Federal 'Election' Bef.oreChrlstmas , . ,". r. '. I • THE' DAILY NEWS g (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton IS.ons':; e s ,ust e ence inister Zhukov's Successor IIMarshal Zhukov IBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Marshal Rodlon Y. !\1alinovsky, new defence minister of the So­ viet Union,' is one of Russia's g~k~l~~~~::~:'~~~~~lE~r ~ '= Is Replaced most decorated heroes of the Sec­ In 1948 he was awarded the Or- Union entered the war against By HAROLD K_ MII,KS I' duties-such as premier or dep- ond World War. der of LenIn .for services to the crumbling Japan in its closing MOSCOW (AP)-The stark an- uty premier - could ha\'e only It was Mallnovsky who look SOI'iet Union and' the arm e d days and' MaIlnovsky's armies nOllncement of the removal of one possible effect on the .Soviet . command of Russia's soulhern forces. easily occupied Manchuria and Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov as public. They would read into the front in 1943 and drove the Ger- In. 1951 he add res sed Ihe North Korea. Malinol'sky rarely Soviet defence minisler appears announcement that Zhukov is out. , man Invaders from the' Ukraine, throngs in Red Square on the appeared In thc news aftcr the to Westerners here to reflect Nevertheless, some diplomats the Soviet Union's bread lJl1skcl. Nov. 7 celebration of Ihe Bolshe- . fighting ceased in the war_ more than anything else the su- said "it's safer to wait and .see." For this he was 'promoted from I'ik rel'qj,ution declaring that Rus- He and Georgi Zhukov, along preme con f ide nee of Nikita (Associaled Press correspond; general to marshal. sia had no plans for allacking any with six other marshals. stood Khrushchev that he is boss. ents in Moscow seeking to relay nation. honor guard at Stalin's bier in Diploinatic sources used slIch their interpretation of the Zhukuv As far as Is known, the 59-)'car­ The liberator of the Ukraine 1953. - terms as audacious. surprising removal by telephone to London old marshal holds no Communist I' and the Crimea.' Malinol'sky also Malinovsk~'s last reported pub- and bold to describ e the unexpec- have run into a censorship bar­ party position beyond that of al­ built lip a reputation us a fast- .Iie appcarancc was in .Tanuary of ted step which put another pro- rier. There was an impression ternate member of the party. cen­ dril'ing commander in the Soviet this year when. addressing a con- fessional soldier. Marshal Rodion thev fell Zhukov actually was de~ tral committee. He was named to 1 push across Eastern Europe that ference of you n g Communist y_ Malinol'sky, into the defence moied and unlikely to get· a Ihat post in' 1952. 1 nt last joined Ihc Western Allied Lengue members of' the Moscow t higher post. Senl 10 the Far East after the armies. military district. he demanded a PO~\.ilether Zhukol' is going up or (The AP correspondents said end of the' European war, he led l\Iallnovsky's. for c e 5 swept campaign a g a ins t ideological down, his removal· appeared to they sent dispatches Satur~ay the SOI'let armies Ihal swiftly through Rom ani a, Yugoslal'ia .weakness in the ranks of the So- Weslerners to represent the firm containin~ abstracts 0 f So V 1 e t overran 'Manchurla and North and Hungal·Y. He was thc captor I'iet army. conviction that whatcI'er action press editorials hinting at some Korea. Khrushchev takes there will be dispute inside the Krem\in_ These Mallnovsky remained as SOl'iet no adverse reaction in this coun- dispatches wer~ not received In Far Enstern defence chief aCter' D:e' Ie 11 bakel·· Iry. London or New York and presum­ the end of the war with .Tapan. , .. J' • Most Western diplomats, alter ably were stopped by Soviet cen­ sfud~'ing the manner and timins sors. of the Soviet announcement of (Saturdav night, AP correspon­ TheZhul{ov Zhukov's removal •. were leaning dent Roy Essoyan in Moscow.wl.s loward the "iew that the Soviet cui off as he telephoned II story Declares Satellite hero was being demoted. of Zhukov's remol'al from Mos- Announcement One I'cteran diplomat said: cow to London. The connection "The omission from the official . was broken off as Essoyan' IBid LON DON (CP) - Marshal announcement of any Indication the possible reason for Zbukov'. Georgi K. Zhukov wait' relieved of Helped West's Cause that the change was made to per- remol'al was contained in editor­ his job as minlsler of defence mit Zhukov's assignment to other ials published in the Soviet Union. wII h' 0 u t explanation Salurday nighl. Marshal Rodion Y. MaUn­ By DAVE MCINTOSJI nist party secreta4y. ovsky, also a professional soldier, Canndlan Press Staff Writer Mr, Die