![I Am an Omnivorous Reader (SHJ Summer 2019)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
“I AM AN OMNIVOROUS READER” Book reviews by Lisa Burscheidt, Paul Gillings, David Jones, Paul Thomas Miller, Valerie Schreiner, Nicholas Utechin and Roger Johnson Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers: commentary and scholarship? I should say that I have an Volume 4, January-June 1894. Edited and Annotated article in this volume. E\ 0DWWLDV %RVWU|P 0DUN$OEHUVWDW /HDK *XLQQ DQG The main point of these — and other such publications 0DWW/DIIH\ Gasogene Books ,QGLDQDSROLV ² LV WR VHH WKH ZRUGV 'R\OH ZURWH RU FURVVHG RXW RU SS SEN ZKDWHYHU ,I \RX FDQQRW IDFH SORXJKLQJ WKURXJK WKH ,ZDQWWRNQRZZKRµ³12%´ZDVIRU,GRQRWOLNH handwritten text, you are given an accurate transcription KLP$FROXPQLVWIRUWKH/RQGRQMRXUQDO The Echo , he and detailed annotations. The latter are by Phillip Bergem, ZURWHRQWK-DQXDU\³>+ROPHV@EHFDPHDWODVW ZKRKDVEHHQSURYLGLQJWKLVVHUYLFHVLQFHDQGLW a bore, and many heaved a sigh of relief not only for LVDGPLUDEOHDQGSDLQVWDNLQJZRUN HVSHFLDOO\VRIDUDV themselves, but also for Mr Doyle’s reputation, when the the annotations are concerned, comparing six different famous detective met his match, and fell over the cliffs SULQWHGVRXUFHVRIWKHVWRU\ LQWKH5KRQH9DOOH\²GHDGDWODVW´,VKRXOGSUHIHUWR 7KHRWKHUFXUUHQW¿[HGSRLQWLQWKHVHULHVLV5DQGDOO have met the journalist for The North-China Herald Stock, who tells the history of the MS and highlights 6KDQJKDL ZKRZURWHHOHYHQGD\VODWHU³7KHUHZLOOEH anything of especial interest — I enjoyed his page on genuine sorrow among English-speaking peoples at the a paperclip indentation and a fastener head! Welcome GHDWKRI6KHUORFN+ROPHV´ contributors with papers on subjects ranging from sailors There are so many journalistic gems in this, the fourth and rum, to domestic abuse in the Canon via the Canadian volume in a series that at its present rate of publication 3DFL¿F5DLOZD\LQFOXGH%RQQLH0DF%LUG:DOWHU-DIIHH will stretch to mid-century! Boström and his colleagues and Ross Davies. have tracked Holmesian and Doylean comment in 362 Doyle wrote his manuscripts on pages of various sizes newspapers — from the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald DQGIRUPDWV7KDWIRU³%ODFN3HWHU´FRQVLVWVRISDJHV and Akron Daily Demokrat through to the Wichita Daily VL]HGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ǫ´[´WKHUHDUHOLQHVSHUSDJH Beacon and the Wagga Wagga Express . 7R¿WWKH%6,ERRNIRUPDWWKHSDJHVL]HLVUHSURGXFHGDW This is a very important series of record, but there ´[´DQGLWLVLQHYLWDEO\VOLJKWO\FKDOOHQJLQJWRUHDGWKH are elements of imbalance — a random one-liner from original words clearly — although this is, of course, no the Zacoma Daily News ³&RQDQ 'R\OH LV ZULWLQJ D criticism of the volume’s producers. KLVWRULFDO QRYHO WR EH SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH VSULQJ´ ZKLOH $VDFRGDWKH:LQWHU BSJ 9RO1R FDUULHG close on fourteen entire pages are given to a report in an overview piece by me on all Doyle Holmes facsimiles The Observer of a Royal Academy banquet which that have hitherto appeared. I have no axe to grind, but 'R\OHDWWHQGHG EXWGLGQRWVSHDNDW DQGGXULQJZKLFK PHUHO\ SRLQW RXW WKDW , ¿QG LW VXUSULVLQJ WKDW RQO\ MXVW Micah Clarke was mentioned once. Nevertheless it is a over sixty