Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC January 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 1-17-1997 The Daily Egyptian, January 17, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_January1997 Volume 82, Issue 77 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. That's Trotters: entertainment: Harlem's fa~ous group Glyph chronicles visits Carbondale highlights of 1996. students. inside \'.,J. 82, No. 77, 12 p;iges http://www.dailre,:.•yptian.com HIV testing expanded to an snuc· students GRANTED: Southern Illinois Healthcare makes confidential service available.· DAVE ARMSTRONG DAILY F.GYl'TIA'l RErORTER SJUC Student Health Services rccemly ha!, expanded HIV testing to be a\'llilable to all s10dents, instead of just "high-risk'' patients, the assistant dean of the SIU School of Medicine said. The expansion, which was made possible by an nnnu:il grant of S'l,622 from Southern Illinois Healthcare in November. will serve to provide :ill students with confidential HIV tests for SIO. A test at Memorial Hospiw.1 of . ~---~ Carbondale, 405 W. WiU!iilmt'J Jac~n St. costs S6~. a ..:. --- hosp1Ul.l spokesman said. •The grant will 11:e program will cover ihe costs combme funds from the of 300 HIV ~;~de;~ae11:ft i~ tests O year. 1995, with the grant from •Slude11n, onlv Southern Illinois may be tested Healthcare, said Sharon CHIPPING once every six Hull, the assistant dean of AWAY: months. student affairs at SIU Brice Dion, a • • School of Medicine. •Co~nsel,ng 1s Melissa Michaels. the exercise senior in required before community benefit coor- science from ancl after the dinator for Southern Newton, scrope:. fe5t. Illinois Healthcare. said away ice lhot wos •Students who the grant will allow stu­ formed during the want to sched· dents greater access to ice storm Tuesdoy. ule an HIV fe5t HIV tests. should confad "We were looking at AMYSTRNJSS/ the Sludent HIV Jssues, and we saw O..il;Ei.:\'J'li:m Health Services that students sometimes Clinic, located couldn't ·get test~;• on Greek Row. Michaelssaid ...It was not a case of this service nol a,-m.11111:1. 111. •- being offered off campus; m USC it was more an issue of many students not having tr.Jnsport:llion to these places (that Officials times." said Jack Dyer, cxccuth·e director before the school closes, but public safety offer testing). Our mission is to improve the MELT DOWN: of University Rel:itions. is most imponanL overnll health of the residents in the area we shut down SIUC for only The dxision to close is made by "We consider the m:un campus first," serve."' Chancellor Donald Beggs on the recom­ Dyer said. "Most students are on or nc:ar Michaels said the grant is scheduled to fourth rime in 20 years. mendation from James Tweedy, \'ice campus. 1f they can get here, we usually continue for fh'c years. HIV testing at SIUC chancellor for rulminist.ration. hiwe classes." began in late 1994. HAROLD G. DOWNS "We normally m:ike those decisions at AIU1ough there arc severnl thousand Hull said the expanded HIV testing is DAILY EGYrnAN REro!fTER 5 a.m. as to whether or not we should students living in the resident halls, still expected to be widely used by students. In s.:enes rcmini!ieent of nn icc-sknting close the school." Tweedy said. thousands of students and faculty live "We hope the students take advantage of exhibition. SIUC studcnL<; slipped und slid The decision to close Wednesday was throughout tl1e area and commute lo cam- this senice." Hull said. "I believe \\~ had their way :dong the icy pathways amund 1101 made at the nonnal time because of pus. provided adequate testing before. (the expan• campus Wednesday and Thursday. the unexpected chnnge in we:uJ1cr condi- Tweedy said crews worked throughout sion), but r.qw it. is more readily avnilable. I Frce1Jng rain and below-frec1.ing tem­ tions, Tu'Cedy said. · the night to ensure that conditions would think that as more people learn about it, we peratures contributed to the icy mess, "We were only expecting light precip­ be safe for Thursday's classes. \\ill have more students get tested." • Some students said they ~ad no idea SIUC which the nf city and coun­ illltion. so crews salted the parking lot and Even though other area schools clrised forced closln!! had HIV testing. · ty go\'cmmcnt offices. as well a.~ a virtual the street~." Tweedy saii ..At 5 a.m., Thursd.