Was.Kyle, " - IOJ±^JL9- V. ; -to ,^i' '10 ' '. -i . \ '':'lso^\ « ft amx 5s 3* HISTORY ,0F..<N££HB, BATHGATE, BrWC^AhlD^YB^^RK / Fa/adeau S -Is r; §i 5a H! ! KiLffh-e^s \DupTe,y Rorga-ru wlyinxirrd Ldymoruc s /<?<3 /go /6'0 • iJs >i.> • .x j 4 .v„.-;> &! JV5 <T Su/jJ/ct/.X'-'Y J 716 • £rt•Zif/.Wf/k . ft /7.<.'<5 L'.ijije ac. G\i /inore. • '/as. ySymzngton K'5 ^'Jjeari'i/ri'e Syinina/on Sr. 160 .Y /Co ' S n P '' "* ii /co -j;.. #0 ,K" c?f? /6'<? II W, (/c men/ t//'ra.nc/r Tim* /Go * , iiJonc van ." •$ 'Syiiiiiin/on 0 /GO 0 Connor • a /•///•.-, /// . ' >' J-JIoAgari t/r. Est ISO u;o 160 \Collison Gi/llis " \*jusjf. /7 /r; if-— -7^- j co \ /no "• • Jltcghe^ (6o JoA^, i /iV, j Thos. Oil /r,'6- I-v // ' V .AUan De \'ci riey -iOCotinor //ore/an, V So Y *° \T7ios.SyTnzngion. 7 !| Mati.ru SO •Susa.Tma.Ji Gilli. r c /<?<? A?<? ft) a'/SO • '' < ,.« , /go 160 /Go M.J. J.Jf, .. Thos . Pq" Jo h II J. 0. 7(7 , '.A;.v. [Jforqan- \Jforqa.n. %de-va.ri.ey \0 Do ri o i 'a ri Ju.lra.s J '/,' / /Y/// // /V « !/:(;// .SO It •' l -Est . /Co "5 Ho 160 ICO /Go /CO ICO —Af ; j , :' JJ ft) <y •' ?•/ '-"/ i so !- so El/^i/u. j.^r, [i • I). r A le.v rle"tpR Vuprey \M?ConnelZ\ «3fiCoivrieZLKoU. wl*J/ /'ruM'ti\Ba.vtd. if. Fa dd&n. \7forga.n^ Trem.holrru Du II na.ru :!i. a /CO So /Co fg.e. /GO /GO /co /GO |l \ /CO /eo i Roht hr. I'ldi'lr Xo a '.'.• 't /ni Ge. o • y/Zcrcii/r/er, llavir/ •'•' //or/ci II I JSri qfj: A . T. JI ft Uuarhcn/,,,.-!/,. V. (/iiacA'r n /> IIs/i "'•Mr Fa.dd4-.-u /CO /GO tail /co ? to /Go /CO ./'.'o to •^ -4$ -6 ~ Jos , II"" //«/>/ C /i cts. J/o //c ra n, '•/:/i://i: K. G. -°,/.c, ir , ; F.J. r SO W.JJ, //r >rrs/ .M ('onri('// 1 ' u II / 4dams i Ji/a rn.v Car II or Hay/ic/d • ICLS, m il :F Mr fIo//c rem dl / /1 .•; M'!Fad</cfr ' " /CO /CO /Co u ICO /Go /Go -ISO So /GO I • /Go 'Co /.till /.VP Ge. o. r C If" //r.xdiideff nAugUMt ' '""''(;" ' /•/ll/ip_ . A.S. r \Ga-TissI-e. 11 ol.t J/ Co a a el/ Fife, 1 Voc/t Hi I'CO.I He nwi ck I ^ S3.o /Co ICO /co ••' 160 I co " f'CEM. \ if"/ J-i -3fr m 36 Carrie. T. C. ft HZ" into i., . Io I I- TV '"' Ge o. ii: c. [Donovan. J\c II nc / / Z.4o Joiu/lcrri/.>.<,<; Goi/Ss/c I in J- /''/•<! II fa B riggs /CO \/,a I',,'//c ICO ST. /CO /Co /GO /GO Taken from 1893 County Atlas St. Joe Twp. " •£„ 63.5a^ J as. A e*• e L C^J^JI./ohrLsof/A-^\]ty^JoKnsGiU j-g J°Jyd' fit*.s/\\i,monj;es J «•/«,,. rrf 't2*yr z —~ \\ T£& '—h et^ ij | •—a?g-— —1| ;—ziS—-—y ii i^yV i *" 9' $? aoy Jtyde Pelson Twp. NORTH DAKOTA STATE LIBRARY ;- r M"A'tct .«, - **„/ «.; , ,3*. /^]X^t af' 1471,'- 'Wi;^^! %, MrsJT.l'rairie, ."•ft' p j u/' ' : ^-'l'-'.,; g ,».