. :<.=.....«../ ...... - ....., - 1 =..... «= .....3---4- ...=»-----».---=-- M 1 13 1 THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF Bll 1 INDIANAPOLIS % : . \ '- i .„,'.,1 " .- P= ™==™.-7 ---I'.. .... I. ---1 :I.--•·.. „ - ' ' '- -, i ' I J I E-, r-·\ 8 i 1 1.- » I VETERANS DAY 2008 - 1- 7 121123 D) »t e, Pages 6,7 1 ->f" .S'n '0,7; $1 ,- - ----1 -4---- --3- -1---------1» 1 -- -11 ----------- C .---- -'- I i 71 i _.3 IiiL....1 0.:9.1.. 4 *ee './.&*FRA 1. e 1,( 1-«» * » -- ..1,1.-4. / », REFLECTOR.UINDY.EDU . NOVEMBER 12,2008 • « VOLUMESFISSUES .,SS--=, 2 ·-:.Il-- -1=32&::*6 . -I - - SUPER BOWL 2012 Democratic OPPORTUNITY AWAITS leaders speak Ulndy hopes to participate in assisting the city of Indianapolis with the 2012 Super Bowl at UIndy By Sarah Haefner ... I . 14 A., : .4 5, FEATURE EDITOR 4.'.,1. I . I '. I i -r .6.:..6-1 1 9- 16 - I . M. .::F..Mit -„ 4..5:.. .;.. 7 ., ":.i %1' , *.5-,1:': #*.p. ....,I '. ..... .hY. As part of a continuing trend of pre- senting prestigious political leaders to the u." Pe'. ... UniversityofIndimapoliscommunity,Col- „G'.3.... ., .. ---:1-, -""1:EJJ _, Riu s I.*.I .:. lege Democrats invited several government - . 3 L 1 -- - representatives to speak to students, faculty 2-t e.. 4 4f,I and community members about their plat- . , . 1........... --3 ..+1 M-Mu -M -- forms and views on several key issues. -- I'.I Theevent,heldonOct.29intheChristel hy,44-J *01 9 .7 DeHaan Fine Arts . ' J...4.-....:-,9•. A '»,&+V m ap.1. '2.*.** , , # # Center, drew a sur- 37' 2 ,#- 0 C.21;.FL- -2'-' .1;f •fS. lkAB, M# . " : ' , =./.-- f g prisinglylowaudience 3 .It: 1 Artist rendering contributed by Peter Noot . .9. turnout, and the Re- ..1. ..r· *. ' The dty of Indianapolis'successful Super Bowl bid for 2012 will bring changestothe entirearea,induding possiblythe University of Indianapolis campus.Although Ulndy was not chosen as Q practice site,the new Student publican representa- - '6 '*' P. 1 4*' 1 Athletics and Recreation Center (artist rendering shown above) could help facilitate thebig event tives were unable to . 7 .#-t attend. ..99 - -1, , 4< Congressmail.An- , '»., . ,8 ,1 a on million. By Jaclyn Dillman practice facility campus. AccordingtoWilley,however,noth- dre Carson and newly gi",3 h However,plans forsuchrenovations ing is in the immediate works,but that 'Ihisnewfacilitywould createlocker- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER elected State Repre- I Y ''.N».1 havebeenruledoutas theNFLdecided does not rule out any possibilities in room space and workout space. -=L-. 11.,1 m '7.'.1 . Ann «Students will. gain daily access to sentative Mary to go in a different direction for the the future. Sullivan both attend- situation with the facilitiesinRuth CARSON AsrenovationsRreunderway,rumors facility. Regardless of practice space Regardless ofthe Lillywhenmore room ed and answered vari- plans, UIndy still remains adamant in SuperBowlandsubsequentrenovations is provided due to these renovations," are flying regarding the University ous questions posed by audience members to the at additions are be- of Indianapolis and the 2012 Super its goal support Super Bowl. UIndy, many huge Willey said. concerning diversity, change, the economy, to the campus in the area of The athletic Bowl. "We would love support the ef- ing made to Ulndy department campaigns and first-time voters. fort here at UIndy," said Director of athletics. Plans to includes more than 500 student ath- Indianapolis'newLucas Oil Stadium kie k.7'· b- At-, , Carson described Indianapolis as a di- Athletics Dr. Sue buildanewfitness *ty#'.V letes and only has enough permanent verse the United States as a is well into its opening season and will Willey. .%1 communityand UIndy has looked into many ways center, the Stu- locker-roomspaceforthreeon-campus diverse nation of different ideologies. host the Super Bowl in 2012. Because :, .441#1*,1.' 1, to be a Bowl dent andmen'sandwomen's that aMuslim could this huge event is scheduled to take part ofthe Super efforts, Athletics & "*1 "Whoeverthought .,01+4 ' teams,footballbasketball. said. "Hoosiers place in Indianapolis, local establish- but as of press time, the university has Recreation Cen- , i , 1 representthestate?"Carson are P saidthatthenewwolk- are critical thinkers and take progressive including are vying for no ten Willey also * ments, UIndy, nvolvement. presently "{t '-, - We are working from a number of in the works. out facilities could include the new stance. We're more free-thinking than the ways to pitch in for the effort, T t... angles to 2012 "Ideallywewill space needed for athletics as well as an media us credit for." UIndy pursued the possibility of involve UIndy [in the ..9 . L gives said."A forintramural Sullivan and Carson also discussed the hosting practice sessions of the op- Supep -Bowl]," Smith Super breakgroundneit - illk /11 indoor track ,nd space Bowlin Indianapolisisanextraordinary spring, and the sports. prevalence of "change" during the 2008 * posing team during the event in 2012. 