НАУКА ЗА ГОРАТА, КН. 1, 2020 FOREST SCIENCE, No 1, 2020 NEw RECORDS OF LONGHORN BEETLES (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) IN ENTOMOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS IN BULGARIA Georgi Georgiev Forest research institute, Bulgarian academy of sciences Abstract: during the period 2008-2014, unpublished longhorn beetles in the entomo- logical collections of the Forest research institute, institute of Biodiversity and ecosystem research and national museum of natural history in sofia were studied. as a result, 86 taxa belonging to five subfamilies were identified: Prioninae (2 species), lepturinae (29 species and subspecies), spondylidinae (7 species and subspecies), cerambycinae (25 species and subspecies) and lamiinae (23 species and subspecies). in this study, new localities of rare taxa (Aegomorphus krueperi, Cortodera holosericea holosericea, Phymatodes lividus, Pilemia tigrina, Pogonocherus hispidus, Tetrops starkii starkii) were established in Bulgaria. these new records enlarge our knowledge of regional distribution of cerambycids in the country. Key words: cerambycidae, entomological collections, rare species, Bulgaria INTRODUCTION the longhorn beetles (coleoptera: cerambycidae) are relatively well studied in Bulgaria. the results of previous investigations are summarized in two monographs (angelov, 1995; migliaccio et al., 2007), two papers on host plants of xylophagous species (doychev et al., 2017, 2018) and several articles on cerambycid diversity in different mountains of the country (georgiev, 2011; georgiev et al., 2002, 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2006, 2013, 2018; georgiev, stojanova, 2003; georgiev, hubenov, 2006; migliaccio et al., 2004; rapuzzi, georgiev, 2007, etc.). it must be noted, however, that there is insufficient knowledge about regional distribution of the species. the present work reports information about unpublished records of longhorn beetles in three entomological collections in Bulgaria. MATERIAL AND METHODS in the period 2008-2014, many cerambycid specimens were identified in the entomological collections of the Forest research institute, institute of Biodiversity and ecosystem research and national museum of natural history in sofia. the cerambycids are deposited in entomological collections mentioned in the list below with the following abbreviations: [Fri] – Forest research 87 institute; [iBer] – institute of Biodiversity and ecosystem research; [nmnhs] – national museum of natural history. the longhorn beetles are listed in systematic order, following the system of danilevsky (2019). RESULTS AND DISCUSION a total of 86 cerambycid taxa were identified in this study. they belong to five subfamilies: Prioninae (2 species), lepturinae (29 species and subspecies), spondylidinae (7 species and subspecies), cerambycinae (25 species and subspecies) and lamiinae (23 species and subspecies). Prioninae Aegosoma scabricorne (Scopoli, 1763) Pirin mts.: sandanski, 300 m a.s.l., 12-14.06.1982, 1 ex., a. slivov leg. [iBer]. Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) rila mts.: Bistritsa Vill., 06.07.1968, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]; Brashantsi Vill., 13.08.1981, 2 ex., V. radkova leg. [iBer]. eastern danube Plane: sini vir Vill. near shumen, 31.07.1984, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. Pirin mts.: Kulinoto loc. near razlog, 19.07.1990, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]. lePturinae Anastrangalia dubia dubia (Scopoli, 1763) western rhodopes: Persenk loc., 13.08.1959, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; 07.08.1974, 1 ex. [iBer]; devin, 17.06.1957, 1 ex., [nmnhs]. central Balkan range: Karlovo, 12.08.1962, 2 ex.; 29.07.1963, 5 ex. [nmnhs]. Anastrangalia sanguinolenta (Linnaeus, 1760) western rhodopes: Persenk loc., 13.08.1959, 1 ex.; 07.08.1974, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Borino Vill., Kastrakli loc., 12-16.07.1976, 1 ex., m. Josifov leg. [iBer] ; Pirin mts.: sandanska Bistritsa river, 16.06.1973, 1 ex., m. Josifov leg. [iBer]; Bansko, 28.06.1981, 1 ex. [iBer]; rila mts.: gorno osenovo Vill., 20.07.1986, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]. Anoplodera (Anoplodera) rufipes rufipes (Schaller, 1783) western rhodopes: Velingrad, 04.06.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Anoplodera (Anoplodera) sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) western rhodopes: eli dere loc., 20.06.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Etorofus (Etorofus) pubescens (Fabricius, 1787) western rhodopes: Persenk mine, 900 m a.s.l., 07.08.1974, 4 ex. [iBer]. Grammoptera (Grammoptera) ruficornis ruficornis (Fabricius, 1781) sofia region: Borisova gradina Park, 15.05.1965, 2 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. 88 Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758) western rhodopes: selishte loc. above Velingrad, 07.07.1956, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Pachytodes cerambyciformis (Schrank, 1781) rila mts.: Borovets resort, 1300 m a.s.l., 08.07.1968, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. western rhodopes: devin, 17.06.1957, 2 ex. [nmnhs]; Beden Vill. near devin, 15.06.1958, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 7 ex. [iBer]; chepelare, 13.07.1975, 4 ex. [iBer]. Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman, 1817) western rhodopes: devin, 17.06.1957, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. rila mts.: Blagoevgrad, Bistritsa river, 20.06.1970, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]; dabrava Vill., 02.07.1992, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]. Pseudovadonia livida livida (Fabricius, 1777) tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1959, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. western rhodopes: Borino Vill., Kastrakli loc., 1100 m a.s.l., 12-16.07.1976, 15 ex., m. Josifov leg. [iBer]. Rutpela maculata maculata (Poda von Neuhaus, 1761) rila mts.: govedartsi Vill., 29.06.1962, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. western rhodopes: Kastrakli loc. near devin, 07.08.1919, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 26 ex. [iBer]; Zabardo Vill., 14.07.1975, 1 ex. [iBer]. central Balkan range: Karlovo, 17.07.1968, 4 ex. [nmnhs]. Pirin mts.: yavorov hut, 06.08.1990, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]. Stenurella (Nigrostenurella) nigra nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) middle danube Plane: Veliko tarnovo, 31.05.1959, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Stenurella (Priscostenurella) bifasciata bifasciata (O. F. Müller, 1776) western rhodopes: devin, 17.06.1957, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; eli dere loc. near Velingrad, 14.06.1958, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; satovcha Vill., 10.07.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Velingrad, 22.07.1967, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]; Kastrakli loc., 1100 m a.s.l., 12-16.07.1976, 2 ex., m. Josifov leg. [iBer]. tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1958, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. middle danube Plane: Veliko tarnovo, 03.07.1961, 2 ex. [nmnhs]. rila mts.: dobro pole loc. above Blagoevgrad, 28.07.1967, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. central Balkan range: Pirdop, 29.06.1975, 1 ex. [iBer]. Black sea coast: aladzha monastery near Varna, 04.07.1975, 3 ex. [iBer]. Stenurella (Priscostenurella) septempunctata septempunctata (Fabricius, 1793) western rhodopes: devin, 17.06.1957, 9 ex. [nmnhs]; eli dere loc. near Velingrad, 20.06.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Velingrad, 26.07.1967, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]; Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 9 ex. [iBer]. Stenurella (Stenurella) melanura melanura (Linnaeus, 1758) central Balkan range: troyanski Balkan, 24.07.1941, 1 ex., P. drenski leg. [iBer]. rila mts.: dobro pole loc. above Blagoevgrad, 22-27.07.1967, 6 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. western rhodopes: Persenk loc., 13.08.1959, 89 1 ex. [nmnhs]; satovcha Vill., 10.07.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; Zabardo Vill., 17.07.1973, 1 ex. [iBer]; Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 3 ex. [iBer]. Between rila and Pirin mts., Predela loc., 20.07.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. middle danube Plane: Veliko tarnovo, 03.07.1961, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Stictoleptura (Aredolpona) rubra rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1959, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. rila mts.: yakoruda, 23.10.1960, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. western rhodopes: Kastrakli Vill. near devin, 17-19.08.1959, 3 ex. [nmnhs]; selishte loc. above Velingrad, 29.07.1961, 1 ex.; 10-15.07.1962, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]; Persenk mine, 07.08.1974, 5 ex. [iBer]. sandanski-Petrich Valley: Kresna, 23-24.05.1976, 1 ex., a. slivov leg. [iBer]. Stictoleptura (Maculileptura) maculicornis (DeGeer, 1775) western rhodopes: Borino Vill. near devin, 20.06.1958, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; eli dere loc., 20.06.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1959, 2 ex. [nmnhs]. Stictoleptura (Melanoleptura) scutellata scutellata (Fabricius, 1781) tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1959, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. western rhodopes: Polkovnik serafimovo Vill., 21.08.1970, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Stictoleptura (Paracorymbia) fulva (DeGeer, 1775) tracian lowland: Plovdiv, 14.06.1959, 6 ex. [nmnhs]. Stictoleptura (Stictoleptura) cordigera cordigera (Füsslins, 1775) western rhodopes: Krichim, 19.06.1952, 2 ex. [nmnhs]. Black sea coast: Varna, 15.06.1957, 1 ex. [nmnhs]; tsarevo, 15.06.1973, 6 ex. [nmnhs]. Strangalia attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758) western rhodopes: Velingrad, 04.06.1960, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. central Balkan range: Karlovo, 17.07.1968, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. Kraishte region: slokoshtitsa Vill. near Kyustendil, 18.06.1977, 2 ex., J. ganev leg. [Fri]. sandanski-Petrich Valley: rupite Vill., 200 m a.s.l., 08.06.1992, 1 ex., V. gashtarov leg. [iBer]. Oxymirus cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) western rhodopes: selishte loc. above Velingrad, 21.05.1956, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg. [Fri]. Carilia virginea virginea (Linnaeus, 1758) rila mts.: eleshnitsa river, 26.06.1953, 1 ex., g. tsankov leg., [Fri]. western rhodopes: chepelare, 13-19.07.1975, 1 ex. [iBer]. Cortodera flavimana flavimana (waltl, 1838) western rhodopes: Polkovnik serafimovo Vill., 08-30.04.1968, 2 ex. [nmnhs]; Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 1 ex., [iBer]. Cortodera holosericea holosericea (Fabricius, 1801) western rhodopes: Persenk loc., 07.08.1974, 2 ex., [iBer]. note: rare species, reported from Vitosha mt. (without specified locality) (simandl, 2002) and golo bardo mt. above orlite hut (migliaccio et al., 2007). 90 Rhagium (Hagrium) bifasciatum Fabricius, 1775 western rhodopes: selishte loc. above Velingrad, 07.07.1956, 1 ex. [nmnhs]. rila mts.: maliovitsa, chalat place, 07.06.1964, 1 ex., P. Beron leg. [nmnhs]; maliovitsa, 01.11.1970, 1 ex., P. Beron leg. [nmnhs]; Bistritsa Vill., 700 m a.s.l., 06.06.1981, 1 ex., V. radkova leg. [iBer]. Boboshevo- simiti Valley: Blagoevgrad, 28.06.1982, 1 ex., e. andreeva leg. [iBer]. west Balkan range: Vrachanski Balkan, ledenika hut, chernite dupki place, 900- 1000 m a.s.l., 10.06.1997, 1 ex., B. gueorgiev leg.
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