FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 13 NUMBER 183 Washington, Saturday, September 18, 1948 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT United States and warrant additional CONTENTS compensation as a recruitment incen­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10000 tive, (b) fix for each such place the ad­ THE PRESIDENT ditional rate' or rates of compensation Regulations G overning Additional Com­ to be paid by reason of such environ­ Executive Order Pase pensation and Credit G ranted Certain ment pursuant to section 207 of the Act, Certain employees of the Federal Employees of the F ederal G overn­ after giving due consideration to the government serving outside the ment' Serving O utside the U nited degree of environmental difference, and United States : additional com­ States (c) prescribe such further regulations, pensation and credit------------- 5453 By virtue of the authority vested in governing such compensation, as may be me by section 207 of the Independent necessary. Additional compensation so EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Offices Appropriation Act, 1949, approved fixed is hereafter in this Part referred to as “foreign post differential.” Agriculture Department April 20, 1948 (Public Law 491, 80th Proposed rule making: Congress), as amended by section 104 S ec. 103. Basis for foreign post dif­ of the Supplemental Independent Offices Grapes, Tokay, in California: ferential. The Secretary of State may Budget of expenses and rate Appropriation Act, 1949, approved June establish a foreign post differential for 30,1948 (Public Law 862, 80th Congress), of assessment for 1948-49 any place when, and only when, the season (Corr.)l-------------- 5462 and by sections 303, 443, and 853 of the place involves any one or more of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. Decision re proposed amend­ following: (a) extraordinarily difficult ment to marketing agree­ 1002, 1006, 1024), and as President of living conditions, (b) excessive physical the United States, I hereby prescribe ment and order (Corr.)— 5462 hardship, or (c) notably unhealthful Rules and .regulations: the following regulations (1) governing conditions. the payment of additional compensation Fruit, dried; statement of policy. 5457 to personnel of the United States em­ S ec. 104. Agencies covered. Subject to Limitation of shipments: ployed outside the continental United the provisions of section 207 of the Act California and Arizona: States or in Alaska, under the provisions and of this Part, every executive depart­ Lemons (2 documents)----- 5458 of the said section 207, as amended, (2) ment, independent establishment, and Oranges------- *---------------- 5458 governing the payment of salary differ­ wholly owned Government corporation Oranges, grapefruit, and tan­ entials to Foreign Service staff officers shall pay a foreign post differential fixed gerines in Florida (2 docu­ and employees serving at certain posts, under section 102 hereof to each of its ments) ------ . ----------------- 5457 pursuant to the said section 443, and (3) employees whose basic compensation is relating to unhealthful foreign posts, fixed by statute and who is located at the Alien Property, Office of pursuant to the said section 853: post for which that differential has been Notices: fixed. Vesting orders, etc.: PART I— ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION IN Behrend, Arthur__________ 5472 FOREIGN AREAS S ec. 105. Persons eligible to receive Braun, George------------------- 5466 foreign post differential, (a) In order Dresdner Bank Filiale, Kairo. 5470 Section 101. Definitions. As used in that an employee be eligible to receive this Part, (a) the words “foreign areas” Ebert, John Leo (2 docu­ a foreign post differential under this ments)_____________ 5467,5468 mean all areas exclusive of (1) the forty- Part, (1) he shall be a citizen or national eight states of the United States, (2) Ek, Irma__ ____________ _— 5472 of the United States, (2) his residence Führer, John, and Chemical the District of Columbia, and (3) Terri­ in the place to which the foreign post tories as defined in section 201 of this Bank & Trust Co-------------- 5469 differential applies, at the time of receipt Hauser, Marta------- ---------- 5469 order, and (b) the words “section 207 thereof, shall be fairly attributable to of the Act” mean section 207 of the Holland, Augusta-------------- 5466 his employment by the United States, Hussmann, Anna-------------- 5466 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, and (3) his residence at such place over 1949, approved April 20, 1948, Public Kuhn, Elizabeth__________ 5468 Law 491, 80th Congress, as amended by an appropriate prior period of time must Meier, Marie__ ------ 5468 section 104 of the Supplemental Inde­ not be fairly attributable to reasons other Momsen, G us____________ 5469 than employment by the United States Nafziger, Isabella_________ 