Christ the King CC OO UU RR II EE RR Volume 8, Issue 1 Christ the King Catholic Church May, 2005 Vocations GOD IS CALLING YOU! by Frank Becht Her parents, Lee and Lindel Payton lived in Nashville, Tennessee, where she was born and attended public schools. She attended a We are taught and believe that God is calling all of us to spread our Presbyterian College, Agnes Scott College, in Atlanta, Georgia. She was faith through our example to all whom we encounter. God has some spe- raised as a Pentecostal but the family was not active in their church. She cific needs that He encourages upon certain people. An example is His has two sisters, one older and one younger and a baby brother. During col- call for religious vocations. There is a great need for nuns and sisters to lege she met several Catholic students and became good friends. They serve in our communities as teachers, nurses, counselors, volunteers to influenced her to become Catholic; she was received into the Church in work amongst the poor and needy, and many other ways to serve our April, 2001. It was here that she began to wonder what God had in mind humanity. for her. Luckily her immediate family had no serious objections to her “I’m not worthy,” you say. God says, “I’ll help you become more wor- becoming Catholic. thy; yes, you are a sinner. You are human and I can help you.” You say, “I She had a good job in Atlanta as a computer programmer and she liked don’t feel ‘nunny’,”or you procrastinate and ignore that feeling of need to date, but she felt unfulfilled. It was here that she made a deal with God for satisfaction in your life. Or you say, “nobody else is doing it.” “Give to give her a year to consider His deal. A short time later the desire for me time to think about it,” or “I don’t think my family would approve.” adventure caused her to seek a job in Switzerland with Swiss Air; she was “Ok, I’ll be back” God says as you cringe and feel like running away. accepted. Before the job could materialize, September 11 happened. Joy, How do I know God is calling me? “Simple,” God says, “Do you feel in her frustration and anger at the unfulfilled? Do you crave a greater opportunity? Have you let life pass world and terrorists, “caved in” “A vocation is you by? Is marriage and family not for you?” God says, “Listen to Me; I to God’s wishes. He had can make you whole and give you a fulfilling life.” harassed her for months. She a mystery of divine election” joined the Handmaids of the Pope John Paul II - Gift and Mystery Sacred Heart of Jesus, whom she THE NEED had known for some time in The need is enormous for sisters and nuns in all our Catholic commu- Atlanta. She entered their con- nities across our nation, particularly in education. In 1965, there were vent in Miami, Florida. approximately 180,000 nuns in the United States; today there are less than Can you imagine what a 70,000. Every Diocese is suffering from the loss of nuns; schools are scary ride God gave Joy until she being closed down due to shrinking Diocesan and parish resources. In acquiesced and became Sister 2003 over 120 schools closed down. There are over 100,000 fewer Joy? Now she is feeling more Catholic students today than three years ago. fulfilled in her new life as a Prior to the 60’s, sisters, brothers and priests staffed most schools. Novice located in Haverford, Today, 95 percent of Catholic schoolteachers are laity who have various Pennsylvania. She continues to backgrounds in the Catholic faith or often are members of other faiths. We struggle to live God’s way and have lost our ability to pro- leave behind her old lifestyle. vide affordable religious edu- After Joy’s story, do you still cation to our students at all feel that you are unworthy and levels. that God would not consider Many other factors also you? Try Him. greatly impact the ability of Listen to what God may be our Catholic communities to saying to you, and pray. “God provide quality Catholic edu- help me to eliminate the confu- “There is a pressing need to imple- cation to its membership. In sion in my life.” ment an extensive plan of vocational addition to the increase in If you would like to find out promotion, based on personal con- tuition to maintain our more about Sister Joy and her tact and involving parishes, schools, schools, the demographic journey in the religious life, con- and families in the effort to foster a shift in population in many tact her at www.be-a-nun.org. more attentive reflection on the parishes creates a tremendous Sister would love to hear from essential values of life. These values you and answer any of your burden on the parish to con- reach their fulfillment in the tinue providing quality edu- inquiries. response which each person is invit- cation. An increase in sisters to teach in our schools is a ed to give to God’s call, particularly dire need for the salvation of An article written by Jamie when the call implies the total gift of Catholic education. Malernee of Knight-Tribune News oneself and of one’s energies for the Service first appeared in the Florida sake of the Kingdom” (Novo millen- Times Union on January 14, 2005. GOD IS CALLING Contact with Sister Joy Payton of the nio ineunte, 46) Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Sister Joy caring for a child in El Salvador Let me give you an exam- Jesus resulted in her assistance in the Message of ple of how serious God is. above article and photographs. Sr. Joy His Holiness Pope John Paul II for the nd God recently called a most unsuspecting and improbable candidate to can be reached through website 42 World Day of Prayer for Vocations serve Him as a nun. Her name is Sister Joy Payton, a 27 year old who had –www.be-a-nun.org, or by emailing her a good job and was not really interested in a new life style. at [email protected] Elsewhere in this issue: Sister Joy’s Story .................................................................... page 5 Dennis Stoddard .................................................................. page 18 Deacon Dave MacNamara ................................................... page 7 Elmer Aponte .................................................................. page 20 Father Alan Bowers ............................................................... page 32 Father Thanh’s Story .......................................................... page 14 Page 2 Christ the King Courier May, 2005 Father Thanh’s Message “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave problems during his papacy and school was initially accredited thanks and distributed them to forgiving his would-be assassin. He before she became our principal, those who were reclining and also trusted God enough to say and act under her leadership it has as much of the fish as they wanted” and “be not afraid” wherever he maintained its accreditation status -John 6:11 went. His life did make a difference throughout the years. While she has in our lives and in the world. “Deo been principal, she has The above quote is part of gratias.” accomplished a lot not only in our chapter six of the Gospel of John school but for Catholic schools regarding the Eucharist. A boy gave Look around you. There are throughout the diocese. May she Jesus the little food he had and with many people who share their lives find joy and peace with her family, it Jesus fed the multitude. I wonder with others for the love of God. friends and church community in if the boy felt a sense of loss when Deacon David MacNamara is a retirement. he gave away his food to Jesus, a husband and a father. He celebrated sense that soon must have turned to his 25th anniversary as a deacon last In my pastoral experience I joyous awe as he witnessed what April 23 at the 5:00 p.m. Mass. He have seen many men and women followed. has dedicated himself to serving who gave selflessly to their family. It took many years for the early God and his community. Some have stayed single in order to Church to realize that its life was to be there for their parents or other share in the life of the Trinity. God Over the years he has left his family members, taking care of shares his life with us. Our life imprint on the Diocese of them when they were ill. Their reflects divine life to the extent that Tallahassee-Pensacola where he dedication to family is we share what we have with others. helped Bishop Gracida develop a commendable. families are just ordinary people Some of us have much to share; Diaconate Program - the first in who through God’s influence have others have far less. How different Florida. Then he went to St. As for married couples, I pray made a difference. I want you to our world would be if we trusted Petersburg where he served as that you continue to share selflessly know that your sacrifice does make God enough to share what we do Diocesan Administrator to Bishop and to love each other with respect a difference. have. Larkin, our founding pastor. and honor according to the vows you exchanged on your wedding Finally, I thank God for the Pope John Paul II made a He came back to Jacksonville day. As parents, you share your life gift of the Eucharist where Jesus difference in our church and world to Christ the King and at to nourish your children.
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