>To: [email protected] tioned to look at their life in terms of limits or stages. I don’t know if I wanted to comment on the ar- there is a term for the psychology of lenty of people receive ticle in Cryonics about the suspen- how people perceive the future, but PCryonics Magazine, but sion of Mr. Cannon [3rd Qtr ‘97 — I think few people are able to “see” how many actually read it any- ed.] because ever since I read Man or “feel” more than ten or twenty more? into Superman 8 years ago I’ve been years into the future (and that’s push- I’m not sure. Only on rare thinking about psychology-related ing it). The further off from one’s occasions does Cryonics re- issues in regard to cryonics and current life stage, the more disasso- ceive correspondence. I could transhumanism, and wondering why ciated the future feels. That’s why interpret this as a general feel- there’s not more discussion of them. young people feel immortal, because ing of satisfaction from sub- (Of course, I’ve been in Japan for the future, in the sense of “70 years scribers, or I could call it “post- the past four years, so I’m com- from now” is inconceivable to them. literate apathy.” At one time pletely out of touch...) Likewise, a person in his 80s faces or another I’ve been tempted My comment is that a cryonics two scenarios: one, the stages of life to publish something really out- era will require a new type of psy- have “successfully” conditioned him rageous and inappropriate, just chology, and even now, people in to accept death (almost as a matter to see how many of you are order to accept or live with cryonics of behavioural conditioning), or two, paying attention. need one as well — that is to say, a suddenly he feels panic and depres- Before we reach that point, completely different way of people sion. People, however, have been however, I’d be interested in thinking about their role in life and conditioned for thousands of years hearing your opinions about my what it means to be human. I get the to compensate by imagining (or be- first year as editor of this maga- impression that most cryonics advo- lieving in) a spiritual immortality zine. Would you like to see me cates think it’s merely a matter of (i.e. denial of death). continue with my efforts to convincing people that life is worth Now, preparing people (in par- bring in more contributors from living and that the technology is at ticular, our children) to think in more outside Alcor? How do you hand, but I disagree. People for the extropian terms, we need to create a feel about the various columns? past million years have been condi- new life span psychology. I haven’t Do you enjoy the usual mix- ture of articles, or would you prefer something more fo- cused? What have I done that you like, what have I done that you don’t like, and what haven’t I done that you would like? Write me a letter or send me email. Make your voice heard, and help me put (or maintain) Cryonics Magazine on the right track. And please don’t forget to keep those articles coming. Thanks! 2 Cryonics • 1st Qtr, 1998 formulated it yet, but obviously, it or antipathy and opposition in oth- Another important point is the would have to involve a first and ers. role the family will play in the fu- second life. The first (pre-cryonics) Of course, that’s rather far off. ture. At present we are conditioned life we must see as a stage of devel- For the time being, people need a to believe in our children as an ef- opment, a fetal stage, in which we new way of seeing and defining fort to “perpetuate the species,” keep learn to choose between life and themselves. One element in this is a a bit of us alive, even sit in as our death, and define the value of life firm belief that the solution to all of successors and replacements. John and our dreams of the future. The Man’s questions are within human Bradshaw made a fortune on his PBS second would be a transitional (post- grasp and just a matter of time away. family series, and that was only deal- freezer era, era of nano-technology) A second element is that states of ing with problems caused by one or one in which the struggle for truly mind are temporary and we must be two living generations. Now imag- indefinite extension begins and the careful not to let decisions of the ine a few hundred generations, and conflict between humanity and moment hinder our future. A third great-great-great grandpa who was transhumanity will ensue (issue of is that change is a part of life, and in dead for a few hundred years, com- identity). A third and final stage terms of hundreds of years (let alone ing back for dinner (great idea for a would occur when man makes the thousands or millions) we must have short story: autocratic grandpa change into Ettinger’s superman; no new perceptions of the limits of thawed out from suspension, yap- doubt though, that era too will be change, since comparatively speak- ping away at dinner and fighting faced with countless problems. ing, as humans we’re used to the with the young ones, while they I think many immortalists, for image of time standing still, due to blame him for all their genetic prob- example, at one stage or another will our limited lifespan. (Sure, the lems and intergenerational suffer from varying forms of doubt change from 40 years ago until now dysfunctionality). I think the role and depression. Counselors will may seem like a lot, but in the big the family will play, and the way probably have to teach them how to picture, a person from the future our traditional roles and definitions find purpose by envisioning a “cre- wouldn’t see much of a difference of family, will also have to be con- ative evolution” and determining even in a 200 year period.) sidered, but sometimes I see a no- how they will use new technologies Next, we need a new life span table absence of the concept of fu- to reshape themselves and find a psychology, emerging from three ture generation families in cryonics. new purpose and enjoyment in life. questions: Another point, then (come to think I imagine, for example, a world in 1) As cryonicists, how should of it) would be the effect of indi- which people will be entertained by we view the purpose of our current viduals thawed out, happy to be very lucid virtual realities. A person life and its meaning in the long- brought back, only to find out that might purchase a program which term picture? (Must be individually their loved one or a child or grand- will make him feel like he’s in 20th answered.) child opted not to be frozen. How century NY, and even perceive hav- 2) In terms of aspirations and would a transitional immortal deal ing a human body again. He could anxieties, how far down the road with the idea of permanant loss and choose between full awareness should our time/life paradigm be (i.e. would he or she face anger, guilt or (awareness that he’s living in the how far into the future should we even survivor’s guilt? And also, prior future and acting out a fantasy), think on a daily basis — live for the to thawing, wouldn’t a cryonaut have semi-awareness, or time-limited moment, plan for the near future, to be conditioned to understand and amnesia. People who still had a hu- think in perspectives of the first life prepare for the challenges and ob- man frame of mind would be living only, but do a bit of planning for the stacles in reassimilation? Or let’s put in the past, and psychologists would future, or contemplate as far as it like this: are there a few people have to help them define themselves omega point... etc. etc.)? who’ve opted for freezing who are in terms of the future so individuals 3) Given infinitely extended life, likely to suffer either from future could continue to grow and evolve how should we redefine our pur- and face the final fight, the so called poses in life, and how should we “Omega Point” which might raise a prepare for the future and redefine Continued on page 35 sense of anxiety and futility in some ourselves? 1st Qtr, 1998 • Cryonics 3 How Do I Tell Mom and Dad? by Brian Shock Life Scenario: You’ve just received your membership bracelet from a cryonics organization. You proudly chain this life- saving jewelry to your wrist. only to realize that someone might actually see it. You haven’t told anyone close to you about your cryonics arrangements, but now you have no choice. You invite your parents out to dinner at a fine restaurant (one with waiters; not Taco Bell or Jack-in-the-Box), and at the most propitious moment possible (probably between the main course and dessert), you display your bracelet and announce that someday a group of a friendly, dedicated, upstanding people will freeze you down to the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. Your parents: a) gasp in horror c) burst into tears e) disinherit you on the spot b) scream at you incoherently d) throw their wine in your face f) all or most of the above.
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