|« 7os\!Ay mo nj- SS./, 85. «c ft i. •-;-' . "a / a-n>. AriAlre,w Craigen- Q ,1 5J3 ? ••Howla.nd- I Mcuci.mAt' J. jr. Tra-nTc Tra n,/c Thos • fer^f Id J"^£ ft FaZdd#.4t.U, >%* ^=oj ^ fjj \JFug/ve..s J)u.prey Ay ma rvd Jy mono/. 5j 5s '/Iorga.ru oo <: Trenieari /eo /GO /GO •f,j<iti,\ J J /60 /Go T3\ /<5^ ~4- - - 4 SuiMs/.N'. & John -vist.jyp/ ft) n ,, ; ft Alph 'tiso J. -• •jc • i- \-Fii<j e II J- Qilmorc ^ymington, Jas. Symington I TV n,e, HsU. 5 ^[BexLvUrie, Symington. y So «) r» /co X ICP ST. S ft 0 /GO /GO SO SO fci —»= hi /60 V dohn, ' -S Ja v I r T • ! C le. men f,Mi ramie, Tirru & g i "wy Donovan, Jl4^Ar ^ ii «?— - /GO 0 Con,ru>T D A x Symington • D ~h- F./LX//, : «< //.^ .., <: \/luglies D« j. ri^- 160 /jr/r/ JT< /GO "< Collison- j Gif-lis JW S : /*•<? 'i . 3s» \T. J.JIo -fe- /GO J4 Hughes /CO Gl iGO 'fir.o -i 5 y^p,/- —' v«*jy: /b- Johns | JjV. Thos , v "jil/err M <j ltrtrve.y \\ //„„/,„,/GO . f 0 Connor flo rga n Dcvancy Jj-, iI St ; 'f°Fug\nittjkas ene Mati.ru- ft v ' -to K. ^ S'lisaiimdi Gi/i I ^0 I T L. 7/7 os.Symz. ngia n. /GO 'I Go s ft I *o /Go /GO IGo j ~ <te^/-a— ngevr^e, •>•• , /Jo ! ^. =——=p= f^=r ^V M.J. J.Jf. • Thos • Jo hri^ J. O. -?<? -7« S u T.J. Q ^1*1 , '/o.< Morgan, JJorga.ri, De,va ney ^3 Donovan, J adra.i ^'felrm,/.t\ /)ar*\Git>son, /fo rga TU Tst. U I 160 /6o /GO /GO xj !6o IGO ><0 -I ?0 v t -At- Ho ~ 80 4. -^ - ?? «) <^ ^^ r Anluine. ' Jf,_A. F- . Robu. v. J)ay d, Ilt-X-th,. J.2\ . a * D. si lex lortfimmpe Duprey M\"Conned/ J/''CovnetL il\M?Taldvn, r Horga.n, Tre.nholme fc V Fas£Je,n, N Jr. /6o I So />u itca-n, , o ./y#.«SY /6V? /GO /GO /Go /60 J r.d ij« /60 tl i John, JiMht FT. Tronic /eo Ge. o • ° i Jos. V. .Xeado W.G>nnclZ\ IBriggx r^ ft A/e~rx II (fje,r , I)(IVid Jioga.n^ JBriggs J.f.'Fife \/il<irhvlibuatiirl,; V. (/) a a ck'e.rvh a sh, Jr. /GO JJuTi 'art- M\ tadAj-.n H8./C /GO 0 160 ?-fo /60 .?,?o Ho alb so s ' so IGo '^r 3jF dos KE. Ch -£? fTv F.J. Roil: Chas. /folderan. _ • Jm d./rxth, K. G. .0J.C. W" 80 das. thi/rfe.r Jlemorest. MY'Connefl Vogr> W. //. Ada ma Ada m'.v Ga rn*,r Ray fiedd tyrFaJde /4S.S3, ^fo/le.ra,rL, Gi/Zi's WFadcU /GO /GO "160 /Go u 160 /6o /60 SO /GO /SO 160 /•tmtse. I T/IOIII i ng Geo. A/v.\ande, • to ,v. a August, Thilip A.S. Ganssle, Roit.MV Council "Rtvnwi c A Fife. \hriinenu Vogt, Wi /cox. i-l use MartXnejiu. t^^ S3.0 /GO /GO 16 o ICO a . /GO 160 sy wy .fes i72t f .M /loir . Carrie, 4*—; ivy T C. u7m, *Antorne, do/in." a i./rZ. Geo. " W. c. JSe.ato n, d.oiigteTiips Ga u.isle Donovan. yra-nfa. TianneJJ, i-ts.so Zind TJrigg.i a LaJSelle. /GO ' 160 ST. /GO 160 160 160 /Go jo Proudly fWe Speak A HISTORY OF NECHE, BATHGATE, BRUCE AND HYDE PARK North Dakota State Library Bismarck, N. D. 58505 1st PRINTING — 1976 2nd PRINTING — 1976 Published By NCCIHV Bathgate History Book Committee Neche, North Dakota ISBN Book No. 0-919212-94-8 Printed by D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd. Altona, Manitoba, Canada Printed in Canada The cover and front and back fly leaves are reproductions of pages taken from an 1893 Plat Book of Grand Forks, Walsh and Pembina Counties. F. W. Ensign & Co., Publishers. