ISSN: 2643-4008 Elsawy et al. Int Arch Med Microbiol 2018, 1:004 Volume 1 | Issue 1 Open Access International Archives of Medical Microbiology CASE REPORT Streptococcus salivarius Meningitis in Immunocompetent: A Case Report Abdelrahman M Elsawy1*, Hani S Faidah2 and Elrashdy M Redwan3 1Department of Microbiology, Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine, Egypt Check for 2Department of Microbiology, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia updates 3Biological Science Department, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia *Corresponding author: Elsawy AM, Department of Microbiology, Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine, Egypt; P.O. Box 13765, Makkah 21599, Saudi Arabia, Tel: 00966555-38337, E-mail: [email protected] is a Joint commission international (JCI) accredited, Abstract with a history of high grade of fever 2 days ago, inter- Streptococcus salivarius (S. salivarius) is a rare cause of pu- rulent meningitis. We report a case of meningitis due to S. mittent, relieved by paracetamol, severe headache and salivarius in 15-years-old Sudanese boy. Diagnosis was es- generalized fatigability. On day of admission, he devel- tablished based on Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings. The oped one episode of tonic clonic convulsion at home patient responded well to systemic antibiotics and recovered and three times in emergency room. He was intubated completely without any neurological complications after proper and admitted in ICU. supportive measures. In this patient the meningitis caused by S. salivarius was thought to be spontaneous. The importance Assessment of vital signs on presentation revealed of bacteriological diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment for a temperature of 39.2 °C, pulse of 112 beats per min- S. salivarius meningitis is discussed. ute, and blood pressure of 88/50 mmHg. The physical Keywords examination revealed that the patient was toxic, and Streptococcus salivarius, Meningitis, Immunocompetent, irritable. Cardiovascular and respiratory systems were Cerebrospinal fluid normal. Laboratory investigations revealed hemoglobin 13.4 g/dl, total leukocyte count 26.400 cells per cubic Introduction millimeter. Liver and renal function, serum electrolytes, Streptococcus salivarius is a viridans group strepto- calcium and magnesium were within normal limits. coccus found as normal flora in the human oral cavity The patient have no history of epidural anesthesia, [1]. Where it is the predominant species cultivated from spinal myelography, post-traumatic cerebrospinal fluid tongue dorsa, and has been used as a reliable marker leaks, brain abscesses, pericranial fistulas or other pro- for forensic identification of saliva using DNA amplifi- cedures associated with S. salivarius contamination and cation techniques [2]. It is frequently considered a con- also have no recent contact with meningitis patients. taminant and is rarely the source of infection and men- ingitis due toStreptococcus salivarius species infections In view of suspected central nervous system infec- is relatively uncommon condition. More recent reports tion, lumbar puncture was done. Cerebrospinal fluid have suggested that S. salivarius is most commonly as- (CSF) analysis showed an elevated protein level of 169 sociated with meningitis [3]. Streptococcus salivarius mg/dl (reference range, 15 to 45) and decrease glucose meningitis has been reported after spinal anesthesia concentration of 5.8 mg/dl (reference range of 40 to and myelogram procedures [4]. 70 mg/dl). Gram stain of CSF showed no bacteria, but white blood cells were increased 16 cells/cm, with 56% Case Report neutrophils and 44% lymphocytes. With the conclusion A 15-years-old, Sudanese boy presented to the of pyogenic meningitis, patient was started on intrave- emergency department of tertiary care hospital, which nous ceftriaxone (2 gm/12 h), vancomycin (1 gm/12 h) Citation: Elsawy AM, Faidah HS, Redwan EM (2018) Streptococcus salivarius Meningitis in Immuno- competent: A Case Report. Int Arch Med Microbiol 1:004. Accepted: August 06, 2018; Published: August 08, 2018 Copyright: © 2018 Elsawy AM, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Elsawy et al. Int Arch Med Microbiol 2018, 1:004 • Page 1 of 3 • ISSN: 2643-4008 and acyclovir (750 mg/8 h). The patient became a fe- ver, neck stiffness, and neurological symptoms. Classic brile within 48 hours of starting medications. triad can be present in some patient. Multiple studies showed missing of one or more symptoms in acute bac- A Non-contrast computed tomography (CT) angi- terial meningitis. However, virtually all patients have ography of the brain showed the dural venous sinuses at least one of the findings of the classic triad of fever, is mildly dilated with well opacification