6 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1917. TWO OF THE OLDEST INDIAN FIGHTERS WHO ATTENDED ANNUAL REUNION YESTERDAY. EMPIRE BUILDERS ARE CITfS GUESTS TAR yky . if; w y "The House of Hits" r' Washington at Park Pioneers Flock to Portland VJ u for Reunion and Will Hold f i i f A Sessions in Auditorium. '5 :""-- ; s V .. '.''5'. ss.l-:r- f .,"-!,- .' A - - Vi ; ....,. i MAYOR WILL WELCOME Informal Gatherings Today and Ban- quet Tonight Are to Be on Pro- gramme, Which WUI Include Tales of Early Days. I e-- t , - 1 S .s . , . - I V , Let Portland put on her holiday at- tire. For the Oregon pioneers will be Ys ' 4" - ' guests of the city today. X7 ? Z MIS : " "iA It will be their annual reunion, end they are coming from near and dis- tant parts of the state to Join in the attendant festivities. While the formalities of the meet- ing will take place this afternoon, the Joy of the occasion will be centered on " 1 1 the informal gathering this morning i ' - ' x - fc.v:K and in the big banquet tonight. I A i.x.y i ftp1 t y . A AJw j For the first time In the annals of the pioneers they will be able to meet In their own building, for the new Municipal Auditorium has been dedicat- ed to the use of these venerable empire builders. Scores of Pioneer Redster. Cyrus Walker, president of the asso- ciation and the first white child born In the Whitman missionary colony at Walla Walla, arrived in Portland yes- terday to attend the reunion of Indian War Veterans. He predicts a record at- tendance this year. Scores of the - .11- - "boys" and "girls" registered yesterday rir with George H. Hlmes, secretary of xcn.5 their organization. 'ion cst'ofSS44 While the morning will be devoted tOfx o (9So. to those happy reunions between in- e&r J dividuals and families that always fill the pioneer meetings with a full meas- ure of Joy and thanksgiving, the con- than 100 members, all of whom are ventions will be observed this after-no- n Deputy Sheriffs. Guns and ammunition with the following programme: VETERANS Ifi TOWN have been furnished the guard by the RAID Patrlotlo muBlo by veterans of the Civil state, and target practice is being held SCARES SHIPS I 15 If &l "" i War J. G. Chambers and D. R. Amldon, dally. fifera; J. E. Hills. J. M. Bennett, John Wat-ro- d and W. I. Palmer, drummers. Call to order by Cyrua II. Walker, 1838, This is the celebrated vamnire of Frannft preeldant. i TYPE OF FAIR CHANGES Invocation, Rev. Joseph H. Cornwall, 1846, whose beauty, vivacity and talent are the chaplain. Heroes of Indian Wars Are German Blockade Are "Star-Spangl- Runners i Song, ed Banner, Veterans Jackson County to Abandon $A talk of Paris this season. She's wonder- Quartet W. M. Morse, H. W. Mills and Z. Horse M. Parvln. and audience standing. Amazed by State's Growth. Racing More Cautious. fully alluring. and Concentrate on Food. ivs: t Address of welcome. George L. Baker, ' . , r.-i- f I 1 Mayor, a Gon of Pioneers. :A ' f Ii Response, Cyrua H. Walker, president-Coronati- MEDFORD, 18. of Mother Queen of Oregon. Or, July (Special.) Mualc, "My Own United States," Veteran Because of the war and the Importance Quartet. OFFICIALS PAY TRIBUTE of the food supply, the directors of the FLEET OF 17 DESTROYED REGINA BADET Annual address. A H. Tanner, 18R5. County Remarks, "Our Pioneer Dead of the Past Jackson Fair Association have Tear," Charles B. Moorei, past president. decided to abandon the horse races, in "The Golden Lotus" Contralto solo, selected. Mrs. Mabel C. bucking contests and motor races, Layfield. of Chicago, a daughter of Oregon with the same splendid company that made Pioneers. Commissioner Mayor which have characterized county fairs Ilolman, Baker in the past, and concentrate upon the Naval Circles Assert Dutch Waters Sarah Bernhardt's amazing 'Mothers of France' Appointment of committee on resolutions, display of go today. by President Walker. and Others Welcome Visitors agricultural products and Too Shallow for Battle to Have QTA Added only today and tomorrow: Solo, Special selected. Dr. Stuart McGulre. pianist foodstuffs. prizes will be 11A.M.-11P.