Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, ??–?? (2013) Printed 28 August 2021 (MN LaTEX style file v2.2) An improved chemical scheme for the reactions of atomic oxygen and simple unsaturated hydrocarbons - implications for star-forming regions Angela Occhiogrosso,1⋆ Serena Viti,1 & Nadia Balucani2 1Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCL, Gower Place, London WC1E6BT, UK 2Dipartimento di Chimica, Universit`adegli Studi di Perugia, Via Elce di Sotto 8, Perugia, 06123, Italy Released 2013 Xxxxx XX ABSTRACT Recent laboratory experiments have demonstrated that, even though contribution from other reaction channels cannot be neglected, unsaturated hydrocarbons easily break their multiple C-C bonds to form CO after their interactions with atomic oxy- gen. Here we present an upgraded chemical modelling including a revision of the reactions between oxygen atoms and small unsaturated hydrocarbons for different as- trochemical environments. A first conclusion is that towards hot cores/corinos atomic oxygen easily degrades unsaturated hydrocarbons directly to CO or to its precursor species (such as HCCO or HCO) and destroys the double or triple bond of alkenes and alkynes. Therefore, environments rich in atomic oxygen at a relatively high tem- perature are not expected to be rich in large unsaturated hydrocarbons or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. On the contrary, in O-poor and C-rich objects, hydrocarbon growth can occur to a large extent. In addition, new radical species, namely ketyl and vinoxy radicals, generated from other reaction channels can influence the abundances of hydrocarbons towards hot cores. We, therefore, suggest they should be included in the available databases. Hydrocarbon column densities are calculated in the 1013-1015 cm−2 range, in good agreement with their observed values, despite the small number of data currently published in the literature. Key words: astrochemistry – stars:formation – ISM:abundances – ISM:molecules. 1 INTRODUCTION stellar shells of IRC +10216, observed that carbon is locked either as CO or other O-bearing species when C/O < 1, The interstellar medium (ISM) is extremely heterogeneous while a higher concentration of reduced C-bearing species is arXiv:1304.5899v1 [astro-ph.SR] 22 Apr 2013 with a broad range of temperatures, densities and extinc- present when C/O > 1. The latter condition leads to an in- tions (Snow & Bierbaum 2008). As a consequence a wide crease in the growth of unsaturated hydrocarbons. This has variety of chemical processes can occur. Oxygen is an impor- been extensively confirmed by modelling and observations tant player in the ISM chemistry because it is the most abun- and in particular Woods et al. (2012) found a large presence dant element after hydrogen and helium. Interstellar oxygen of unsaturated hydrocarbons, such as acetylene, by comput- can be found in different forms and compounds, such as neu- ing the physical conditions around carbon-rich AGB stars tral or ionised gas, in the water of icy mantles or even in at sub-solar metallicities. refractory materials. Its gas-phase abundances in the diffuse medium are well known (Meyer et al. 1997), while the oxygen Unsaturated hydrocarbons are organic molecules char- chemistry in denser environments seems to be poorly under- acterised by double or triple covalent bonds between ad- stood due to observational constraints (Jensen et al. 2005). jacent carbon atoms; presently, there is no generally ac- On the other hand oxygen chemistry has been widely inves- cepted explanation of their formation mechanisms but, as tigated towards extragalactic and galactic environments: in mentioned above, their abundances seem to be inversely cor- line with the fact that the C/O ratio determines the kind related to the availability of atomic oxygen (Fortney 2012). of reactions taking place in a specific region of ISM (Tsuji Their most likely reactions start with the addition of atomic 1973), Ag´undez & Cernicharo (2006), looking at the circum- and radical species to their multiple bonds. In most cases, the elimination of a hydrogen atom or of a group follows, leading to more complex compounds (see, for instance, the ⋆ E-mail: [email protected]. cases of the reactions C + C2H2, C2 + C2H2, CN + C2H2, c 2013 RAS 2 A. Occhiogrosso et al Kaiser 2000, Leonori et al. 2008a, Kaiser et al. 2003, Leonori their branching ratios have been determined (Capozza et al. et al. 2008b, Huang et al. 2000, Leonori et al. 2010). Recent 2004; Fu et al. 2012a; Fu et al. 2012b; Leonori et al. 2012). experiments in the gas-phase (Capozza et al. 2004; Fu et al. From the analysis of the measured product angular and ve- 2012a; Fu et al. 2012b; Leonori et al. 2012) suggest that the locity distributions, the product BRs are evaluated (for the C-C bond breaking channel with the formation of CO is an detailed procedure see Balucani et al. 2006 and Casavecchia important reaction channel for the reaction O + C2H2 and et al. 2009). To derive the rate