Published Semi-Weekly by S.M.U. Students' Publishing Company 34th Year SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAS, TEXAS, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1949 No. 39 Mustang Party' Puts Off Consideration by Faculty; 8 Greeks Pledge Support By Bob Andrews Kappa Alpha and Alpha Delta Pi First political party on the cam­ were considered certain to join. pus, the "Mustang Students' Par­ Proportional representation of ty," held its second official meeting unaffiliated students and of Greeks Wednesday in the Lambda Chi fra­ on the council would mean that ternity house. the party would be dominated Bill Hollingsworth, temporary in numbers by unaffiliated students. chairman of the party, said Friday Hollingsworth said he was consid­ morning that the group would not ering the possibility of having the ask for faculty recognition this same number of unaffiliated stu­ week. The monthly meeting of the dents on the council as Greeks. Faculty Committee on Student "Any Plan Draws Criticism" Activities and Organizations was "Any plan concerning fair repre­ scheduled to be held Friday at 2 sentation in the party will draw all p.m. in Dean Tate's office. kinds of criticism," Hollingsworth With the exception of Phi Delta said. Theta, all social organizations, in­ The original plan would have cluding ISA, were invited to the given Independent students one mm Wednesday meeting of the pai'ty, vote on the Council. With ISA said Hollingsworth. definitely out of the party, he said, 'CYCLONE" DAVIS jokes, discusses politics, philosophizes and relates strange and interesting ex­ some provision will have to be periences before a class in life-drawing. See page 3 for story. —Photos by Laugheud. Eight Pledge Support By the end of the meeting, eight made for the unaffiliated. Greek organizations had pledged Hollingsworth explained that McGhee their support to the party. The.or­ many mistakes would undoubtedly Engineers Need ganizations included Kappa Sigma, be made since the party was new, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha but that they hoped to work them School Emblem Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta out. Chi, Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha The Student Engineers' Joint and Kappa Kappa Gamma. council will give a $25 prize for The present organizational set­ Foscue To Attend the best sketch submitted for the up of the party provides for a Ray Morrison, former SMU foot­ be negro spirituals, Russian folk engineering school emblem, Dave (Qualifications council, a governing ball coach and Vanderbilt football songs and several light English Keenan, publicity chairman for board and six committees. The Portugal Meeting Engineers' Day, announced. star, will be principal speaker at songs, ' ® Qualifications council, Hollings­ Dr. Edwin J. Foscue, chairman the SJMU F ounder's Day celebra- Name of the contest winner wil' SMU Fou'nder's, Day banquets worth said, would be made up of of the geography department, will .•••• ti'on March 24. .... have been scheduled in New York, be announced at the Engineers different organizations, each with be a delegate to the sixteenth In­ . Previously scheduled speaker, Chicago, Los Angeles and Wash­ daftice, April 9, Kennan said one vote. sketches may, or may not, include George C. McGhee, has been called ington, D.C., as well as in many Main problem facing the party, ternational Geographical congress out of the country in connection Texas towns. references to the civil, electrical or according to Hollingsworth, is get­ which meets in Lisbon, Portugal,/ with<his State department duties. Matty Bell, head football coach, mechanical engineering courses of­ ting fair representation of unaffili­ April 8 to 15. fered in the school. He will be unable to attend the will be guest speaker at tile Hous­ ated"students on the council. The Sketches should be addressed to Member of the United States celebration, according to George ton Founder's Day banquet. Assis­ ISA council voted Monday not to national committee of the Inter­ Bushong, Alumni secretary. tant coach H. N. (Rusty) Russell Chester Elrod, in care of the SEJC, support the new oarty. Hollings­ SMU post office. national Geographical union, Fos­ will speak at the San Antonio worth said that only recently had Originated "Razzle-Dazzle" All students, ex-students and cue is secretary of the section on celebration. Greeks seen the difference between historical geography. Morrison, SMU athletic director faculty, members are eligible to unaffiliated and Independent stu­ from1915, the year the school was enter the contest, Keenan said. Since 1948; Foscue has been a founded, until 1935, originated the dents. member of the executive committee "razzle-dazzle" brand of football. Girls To Submit Next Meeting March 23 for the geology division and geol- He also coached at Temple uni­ Crakes Receives Next meeting of the Mustang ogy of the National Research