5469 pendent Offices Appropriation Act, 1949, or by United States firms, interests, or approved June 30, 1948, Public Law 862, Novak, C lara--- ---------------- 5465 80th Congress. • organizations. Schaefer, Christiana K., and (b) Subject to the provisions of sec­ W. F. Gall______________ 5470 Sec. 102. Additional Compensation by tion 105 (a) hereof, the classes of per­ Scmah, Sabine------ ------------ 5471 reason of environment. The Secretary sons eligible to receive the foreign post Schmid, Franziska------------- 5471 of State shall from time to time, subject differentials fixed pursuant to section 102 Schramm, Anna---------------- 5472 to applicable law, (a) designate places hereof shall include: Taniguchi, Koichi, et al------ 5467 in foreign areas having conditions of en­ (1) Persons recruited or transferred Valensi, Georges—------------- 5472 vironment which differ substantially from the United States. Von. Wedekind, Oscar, and from conditions of environment in the (Continued on next page) Julia von Knorr------------- 5471 5453 5454 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS—-Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Federal Comunications Com­ Page. Title 7— Agriculture Page FEDERAL^REGISTER mission— Continued Chapter IX—Production and • V , '»34 ¿¡P C ¿/AflTFft “ Notices—Continued M arketing Administration North American Regional (Marketing Agreements and Broadcasting Agreement; Orders) : Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, changes, etc., in asignments of Part 933—^Oranges, grapefruit, and days following official Federal holidays, Mexican, broadcast stations— 5463 and tangerines grown in Flor­ by the Division of the Federal Register, the Television broadcasting, utiliza­ ida (2 documents)------------- 5457 National Archives, pursuant to the authority tion of frequencies________ 5464 Part 951—Tokay grapes grown contained in the Fédéral Register Act, ap­ Proposed rule making: in California (proposed) (2 proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as documents)----------■;----------- 5462 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Class B FM broadcast stations tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ tentative allocation plan: Part 953—Lemons grown in Cal­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Harrisburg and Bloomsburg, ifornia and Arizona (2 docu­ tion is made only by the Superintendent of Pa___________ __________ 5461 ments) —---------- :------------- 5458 Documents, Government Printing Office, Salisbury, Md., and George­ Part '966—Oranges grown in Washington 25, D. C. town, Del_____________ — 5461 California and Arizona—.---- 5458 The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Rules and regulations: Title 22— Foreign Relations which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Radio broadcast services ; stand­ Chapter III—Economic - Coopera­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as ard and FM station perform­ tion Administration amended June 19, 1947. ance measurements postponed Part 1114—Guaranties under The F ederal R eg ister will be furnished by for a year________________ 5460 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.§0 the Economic Cooperation Act per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Federal Power Commission of 1948—________________ 5459 Notices : vance. The charge for individual copies Title 24— Housing Credit (minimum 15«<) varies in proportion to the Canadian River Gas Co.; hear­ size of the issue. Remit check or money ing_________ 5462 Chapter VIII—Office of Housing order, made payable to the Superintendent Expediter : of Documents, directly to the Government Federal Trade Commission Part 825—Rent regulations un­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices: der the Housing and Rent Act There are np restrictions on the republica­ Hearings, etc.: of 1947, as amended (2 docu­ tion of material appearing in the F ederal A. N. S. Sales, Inc., et al------ 5465 ments) ---------------------------- 5460 R eg ister. Bork Mfg. Co., Inc. and Alvin Borkin_________________ 5465 Title 39— Postal Service Greenglass Sales Co. et al,---- 5464 Chapter I—Post Office Depart­ V. M. Products________ —— 5465 Now Available ment: Fish and Wildlife Service Part 127—International postal Proposed rule making: service: postage rates, service UNITED STATES Protection of migratory birds— 5462 available, and instructions for GOVERNMENT mailing------------- — ---------- 5460 Housing Expediter, Office of MANUAL Rules and regulations: Title 47— Telecommunication Rent regulations: Chapter I—Federal Communica­ 1948 Edition Housing_________ ____ _■— 5460 tions Commission: Rooms in rooming houses and Part 3—Radio broadcast serv­ (Revised through June 30) other establishments——1_ 5460 ices __________ _________ _ 5460 Published by the Division of the Federal Interstate Commerce Commis­ Title 49—
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