A Nf E RICAN SCJURRE ORNCE MARCH 1975 CO-EDITORIfil Political issues have no place on this page, and most have little or no connection with square dancing. The current proposals concerning energy conservation and gas consumption do have a direct bearing on the activity. The controversy stems from gas ra- tioning plans versus higher taxes (pri- Only in a real state of national emer- ces) for gas. Which proposal would be gency should there be a ban on recrea- better for square dancing? It's hard to tion and non-essential businesses. tell, but from where we sit, here's how Let's admit it. Gas rationing will it looks to us. spell disaster for even the "weekend" Take rationing first. If a dancer callers who travel a limited area. It will couple is allotted a certain amount of be catastrophic for "traveling" callers. gas per week, this would be used for Few callers will be able to manage transportation to work and for neces- honestly on the amounts of gas now sary trips first. If both work, or one being proposed for rationing. Dance must travel even a small distance to a bookings will have to be cancelled job, there will be little "extra" gas left outright. for driving to the club dance. The situation if prices are raised If, however, prices are higher per looks slightly better. Callers will pass gallon, but gas is available, economy- along the increased costs of gas in minded dancers will car-pool to events, their fees, and some clubs will not be as well as to work, and there will be able to meet the increases, but some ways to reach that favorite club dance will. Agreements to book or cancel or special event without searching for can be negotiated by clubs and callers. extra rations of gas. Callers will have time during which So far we've only looked at the they are fulfilling current commit- dancers' use of gas for entertainment, ments, to book judiciously a schedule but the plight of the caller is more they can live with. Clubs will take serious, especially for those who have another look at callers and fees, and made calling a professional career. book those they know will be success- Most callers have expended time and ful in calling a good dance to a full money in getting their calendars hall. booked a year or two in advance. It What do you think? Do let us know, seems sad that their livelihoods should but don't forget to let your congress- be jeopardized when many other pha- man know, too. He's where the decision ses of entertainment are flourishing. will be made. 2 AMERICAN l VOLUME 30, No. 3 El MARCH, 1975 11• SQUARE • IS DANCE I "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE M • WITH THE SWINGING LINES" 1 •1 Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick •• Workshop Editors Willard Orlich Bob Howell Ed Fraidenburg 2 Co-editorial Record Reviewers 4 Grand Zip Doug Edwards 6 Meanderings Frank & Phyl Lehnert 9 Communications •••••••••• Feature Writers 13 Outlook + Outreach = Outcome Harold & Lill Bausch •• 15 She Ate the Whole Thing Jim Kassel N 16 Dropouts Mary Jenkins 17 Rejects Editorial Assistants 19 Rethink Your Publicity Mona Bird 21 Encore Mary Fabik 22 Kansas City Jo Homyak •••11•EI 23 Best Club Trick Mef Merrell ■ 25 Feedback 27 Callerlab Confab National Advisory Board 29 Straight Talk Edna & Gene Arnfield 30 Dancing Tips Bob Augustin 31 Calling Tips Al "Tex" Brownlee 32 Keep Em Dancing Louis Calhoun N•••••• 36 Easy Level NI Orphie Easson 38 Puzzle Page Phyl & Frank Lehnert 39 Steal A Little Peek Singin' Sam Mitchell 41 Square Line Ken Oppenlander 42 Gypsy Carnival Vaughn Parrish 44 Challenge Chatter Dave Taylor Bob Wickers 46 Workshop 55 Product Line Box 788 58 Events 111•EIMMI 62 Pulse Poll SANDUSKY, OHIO 44870 63 National News AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 66 Dandy Idea published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- 67 R/D Record Reviews on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second 71 S/D Record Reviews class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy ••••1101 deadline first of month preceding date of is- 75 Ladies' Choice sue. Subscription: $6.00 per year. Single co- 79 Sketchpad Commentary •• pies: 60 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, 81 Bookshelf 83 Finish Line Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1975 by •• Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. • 84 DoCiDo Dolores 3 902-667-8886. Vivian & John Warwick Amherst, Nova Scotia ta tut We hope you will forgive us for be- ing so late with our Thank You for the lovely page you gave Y Circle 8 in the January issue under your special fea- ture, "Best Club Trick." This gave YO8's endeavors an unexpected and most appreciated prominence. Thanks