~y there \\'llS no reason· to close "I do think it is something we need. shutdown of · the SJUC campus, everythinJl looked good. But nn hour S!UC's doors aJlain; Tu'Cedy said, · later, ii (the situation) began to dctc1io• "'Tl1e . stn.'CL~. sidewalks and parking though," said Andrea Bengston, a senio; in Wednesday. Cla.~scs and offices were offi­ social work from Cruoondale. "It \loill be r..ile." . lots were e.xccllent. and the main high­ cially clnst.-d and the only sight of stu­ good to ha\•e this right on campus. If I dents came from the few who had not 111e inclement weather forced Tweedy ways were in good shape," 1\vccdy said. thought I.w-.is posith·e, I'd get tested:· · hcunl the new.,. to decide tlmt the stre.:L~. parking Jots :me.I "Conditions were safe." Hull said the grant will cover the ~pe11.s- 11ic dosing of SIUC is a very rnre sidewalks could not be made safe in time cs of a staff increase. rx·currem.·c. for classe., on Wcdne..~ay. '111e grant \\hJ.S a gin to help us provide • .. In 1he la.~I 10 years. it happened four Dyer said many foctor:s nre considcn.-d SEE ICE;P,\GE 5 tc:.ting for the students," Hull said. "This is:• program which we fell n responsibility II have, and we l1ope to maintain ii." 2 • FRIDAY JANUARY 17, 1997 DAILY OOWfIAN. NEWS ·TODAY • SIUC lb,:uy Affairs • "IUJNET • Non-lim1ianal Sludent Services · Online" minor, .la-i. 21, 7 p.m. • 8 lnlormanan bble, ~ lhmd,ay, 11 .Calendar • Rimicril.:mle,Jon.17,.4Jo6p.m., p.rn., Moois lhory I 03D. Can!cd a.m. b 1 p.m., Hall of Fone in· Ifie China House, 701 S. Illinois. Contoo the U,mgroduolo Desk al .453-2818 Sludent Center. Conlod Mi<hdle at . Sauh al .453-.5029. lo rogisloc .453-571.4. Mo~ clear, winds 10-15 mph. CAl.fNIWl POUCY ' The dcao!w>e for • ~«~s • Prcmcd'iai Probs;r;,ns Associalian • SIUC Women~ Coucus • ~ High: 18 Calend>rltcmol&nro Prol',dmc:y el b-Linguislia 101 - MID PREP Reprcsoobtive ,,,;O oo spoalcei; William War,:e fyffe, "Whet pul,Uatloa d>J1 bdon: 5 la 7 Low: 6 rcsd,oclub:I b-.lan. 17, p.m., . spoal:ing, Jon. 21; 7 p.m., 'tilo ScieooJ Care Gr.us Naod lo KnaN !About ihi !he ...,.,_ The llan Morris lhory Audilori1m. STWENT mw1 !oda&: timt, date, Ill Auditorium. Contod Ker.n ct 68-4· Fincroal arid legal kpeds al Care r'au, admhaloa roll PICTURE I.D. ~- C...'Vlloc:t lhe 3658. Giving and Haw lo Hancle Care SATURDAY; andsi--ofthe....,.t · • Dcpar1ment of Unguh!ia ct .536-3385 Giving Strnss]; Jan. 23, noon, 1hebes a,.dthtcan,e&Ddrhooc: b- man, information. • SIUC lhary Affairs· "Introduction Room in Student Ccn!cr. RSVP to Pcm . olthtrc,r100,uhmlttioi; 1a WWW using Ne!sc:ope DBM)" Sunny, not os cold. tht ltom. Jrm,, J.ould .. Millcr ct .453--4536. • Southcm Baptist Student Mriislries • Seminar, k-'1. 22, 10 a.m. • 11 a.m., High: 29 l,eddmmlormailalto "How Do I Get la Knew God?" Jan. Low: 19 tht 0..1? Ei:iiwn 17, 7 p.m., Bopisl Student Ministries Moms I.bury 103D. Conlod Inc • SIUC lbary Alfars · 1nlroduclion . _Nt-w.ruom, Unclc,grodua!I? Dcslc d .453-2818 to lo WWW using Nc!sccpc Commwuc11.ioru (825 w. MiD}. Cooled Sam cl ,457- · regi~. • Bu~ Room 1247, 2898. (Moci~r Scminar,.Jan. 23, 1 p.m. ·suNDAY: Allcalmdaritamaho - 3 p.m., Moois. Librory 1030. "1'!"2'°"1hel>EWd, • SIUC Women's~· Guest . Cantoct J!ie Undergrad.mo Dcsk at ,poobn, Michelle Kahler, Rosemary Partly cloudy, wormer. rai:o-Noalcnd.ulnfor, UPCOMING .453-2818 lo rogisler. High: 43 m.ation will Ir bl.m Simmons, and Denise Wallis, <JV<r the rJ,on<. • N.lu\.C.P. • Mortin l.u1hcr Kir.g Low: 21 "Nontraditionol Studcnrs and • Sluc!ent DeYclopmcnt - Student life N-cmoriol Biookfost, Spcahr Rev• . Services; Jon. 22, noon, Corinth Aa,iscr lntcrcsl Scs.sian, Jon. 23, 3:30 Sumrnc,; Jon. 20, 7 to 9 a.m. lojd Room in Student Ccnlct: Contoct p.m., Missouri Room in Student Ccnlct. (program lollowing), Trucl:Jood Holl, Connie ~hanahan at .453·-4530. AdJts $3, Yc,u,I, S2 Con1tx.-t r!ie Conlod Vincent ct .453·571 A. Corbordo_le NAACP ct .451•7lJ2. • SIUC liinJry Affoirs · "lnlcrmeclialo . • Society far the Adva:,cemeci of Woo Publishing (tfTMIJ" Seminar, Jon. _· Management· Ne,, member nig,t, Corrections • WSIU-fM- News and sports aud~ tiom, Jon. 20, 2 p.m. • 5 p.m. P-dc up 22, 2 p.m. • .4 p.m., Morris Libuy Jan. 23, 5 p.m., Rehn 108. Ccntoct audition pcdct and sign t,F b- aud'~ 103D. Contoct the 1JndeqJrcxlua1e Melanie cl 549-6059.
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