fen b a k c r said the was named in his place. OTTAWA (CPl-Nikita Khrush­ launching of the earth satellite Reds Satellite nT. HONOURABLE SIR WINSTON CHURCHILt , The bare announcement issued chev couldn't have done a better had "brought about our Interest Say , E\1~lalld-Sir Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister has by the government gave no hint thing for the West than launch his in the prcservation of the free Imile and a checr~' ",al'e for photographers' and w!!ll·wishen on his arrival of the fulure status of Zhukov, "little moon," Prime Minister world". and .that "without the W-.II' RusslB'sgreatest .lIvlng military . Dlefenbnker. said Saturday night . moon, 'we would have' continued Animals London Airport 011 his return from a summer vacation in Nice, Franc:e, with hero .• . Khrushchev Is Russian Commu- our feeling of disinterest" Carry Churchill.-(lN Photo). Mr. Dielenbaker was talkins to LONDON meuters)-A lecturer back alive and in a good state ef reporters immediately after the was quoted on Moscow radio Sun­ health. After the launchin, ef plane departure of 'Prime Minis­ day night as saying that a new Sputnik it now is possible to HIId U.K. Parliament ter Macmillan of Britain after a earth satellite carrying animals up a .new satellite with animals, Elects Rejects Summit 22-hour "isit to Ottawa which fol­ will be launched in the near fu- the lecturer said. lowed hard on his Washington ture. Such a satellite would be eal Talks conference with President Eisen­ The lecturer said this has been launched in the near future with LONDON (AP) - Prime Min­ Re:assembles' Tuesday howers_ made possible by Ihe successful special instruments registering Ister Macml11an cold - shouldered The Canadian leader suggested launching just ol'er three weeks heart beats, respiratiDn and any LONDON <Reuters) - Parlia­ with which Parliament reopens Canada needs a national training possible changes in the organs of Sunday Soviet suggestions for ment reassembles Tuesday alter. ago of Russia's artilicial satellite neil Today summit talks of all the big pow­ will focus .on· the government's I polley for scientists, engineers -Sputnik_ the animals. credit squeeze to protect the . and technicians_ a Ihree - month summer vacation It was. announced earlier ~n­ ers . with the government facing an pound sterling and curb inflation. He noted that education is un­ The radio report. in English. .IP.CII ~t\n\[~m: ! ~Iontreal's vice inquiry was con- Returning from I WashIngton said Dr. Viktor. Malkin described day that Britain's giant radio­ rIm SI~1I Ilrih·r 'sidercd to have helped him. Immediate attack from the Labor There has been an Increase in the der provincial jurisdiction but ad­ telescope at Jodrelle Bank In conferedce with President Eisen­ Opposition over the mounting bank ratc to seven per t!l!nt from ded: "We have trade schools but at a Moscow polytechnic school 'e!', - Frc.h I But in the last three years he hower and Ottawa talks with Sunday the work done by Soviet northern . England pinpointed. the ,Ia: trrm' fOl' a mn\'or I lias olten faced a hostile council cost of living. five and fresh curbs on borrowing no national delermination" in position of the satellite' at mid­ P rim e Minister Diefenbaker, This is the dominating political from the banks. b scientists, in studying the organs ,t:';:d!orf "ill I" flrd;ll>d while enjoying a slim majority In Macmillan Indicated he does not Labor' may decide 10. move a how 10 employ them to the cst of animals during flight at high night Saturday night after an ur- H~a)' end I"" "f,~di.: Ihe city executll'e committee topic in Britain, and the Socialists advantage. -. gent cabled request from Mos­ think conditions are favorable for vote of censure on the govern, speeds and in the upper layers of , . !::<d. up nf ~'lly in 111'0.\ headed by ally Pierre DcsMar- hlgh.level talks .with the Rus­ say government mishandling of Ihe atmosphere. cow. .roup!. nis. economic pol icy is thc main ment's ecol1omlc policy, but it CANADIAN BACKING sians. will defer action until hearing Mr, Macmillal), ad~rming a NEW SATELLITE 500!\'? The satellite Is silent now that . DTJptau h"~< the In a campaign in which each "I have been In Iwo of Ihese cause of soaring prices. · He said dog s and monkeys ils radio equipment has used up [.(a~uc ir"J II> :'('c. shin has Indulged lavishly in ra· Conservative supporters deny what Chancellor of the Exchequer press conference just before his meetings in Geneva with great Peler Thorneycroft has to say in BOAC plane "Seven Seas" left for which had been scnt up in spe­ its power.
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