1262 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30TH JANUARY 1968 No. of Matter—3 of 1965. Amount per £— MORGAN, Thomas Ellis, residing and carrying' on Is. l£d. First or Final, or otherwise—First and business at The Castle Hotel, Talgarth in the Final. When Payable—16th Feb., 1968. Where county of Brecon, LICENSED VICTUALLER Payable—The Official Receiver's Office, 8, Old and HOTELIER. Court—MERTHYR TYDFIL. Steine, Brighton, BN1 1EJ. No. of Matter—4 of 1966. Amount per £— Is. 2£d. First or Final, or otherwise—First and EAGLAND, James Irvin, of 164, Reinwood Road, Final. When Payable—8th Feb., 1968. Where Lindley, Huddersfield in the county of York, SITE Payable—The Official Receiver's Office, 3rd Floor, NEGOTIATOR, formerly residing at 32, Day Grove House, 3, Grove Place, Swansea. Street, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury in the county of York, and at 59, Bywell Close, Dewsbury afore- GLOVER, Graham Lloyd, of 1, Burnside, Neath in said. Court—HUDDERSFIELD. No. of Matter the county of Glamorgan, Lorry Driver, and —2 of 1967. Amount per £—Is. 5£d. First or formerly carrying on business in partnership with Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Pay- another under the style of Glover and Pickering, able—15th Feb., 1968. Where Payable—The as COACH BUILDERS at Quar Garage, Quar Official Receiver's Office, West Riding House, Road, Neath aforesaid. Court—NEATH and Cheapside, Bradford, 1. PORT TALBOT. No. of Matter—1 of 1966. Amount per £—9Jd. First or Final, or otherwise SCHOFIELD, Edward, of 12, Market Street, Milns- —First and Final. When Payable—12th Feb., bridge, Huddersfield in the county of York, 1968. Where Payable—The Official Receiver's Student Nurse, formerly carrying on business at Office, 3rd Floor, Grove House, 3, Grove Place, 12, Market • Street, Milnsbridge aforesaid, under the Swansea. name or style of Viaduct Electrics, as a TELE- VISION ENGINEER. Court—HUDDERS- LINES, Horace Charles, of 24, York Road, FIELD. No. of Matter—5 of 1959. Amount per Northampton in the county of Northampton, £—5£d. First or Final, or otherwise—Supple- Solicitors' Clerk. Court—NORTHAMPTON. mental. When Payable—20th Feb., 1968. Where No. of Matter—7 of 1954. Amount per £—7d. Payable—The Official Receiver's Office, West First or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Riding House, Cheapside, Bradford, 1. Payable—7th Feb'., 1968. Where Payable—6, Cheyne Walk, Northampton. SECKER, Douglas Vernon, residing at Daisy Hill, Shepley, Huddersfield in the county of York, and BRAY, Anne Grace (married woman), of 400, lately carrying on business at Cliffe Gate, Shepley, Rochdale Road, Oldham in the county of Lancaster, Huddersfield aforesaid, as JOINER and UNDER- lately residing and carrying on business at 110, TAKER. Court—HUDDERSFIELD. No. of Collyhurst Street, Collyhurst, Manchester, 9 in the Matter—7 of 1957. Amount per £—9|d. First county of Lancaster, as the PROPRIETOR of a or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Pay- SWEETS and TOBACCO SHOP. Court— able—9th Feb., 1968. Where Payable—The OLDHAM. No. of Matter—4 of 1960. Amount Official Receiver's Office, West Riding House, per £—4|d. First or Final, or otherwise—Supple- Cheapside, Bradford, 1. mental. When Payable—23rd Feb., 1968. Where Payable—Official Receiver's Office, Townbury WILKINSON, Brian Lewis, residing at 25, Middle House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Salford, 3. .Street South, Driffield in the county of York, and carrying oil business at that address under the WILLIAMS, Norman, 72, Dodgson Street, Rochdale style of B. L. Wilkinson Electrical, and previously in the county of Lancaster, Window Cleaner and under the style of C. & S. Electrical Stores, RE- Off-Licensee, and