z Q F: ar i :i. amen'l: cJ~ I Victoria B.C. - 4 !¢ i m o - Phone 635-7840 #., . Fax 635-7269 Skylink hearing adjourned It appears that the Skylink Airlines appeal against the revocation of its operating cer- tificate may take a considerable amount of time. The appeal, lodged with the Civil Aviation Tribunal,. began in Vancouver Monday after- noon, but was immediately ad- journed when Skylink,s defense counsel was presented with. a mass of background material he had requested from Transport Canada. Skylink's operating certificate was suspended and later can- celled by Transport Minister Benoit Bouchard/ during an, audit of its records prompted by a fatal crash' at the Terrace- Kitimat~ ~rPort Sept. 26. Michael Hutchis0n, Skylink's ~. ,%. .lawyer in the hearing, told the Terrace Review yesterday he Accidents are not predictable.., you always have to be occurred May 8, and the two Ministry of Highways received more than two thick prepared. Two lives were saved when this truck was workers involved were given an award last week. Story volumes of documents shortly unexpectedly struck by a six-foot boulder because the on page 2. Ministry of Highwaysphoto. •after the hearing opened and he use of seat belts were common practice. The accident will require time to study them I II in order to determine the exact reasons for cancellation of the operating certificate. Bears up late Hutchison said Skylink was given periodic "bundles of non- TERRACE -- Even though Last Friday there was a report conforming notices" -- cita- we've had a couple of heavy of a bear on Donald Rd., on tions for breaking regulations -- frosts, bears can still be a pro- Sunday night a driver had to by investigators during the audit blem, according to local Conser- swerve to miss a bear on Lanfear of the operation. The material vation Officer Ken Hoffman. Hill, and most recently, a bear he requested, "a substantial He says there have been several was sighted on Twedle Ave. body of documents", give complaints in the past month, Garbage is always a problem, underlying cross-references to most of them from the Lanfear says Hoffman. Even when various regulations that Skylink area. continued on page 24 allegedly broke or failed to com- ply with. Stephen Rybak, a public af- Pranks start early fairs officer with Transport Canada, explained that Skylink Hallowe'en is always an Best, police are investigating had been given the reasons for exciting time for young trick- a fire lit in a dumpster behind the cancellation, but there is or-treaters but the usual Elker Auto Supply last detailed documentation to sup- problem of pranksters setting Saturday evening and an in. port the reasons, involving sec- off fireworks during ~ the cident on Monday evening in tional cross-references to the Air week preceeding Hallowe'en which two Molotov cocktails Navigation Orders, Air Regula- is a cause for concern. were thrown at Skeena tions, airworthiness directives Besides the fact it is illegal to •Junior Secondary School. and other acts, regulations set off fireworks on private Best says that neither inci- orders and laws. Hutchison was property without permission, dent resulted in serious supposed to receive the material or public property without a damage -- the gasoline by Oct. 19, Rybak said, but on licence, fireworks can be bombs smashed against con. Oct. 26 he was notified that dangerous to the user and crete and burned harmlessly everything he wanted would not It's the busiest time of the year for members of Branch 13 of start unwanted fires. -- but that doesn't negate the be ready by the hearing date. the Royal Canadian Legion. Volunteers like branch presi- At least two events, how- severity of the act. A full "It's a lot of stuff," he remark- dent Peter Crompton will be out canvassing local ever, went far beyond simple report on Tuesday night's businesses for sales of wreaths, and the annual Poppy ed. pranks and could result in Hallowe'en activities will ap- Campaign begins Nov. 3. Both fundralsers are used to help criminal charges. According pear in the Terrace Review continued on page 24 veterans. to Terrace fire chief Cliff next week. I I I I ~ r [" ::: :+ •::: ,~i:i ~;,. ii ) i: i i • ' '~!~t",;:.~!~;+i;?::'? :::;..~:'-f:::-.i +.~ .:;:)~.'• " . ~ ~•• " ::,'~':-+~i ,~ ~ ",~: .. +, " :?,: ' . t:; "+++ •" .... +++ .... .... ..... ++ i:• •i:~:~:i': ~ .. ~! larc,nogen found.... , + .,,., .. ++ii~ i~i!...... [] forestry herbiclde :i:: ii:iiiii: Virtually every application for clusions of Dr. David Monroe, a .... :ii!i!i~:i a permit to use the herbicide Vi- Washington environmental toxi- sion (also known as Round Up) cologist and public health con- in the Northwest during the past • sultant, who postulated the pres- ~1;!'