M01 UT RESUME ED 098 576 CS 201 654 AUTHOR Campbell, Laurence R. TITLE High School Publications in South Dakota. INSTITUTION Quill and Scroll Studies, Tallahassee, Fla. PUB DATE 74 NOTE Sp. RDAS PRICE HF-S0.75 HC-41.50 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Educational History; *High Schools; *Journalism; *School Newspapers; School Publications; *Student Publications; *Yearbooks IDENTIFIERS *South Dakota ABSTRACT This compilation of student publications contains chronologically arranged lists okschool newspapers, yearbooks and magazines founded and in existence in South Dakota high schools. The listings are further categorized according to the title of the publication, the high school, and the city in which it is published. " orpARtutwirC.t-HEAL114 EDUCATION &WELFARE NATt6o4AL.(14ETf WTI OF EDUCATION 11,T W. tit t P4/0 v AS Rt Ctt t) ROM T11 PI 4. "A ,(1% IC.:N HIGH SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS IN SOUTH DAKOTA AT...( P. t'i ItA. (104, ON%ION' s .!L. t %..: hff'.,Fk,l,E PFet 4) Sr N., () toll co By Laurence R. Campbell E ,Los. 'Oh csr4 e0{. ( r rft Director, Quill and Scroll Studies- 1974 1,11 Cr' The High School Newspaper, a 31-page booklet by PaulW. Kieser and Mildred E. C:) Yule., in 1922 reported that "thereare approximately 35 high schools In the state 0 which are now publishing separatepapers containing school news." L.1-1 "A healthy 94 per cent of the schools in thestate published a newspaper, a yearbook, or both," D. J. Cline reported for theyear 1971-72. There were 210 high schools in operation that year in SouthDakota. Published in 1903, the Bear Butte Breezesof Sturgis may have been the first newspaper. Within a decade newspapers or magazineswere founded at Lead, Mitchell, Washington High School in Sioux Falls,and Watertown. The (lass Book was published in 1899 atWashington High School, Sioux Falls. Tb, Phenoii at Brookings appeared in1909, The interlakes at Madison in 1913, The Pate. at 141t Springs In 1914. Brookings changed its yearhookname from the Phenom to the Bomb in 1918, to the Pheasant in 1926,to the Bobcat In 1930. Other yearbooks were founded at the timesindicated: Year Publication High Scho21 Town 1917 The Warbler Mitcholl Mitchell 1921 The Chinook Newell Newell 1926 The Goldeniode Lead Lead 1931 The Lateral Newell Newell 1932 The Monogram Warrior Washington Sioux Falls 1936 The Moraine Strandberg Strandburg 1936 The Mato Palo Sturgis Sturgis 1937 The Redman Sissteon Sissteon 1938 The Pilot Java Java 1939 The Spartan Spearfish Spearfish 1941 The Pride Selby Selby 1950 Cubette Alcester Alcester 195e The Panther Java Java Journalise courses with creditwere taught at Lead in 1926, at Washington in Sioux Fails in 1930; Brookins, 1934; Huron,1936; Hot Springs, 1936; Alcester, 1937; Vermillion, 1943; Sisstoon, 1943; Sturgis,1945; Newell, 1965; Madison, 1965. Newspapers and magazine!, were foundedor In existence at the times indicated below (N for newspaper, M for magazine, LMfor literary magazine): Date Publication High School Town 1903 N Bear Butte Breezes Sturgis Sturgis 1906 LM The Nugget Lead Lead Page two Date Publication High School Town 1908 N The Caucus Mitchell Mitchell 1910 N Sioux Falls Lynx Washington Sioux Falls 1910 N Orange and Black Washington Sioux Falls 1911 N Purple and Gold Watertown Watertown 1914 N Huron Tiger Huron Huron 1920 N The Lookout Spearfish Spearfish 1922 N Junior High Echo Aberdeen Aberdeen 1922 N Blue and Gold Aberdeen Aberdeen 1922 N Brookings School News Brookings Brookings 1922 N 81-Weekly Wall Chester Chester 1922 N Purple and White Cresband Cresband 1922 N The Comment Deadwood Deadwood 1922 N The Growler DeSmet DeSmet 1922 N High School Newsette Fort Pierre Fort Pierre 1922 N Gold and Green Frankfort Frankfort 1922 The Owl Henry Henry 1922 N Highmore High News Highmore Highmore 1922 N The Patee Hot Springs Hot Springs 1922 N The Arrow Howard Howard 1922 N Maroon and Grey Humbolt Humboit 1922 N The Tiger Huron Huron 1922 N High School Pep Java Java 1922 N The Flash Light Lake Andes Lake Andes 1922 N The Cactus McIntosh McIntosh 1922 N The Crocus Mitchell Mitchell 1922 N Newell Student Newell Newell 1922 N The After Thought Philip Pnilip 1922 N Rutland Flame Rutland Rutibnd 1922 N Forward Pass Selby Selby 1922 N Orange and Black Sioux Falls Sioux Falls 1922 N El Rodeo Sturgis Sturgis 1922 N Front Hub Trent Trent 1922 N High School Student Tripp Tripp 1922 N The Megaphone Tyndall Tyndall 1922 N Vermillionaire Vermillion Vermillion 1922 N Push, Energy, Pride Wakouder Wakouder 1922 N Purple and Gold Watertown Watertown 