a million for the compli- mentary copy — this delighted the President, Bob and Janet Fremont, Paul and Gerry Wahl, General Chair- men for the '75 Cancer Benefit Dance, Thank you for the coverage in the as well as the entire membership. It December issue about the European made Jim and me happy 'cause we College. We sure do appreciate it. We'll could keep our copy for our library. try and let you know the outcome The magazine is proudly displayed on once it's all over. Tom Crisp our club bulletin board, for all to see. APO New York Again, please accept our warmest On behalf of our British square dan- thanks and regards for a tremendous cing friends we want to thank you for magazine that truly aids and abets the mentioning their forthcoming Europe- square dance movement in the finest an Dance Jamboree in the January tradition. 1975 issue of American Squaredance. Jim & Mickey Morris We are sending the President of the St. Louis, Missouri British Association of S/D Clubs a co- I am wondering if you can help us py of the article. We know he will be find out how many Flutterwheel very pleased to learn of your coopera- Clubs there are across the country, tion in promoting their Jamboree. and how we can find the address of Our thanks also for the report of someone in the clubs. We know of our visit to England. We hope that our two Flutter-wheels clubs here in Penn- hosts will say, "By jove, those Yanks sylvania, and have -set up a weekend really did enjoy themselves." visit with them. We really had a ball Congratulations on the thirtieth an- on the last one. We have talked about niversary of American Squaredance. trying something like it on a national May the years ahead continue to be as level if we can get anything in the way fine as the past. of correspondence going. Steve and Dorothy Musial Carolyn Smith Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 210 Winter St. We have as of September 1974 or- Duboistown, Pennsylvania 17701 ganized a square and round dance club for Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. Our club dances every Tuesday, except Can anyone anywhere help us in lo- the third one) at the Experimental cating an old square dance singing call Farm, Nappan, Nova Scotia. The caller record, with calls either written or for the club is Mr. Ancil Mills who also sung? We are anxious to get "Buttons conducts class square dancing on Thurs- and Bows" to use as a theme song for days. We would like your readers to our club. Possibly it may be on a 78 know about our club. We welcome rpm, as it was way back! square and round dance tourists to Bobbie Rowland join us when in the area. Telephone: Billings, Montana 4 SIT BACK AND THINK SPRING IS IN THE AIR SUMMER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER .... THERE'S SO MUCH TO LOOK FORWARD TO .... VACATION .... SPECIALS .... TRAVEL NEW SIGHTS .... NEW FRIENDS .... A NEW WORLD OF SQUARE DANCE ADVENTURE... AND TO BE FULLY INFORMED ABOUT ALL THE OPTIONS- WATCH FOR OUR BIG VACATION ISSUE- NEXT MONTH .... PO 00s 7138 SANDuSKV OHIO AMERICAN SQURRE DRNCE •4870 Pleas* start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed One Year at S6 Two Years at $10 Canadian and Foreign add 500 per year postage. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 that the axle is worthless without the wheel, the driver can't drive without the vehicle, and the teacher can't teach without the children. Conversely, the circle would flatten to an oval and a meaningless, motion- less line without an axis. Each compo- nent (caller & dancers) is equally de- pendent on the other. When a mutual respect for this interdependence is es- tablished, harmony and balance and a "systemized symmetry" is the happy result. "Now what the devil are we leading up to?" you may fire back at us, leer- ingly. Nothing of any earth-shaking con- sequence. There is one thing we're sure of, however. There was a delightful deluge RING AROUND THE CALLER of letters in response to our Caller Car- RING AROUND THE CALLER icature Contest in the center pages of our last issue. Whether it was an inter- If we may corrupt a phrase from est in the callers themselves or the idea TV (the corruption of phrases is not of winning a prize, we're not sure, but new to this column) we'd like to the- it took HOURS to check the STARS, orize from the ringing soap ad jingle OURS against THARS and say that the whole circular square Now that the deadline has come and dance activity is like a "ring around gone (unless you happened to get this the caller". issue early) we'd like to offer some The caller is the axle around which clues to those caller identities, and at the wheel turns.
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