- Music, "America, Veteran Quartet, and and Tells of State's Debt awarded this year for the best display Been Fought Within Daily "The Mystery of the Double-Cross-" audience, standing. of wheat, corn and oats, and a great Adults 15c, Children 5c Benediction, Rev. Joseph H. Cornwall, to Early Day Heroes. deal of attention will be paid to do- Three-Mil- e Limit. V chaplain. mestic canning and kitchen economy. Oregon Products to Be Served. The fair will not be held at the fair- Immediately these exercises the grounds this year, but Nata-toriu- m, YUMIDEN. Holland, 17. after at the Tuesday, July tlon in all the allied countries if Mon- was decided that, owing to the lateness Klickitat Valley and a banquet. The entire party will proceed to the base- (Continue!! Pace.) which is in the center of the The German merchantman Magdalena day's coup ment of the Auditorium, where a mon- From Firat city on the banks of Bear Creek. An succeeds in putting a halt of the season, which has made so much object of the association is the location, Blumenthal. which went ashore off to the traffic between the Rhine and extra work for the farmers, that the construction and maintenance of an all-ye- ar ster picnlo dinner will be spread, with and forethought and hardships endured Innovation this year will be water Hamburg, by the compliments of the Oregon Home by the Indian veterans of the past. sports as an adjunct to the school ath- Sandvoort while attempting to run the which has been increasing in fair to be held the Citizens' Leasrue military highway and touring Industry League, A. i. letic programme and special British blockade from Rotterdam to recent weeks, with greater boldness "of Eastern Lewis County In Morton this route through Washington. Oregon, of which Clark Deplored. military on the part of the German captains. Fall should, in their opinion, be con- Idaho, Utah and Arizona to the Grand la manager. Latk of Pensions drill. Germany, is a total wreck. The crew, The A galaxy of pretty women have been Cyrus Walker, in his speech of re one of whose members was wounded, British withheld their stroke fined to the onion growing contest Canyon of the Colorado and thence Mich- until the largest flotilla thus far sent and the school exhibit, which have been Bast, known as the Evergreen High- recruited from the ranks of the sponse, compared conditions then with has been landed. by on way S. igan Society, Daughters The 17 this route was well its and prepared by Superintendent F. Thomp- way. the of Indian conditions now; how the ox team In NEZ PERCES OPPOSE DRAFT Blumenthal was one of the then dealt a quick, hard blow. Already son, of consolidated District 214. In War Veterans and the wives and German merchantmen which put out It has been daughters of the Rotary Club to wait the logging camps has given way to from Rotterdam, most of which were announced from Rotterdam addition to this, in the opinion of the gas engine. Commissioner to Be that Germany has decided to lay up SO Big Bottom committeemen, such ex- Hood River Beans Damaged. upon the table. A crew of cooks and the Asked on What either stranded, sunk or captured by coat steamers there of attempt- assistant cooks at the Benson Hotel Otto Kleeman, the errand adjutant. British destroyers. Instead hibits as may be sent from other fairs HOOD RIVER. Or., July 18. Last Grounds Indians Must Serve. ing to run them home through the sea held in this section can be shown here. night was the of season have volunteered their services. spoke regretfully of the failure of lane. Preparations Bremer hottest the The annual campfire and business pen- LONDON, July 18. The allegation of for the fair and here. The heat of today has been tem- place Audi- widows of Indian fighters to get newspapers the Mosayrock fair are going on. and at pered by a cooling wind. meeting will take in the sions LEWISTON. Idaho. Julv in Dutch that part of Mon- be west The torium tonight, beginning at 7:30. The from the Government. cial.) fa day's encounter between British de- these places excellent exhibits will bean crop has suffered severely. Where meeting be concluded, John M. Moore, who fought Indians The Commissioner of Indian Af- stroyers SEASON LATE FOR FAIR shown. water is not business will it fairs will be asked to state clearly and German merchantmen available the beans will is estimated, in half an hour, after In nearly every Western state, urged upon what grounds which were attempting to run the be ruined. which the campfire exercises will be the organization to affiliate with the the members of the blockade from Rotterdam occurred in Some) Lewis County Members Would Evergreen Highway Being Promoted conducted. Nez Perce tribe are to be drafted for Dutch territorial waters Is generally National Association of Indian War war service. This matter has been GOLDENDALE. Wash.. July 18. (Spe-ciaDr-B- en Bank President Suffers Stroke. Yesterday was a busy time at the taken up by Chief discredited in naval circles here. The Limit Exhibitions. headquarters of the Oregon Pioneer veterans. only reports thus far received at F. Hin.
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