.i. two years has been challenged ence of~the ~chemical after through the Environmentai Ap- analyzing a series+ of deaths in •Japan that resultedr , from the in- m+ peal Board. It now appears that m n appellants will have additional gestion Of Round Up." ammunition in their battle Jy~kkanen Called 350 ppm of 3 againse u~se of the chemical on 1,4-dioxane "much too high to local reforestation sites. be safe for such a carcinogenic +++i • Jorma Jyrkkanen, a biologist substance and.., totally un- living the Northwest, announced acceptable." Dennis Grlffiths and Martin Parks (center) received ICBC's "Living Proof Award" recently recently that a laboratory There are currently two ap- from Terrace ICBC claims unit manager Dennis McKinney and RCMP Constable Ken analysisof a sample of Vision he plications for permits to use Vi- Harkness. This award would not have been possible if itwere not for theproper use of seat says was obtained from the sion in the Kalum Forest belts, + Kalum District Forestoffice District, and both are being ap- revealed the presence of pealed. The history of En- 1,4-dioxane, an established car- ' vironmentai Appeal Board •rul- cinogen in lab animals and a ings indicates that the hearing Seat belt a Iife-sa+ver kidney and + liver toxin in panel will decide •the issue solely humans. The analysis was done on the grounds of whether the On May 8 of this year a right shoulder, flew 30 feet vehicle, engine and body parts by Cantest Laboratories of Van- •chemical isbeing applied Ministry of Highways vehicle through the air before impacting were strewn through a mass of couver, according to the manufacturers was routinely checking the road the embankment, and then pro- brake fluid, antifreeze and oil The lab's findings indicated direction by licensed personnel. surface between Meziadin and ceeded another 30 feet up the for 500 feet from the point of 3~0 parts per million of The board has claimed in the Stewart. The truck, loaded with embankment before rolling over impact. But the evidence was 1,4-dioxane in the surfactant past that it has no power to rule nine tons of lead shot to test the on the passenger side.• in a misleading. Neither occupant of used in the Vision formula. Ex- on the safety of pesticides condition of the roadbase under boulder-f"died ditch. the vehicle sustained serious in- cept for the active herbicide legitimately registered with weight, was being driven by At 4:20 p.m., highways jury. "Both Martin and Dennis glyphosate, all ingredients are Agriculture Canada. Martin Parkes accompanied by regional services manager R.W. are to be commended for using trade secrets protected under Jyrkkanen speculates that the another highways employee, Reimche approached the scene; seat belts which surely saved U.S. and Canadian law. Jyrk- laboratory finding may Dennis Griffiths. Road and the devastation he saw con- them severe injury," Reimche kanen's search for POEA in the ultimately result in the de- weather conditions were dry and vinced him that no one had sur- concluded in his report. mix was prompted by the con- registration of Round Up, an there was tittle cause for concern vived. According to Reimche, .agricultural herbicide, in the as they proceeded west. U,S. under the terms of the But at 2:30 p.m., as they pass- Delaney Act, which forbids the ed Glacier Lake at the base of. 'Trailer' application of carcinogens to the Bear Glacier, they would food, drugs or cosmetics. both have lost their lives had not what "The dioxane finding raises they not been wearing seat belts. 1 ++Interi°rs"Ltd' I once again, serious questions With nowarning, a large rock f~~,.,~o,~o~int,. I it+seems about the registration of estimated to be at least six feet pesticides in Canada and~+ about across crashed d0w~ on-the Complaints registered with. the practice of protecti~ig trade front of the truck, destroying all Terrace city council recently secrets, and suggests that major steering and braking capability. ~~ "'Ail the supplies you need" I regarding a mobile home being reforms are long overdue," Out of control, the vehicle trav- i\ ~.:.~..,~d 4610 Lazeile Ave. I illegally moved onto residential Jyrkkanen said. elled a full 620 feet before com- property at 4709 Straume were ing to rest. In the last 100 feet, l-~ 6$5-6600 I unfounded. Although the unit the truck traversed 40 feet of the looks like a mobile home at first Tills WEEK5 glance, it's not. PUZZLE ANSWER According to city .adminis- Road condition ACROSS trator Bob Hailsor, the unit is hot line ! Possess 6 Stalk actually a portion of an old 4 The, in Madrid 7 Employing recorded messages that describe 7 ........... 8 Solo motel and unlike most mobile Motorists who want to know 10 Oldaulo 9 Endure homes, it meets all CMHA stan- what sort of driving conditions road conditions in B.C.
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