1922 N The Booster Wentworth Wentworth 1923 N Pine Needle Main Rapid City 1925 N The Dakota Aicester Alcester 1926 N Lead Hight Nugget Lead Lead 1926 N (?) Winner Winner 1926 N The Winner Newell Newell 1928 N (?) Bryant Bryant 1929 N The Lookout Spearfish Spearfish 1930 N Searchlight Weabey Weabey 1931 N Brokaco Brookings Brookings 1931 N (?) Oulham Oldham Page three Date Publication HighSc hoo 1 Town 1931 N HIlife Sisseton Sisseton 1932 N Painter Philip Philip 1932 N Maroon Madison Madison 1934 N Blue & Gold SearchlightStrandburg Strandburg 1934 N Sage Brush Leaders Buffalo Buffalo 1935 N (?) Wentworth Wentworth 1935 N Coltonan Colton Colton 1935 N Hilltop Crier Strandburg Strandburg 1935 N Reflector Notre Dame Acae. Mitchell 1935 N Bear Butte Breezes Sturgis Sturgis 1935 N Olson Hot Springs Hot Springs 1945 N Bison Bellow Hot Springs Hot Springs These studnt newspapers were listedin the 1941 directoryof the South Dakota High School Press Association: Publication High School Town HI-Tattler Andover Andover Ash Leaves Ashton Ashton Student Bancroft Bancroft Ticker Bradley Bradley Brar,h I sko Brandon Brandon Hi-Rocket Brandt Brandt Scottie Bryant Bryant Sage Brush Leaves Buffalo Buffalo Bell Butler Butler Stirr-up Camp Crook Camp Crook Chieftan Cheyenne Agency Cheyennc, Agency Maroon and White Clark Clark Blue and Gold Colman Colman Coltonian Colton Colton Comet Columbia Columbia Spartan Conde Conde Coyote's Call Cottonwood Cottonwood Wildcat Custer Custer Bruin Deadwood Deadwood Purple and Gold Dupree Dupree Rattler Eagle Butte Eagle Butte Arrow Messenger Erwin Erwin En La Pampa Faith Faith Echo Farmer Farmer High Flier News Flandreau Flandreau Spirit Flandreau Indian Flandreau Indian Static Fu'ton Fulton Tattler Piano Consol. Fulton Oriole Gayville Gayville Chatterbox Gettysburg Gettysburg Page four Publication High School Town Eagle's View Glenham Glenhbm Goodwinner Goodwin Goodwin Tiger Rag Groton Groton Maroon & Gold News Harrisburg Harrisburg Hati-Twister 4ayti Hayti Hi Lites Hazel Hazel Yellow Jacket Herreid Harrold Broncoscope Hetland Hetland Blue Jay Hitchcock Hitchcock Tiger Rag Howard Howard Party Line ideal ideal Cub Interior Interior Prairie Press Isabel Isabel Java Lite Java Java Kodokan Kodoka Kodoka Hi Lites Lake Andes Lake Andes Hi Notes Lake City Lake City Roosevelt Skits Lesterville Lesterville Mirror McIntosh McIntosh Breezes Eastern Madison Bulldog Milbank Milbank Rustler Willer Miller Lariat Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Chinook Newell Newell School Life New Underwood New Underwood Loudspeaker Northville Northville Hi Lites Oeirichs Oelrichs Cosmic Ray Okaton Okaton Pointer Philip Philip Scotties' Messenger Platte Platte Reflector Ramona Ramona Carillon Cathedral Rapid City Ree Chief Ree Heights Roe Heights Echo Rutland Rutland Eaglet Summit Summit Tally Turton Turton Panther Echo Tyndall Tyndall Cossack Volga Volga Sioux Opinion Wakpafa Wakpaia Peptomist Warner Warner Websterian Webster Webster Booster Westport Westport Bulldog !Mood Wood Eagle Talk Worthing Worthing Hi -Life Woonsocket Woonsocket Beaver Chatter Alexandria Alexandria Cardinal Arlington Arlington Beresonian Beresford Beresford Page five Publication High School Town Broboca Brookings Brookings Headlight Canistota Canistota Echo Canton Canton Echo Castlewood Castlewood Maroon and White Clark Clark Pupil's Press Custer Custer Cruiser Dallas Dallas Reflector St. Mary's Dail Rapids Arrow Athol Athol Pasque Belvidere Belvidere Hilltop Crier Baltic Baltic Hustler Harrold Harrold Consolidated Exhaust Hill City Hill City Fortnight Menno Menno Canary Monroe Monroe Mirror Preshc Presho Hilltop Crier Strandburg Strandburg Broadcaster Willow Lake Willow lake Blue b Gold Aberdeen Aberdeen Dakota Atcester Alcester Clarion Augustana Acad. Canton Tiger Huron Huron Nugget Lead Lead Squeezer Lemon Lemmon Maroon Madison Central Smoke Signal St. Paul's Marty Crocus Mitchell Mitchell Reflector Notre Dame Mitchell Tiger Tales Mobridge Mobridge Pine Needle Rapid City Rapid City Pheasant Call Redfield Redfield Maryan St. Mary's Salem Student Prints Cathedral Sioux Falls Orange and Black Washington Sioux Falls Bear Butte Breezes Sturgis Sturgis Vermillionaire Vermillion Vermillion Purple and Gold Watertown Watertown Woksape Yankton Yankton Additions and corrections to this reportwill be welcomed. The progress of the school press in South Dakota isa tribute to the teacher-advisers and to the South Dakota High School PressAssociation of which H. S. Hepnerwas an able director..
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