STATISTICAL POCKET BOOK OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1988 NIEPA DC D05091 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH SHILLONG-793 001 iitd). National Systems Unit, Natior"-'-’ c.r-:--r. - .,f DO.- . o.....J) 0 *te / PREFACE The present “ Statistical Pocket Book - 1988” is fourth ia series. The data relating to various sectors of economy of Aru- nachal Pradesh have been presented in this pocket-size publication for the benefit of Planners and Research Scholars. This publi­ cation will be handy for reference. As in earl ier issues. Statistical Pocket Book - 1988 incorporates special tables on population. Vital Statistics, State Domestic Products and 7 th Plan, The data have been compiled from various reports and publication of Directorate of Economics & Statistics, besides those supplied by the Heads of Departments. I acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation extended by Heads of Departments for supplying data. The publication has been drafted by Shri M. S. Adhikari, Statistician assisted by Shri Taw Takur, Sub-Inspector of Statistics. Suggestions for bringing about improvement in this publica­ tion are most welcome. H. C. SHARMA Place : Shillong Director, Date : 10/4/89 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt, of Aruaachal Pradesh, Shillong-793001 SHRI R. D. PRADHAN Hon’ble Governor SHRI GEGONG APANG Hon’ble Chief Minister SHRI T. L. RAJ KUMAR Hoa’ble Speaker CONTENTS Department Source Offices Page No. i) Minister, MLA’s Secretary (G.A.) i—V and secretaries li) General Features Stat. Hand Book vi—vii iii) Altitude of important Stat. Hand Book viii—ix places 1 . Area & population Registrar General of 1~ 18 India. Census-1981 2 . Climate and Rainfall C.E. RWD/DSO/IS 19 3. Agriculture Director of Agriculture 2 0 -3 0 4. Animal Husbandry Director of Animal Hus­ 3 1 -3 6 bandry and Vaterinary 5. Fisheries Chief Fishery OflBcer 3 7 -3 8 6 . Health and Vital Director of Health Service 3 9 -5 5 Statistics and Director of Economics & Statistics 7. Education Director of Public In­ 5 6 -6 5 struction 8 . Co-operation Registrar of Co-operative 6 6 -6 7 Society 9. Industry Director of Industries 6 8 -7 3 1 0 . Forest and Logging Chief Conservator of Forest 74-78 11. Transpoi't and com­ General Manager, A.P. 79—81 munication State Transport/Chief Engineer, PWD/ Director of Postal Services 12. Electricity and Power S. E. (Electrical), Nahar- 82—84 lagun and Pasighat 13. Police Inspector General of Police 85—87 14. Rural Development D irector of R ural Develop- 88—91 ment 15. Rural Works Chief Engineer, RWD 9 2 -9 5 Departm ent 16* Employment Director of Economics 96—98 and Statistics 17. Information and Director of Information 99 Public Relations and Public Relations 18. Electoral Statistics Chief Electoral OflScer 100-103 19. Panchayat RaJ Director of Panchayat 104—106 20. Prices Director of Economics 1 0 7 -1 0 9 and Statistics 21. Marketing & Storage Director of Civil Supply 110 22- Seventh Five Year E. M. Cell, P&D Depart­ 111 Plan ment, Itanagar 23. Circlewise popula- Registrar General of 112-120 tion in A. P. India, Census-1981 Ministers And Their Portfolios SI. Name Portfolios N o. 1 2 3 1 . Shri Oegong Apang Home, Education, Land Records and allotment of land in Capital Com­ plex, Revenue, General Administra­ tion, Appointments, Science and Technology and all other business of the Government as has not been specifically assigned to any Minister. 