ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF LOT 682 DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE, MANYANA Volume 1 Prepared by: Watkinson Apperley Pty Limited June 2009 WATKINSON APPERLEY PTY LTD 51 Graham Street Nowra 2541 Tel: (02) 4421 4500 Fax: (02) 4423 1496 E N V I R O N M E N T A L A S S E S S M E N T U N D E R P A R T 3 A — M A J O R P R O J E C T 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOT 682 DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE MANYANA Prepared By: David Cannon M.Env.Eng.Sc, B.Env.Sc.Adv (Hons) Environmental Engineer/Planner Corporate Member - PIA Checked By: Bronwyn Seiden B.App.Sc. (Env. Planning) Town Planner Corporate Member - PIA (CPP) Date: 22nd July 2008 This report has been prepared for JWA Enterprises Pty Ltd, a joint venture partner with Vacenta Pty Ltd the landowner, of Lot 682 DP 568678, Lot 701 DP 613881 and Lot 810 DP 247285 Manyana Drive, Manyana, in accordance with the scope of services required by JWA Enterprises Pty Ltd to comply with the EP & A Act 1979. This Environmental Assessment should only be used for the purpose for which it was expressly prepared and shall not be reproduced by any third party in part or full without the permission of Watkinson Apperley Pty Ltd. 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOT 682 DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE, MANYANA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATION Statement on Validity of the Environmental Assessment This Environmental Assessment has been prepared in relation to Project Application No. 06_0165, which relates to a proposed 58 Lot residential subdivision of Lot 682 DP 568678, Lot 705 DP 613881 and Lot 810 DP 247285, Manyana Drive, Manyana. The information contained in the Environmental Assessment has been compiled from site inspections, file notes, correspondence and reports prepared by appropriately qualified consultants and is neither deliberately false nor misleading. David Cannon M.Env.Eng.Sc, B.Env.Sc.Adv (Hons) Corporate Member - PIA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF LOT 682 i DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE, MANYANA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This application proposes a fifty eight (58) lot subdivision on the subject site, which consists of Lot 682 DP 568678, Lot 705 DP 613881 and Lot 810 DP 247285 Manyana Drive, Manyana. The subject land is an irregular shaped area of some 9.5 ha with maximum north-south and east-west dimensions of 384 m and 530 m respectively. The site is located along the eastern edge of the existing developed residential area of Manyana in the area bounded by Manyana Drive, Sunset Strip, The Palisade, The Barbette, The Bounty and the fore dunes of Manyana Beach. That part of the land subject to development lies approximately 300 m west of Manyana Beach. The subject site is zoned part Zone 2(a1) Residential, with a portion in the east zoned 2(e) Village, (deferred from Shoalhaven LEP 1985, Amendment No. 62). The original subdivision layout considered a 71 lot residential subdivision of the subject site. The layout comprised a mixture of Torrens Title lots (proposed lots 101-151) and Neighbourhood Lots (proposed Lots 1-21) under the Community Land Development Act. Proposed Lot 1 was to form an Association Property lot in favour of the Neighbourhood Lots. On 9 June 2006, the Director-General of the Department of Planning, under delegation from the Minister for Planning (the Minister), formed the opinion that the proposed subdivision was considered a Project to which Part 3A of the EP&A Act applies. The Director-Generals environmental assessment requirements for the preparation of the Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) were received in October 2006 and listed 15 key project specific issues, which are provided in the Table below, along with the relevant sections of the Environmental Assessment where the issues have been addressed. A range of environmental studies were undertaken and following a more detailed flora and fauna assessment of the subject site, three endangered ecological communities (EECs) were found to exist on the site. At this point it was determined that there was potential for the proposed subdivision layout to negatively impact on two of those communities (Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, and Swamp Sclerophyll Forest). In addition, having considered concerns raised by the Department of Planning, the Department of Natural Resources and Shoalhaven City Council, urban design principles and the environmental impacts of the proposed layouts it was concluded that the option for a 71 lot subdivision was not viable due to the likely environmental impacts. Therefore fourteen (14) lots along the southern side of Sunset Strip and the eastern side of the proposed loop road were removed and the project design modified. Subsequently three alternate layouts were considered before arriving at the final option for the proposed fifty eight (58) lot subdivision. The preferred layout was chosen for a number of reasons including the use of a perimeter loop road and Watkinson