WATKINSON. Alan, of 86, TAILER of ELECTRICAL DOMESTIC APPLI- Huddersfield Road, Newhey, near Rochdale in the ANCES. Court—K I N G S T O N-upon-H U L L. county of Lancaster, a Grocery Manager, formerly No. of Matter—1 of 1963. Amount per £— carrying on business in partnership under the lO^d. First or Final, or otherwise—First and style or title of Williams & Watkinson at 127, Moss Final. When Payable—14th Feb.. 1968. Where Street, Rochdale, as WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Payable—Official Receiver's Office, Burton's and SMALLWARE DEALERS. Court—ROCH- Buildings, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull. DALE. No. of Matter—5 of 1960. Amount per £—Is. Ifd. First or Final, or otherwise—Supple- • TURP, James William, 90, Prairie Road, Addlestone, mental. When Payable—16th Feb., 1968. Where Surrey. Court—KINGSTON-upon-T H A M E S . Payable—Official Receiver's Office, Townbury No. of Matter—44 of 1966. Amount per £— House, 11, Blackfriars Street, Salford, 3. 2s. 5Jd. First or Final, or otherwise—First. When Payable—14th Feb., 1968. Where Payable WAIN. Maung Maung, DOCTOR of MEDICINE, —100, Addiscombe Road, Croydon. residing at Salfo/d Royal Hospital, Chapel Street, Salford in the county of Lancaster, and formerly BALL, Claude Gerald, residing and carrying on residing at City General Hospital, Newcastle business at " Fernleigh", Cottage Lane, Ormskirk Road, Stoke-on-Trent in the county of Stafford, in the county of Lancaster, FARM PRODUCE and formerly at 37, Hilton Road, Harpfields, MERCHANT. Court—LIVERPOOL. No. of Stoke-on-Trent aforesaid. Court—SALFORD. No. Matter—33 of 1957. Amount per £—4s. 2$d. of Matter—29 of 1962. Amount per £—2s. First First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When or Final, or otherwise—Second. When Payable— Payable—23rd Feb., 1968. Where Payable—Official 9th Feb., 1968. Where Payable—8, Manchester Receiver's Office, West Africa House, 25, Water Road, Bury, Lancashire. Street, Liverpool, 2. BEDDALL, John, Rockdene, Hollyhurst Road, GOVIER, Arthur, of 26, Felmersham Road, Farley Wombridge, Oakengates in the county of Salop, Hill, Luton in the county of Bedford, LORRY DRIVER. Court—SHREWSBURY. No. ASSEMBLER. Court—LUTON. No. of Matter of Matter—5 of 1964. Amount per £—6s. 6d. —21 of 1961. Amount per £—11s. First or Final, First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When or otherwise—First. When Payable—14th Feb., Payable—22nd Feb., 1968. Where Payable—The 1968. Where Payable—6, Cheyne Walk, Official Receiver's Office, London House, Hide Northampton. Street, Stoke-on-Trent. WINNING, Edna May (spinster), Shop Supervisor, DUER, Dennis Max, Motor Fitter, of 20, Crossfields, residing at 50, Shaftesbury Avenue, Timperley, Loughton in the county of Essex, lately carrying formerly carrying on business in partnership with on business as a GARAGE PROPRIETOR under another under the name or style of " Chez the style of " Ley Street Service Station", at 345, Pompadour", at 6, The Downs, Altrincham both Ley Street, Ilford in the said county (described in in the county of Chester, as PROPRIETORS of a the Receiving Order as D. M. Duer (male)). Court RESTAURANT. Court—MANCHESTER. No. —SOUTHEND. No. of Matter—8 of 1954. of Matter—11 of 1967. Amount per £—Is. Id. Amount per £—5s. 8d. First or Final, or otherwise First or Final, or otherwise—First. When Payable —First and Final. When Payable—9th Feb., 1968. —16th Feb., 1968. Where Payable—Official Where Payable—Official Receiver's Office, 4th Receiver's Office, Townbury House, 11, Blackfriars Floor, Carby House, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on- Street, Salford, 3. Sea, Essex. For any late Notices see Contents list on last page.
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