people in the UK and Europe subscribe to The monumental undertaking, which could not possibly have Baker Street Journal . To my mind, it is a no-brainer that been contemplated before the advent of the internet but 6RFLHW\ PHPEHUV ZKR HQMR\ WKH ³JUDQG JDPH´ VKRXOG still boggles the mind. We are very grateful for it. HQJDJHZLWKWKHRWKHU³JUDQGSXEOLFDWLRQ´ NU NU Deadly Harpoon: A Facsimile of the Original Beeton’s Christmas Annual, 1887: A Study in Scarlet Manuscript of “Black Peter” with Annotations and (Facsimile Edition). Life Is Amazing 3RUWVPRXWK Commentary. The Baker Street Manuscript Series . SS SEN Edited by Glen Miranker. The Baker Street Irregulars . Few of us will ever have the chance to handle the real SS KEN thing. The 1887 Beeton’s Christmas Annual , containing Glen Miranker is a lucky man. I have been privileged WKH¿UVWDSSHDUDQFHRI6KHUORFN+ROPHVDQG'U:DWVRQLQ WRVHHWKHRULJLQDO06RI³%ODFN3HWHU´«LQKLVKRXVH &RQDQ'R\OH¶V¿UVWSXEOLVKHGQRYHO A Study in Scarlet , He owns it. So who better to edit this latest entry in the is a precious rarity: of the thousands that were sold at admirable Irregulars series of facsimile plus erudite railway bookstalls and the like, only eleven complete Sherlock Holmes Journal Vol 34 No 2 93 FRSLHV DUH NQRZQ WR H[LVW ,Q D QLFH IDFVLPLOH ¿UVWUDWHVXFFHVVRUWR Nerve and Knowledge in the BSI’s edition was jointly published by the editors of The Baker Professions Series. Street Journal and The Sherlock Holmes Journal , and RJ in the centenary year of 1987 John Gibson produced an even better facsimile — but both, understandably, were New Light on George Boole by Desmond MacHale and issued in strict limited numbers, and have themselves Yvonne Cohen. Atrium SS KEN become scarce collectors’ items. What the Portsmouth Even those to whom algebra is an incomprehensible publisher Matt Wingett has done, for which he will long foreign language can appreciate basic Boolean logic, and be honoured, is to make a really good Beeton’s available we know that today’s sophisticated computers operate DWDPHUH DQGLQSRWHQWLDOO\XQOLPLWHGQXPEHUV DFFRUGLQJWR*HRUJH%RROH¶VFRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKH/DZVRI Collectors may gloat over their Smith-Donegall Beeton’s 7KRXJKW%RROH ZDVDODUJHO\VHOIHGXFDWHG or their Gibson Beeton’s ; but the Wingett Beeton’s can genius, who, despite having no degree, was appointed the EHERWKFKHULVKHGDQGFRQ¿GHQWO\UHFRPPHQGHGLQWKH ¿UVW3URIHVVRURI0DWKHPDWLFVDWZKDW¶VQRZ8QLYHUVLW\ certainty that anyone really interested can afford a copy. College Cork. He and his wife, a niece of Sir George 7KH $PD]RQ OLVWLQJ LV LQIXULDWLQJ ,I \RX¶UH QRW (YHUHVW KDG ¿YH GDXJKWHUV ZKR DOVR PDGH LPSRUWDQW FDUHIXO\RX¶OO¿QG\RX¶YHRUGHUHGDGLIIHUHQWHGLWLRQRI contributions to science and the arts, either directly or A Study in Scarlet $QGQRQHRIWKH³FXVWRPHUUHYLHZV´ WKURXJK WKHLU RZQ FKLOGUHQ 7KH \RXQJHVW GDXJKWHU relate to this book! Polite messages to Amazon have been Ethel, married Wilfred Voynich, whose name is now ignored, along with favourable reviews of the facsimile. attached to the world’s most mysterious manuscript: see Much better to buy direct from the publisher at www. ³9R\QLFKDQG+ROPHV´E\-DFNLH6SHHOLQ:LQWHU OLIHLVDPD]LQJFRXN 6+- %XWWKHPRVWREYLRXVUHOHYDQFHWRXVLVWKDW%RROH RJ has been proposed as the original