2. Shri Todak Basar Public Works Department, Law, Elec­ tion and Parliamentary Affairs. 3. Shri Tsering Tashi Rural Works Department, Social and Cultural Affairs, Rehabilitation and Settlement. 4. Shri Tadak Dulotn Power, State Transport and Pan- chayat. 5. Shri M ukut M ithi Forests, Information and Public Rela­ tions and Tourism. 6 . Shri Techi Takar Industry, Labour, Library and Research. (iiJ (Contd.) Si. Name Portfolios N a. 1 3 7, Shri R. K. Khrimey Finance and Planning and Develop­ ment. 8 . Shri T. Ngemu Agriculture and Rural Development. 9 . Shri H. Ponglaham Civil Supply, Supply and Transport and Legal Metrology 10. Shri C. P. Namchoom Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Fisheries and Employment. Minister of State 1 1 . Kumari Komoli Mosang Health and Family Welfare, Econo­ mics and Statistics. 12. Shri Gyati Taka Cooperation and liaison for Commu­ nications ( Posts and Telegraphs ) matters. Source : Secretary (GA), Arunachal Pradesh. (iii) List of Members of Legislative Assembly in Arunachal Pradesh (as on 31/3/87) SI. No. Name of M.L.A. Assembly Constituency 1 2 3 1 . Shri Karma Wangchu 1 — Tawang (I) 2. „ Tsering Tashi 2 — Tawang (II) 3. „ R. K. Khrimey 3 — Dirang—Kalaktamg. 4. „ Japu Deru 4 — Bomdila. 5. Smti Nyari Welli 5 — Seppa. 6 . Shri Kameng Dole 6 — Chayang—TaJo. 7. „ Chera Talo 7 — Koloriang. 8 . „ Tadar Tang 8 — Nyapin—Plain. 9. „ Techi Takar 9 — Doimukh—Sagalee. 10- >t Gyati Taka 10 — Ziro. 11. „ Bora Tamo 11 — Raga—Tali. 12. „ Tadak Dulom 12 — DaporiJo. 13. „ PunJi M ara 13 — Taksing—Taliha. 14. „ Tadik ChiJe 14 — Mechuka, 15. „ LiJum Ronya 15 — Along North. (iv) (Contd.) SI. No. Name of M.L.A. Assembly Constituency 1 2 3 16. Shri Doi Ado 1 6 - Along South. 17. 99 Todak Basar 17 - • Basar. 18. 99 Tapum Jamoh 1 8 - Pasighat. •19. 99 Gegong Apang 1 9 - - Yingkiong—Pangin. 2 0 . 99 Baken Pertin 2 0 -* Mariyang—Mebo. 2 1 . 99 Tade Taebo 21 - Anini. 2 2 . 99 Mukut Mithi 2 2 - Roing. 23. 99 C. P. Nam Shoom 23 — N am sai—Chowkham. 24. 99 Khapriso Krong 2 4 - Tezu—Hayuliang. 25. Kumari Komoli Mosang 25 — Noadihing—Nam pong. 26. Shri Tengam Ngemu 26 — Changlang. 27. 99 T. L. RaJ Kumar 2 7 - Khonsa South. 28. 99 Kapchen R,aJ Kumar 28 - Khonsa North. 29. 99 Noksong Boham 29 - Niausa—Kanubari. 30. 99 HeJan Ponglaham 30 — Pongchau—Wakka. (V) Secretaries and their Assignment SI. Name Department Assigned No. 1 2 3 1 . Shri M. Dai Chief Secretary. 2 . „ M. Dai Secretary (RWD/PWD). 3. „ S. R. Arya Commissioner (Finance). 4. „ T. Ringu Development Commissioner. 5. „ T. Dai Secretary (GA)/Divisional Commissioner. 6 . „ C. S. Khairwal Secretary Education. 7. Mrs. Anila Khrime Secretary Home. 8 . Shri J. M. Tangu Secretary (S«&T)/Secretary to Chief Minister. 9. „ Obang Dai Secretary Industry. 1 0 . „ Tabam Bam Secretary Health. 1 1 . „ P. P. Malhotra Secretary Forest (CCF>. 