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial Secretary: Eileen Winkler Photography: Ray Carpenter Typists: Doris Cook, Eileen Winkler, Donna Newell, Vickie Symington, Adeline Morrison, Carol Stockton Historical Files: Mrs. Harold Jenson Sr. Historical Research: Grant Trenbeath, from the following sources: The Long Ago" by Chas. Lee . Alexander Henry's Journal-(George Conventry Copy.) Mrs. Marion Trengen, Bottineau Manitoba Provincial Archives Ontario Provincial Archives Canadian National Archives — Ottawa National Archives — Washington, D.C. Book Committee and Volunteers: seated I. to r.: Eileen Winkler, Financial Secretary and typist; Marge Trenbeath and Gladys Symington, Co-chair persons; Doris Cook, typist; Grant Trenbeath, Research; back row; Margie Duncan, Juell Duncan, Garnet Symington, Kathleen Thomson, Doug Vosper, Annabelle Trenbeath, Donna Newell, Zoe Horgan, Marie Renwick, Lillie Baier, Lawson Paton, Jessie Paton. F FOREWORD In the annals of the world and even of the story without too much repetition and using the United States, this area's Bi-Centennial best pictures. We did our best; if it turns out hullabaloo would seem to be much ado about wrong we can only say as Lincoln said "A thou­ nothing, for the 1800's are but yesterday on the sand angels in Heaven saying it was right, would calendar of our nation's history. Considered in not change it". another context however, our story is a One of the, as yet, unreaped benefits of this microcosm of all histories: the verdant, virgin history book, is that it will have made people land, inhabited by the animals; the native In­ more history conscious, and that they will have dians following the buffalo; the advent and begun to cherish and preserve the momentos of mingling of the first white man (French) with to-day for the historians of tomorrow. Pictures the natives to form the transitional society should be well-marked, dates noted, people (Metis) without which successful development always identified, for no matter how familiar would have been doubtful; the gradual decline of these things are to-day, memory is a sometime the fur-trader and hunter and the ascension of thing and details will have escaped us tomorrow.
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