of Professor James 0RULDUW\ 7KH HYLGHQFH LV SHUVXDVLYH 6LGQH\ 3DJHW¶V Canon Law: Lawyers, Law and the Sherlockian depiction of Moriarty strongly resembles the only known Canon edited by William A Walsh, BSI and Donald SKRWRJUDSK RI %RROH EXW , VHH QR UHDVRQ WR WKLQN WKDW Zaldin, BSI. The Baker Street Irregulars SS Conan Doyle disliked Boole, whom he never knew. More KEN SUREDEO\KHWKRXJKW³:KDWLIVXFKDPDQ²DJHQLXVD The most frequently encountered professions in the philosopher, an abstract thinker — should turn his talents Holmesian societies are librarian and lawyer. Canonical to crime? He would outdo Jonathan Wild and Adam libraries and librarians might merit a couple of essays, :RUWK´(YHQZLWKRXWWKH0RULDUW\FRQQHFWLRQWKRXJK but the law is an essential element throughout the saga. this is a fascinating and very readable book about an Messrs Walsh and Zaldin, lawyers themselves, have extraordinary and admirable man. assembled a formidable team including notable legal RJ brains from Canada, America, and just one each from India -D\*DQJXO\ DQG%ULWDLQ7KDWODVWLV3HWHU+RUURFNV Sherlock Holmes Cyclopedia Volume 2: Sherlock ZKR GLVFXVVHV 0DWULPRQLDO /DZ DQG &ULPLQDO /DZ LQ Holmes on Screens 1940-1959 E\ +RZDUG 2VWURP ³7KH$EEH\ *UDQJH´ HQODUJLQJ RQ KLV FRQWULEXWLRQ WR Thierry Saint-Joanis. Mycroft’s Brother Editions , www. RXU6RFLHW\¶VPHHWLQJLQ$SULO:HKDYH,UD%UDG P\FURIWVQHWSS¼ KEN Matetsky on murder in the canon; Caroline Mitchell and +RZDUG2VWURP 7KLHUU\6DLQW-RDQLVFRQWLQXHWKHLU Kevin Song on blackmail; Betsy Rosenblatt on patent series on screen Holmeses. Once again, the information law; Michael Miller on the insanity defence; Clifford is presented in a scrapbook format, full of clippings, *ROGIDUE RQ WULDOV 'RQQ\ =DOGLQ %DUEDUD 5XVFK RQ press releases and photographs that many of us will +ROPHV¶V ³JRRG SUDFWLFDO NQRZOHGJH RI %ULWLVK ODZ´ not have seen before. This time, however, it is a more 5RVV'DYLHVRQ+ROPHVDVDQH[SHUWZLWQHVV« substantial volume which covers the two decades from There’s more, of course, all lucidly presented and WR7KLVRIFRXUVHPHDQVWKHPDMRULW\RIWKH DXWKRULWDWLYH7KH RQO\ WLQ\ HUURUV ,¶YH VSRWWHG DUH LQ Rathbone years, and he is covered in depth. But there is so Anthony Czarnecki’s piece on prisons: Holloway was much more which the authors have unearthed: there are DQG LV LQ ,VOLQJWRQ QRW LQ WKH &LW\ RI /RQGRQ DQG WKH unusual appearances in British Pathé features, Hopalong (DUO RI .LPEHUOH\¶V VXUQDPH LVQ¶W ³:RGHQKRXVH´ EXW &DVVLG\¿OPVDQGIRUHLJQODQJXDJHPRYLHV,ZRXOGKDYH Wodehouse 3*:RGHKRXVHZDVDGLVWDQWFRXVLQ 7KH remained unaware of many of these Holmeses without book concludes with the trial of Sherlock Holmes on this book. But as many of them are freely available on multiple charges of illegal activities, the court’s decision WKHLQWHUQHW,QRWRQO\JRWWRUHDGDERXWWKH¿OPV,FRXOG being reported by Judge Al Rosenblatt. Canon Law is a then go off and watch them. I suspect that many other 94 Sherlock Holmes Journal Vol 34 No 2 UHDGHUVZLOO¿QGWKHPVHOYHVVWRSSLQJIUHTXHQWO\WRHQMR\ Daniel Smith’s intelligent, well-written contributions WKH¿OPVEHWZHHQFKDSWHUV to Holmesian literature are interestingly varied, A highlight for me was discovering that my favourite from The Sherlock Holmes Companion KDQGVRPH
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