1098 CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 17, James H. McNichol to be postmaster at Grand Forks, N. ·Dak., Norma E. ::McNutt, Oxford. in place of J. H. 1\lcNicol. Incumbent's commission expires Matthias R. Munson, Prairie du Chien. January 23, 1924. George H. Herzog, Racine. Genevieve Gregor to be postmaster at Dawson, N. Dak., in Monrits Mortenson, Stratford. place of Genevieve Gregor. Iocumbent's commission expires Conrad Baetz, Two Rivers. January 23, 1924. Melvin H. Schlytler, Wittenberg. Selmer Erfjord to be postmaster at Buxton, N. Dak., in place of Selmer Erfjord. Incumbent's commission expires January 23, 1924. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. PENKSYLVANll. Thomas J. Kennedy to be postmaster at_ Renfrew, Pa., in THURSDAY, January 17, 19~4. place of J. A. Weber. Office became third class July 1, 1923. Th~ House met at 12 o'clock noon. RHODE ISLA.ND. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Thomas F. Lenihan to be postmaster at Westerly, R. I., in the following prayer: place of T. F. Lenihan. Incumbent's commission expired Au- Almighty God, we come to Thee in the spirit of gratitude gust 5, 1923. and with faith and confidence in those great virtues that make SOUTH CAROLINA. for righteousness in man and stability in government. Inspire Ben Harper to be postmaster at Seneca, s. c., in place of all of us with broad, comprehensive views of life. Draw us Ben Harper. Incumbent's commission expires January 21, by divine infiuences into the higher realms of thought and · 1924. action and let truth, justice, and good will have their way. William J. Hughes to be postmaster at Loris, S. C., in place As chosen servants of our beloved country and as. instruments of W. J. Hughes. Incumbent's commission expires January 21, in Thy hands help us to be diligent in all good works and 1924. thus bring credit to ourselves and honor to our counb·v and Herbert A. Horton to be postmaster at Lancaster, S. 0., in to our God. Amen. · place of W. R. Moore. Incumbent's commission expires Janu­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ary 21, 1924. approved. Arthur P. Horton to be postmaster at Heath Springs, S. C., CALL OF THE ROLL. in place of A. P. Horton. Incumbent's commission expires Mr. SANDERS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I make the point January 21, 1924. of order that there is no quorum present. SOUTH DAKOTA.. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Indiana makes the Inez G. Jones to be postmaster at Oelrichs, S. Dak., in place point of order that there is no quorum present. It is obvious of I. G. Jones. Incumbent's commission expires January 23, there is no quorum present. 1924. l\!r. LONGWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the Elmer R. Hill to be postmaster at Newell, S. Dak., in place House. of E. R. Hill. Incumbent's commi sion expires January 23, The m-0tion was agreed to. 1924. The Clerk called the roU, and the following Members failed to answer to their names : CONFIRMATIONS. As well Freeman MacGregor Smith B~edy Gifford MacLaft'erty Sullivan Ela:ecutiv_e nomi.nations oon-fi,1'7ned by the Senate January 11, 1924. Bell Hull, Tenn. Martin Sweet Berger Kahn Michaelson Taylor, Colo. POSTMASTERS. Cable Kincheloe Newton, Mo. Thomas, Okla. Canfield Kindred Nolan Tbomp on KENTUCKY. Crowther Kopp O'Brien Tydina Deal Lampert Rainey Underhill John P. Lawton, Central City. Dempsey Lazaro Rayburn Wainwright Dewey Daniel, Hazard. Dominick Logan Reed, W. Va. Wlll'd, N. C. Drane Luce· Romjue Wason Lloyd l\f. lUcCubbin, Hodgenville. Dupre McFadden Sanders, N. Y. Watkins George W. Murphy, Livingston. McKenzie Schall Winslow Claude T. Winslow, l\.fayfield. ~fs~n McNulty Schneider Winter John M. Miller, Middlesboro. The SPEAKER. Three hundred and seventy-two Members Henry B. Morehead, Morgantown. have answered to their names. A quorum is present. John n. Hutcheson, Owenton. Mr. LONGWORTH. 1\Ir. Speaker, I move to dispense with Don C. Van Hoose, Paintsville. further proceedings under the call. Carl Young, Pikeville. The m-0tion was agreed to. Edward F. Coffman, Rus ellville. James A. Hargan, Stithton. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. Bettie K. Wyatt, Valley Station. A message from the Senate, by l\1r. Craven, one of its clerksz Mildred A: Day, Whitesville. announced that the Senate had passed joint re olution ana Frank W. Rice, Wilmore. bills of the following titles, in which the concurrence of the Orvil Coleman, Wolfpit. House of Representatives was requested: S. J. Res. 61. Joint resolution authorizing the Director of the. MISSISSIPPL United States Veterans' Bureau to grant a right of way over Joseph T. Farrar, Anguilla. the United States Veterans' Bureau hospital reservation at Su ette McAlpin, Bolton. Knoxville, Iowa ; Lillie Burns, Brandon. S. 130. An act for the relief of George T. Tobin & Son ; Homer B. Griffing, Bude. S. 244. An act for the relief of Marion B. Patterson ; Pauline W. King, Durant. S. 511. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to James T. Skelton, Goodman. issue patent in fee simple to the board of regents of the Uni­ Pink H. Morrison, Heidelberg. versity of Arizona, State of Arizona, of Tue on, Ariz., for a John A. Freeman, Lake. certain described tract of land ; PE NSYLVANIA. S. 211. An act to provide for the building of a conservatory David P. Stokes, Blain. and other necessary buildings for tbe United States Botanic Gene l\f. Besignani, Jessup. Garden; Bertha J. Brobst, Shickshinny. S. 593. An act for the relief. of the- United Dredging Co.; M. Grace Gingery, Woodland. S. 646. An act for the relief of Ethel Williams; TENNESSEE, S. 796. An act for the relief of William H. Lee ; S. 967. An act for the relief of the estate of 0. O. Spiller, John B. Waters, Sevierville. deceased; · WISCONSIN. S. 1219. An act for the relief of Margaret Nolan; Castor H. Kuehl, Brillion. S. 1253. An act to reimburse J. B. Glanville and others for Thomas. A. Lowerre, Delafield. losses and damages sustained by them through the negligent William Frankland, Montfort. dipping of tick-infested cattle by the Bureau of Animal In­ Claire A. Lynn, l\1ount Hope. dustry, Department of Agriculture; 1924. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1099 S. 1761. An act to reimburse the city of Baltimore, State of j poses,'' approved December 29, 1916 (39 Stat. L. p. 862) ; to the Maryland, for moneys expended to aid the United States in the Committee on the Public L~nds. construction of works of defense during the Civil War; S. 827. An act for• the relief of Jessie l\L White; to the Corn- s. 925. An act for the relief of Franklin A. Swenson ; mittee on Claims. S. 661. An act for the relief of Charles Hurst; S. 1323. An act for the relief of Eugene K. Stoudemire; to S. 377. An act limiting the creation or extension of forest the Committee on Claims. reseiTes in New l\Iexico and Arizona; S. J. Res. 61. Joint resolution authorizing the Director of the S. 381. An act to amend section 2 of the act entitled "An act United States Veterans' Bureau to grant a right of way over to provide for stock-raising homesteads, and for other pur- the United States Veterans' Bureau hospital reservation at poses," approved December 29, 1916; Knoxville, Iowa ; to the Committee on Public Buildings and S. 827. An act for the relief of Jessie M. White; Grounds. S. 1323. An act for the relief of Eugene K. Stoudemire; THE RULES. S. 831. An act for the relief of H. B. Stout; S. 643. An act to extend the time for the construction of a The SPEAKER. The unfinished business is the resolution bridge across the Pamunkey River, in Virginia ; which the Clerk ,,.ill report. S. 484. An act to extend tlle time for the completion of the The Clerk read as follows : construction of a bridge across the Columbia River between IIouse Resolution 146, amending the rules of the House of Repre- the States of Oregon and 'Vashington at or within 2 miles sentatives. westerly from Cascade Locks, in the State of Oregon; The SPEAKER. By agreement yesterday debate is limited S. 160. An act authorizing the State of Georgia to construct a on this pending amendment to three hours, one-half to be con­ bridge across the Chattahoochee River between the States of trolled by the gentleman from New York [Mr. SNELL] and one­ Georgia and Alahama at or near Fort Gaines, Ga. ; and half by the gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. GARRETT]. S. 1942. An act to protect navigation from obstruction and Mr. SNELL. :\Ir. Speaker, I yield 15 minutes to the gentle.­ injury by preventing the discharge of oil into the coastal navi­ man from Illinois [l\lr. MADDEN]. [Applause.] gable waters of the T nited States. Mr. MADDEN. l\Jr. Speaker and gentlemen of the House, it ~ The mes:;:;age aJsr. announced that the Senate had passed with bas never been any trouble for me to make myself heard, but I tbe amendment joint resolution of following title, in which the ha\e recently bad a serious illness and I do not want to exert concurrence of the House of Representatives was requested: myself much, and therefore I hope the Members will make a lit­ II.. J. Res. 82. Joint re olution extending the time during tle noise as possible so as to save me from the physical exertion. which certain domestic animals which have crossed the I regard the rule for the discharge of committees in the nature boundary line into foreign countries may be returned free of of a referendum and recall, to which I am utterly opposed, dutJ·.
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