America and The International pared to face on-screen dilemmas, said that “one of the most amazing According to Principal Anderson that parishes which sustain Day critical.” Coordinating Committee Justice for your choices will be tracked along things that I see is that in the cur- the school has eight full time teach- Schools be excluded from their fi- Asked how the school is admin- Cyprus cordially invite the commu- the way and your personalized on- riculum of the early childhood de- ers and five support faculty staff for nancial obligations to the Archdio- istered and who makes the deci- nity to “Memories in Cypriot Soil,” screen Hero Record can be e-mailed velopment they are also learning music, computers e.t.c.
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