THE REAL CHAMPIONS Thanks for making this years Dallas conditions, related neurological disorders White Rock Marathon a huge success! Your and learning disabilities. support of the Dallas White Rock Marathon Texas Scottish Rite Hospital provides T E x A directly benefits the lives 8 ongoing treatment to more of many yo~ng ~atients at SCOTTISH RITE HOSPITAL than 13,000 children a . Texas Scotnsh Rite •N-P.111• year - at no charge to their Hospital for Children. · IIMllll.all•• families. Since 1921, our Supported entirely through private efforts have dramatically impacted the lives donations, the hospital has emerged as one of more than 130,000 children around the of the nation's leading pediatric medical world. And thanks to your support, we'll centers for the treatment of orthopedic continue impacting lives for years to come. 2222 Welborn Street Dallas, Texas 75219-3993 (214) 559-5000 (800) 421-1121 www.tsrhc.org I Dear Runners: I December 10, 2000. The tlrirty-fust running of the Dallas was later accused of taking several shortcuts through the White Rock Marathon was one of America's last streets of Paris in order to secure the gold medal - was the marathons of the 20th century. How far our sport - and only participant wearing shorts rather than long pants. Dallas' flagship Marathon -- have come in this century! Seventy years later, Marathon running was slowly becom­ Marathons were a curiosity a hundred years ago. At the ing a mainstream sport for amateur athletes. Still, in Paris Olympics of 1900, only seven men competed in the 1971, when the Dallas White Rock Marathon was first Marathon and the winner - a French candy maker who established and named for one of America's most scenic urban lakes, only 82 dedicated dis­ tance runners - 80 men and two women - braved the 26.2-mile three­ loop course. Dwing those early years, the Dallas White Rock Marathon was run solely in and around White Rock Lake Park, and most participants lived within a hun­ dred-mile radius of Dallas. But look at The Rock today! This year more than 5,600 people from 43 states and eight foreign countries competed in the Dallas White Rock Marathon. Although still a magnet for individual marathoners, more than 2,000 race participants compet­ ed this year as a member of a relay team. Also this year, The Rock attracted a record number of corpo­ rate teams, as more and more American companies support their employees' health and fitness goals. Next year, The Rock enters the 21st century with an illustrious past, a strong tradition, and a crisp new vision for the future. Expect to see new ideas and fresh innovations for 2001, as well as the return of some popular features and fun events from the past editions of The Rock. Join us at the "millennium edition" of the Dallas White Rock Marathon on December 9, 2001. Bob Hancook Chairman of the Board Dallas White Rock Marathon 1 Race Day Weather Time Temp H umidity% 8:00 50 100% 9:00 52 100% J0:00 55 93% 11:00 58 83% 12:00 64 67% 1:00 65 70% 2:00 66 73% High 69 Boston Marathon Qualifying Standards Age Men Women 18-34 3:10 3:40 35-39 3:15 3:45 40-44 3:20 3:50 45-49 3:25 3:55 50-54 3:30 4:00 55-59 3:35 4:05 60-64 3:40 4:10 65-69 3:45 4: 15 70+ 3:50 4:20 ...,..,.._ .. i f j LEGEND ® ...,~"' ''"' • tM,'1'1¥-'I~ 0 ...,_ ® ftoi ,·~ b;d\.ango Polit Tbc 26.2 mile courw. mostly flat but with a few tough hills. begins and end, m tlowmowo Dallas. Along the way. runners pass through the wooded Turtle Creek arc.1. prestigious Highland Park. the channini; M streets. around V.'hite Rock Lake. U1rough beau Ii Iul Lakewood. and the Swiss !\v~nue historical ilistri<L IH=Omt,~ 2 The Men at tlie RoGk I By: Chris Phelan and Lnrry Pao Year '.!000. the Year of the Dragon. marked the return of Azt.ecas International to the Dallas \.