Apperley Pty Limited 51 Graham Street, Nowra NSW 2541 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF LOT 682 ii DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE, MANYANA connecting road off Manyana Drive. This street design further reduces the impact on the EEC, improves bushfire protection and enhances opportunities for public access to foreshore areas while providing public road access to all lots within the subdivision and improving the permeability within the street network. Issue Key Project-Specific Issue Relevant No. Sections of EA 1 Design and Visual Impacts – Demonstrate suitability of the Sections 3.3, 4.8 proposal with the surrounding area in relation to potential and 7.11 character, bulk, scale and visual amenity of development resulting from the subdivision having regard to the Coastal Design Guidelines of NSW (2003) and Shoalhaven Subdivision DCP in particular the cumulative visual impact of the project from public areas including the foreshore and waterways. Identify extent of potential development footprints, building envelopes and built form controls and any significant trees to be removed. Access to Foreshore – Examine existing and future Sections 3.4, 3.8, 2 opportunities for public access to and along the foreshore 4.8 and 7.9 and to community facilitates on the Palisade. Establish appropriate mechanisms to ensure access is properly managed. 3 Cumulative Impacts - Address cumulative impacts, having Sections 3.6, 3.9, regard to the proposed development; and existing, 5 and 7.14 approved and other proposed development (where practical) within the Manyana, Bendalong and Cunjurong Point Area. Cumulative impacts to address water supply, electricity, waste disposal and social infrastructure including health services and schools. Consultation with service providers, Council, Department of Health and Department of Education is required. Provide evidence of capacity of infrastructure to service the proposed development and expected growth in the locality. Management of Common Properties – Provide details of No longer relevant 4 appropriate management plans for common properties as Community under proposed community title. Title Lots are no longer proposed. 5 Traffic and Access – Provide a Traffic Impact Study in Sections 3.4, 7.10 accordance with the RTA Guide to Traffic Generating and 9.1 Developments. Identify needs (if any) to upgrade roads/junctions and improvement works to ameliorate any traffic inefficiency and safety impacts associated with the development where relevant. This should include identification of pedestrian movements and appropriate treatments. Watkinson Apperley Pty Limited 51 Graham Street, Nowra NSW 2541 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - 58 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF LOT 682 iii DP 568678, LOT 705 DP 613881 AND LOT 810 DP 247285, MANYANA DRIVE, MANYANA 6 Flood Impact Assessment – Prepare flood impact Section 7.1 assessment and flood mitigation strategies for the development including identification of any flood prone land on the site. 7 Stormwater Plan – Prepare a stormwater plan for the Section 7.1 subdivision layout based upon best practice Water Sensitive Urban Design Principles. 8 Riparian Management – Demonstrate provision of an Sections 7.6 and effective riparian zone with excludes development, and 9.1 buffering to protect the environment function of the riparian vegetation of the watercourse on the site. Recommend measure to avoid or minimise conflict, if any, of the required riparian zone and asset protection zones (APZs). 9 Bushfire – Address the requirements of Planning for Sections 7.7 and Bushfire Protection 2001 in particular the provision of 9.1 adequate access for fighting bushfire, adequate APZs outside the property boundaries and water supply for bushfire suppression operations. Prepare a Plan of Management for fuel management including the provision and maintenance of APZs and any areas of hazard remaining, natural areas and buffer zones. Address AS 3959: Building in Bushfire Prone Areas. 10 Management of APZs and Vegetation on Proposed Lot 1 – Proposed Lot 1 Demonstrate through a Vegetation Management Plan how (now lot 158) is the APZs and the bushland area on proposed Lot 1 is to be proposed to be effectively managed and maintained without eroding their dedicated to integrity, it should be noted that the Department of Natural Shoalhaven City Recourses in not supportive of the proposed Council as public Neighbourhood Associated scheme. In this regard, explore reserve. separating options, including construction of a perimeter road separating the development area and the bushland Sections 3.2, 3.3, area to minimise vegetation loss and encroachment. 3.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.9, 7.10, 9.1 and 9.3 11 Infrastructure and Utilities – Address existing capacity and Sections 3.6, 5 requirements of the proposal for effluent disposal, water and 7.13 supply, electricity and telecommunications services in consultation with relevant agencies and identify staging, if any, of infrastructure works.
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