coun­ versity, Philadelphia, and Vander­ party has been planned for March cil. ' bilt, Nashville, Tenn. Morrison is Pictures for Queen 23. "Other organizations are ex­ Lambda Chi Award First meeting of the Congress pected to pledge their support Mow football coach at Austin col­ Lt. Col. J. H. Crakes of the was held in Antwerp, Belgium, in lege, Sherman. then," Hollingsworth said. Both Of Engineer Day ROTC was presented with the 1871, when- establishment of the Wayne Acord Memorial award Following simultaneous banquets Nominees for engineering queen international date line was made. Thursday by James Barton, presi­ at 7 p.m. in Atkins hall, Virginia may submit their pictures before Business of the congress meeting dent of Lambda Chi Alpha fra­ Code Class Given hall, the Athletic dorm and the March 31, announced Chester Elrod, in Lisbon involves considera­ ternity. Student Union cafeteria, about 700 social chairman for Engineers' day. tions in cartography, physical The award is presented by the guests will convene in the Student Engineering queen will be pre­ By Radio Society geography, economic geography, Union building for a short business fraternity to the outstanding soph­ sented at the all-student dance, International Morse code classes oceanography and historical geog­ meeting and program. omore cadet in the ROTC. It is sponsored by engineers, April 9, are being held Monday through raphy. in memory of Wayne Acord, one­ Dr. Umphrey Lee will make the Elrod said. Friday, 12:30 to 1 p.m., in 325 Dr. and Mrs. Foscue will join time president of Lambda Chi who welcoming address. During the The queen will be chosen by Caruth engineering building, Dave the United States delegation at was killed last year in a plane business meeting at 8 p.m., Alumni popular vote of the engineering New York. From there they will accident. Keenan, vice-president of the Ama­ President Curtis Horn will make school. "There will be one nominee teur Radio society, announced. fly to Portugal. The award will be officially pre­ a short speech. from each SMU sorority, one from "These classes, sponsored by the They will return April 19 to sented April 5 to the cadet at a Spelling, Slack, Haram to Entertain the Independent Students' associa­ Amateur Radio society, are open attend the annual meeting of the Full Dress revue tq be given by Aaron Spelling and Bill Slack, tion and two unaffiliated nominees to all students who are interested National Research Council in the Twelth Air force. The public aided by entertaihment committee chosen from names submitted to in becoming radio society mem­ Washington, April 22 and 23. They will be invited, according to Lt. chairman Ralph C. Hamm, will pre­ the student engineers' joint coun­ bers," Keenan said. The only re­ plan to return to Dallas April 24. sent a comedy skit. Col. Crakes. cil," Elrod said. quirement for membership in this SMU Seminary singers, directed Name of the sophomore cadet The queen's name will not be society is an interest ' . amateur by Dr. F. D. Gealy, theology school, will be engraved on the cup which West Point Cadets announced until she is presented radio. will present several musical num­ will be placed in a show cane in at the dance. Code classes will be conducted bers. Included' in the program will the old engineering building. Debate on Campus Each entrant must submit her by Dennis Watson, Donald Mc Two West Point debaters, Gor­ name, school, picture, home town Bride, Luther Harmon, and Arthur man Smith and Dave Rogers, were Dance Try-outs Set address, Dallas address, phone Stagehands Needed Evans, ail licensed radio operators. on the campus Thursday as guests number and affiliation. This in­ Dance try-outs for "Vinega- "Vinegaroon" needs persons Plans are also being made by of the SMU debate club. The team formation should be submitted at roon" will be held 7:30 p.m., interested in doing stage work, the society for the assembly of a debated with an SMU team on the the recorder's office, room 117 Tuesday in McFarlin audi­ Griff Carnes, stage director, new 1000-watt transmitter. All stu­ intercollegiate question of federal Caruth, by March 31. torium, according to Tish Sew­ announced. dents interested in learning trans aid to education, according to Nor­ "Any student who wants to be ard, publicity chairman of the Work will consist of building, mitter theory may take an active ma Jean Ballard, debate sponsor. Student Union. considered as an unaffiliated nom­ painting and general prop work part in its arsembly, Keenan said. Immediately following the de­ Those trying out are request­ inee, or wishes to submit the name in the show, he said. Information about the code bate, nine SMU teams left for ed to bring practice clothes, of a friend, may submit her name Those interested meet at 3 classes may be obtained in 325 Nachitoches, La., to attend an an­ Seward said. and picture to the SEJC," Elirod p.m.
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