2#&46 election season. oPPortunityforourcampus,"Smithsaid facilityshould not UIndyisinforsomemajorchanges, « Because of previously planned reno- There's tremendous dissatisfaction "We plan to look into many different take more than WILLEY and the opportunities presented by vations to campus, Vice President of said.«The ways to get campus involvement with twoyearsto com- the Super Bowl could possibly be on with voters," Sullivan emphasis University Advancement Jim Smith of change is based on the hardships we've the event." said. the horizon " said UIndylooked intopartneringwith plete,"Willey According to Willey, $5 million all experienced. the National Football League to build Despitepreviousattempts,UIndyis Both candidates offered advice for first- adamantonbeingapartofthis historic for the construction ofthis facility has been amassed and it will most time voters as well, advising them to lookat event for the city ofIndianapolis. already votingrecords as the most effective method - According to Smith, Mary At- likely be located at the north side of h ofholding candidates accountable. Stadium. ry, university director of com- Key An international student also posed a munications and mar- «Wewouldlove togetstartedassoon a.- fi % i4 questionconcerningimmigration, andboth »1«.ber- -7/- keting, plans to attend as possible on the recreation center; .k 'll//Ill'/Ill//I, 1.f candidates had clear views on the issue. -11% -» 1 1 1 waiting forthesitua- . -..-.. '.. .. '// an upcoming Indy Hub however, weare It is unrealistic to think we can move (...../.--, . ....g. 1125.6&177... ,+Ff.7-2,-I % to discuss ways tion with the economy to calm down , ) .11 I 1 4 - --1, '.1[ 01 f..1. '22.... /7 meeting 12 million people out ofthe country, but if .· f A///I/'"""'94-1-·- . ' : -3 //' to promote involvement presently," Smith said. *,1 , J..7,1 you Want to be a U.S. citizen, you have to the Super Bowl for Smith projected that the final costs - respect the process," Carson said. i LI, 2. 4 · · . f -1 1 1 1 . 1 with students and organizations for the new recreation center would . , , -I- . : . - be in the neighborhood of $7 .·1·',. · . - .--1 .. 21- *-- - - - -' on campus. / . .2. ,- --*ipr':77-- 3 - ... ' , LL 6 . .AI.*-t.:1, 1«· . i ' \\ ' · / 21.tr''i: 1-'I . - :' ...:-1 \ ,1' ,' 111'11 · /LI--.-- - g-:-,- 55 ...0..'.4 lil-, 4' Chalk draws "'g JJ M/9*'tri'M.4 11,),4#1 4„ „.-" " '. ,"a t.-r1161.4 / I 4-1/ attention 0-. -I. .... I .... - .-I'l.-, -,t, By Kim Puckett INew refund policy in effect for Semester li NEWS EDITOR In lieu of the recent elections, some UIndy students chose to voice their opin- Students to receive a OneCard, pro'uiding e iciency and options ions colorfully, maybe too colorfully. «NOBama" Find "McCain" could be · · · -· -· -' - 7 The payments are then credited seen written on the sidewalks, entryways By Ashley Keihn 1 dents' accounts. to stu- - {i'.1' l'i'.t: '.11Ii ·Ii-,«· 1-ti; d .:i:liT-::1 45 and even the buildings themselves allover STAFF WRITER 2 ' According to UIndy Bursar Nancy L--- - " 1 1,3,3./t,Li.,UJ.2.4 1 .,uu, ,, „ , . ,I„ --' campus on Nov. 4. Some students, in sup- Baker, the university chose this method port of their candidate, crossed out some for several reasons writings to replace them with their own. Information has been circulating of refund delivery Receive OneCard in the mail from One Higher 'Ihis washable graffiti was all in fun :around the University of Indianapolis including efficiency and cost. STTIEIP 1 „ students will more choices for and political activism, until some students :campus about the new way «Students get pay;; receive refunds for SemesterII,but some ment and can get their money faster, began endorsing their favorite presidenti·al hopeful on the edifices themselves. students may not completelyunderstand Bakersaid.«Ifstudents have setup their the new process. In short, the university accounts ahead of time, their refunds Register the card online at easyrefund.com to "The only issue was that the chalk was 'is working through a financial service will be available to them the first day STEP 2 set up your account put on the sides ofbuildings,"Kory Vitan- " company called Higher One to make of classes. geli, dean of students, said. "The students therefundprocess more efficientandless Baker also said a new ATM will be were asked to remove the chalkoffofthe ·time set up in the Schwitzer Student Center sides of building." consuming. Set preferences for payment, such as deposit to where the OneCards can be used.'Ihe Also, derogatory comments toward Students will receive a OneCard, a accountor STEP 3>> card, personal papercheck Sarah Palin were card much like a debit card, sometime new accounts can also be used as regu- vice-presidential hopeful in November. After receiving the card, lar bank accounts. According to Baken scribbled on the benches at Smith Mall. istudents can go online to easyrefund. UIndystudentpayrollwilleventuallybe "Lastweektherewere someinappropri- Icom to select their refund preferences.
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