CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN HOMŒOPATHY CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVI, 3 & 4, 2009 Lead me from Untruth to Truth Lead me from Darkness to Light Lead me from Death to Immortality Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28 (This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end. Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.) © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 100 CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVI, 3 & 4, 2009 Part I Current Literature Listing ___________________________________________________________________________ Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc. ___________________________________________________________________________ Just as children stop regarding commonplace events as magical or miraculous when they grow up and learn the process of things, so too we must grow I. PHILOSOPHY out of our infancy and play with energies and learn 1. Magic & Miracles about other forces in Godřs world of infinite wonders. Then the scientist and occultist shall speak with one PANDEY Alok (NAMAH. 14, 4/2007) voice. Then the miracle shall cease to be so or Man needs miracles. It is the occurrence of a perhaps the whole of life and its most seemingly phenomenon which defies the normal process through insignificant events will appear as a wonder and which nature seemingly operates. It really brings out miracle. into the normal world another play of forces and field one who does not know to handle them it appears 2. Der Chinarindenversuch Ŕ Schlüsselexperiment miraculous and supernatural. Man hardly recognizes für die Homöopathie? (The China bark experiment Ŕ Key experiment miracles of the unknown and unborn he passes by for Homœopathy?) without even noticing them. Miracles require certain LOCHBRUNNER Birgit (ZKH. 52, 1/2008) inner conditions as scientist requires certain outer ones. Greater miracles happen silently; miracles may It is well-known that to HAHNEMANN the idea take several directions. Řdawnedř that substances which produce symptoms If we look behind the magic and try to understand in certain well person will cure similar symptoms in and play of forces, then we discover that even this is an ill person, with his China bark experiment. There effective only to the extent that the body was no doubt in his mind since he repeated the consciousness secretly supports the will to cure and experiment and every time experienced in himself the symptoms certainly produced by the China bark the mind gives assent through the faith in the process. infusion. The above essay examines the relevance of In reality, the body is cured only when it has decided this experiment. to be cured and the means it uses is the one in which it The experiments as carried out by has faith. Most men relish emotions on display and to HAHNEMANN were repeated by some but they did that extent this catharsis itself partially helps. This is not experience the symptoms which HAHNEMANN not caused by any great or astounding power on the had with reference to Intermittent Fever, although part of the medium, but rather due to the very nature certain other symptoms did agree. How much relevant therefore is HAHNEMANNřs China bark experiment both within and without Homœopathy, is of group psychology. If we resist or loose faith and so the question raised. Perhaps further experiments instead of assisting the highest alchemy of grace, we may be carried on. [It may be pointed out that only shut the doors to it and thereby complicate and HAHNEMANN had suffered from Malarial fever prolong our own misery. while he was in Siebenbürgen, and the symptoms which were peculiar to him when he suffered from © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 3 & 4/2009 101 Malaria came up when he took the Chinabark observed was probably a result of their own infusion. Most probably a substance will arouse only procedures in Homœopathy, deviating from the those symptoms which the Řproverř is susceptible to. objective e of gentle restoration of health. [This article appears to dub completely the so- It would be revealing if someone who had suffered called ŘHeringřs Lawř; it is not a question whether it from Malaria and had it Řcuredř by Quinine, takes up is a Řlawř or a Řruleř, but the question is whether there similar experiment and see whether those symptoms is a Řdirection of cureř which would indicate that the he had got cured, come up. In my humble opinion remedy is acting as it should; and if the Řdirectionř of such experiment may be more relevant to HERING is wrong then what is the right Řdirectionř? Homœopathy = KSS] Further, is it accepted that the disease is from without to within; if so is it not then right that the cure should be from within without? We have had cases, a small 3. The Harmful Cure observed by HERING and number of course, where the patients who knew KENT in contrast to HAHNEMANNřs Concept nothing of Homœopathic Principles, said of their of Gentle Restoration of Health own, ŘI felt that my pain went from above ADLER, U.C., CESAR, A.T., PADULA, downwardsř, ŘI feel that many of my old, years old, A.E., ADLER, M.S., GRAZZO, E.N., symptoms are returning and going awayř. Personally GALHARSDI, W.M.P., ALVES, A., I feel that if I was not having more cases of this type SOUZA, I.C., Brazil (HL. 20, 1/2007) it only meant that my Homœopathy is still to be improved, that the Řlawř of or Řdirection of cureř is The ŖLaws of Cureŗ for chronic diseases have there; we have also seen external eruptions in the been HERINGřs most significant work for process of cure. We have also seen that persons do generations of homœopaths. KENT endorsed develop eruptions after a surgery like ŘCataractř HERINGřs laws and their ultimate progression up to surgery; what else is it except the Vital Forceřs skin lesions, and included Ŗsevere aggravations, reaction? By the way what is our Řcureř rate with revival of past symptoms and eliminationsŗ among regard to several chronic diseases where none of the the expected results during homœopathic treatment of Řdirectionsř are observed and with what follow-up chronic diseases. Despite the claims of HERING study? The ŘHeringřs Lawř is the yardstick by which and KENT to be Hahnemannřs followers, the cure we measure the extent to which the cure has come standards established by them seem to be quite about and what still remains. By what other harmful and contrary to Hahnemannřs gentle observations can one declare that one has been restoration of health ideal. cured? May be there are opinions that are not The objective of this study is to find out whether acceptable in the light of our own experience; but to HERING and KENT based their arguments and say that HERING and KENT did more harm in the procedures on Hahnemannřs principles when process of cure, is too general a condemnation. It inferring and observing those harmful cure standards. would be helpful if the learned authors give cases Heringřs propositions regarding the Laws of Cure from their own practice Řlasting curesř without any and Kentřs remarks about severe homœopathic Řdirectionř of the cure process. = KSS] aggravations were analysed in the light of HAHNEMANNřs writings. The Řconclusionsř of this study: 4. The Sub-conscious and the Source Ŕ Systematic 1. HERINGřs Laws of Cure cannot be justified Homœopathy: an Unexpected upon Hahnemannřs premises, since according to Approximation to the Mystery of the Soul HAHNEMANN internal and external symptoms SCHLINGENSIEPEN-BRYSCH Irene should improve together, without a specific order of (HL. 20, 1 - 3/2007) direction. The only point of convergence between The author has given a series of three articles on Hahnemann and Heringřs laws is the observation that Ŗdeeper understandingŗ of homœopathic remedies. the latest symptoms that have been added to a chronic The first part starting from its beginnings, inspired by disease are always the first to yield in an antipsoric Hahnemannřs critical mind and thorough treatment. observations, up to the fascinating developments of 2. Misapplying Hahnemannřs recommendations, systematisation in the last three decades. The second KENT was careless with dosage; admitted as article introduces the levels of Systematic Case pathway to cure severe and long homœopathic Taking: ten levels of expressing our experience in aggravations, return of all past symptoms, disease and healing, as shown in a shortened case of exteriorisation against doses and eliminations, which Sealřs milk, Lac phoca. This process opens new were considered by HAHNEMANN as organismřs horizons not only for seeking the exact simillimum in defences against dose excess or incorrect Homœopathy for every patient, but for a deeper prescriptions. understanding of ourselves and the context in which 3. HERING and KENT did not follow we live. The third article documents an illustrative Hahnemannřs principles and the harmful cure they case: Ŗin the centre of a Supernova, - a black aperture © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol.
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