1 2 . „ R. PadmanavaH Secietary to Governor. (Vi) General Features of Arunachal Pradesh 1. Geographical Area : 83,743 Sq. Km 2. Locition Between Latitudes 26.38oN and 29.30ON and longitudes 9J.30 E and 97.30OE. 3. Bomdary N orth - Tibet East - Burma South - Assam West - Bhutan 4. Capetal Itanagar (height varies from 200 to 750 metres above MSL) 5. Districts Tawaog, West Kameng, East Ka- meng. Lower Subansiri, Upper Su- bansiri. East Siang, West Siang, Lohit, Dibang Valley & Tirap.c^y^i^^*'^' 6. District H. Qs Tawang, Bomdila, Seppa, Ziro DaporiJo, Pasighat, Along, Tezu, Anini and Khonsa.^ 7. No. of Villages 3257 0 8 . No. Towns 6 9. Total No, of Tribes 110 (vii) 10. Ilnpoftaat Tribes Monpa, Sherdukpens. MiJi, Bangni, Aka, Apatani, Nishi, Tagin, Hill Miri, Adi, Momba, Khamba, Mi^ shmi, Nocte, Khampti, Singpho, Wangcho, Tangsa, Y«bin etc. 11. Highest Peak Kangte (7090 metres) in Tawang District. 12. Main rivers ; Tawangchu, Kameng (Bhorali) Tenga, Bichom, Pasar, Subansiri Kamla, Siyom, Siang, Lohit, Dibang, Kam long, Noa, Dihing, Tirap, Namchik, Nrmphuk, Dirak, Nam- sang Tisa Etc. 13. Places of interest Itanagar, Bomdila, Tawang, Gompa, Selapass (4267m.) Malinitban, Bhis- maknagar, Akashiganga, Parsuram K und. 14, Important Mineral Dolomite, Graphite, Quartzite, Deposits Limestone, Coal, Brine, Oil, Natu­ ral gas. Yellow ochre. Marble. 15. Other natural Potential: Abundant forest resources and Hydro-potential. (viii) A.LTITUDE OF IMPORTANT PLACES OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH District/Places Altitude in Metres (Approx) 1. Tarwang District Tawang 2940 Lumla 2410 2. W est Kameng Bomdila 2480 N afra 1000 3. East Kameng Seppa 360 CSiayengtaJo 1280 4. Lower Subansiri ZiTO 1560 KoJoriang 1005 Itanagar 550 5. Upper Subansiri D aporiJo 3 O5 N acho 805 (ix) 6. West Siang Along 350 Basar 650 Mcchuka 1890 Tuting 590 7. East Siang Pasighat 150 M ariyang 1067 8. Lohit District Tezu 210 Namsai 150 Hayuliang 590 9. Dibang Valley A niai 1690 Roing 390 10. Tirap District Khonsa 800 Changlang 490 Miao 260 Longding 1000 Deomali 135 Jairampur 180 AREA AND POPULATION 1.1 Districtwise Ar«a and No. of Villages in Arunachal Pradesh SI. Districts Area io No. of villages No. Km» 1 2 3 4 1. West Kameng ) 9594 280 Tawang ) 2. East Kameng 4134 275 3. L ^ e r Subansiri 13010 770 4. Upper Subansiri 7032 361 -- f 5. W i^t Siang 12006 364 6 . East Sung 6512 143 7 - Dibang Valley 13029 232 8 . L obit 11402 456 ^, TfelP 7024 376 Arunats^al Pradesh 83743 3257 Source :— Register General of India—1981 Census. 2 1.2 Aroa and Population as per 1981 Census Distrksts Area in Population Population No. Sq. Km. 1981 per sq Km. 1 2 3 4 5 1 . West Kameng) 9594 63302 6 Tawang ) 2. East Kameng 4134 42736 10 3. Lower Subansiri 13010 112650 8 4. Upper Subansiri 7032 39410 5 5. WestSiang 12006 74164 6 6 . EastSiang 6512 70461 11 7. Dibang Valley 13029 30978 2 8 . Lohit 11402 69498 6 9. Tirap 7024 128650 18 Arunachal Pradesh 83743 631839 1.3 Varation of Population 1d7ltj981 Popula- Popula­ PercenJftge tion tion Variation variation 1981 1971 1971-81 1971-81 3 4 5 6 1 . ^est Cameng ) 63302 50867 12435 24.45 Tawaig ) 2 . „|^st lameng 42736 35134 7602 21,64 3. ff>wei Subansiri 112650 80914 31736 39.422 4 JL^ppc’ Subansiri 39410 32014 73r96 23.10 5.
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