with no filling neck stiffness, and neurological symptoms [7]. Here defects. The anterior and posterior circulations are well we report a spontaneous case of S. salivarius, typically opacified with no filling defects or aneurysmal dilata- patients presented with signs and symptoms of classic tion. In addition a non-contrast (CT) to paranasal sinus- meningitis when infected with S. salivarius meningitis. es showed mild focal mucosal thickening at both max- These include fever most commonly, then headache, illary sinuses with intact walls of the paranasal sinuses. nuchal rigidity, altered mental status, nausea and vom- The patient serum was negative to any viral markers iting [1]. for Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, Varicella zoster virus, The diagnosis of acute bacterial meningitis is mostly Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, Influenza, Mumps, Measles, Cy- clinical along with CSF findings. In the right clinical set- tomegalovirus. ting headache, neck stiffness, and unexplained fever Bacteria Identification are highly suggestive of bacterial meningitis. The usual CSF findings are white blood cell count of 1000 to 5000/ Routine bacterial cultures of blood, sputum, urine µL with the percentage of neutrophils usually greater and stool were negative, and on hospital day 3 a posi- than 80%, protein > 200 mg/dL, and glucose < 40 mg/ tive cultures were reported from CSF which was collect- dL. However, there have been reports shown in multi- ed on the first day of admission. ple studies where bacterial meningitis has no CSF ab- The CSF specimen was cultured in BACTEC FX blood normalities [8,9]. culture bottles and was incubated using BACTEC FX sy- Non-pneumococcal viridans group streptococci, stem. Three days after initial incubation, a positive cul- such as Streptococcus salivarius, are very rare and ac- ture signal was noted and direct Gram stain revealed count for 0.3-2.4% of all cases of bacterial meningitis, Gram positive cocci in pairs. but increasingly reported infection caused by S. salivar- The isolated S. salivarius strain grew at 37 °C and ius. They are normal flora of the gut and oral cavity and produced α-hemolytic zones on agar containing horse are considered low-virulence organisms [10]. However blood and formed characteristic sticky rice ball-like col- cases of meningitis have been reported, typically after onies on agar plates with sucrose due to synthesize of procedures involving the spinal column. Other cases soluble fructan. Catalase and oxidase were negative. have been reported involving post-traumatic cerebro- Bacteria identification and antibiotic susceptibilities spinal fluid leaks, brain abscesses, and pericranial fistu- were determined by automated microbiology system las [11]. As recently underscored by the Centers for Dis- (Vitek2, bioMérieux, USA), the isolated S. salivarius ease Control and Prevention, S. salivarius and other vir- strain fermented glucose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose, idans group streptococci are the most frequent causes inulin, salicin, trehalose, and lactic acid and did not of bacterial meningitis following spinal procedures such ferment glycerol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylose, and arabi- as anesthesia, accounting for up to 60% of cases [12]. nose. It was sensitive to ampicillin and ceftriaxone. The reported treatments of S. salivarius meningitis S. salivarius strain was not considered as contami- typically included a beta lactam antibiotic, most often nant due to the complete aseptic precautions that were either a penicillin or cephalosporin. The next most com- followed during all procedures of the lumbar puncture mon medication was vancomycin [13]. For uncomplicat- and CSF sample culture in BACTEC FX blood culture bot- ed meningitis, the usual duration of antimicrobial thera- tles, also; S. salivarius strains are not one of the com- py is 10 to 14 days, the patient under report was treated mon contaminant strains in our hospital and finally by vancomycin which is recommended by the American all contaminant strains in our laboratory usually grow academy of pediatrics [14] because of the emergence within maximally 48 hours of incubation. of cephalosporin-resistant pneumococci and it does not need to be continued if the organism is susceptible to Conclusion penicillin or cephalosporins, with intravenous third-gen- Acute bacterial meningitis remains an important eration cephalosporin’s (ceftriaxone); as empirical che- motherapy for meningitis because of high bactericidal cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite activity with low minimum inhibitory concentrations, advances in prophylactic vaccination and pharmaco- high cure rate (> 80%) and less mortality (<
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