\lbite Rock Marathon. Joel Ibarra. a Mathematics professor at the University of Mexico. came to tbe race, unfamiliar with the course. unsure of the competition, hoping for a respectable Lime mid hoping for a win. Ibarra, a member of Dallas-based Aztec.as l ntcma1 ional, came at the request or his coach, Joe Torres. Dominating what would be an unchallenged run for the championsllip, lbana completed the course in a time of 2:26:27. "This is my second opportunity to run in thi!. country." said Tbrurn. the third­ place finisher at the l 995 Dallas Tt1rkey TroL ''f'm very thankful to win." lbarra's wife. lsabel Carreno. had encouraged him lO srart training for the marathon. Carreno, also a Team Aztecas mem­ ber, won the l 993 Dallas Turkey Trot and the l 995 Dallas Race for the Cure. fbarra entered the race hoping to equal his personal best. 2:22. which he ran two years ago at the 1 Monterrey Marathon in Mexico. ''I thought there would be a lot of runners with me," Ibarra: said. 9. Thi!. was not to be. With no one else who could hold his pace, " l ran U1e whole race alone." Ibruni ~ said the many hills along the course kept him from mnniog a faster time because he could llOt main­ 'i tain a steady pace. With the lead well in hand and the victo1y ac;sured. Ibarra eased his pace late in the race. The drama would come from the race for second place. Chris Crawford, of Dallas. said he had no idea he was second overall until after he finished the race. "There seemed to be a lot of peopte in front of me," said Crnwford. who placed thirteenth over-all in 1999. A veteran marathoner, he has run 35 maralhon1-. ''l was figuring on a top-20 finish. Someone told me I was top I 0. r had no idea. I'm not going to believe tJlis until I see it in the newspaper.'' Crawford ran the fu-st eight miles with a pack of runners that included Kristian Braekken and Dave Matlack. At mile 5, Crawford's time wa~ 29: 13. a 5:5 1p ace. Braekken, a first lime marathoner, was the lir~L to drop back from the group. According to Crawford. Brae.kken who would fi nish in fifth place. seemed a Lillie pushed. The remaining foursome continued th rough mile 8 before Crawford decided to back off. With the pack. Crawford had averaged 5:50 per mile through U1c first 8 miles. Well ahead, Jose Castro, one of the founding mcmhers of Aztecas and now with Team Luke's was ruru1i ng in second place. in the no-man's land between lban·a and 1he third plaee pack. [ Crawford had slowed slighlly and would run alone for the next few miles. "I was trying to enjoy the ~ day, and run wbere l felt my body needed to. The spectators in the middle I miles 5-LOI, near the 2nd ~ relay poim were great." Crawford"s wire Lauran. with children Ellen. Will and Ben would cheer him ..____________ __. on at five dLfferent places along the course. Reaching White Rock Lake, his buddy Jeff Roth, Dallas running icon, was on the sidelines, and offered his support. "You gotta run WITH somebody." the local running icon yelled. Crawford could now see Jose Castro up ahead. It would take Crawford 2-3 mjjes to catch Castro. They went through the half-mru·athon point in J: 18:00, a 5:57 pace. By now. lban:a. who had taken the early lead among the marathoners. had steadily increased his lead to more than 6 1/2 minutes_ Crawford and Castro continued, trading back and forth, until mile 22, when Crawford finally pulled ahead for good. As he continued his fight LO get back to city hall, Crawford passed Matlack at mile 25, underneath the Central Expressway bridge. Matlack had now slowed to a jog. The early pace had takell its toll. Castro would also pass Matlack soon. Crawford had overtaken everyone but lban·a, who by now. had already crossed the tinishline. Joel Ibarra finished J4 minutes. 43 seconds ahead of Crawford (2:41: lO). It was the largest margin of victo,y in at least the last 10 years according to John Jenkins, a marathon board member and long­ time volunteer. Ibarra had reclaimed the championship for Aztecas International, a team whose roots i11 the Dallas running scene run deep: a team that had dominated 1he Rock from J 993-1995. posting some of the faster times and some of the most exciting finishes in the history of the race. While lbarra's fin ishing time was slower than he had hoped, it will stand for now as the new course record, ready for nexl year's dragon·s to challenge. Exce,pts from the Dallas ,IJ,foming News Tim Ostermeyer.Background Photo 3 Lrhe 2000Dallas White Rock Marathon Top Finishers J - Top SO Female Finishers Top SOMale Finishers '% % '% \. '% ..., o,,,. 1: \ \ 't \ ... .. 'O '½. \ 't \ \ \ \. \ \ \ "\ 'I,. ~" \ \ Ti.\ \ 'f., \ .,, \. '% ~. i ._ \ 1 6 Riva Rahl 27 TX 2:54:20 6:40 1 ' 3041 Joel Ibarra (29) TX 2:26:27 5:36 2 • 3066 Stephanie Andrews 300N 2:57:46 6:47 2 ' 2409 Chris Crawford (39) TX 2:41:10 6:09 Top Female Masters 3 ' 1844 Monica Green 30 TX 3:07:15 7iJ9 3 14 Jose R.
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