for each reaction channel, O + C2H4, while it is by far the dominant loss path for the we consider the global rate constants for O + C2H2,O+ reaction O + CH2CCH2 (allene). The fact that the reac- C2H4, O + CH3CCH and O + CH2CCH2 scaled by the tions of atomic oxygen with unsaturated hydrocarbons lead experimental BRs (see Table 1 and Table 2). For reactions in one step to CO can have a pivotal role in estimating the (i) and (ii), the rate coefficients and temperature depen- CO abundances both in the gas-phase and on grain surfaces. dence are those recommended by Baulch et al. (2005) in Carbon monoxide is in turn a key species for the synthesis the range 200-2500 K and 220-2000 K for the two reactive of organic complex molecules on grain surfaces since it can systems, respectively. For reactions (iii) and (iv), we have easily hydrogenate to methanol as experimentally demon- considered the rate constants and temperature dependence strated by Modica & Palumbo (2010). Another important recommended by Cvetanovic (1987) in the ranges 290 - 1300 aspect regarding these small hydrocarbons is their loss paths K and 290 - 500 K, respectively. The temperatures of inter- to form CH2. The latter molecular radical is indeed known to est in interstellar objects are lower than those for which the be a potential precursor of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons temperature dependencies have been determined. Therefore, (PAHs) and many studies have been performed to stress we have extrapolated the trends down to 10 K, but this is several implications due to the presence of these aromatic an approximation and important deviations are possible. hydrocarbons on the dust (Verstraete 2011; Salama 2008); The oxygen chemistry with hydrocarbons based on the on the other hand small unsaturated hydrocarbons are the new laboratory data was inserted in the UCL CHEM chemi- building blocks of polyynes (organic compounds with alter- cal model. UCL CHEM simulates the formation of a prestel- nating C-C single and triple bonds) and cumulenes (hydro- lar core (Phase I) and its subsequent evolution once a star carbons with three or more consecutive C-C double bonds) is born (Phase II). During Phase I gas-grain interactions that are also known as starting points for the synthesis of occur due to the freeze-out of atoms and molecules on PAHs. the grain surfaces when temperatures drop down to 10 K. In the present study we focus on the reactions between UCL CHEM accounts for the chemistry occurring in the gas- O atoms and small unsaturated hydrocarbons, namely, phase as well as on the grain surfaces during the free-fall acetylene, ethylene, methylacetylene and allene, under in- collapse of a diffuse cloud. Species can also sublimate due to terstellar medium conditions. In particular, we propose a both non-thermal (10 K) and thermal desorption (200-300 revised chemical scheme (compared to those included in the K) (Phase II). A more detailed description of the model can available databases) where our reaction rates are based on be found in the literature (Occhiogrosso et al. 2011). Besides new experimental branching ratios (BRs) for the different re- new experimental values for the reactions listed above, the action channels (Capozza et al. 2004; Fu et al. 2012a; Fu et new part of the chemical network contains a new species, al. 2012b; Leonori et al. 2012). In order to assess the effects of ketyl radical (HCCO), which is produced in the reaction O the recent laboratory data on the hydrocarbon abundances + C2H2. To date, HCCO has not been detected in the in- across different astrophysical environments, we model four terstellar medium, but its presence was already predicted typical astrochemical regions and we compare our theoreti- in the past by Turner & Sears (1989) who provided an up- cal results with the observations. The paper is organised as per limit for the HCCO/H2CCO ratio. We also introduce follows: Section 2 describes the laboratory technique used the vinoxy radical (CH2CHO), produced in the reaction O and the revised chemistry we inserted in our model; Sec- + C2H4. Furthermore, in addition to methylacetylene, its tion 3 focuses on the modelling of four different astrochemi- isomer CH2CCH2 (allene or propadiene) is explicitly con- cal environments; results are discussed in Section 4 and our sidered. We have used either laboratory data or the rate conclusions are summarised in Section 5. coefficients included in the KIDA database (Wakelam et al. 2012) for the reactions that involve these two hydrocarbon species. This distinction is not present to date in the UMIST database (Woodall et al. 2007)1. 2 THE REACTIONS OF ATOMIC OXYGEN We have investigated how the revised part of the chem- WITH SMALL UNSATURATED ical model affects the trends in the hydrocarbon fractional HYDROCARBONS abundances (relative to hydrogen nuclei) at typical densities The following gas-phase neutral-neutral reactions have been in the ISM (Figure 1).
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