Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-24-1996 The BG News January 24, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 24, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5951. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5951 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Inside the News Campus • The Field House has many faces. City • Hope House seeks volunteers. A Dan Bay watch. Sports • Anthony Stacey featured. Page 2 Wednesday, January 24,1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issue 66 The News' Briefs Assessment fair brings discussion Jay Young out. The BC News "It's fabulous," he said "It's NHL Scores far more people than I expect- Several hundred people gath- ed." New Jersey 3 ered in Olacamp Hall Tuesday Hakel said the next step for the Los Angelos 1 night to discuss the different as- committee will be to review sessment ideas on campus. comments made and Input Sponsored by the Office of received at the fair. Florida 5 Academic Affairs and the Stu- "The committee will have a re- Washington 4 dent Achievement Assessment treat meeting to sort through the Committee, the first Assessment feedback and decide what kind of Fair was designed to give facul- things make sense to do on a NBA Scores ty, staff and students a chance to University-wide basis," Hakel learn and give input about said Toronto 86 different student assessment New Jersey 79 techniques. Melissa Plott, a senior Inter- In a speech' to kick off the personal communication major, Orlando 105 event, President Sidney Rlbeau attended the fair and said It was told members of the University Interesting. She said the system Philadelphia 90 community the Importance of used for student assessment having an Interactive learning should leave room for creativity. Atlanta 84 community. "I like the Idea of grades, to "I think In the turning and access student progress, but I Cleveland 72 learning process, for far too long think there needs to be more one- passivity has been the rule of the on-one assessment," Plott said. "I Indiana 117 day," Rlbeau said. "The new think there needs to be more thinking, and I dunk the thinking credit to individuality. There Chad SyMtei/Tkc BC New. Phoenix 102 you see amplified here, is that needs to be some tool, some teaching and learning really are basis, but some lee-way for indi- University President Sidney Rlbeau looks at one of the many displays at the Assessment Fair Tuesday a dynamic Interactive process," viduality." night In Olscamp Hall. Rlbeau told those In attendance that learning should be an active process on the Chicago 99 part of everyone Involved. New York 79 Milt Hakel, chairman of the Student Achievement Assess- Beth Wright, a sophomore and educational. She said she treated equally in every class. tain professor have a little bit ment Committee, said he was chemistry major, also said she wants an assessment system "I basically want to know that more or the same expectations as very pleased with the large turn- thought the fair was Interesting Library offers new where she knows she is being the classes that I take from a cer- the others," Wright said service A new service offered by the Jerome Library refer- Ribeauready to ence unit will allow some students to do some of their work from their computers. Librarians are now pro- viding assistance via e-mail send vp contract to those who send queries to llbhelpWlstproc.bgsu.edu. Jay Young contract sent to Middleton by the Using the new system The BC News end of the week. patrons can receive help "I'm In the process now of talk- with such needs as checking If he is willing to sign on the ing with Middleton about the po- a citation, locating a tele- dotted line, Charles Middleton sition," Rlbeau said "I'd like to. phone number, finding will be the next University vice by the end of the week, have a where to start research and scheduling appointments president for Academic Affairs. contract drafted and sent to for ln-depth reference as- University President Sidney him." sistance. Ribeau said that of the four final While an official decision has candidates who visited the Uni- not been made, Ribeau said he Workshop to help versity last semester, there were would like to have a new chief non-traditional stu- two who stood out academic officer selected within "Out of the four that we a couple of weeks. dents brought in there were two, one in "I would like to get this re- In an effort to assist non- particular, that people have real- solved in the next couple weeks," traditional students who are ly supported," Rlbeau said "Ac- Ribeau said "My time line is that concerned about the finan- cording to the recommendation by the end of this week to try and cial burden that comes with of the search committee and 95 get to a point where I get some- returing to school, a finan- Clinton's address powerful percent of the people who wrote thing on paper. After that, send It cial aid and planning work- In about the candidates, [Middle- to him, and see if he'll sign It" shop will take place Feb. 3. ton] definitely seems to be the Lester Barber, search commit- The free workshop, which President makes demands, proposes new directions candidate of choice." tee secretary, said the process will occur from 10 a.m. to 1230 pjn. In 1 College Park The other candidate who that led to the final candidates Tinnca Hunt walk the talk he talks so well," the Union appearance. The gained the most attention from worked well. Office Building, will pro- president Introduced the belea- The Associated Press Dole vowed the University community was "1 think the process worked vide information about var- guered Mrs. Clinton as a "won- Clinton proposed several new Jane Winer. Winer Is currently beautifully," Barber said "It was ious sources of financial WASHINGTON - Delivering derful wife, a magnificent aid. To reserve space, call Initiatives, among them $1,000 College of Arts and Sciences a modified version of the process Continuing Education, In- his State of the Union address to college scholarships for the top 5 mother and a great First Lady," dean at Texas Tech University. that was used in the presidential ternational and Summer a skeptical Republican Congress, percent of graduates from every and Chelsea led a standing ova- Middleton holds the same posi- search" Programs at 372-6181. President Clinton traced the high school, and turning the FBI tion of Democrats and Republi- tion at the University of Colorado Both Ribeau and Barber said themes of his re-election cam- loose on youth gangs. cans alike. Germany fires am- at Boulder. paign Tuesday night and con- With Republicans controlling 'The era of big government Is Ribeau said he hopes to have a See VP, page four. bassador to Haiti fronted the GOP on the budget, the legislative agenda, Clinton's over," Clinton said, twice, as if to BONN, Germany - Ger- demanding they "never - ever" proposals are unlikely to see the capture a campaign slogan. Re- many fired Its ambassador shut the government again. light of day, especially in an elec- publicans liked that, and an- to Haiti after he reportedly Democrats rose with loud tion year. swered with applause. Demo- Insulted Haitian sexual Residence hall cheers but Republicans sat in The House chamber over- crats hailed Clinton's next sen- mores and the Caribbean stony silence at Clinton's chal- flowed with Senate and House tence: "But we cannot go back to nation's prime minister. lenge. GOP lawmakers - particu- members, Clinton's Cabinet, the the time when our citizens were :• Guenther Dahlhoff made larly the rebellious House Supreme Court justices In their left to fend for themselves." the remarks to four German changes reviewed freshmen - had been coached by parliament members. black robes and ambassadors Clinton began his remarks ex- party elders to be on good behav- from around the world House pressing pride In U.S. Jay Young "He had not really had a ior and not boo Clinton, as some Speaker Newt Gingrich, Clin- peacekeepers in Bosnia. The BC News chance to do a tour since bis ar- did last year. ton's yearlong nemesis, sat Im- He said the state of the union rival on campus," Whipple said Quote of The speech was brief by Clin- mediately behind the president, was "strong" and cited economic University administrators "We wanted to let him see what ton standards, 61 minutes, less applauding politely on some oc- and falling crime rates to make toured about half of the resi- we had already done in the resi- the day than last year's record 81-minute casions, and sitting In stern the case. In all, Clinton was Inter- dence halls last week to get an dence halls and what our plans marathon. silence when the president rupted 78 times by applause. idea of what has been done and are for the future." "If I had wanted Senate Majority Leader Bob criticized Congress. With tempers rubbed raw by what needs to be done. Ribeau said the tour was time Dole - front-runner for the GOP And criticize he did Ed Whipple, vice president for well spent.
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