V -s-V. ■■ V. %f.' s > . : ) • V''-' - ' I, V' i ^ ‘ f ^ - > .- ? i> - - ,.fc ’ 'r ' tHUBSOAY, MAY 1864 PAGB TWENTY t~lfianrlrf0ter lEtt^ttbts H^ntUt . / . Avaraga Dai^ Nat P) For the Weak I h May U, 1N4 m Membem o f Manchester Oirl Cast AtuKMinced Scoots will assemble at Rennet 4 « l to About Town Junior High School at 9 a.m. For ECHS Play 1 3 ,9 8 1 /Saturday for the Memorial Day r oC the Audit Mohardt Barggren of 88 Oor- parade. The central neighbor­ at OraOMom m U St. has received a Southern hood win be with the float; and Tbnlght at 8, the-curtain will TS. CSeanaoaicut State College Fo- then will be the northeapt, up on the first major pro- Manehe$ter~—A City o f ViUoge Chorm renalo Union Award for debat­ northwest and southwest nel^- S cUon, "Arsenic and Old ing, ha honor awards ceremonies borhoods, in that order. Each Lace,” o f the Senior ’Thespians YOIe LXXXm , NO. fOB thia moradUg at the New Haven neighborhood will carry Ita own of East CathoUe High School. (BIXTBBN PAGBft-TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY MAT 29, 1964 U) achooL banner. Scouts are reminded to ’The three-act play hy Joseph PRICE SBVIeN d N l| be in full uniform with white Kesselring is a myatery-comedy. Pinohurst i» featuring the finest rranlrNj. Holer, an appren- gloves and regulation shoes, no Members of the cast include find in the State of Connecticut Th»* tloeeeeanm'to the United States sne^ers. Ann Russell as Abby Brewster: -Navy and a ^ of Mr. .and Mrs. John Mihalak, the Rev. Dr. guarantee, but with specially select^ U. S. choice ^ o Herald Ftaak J. Holer,n|3 Dale Rd., Is ’The Salvation Army will con­ Huper; Jonathan Jeffries, Ted meat, aged to the tenderness’ and flavor jo u « * attending Sonar ISchool at the duct an open air service at Main dy Brewster; Richard Mc­ Tomorrow Naval Station at Key West, Fla Emd Birch Sts. tonight at 7:30. Adams, Officer Brophy; Roland pect when you go to a famous steak house for din­ U. S. Sees Larger Role Maj. E. Walter Lamie will be Messiel-, Officer Kleen; Oall ner, we know you will find tenderness in every The llanobester Lions Club the speaker. Larson, Martha Brewster; Ellen The Herald will not will meet Tuesday at 6;30 p,m. McOrail, Elaine Harper; Ed bite. v publish tomorrow. Me­ « t WUUe’s Steak House. A rep- ’The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ M 1 r e k, Mortimer Brewster; morial Day. reaen'tative from the Southern sor a card party at 8 p.m. to­ Frank Chetalat, Mr. Gibbs; Cook them outdoors, or broil them In the o v e n - New England Telephone Co. will morrow at the post home. Donald Beaulieu, Jonathan buy them at these special holiday prices . Drive carefully and discuss the World’s Fair. Brewster; Roland Bernier. Dr. enjoy the holiday. Members- of the VFW Post Einstein; JEunes Prestlles, Offi­ In Asia Crisis for UN Miss Jane Hald, daughter of and Auxiliary planning to par­ cer O’Hara: Thomas O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hald, ticipate in the Memorial Day Lieutenant Rooney; ind Barry U.S. CHOICE SIRLOINS 89c and 99c lb. S7S HllUard S t, has been placed parade Saturday will assemble Sullivan, Mr. Witherspoon. on the Dean’s Ust at Wagner at the Army Navy Club at 9 Serving on the publicity com College, Staten Island, N. Y., for a.m. Open house will be held at mlttee are Sharyn Larala, Dyn U.S. CHOICE PORTERHOUSE lb. 1.09 Events To Consider acadonle achievement during the post home Saturday. na Claglo, Betty Weiss, Ann the M l semester. Fitzslmmonds, Glorja Mlglletta. For London Broil or barbecue family s t e ^ , we Sueh a Step Kathy O’Connell and Denise suggest Pinehurst Boneless ' ^ In State Members of World War I Bar­ Jacques. , racks and Auxiliary planning to 8 Area Women ’The backstage crew is oom participate in the parade Sat­ prised of Marie G i^on, Susan IMPERIAL BARBECUE STEAKS lb. 99c In Honolulu urday win meet at Main St. and Aid at Parley Barron, Patricia Duprw and 100 Protest Plan Hartford Rd. at 9 a.m. Audrey Wlllafd. Dolrig the By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Eight women in the Manches­ makeup for the cast will be Sp ^ ial Clod or Round To Put Hot Water WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of the Manchester ter area, all leaders of statewide Penny Sussa, Kathy Hues, Ann U.S. officials are.rejxirted Emblem Club will be among orgEuiizations, will assM at the Gomes and-Betty Devins. those attending EnOeld District annual conference of the Serv­ LONDON BROILS lb. 1.19 In Salmon River seriously considering the Deputy Night to be held June 2 ice Bureau for Womens Organi­ possibility of the United, at 7 p.m. at the Connecticut zations Tuesday from 9:16 a.m. ESSEX (AP) — About Nations undertaking a Light and Power Auditorium. to 2:30 p.m. at Hartford Col­ Pinehurst . Morrell Ham can be used so many 100 sportsmen, conserva­ larger role in war-tor» lege for Women, Hartford. tionists and residents ^Vhe passi)ort bureau In the Those attending from Man­ ways . a perfect meat for the three d ^ long Southeast Asia than has so Federal Court Building, Main chester and their organizations holiday. ’ ' voiced protests last night far been suggested. St., Hartford, will be closed to­ This Is one of the lines of are Mrs. Melvin T. Jochirasen, RESTORES against operations for the morrow. ’The office will reopen United Church Women; Mrs. BLACK TOP i roposed Connecticut Yan- acUon expected to be discussed Monday morning for those MORRELL’S PRIDE HAM when American policy-makers John Rieg, Soroptimists, and & BEAUTIFIES ee Atomic Power Co. plant wishing to apply for passports. Mrs. Barbara Wallett, American SEALER I meet In Honolulu Monday and Legion Auxiliary. YOUR DRIVEWAY whole or butt half lb. 59c in Haddam Neck, especially Tuesday to work out recommen­ Mrs. Czerwinakl admires the citation given her by Leclerc, left On the right is Recreation a plan to dump hot water dations for President Johnson. From Ellington, Mrs. Ralph Superlntendant James Herdlc. (Herald photo by Pinto.) PROTECTS AGAINST Hayden, Parent-Teacher Associ­ into the Salmon River. After studying the recommen­ ation, and Mrs. Dorothy Preuss, GAS OIL WEATHER MORRELL'S E-Z CUT HAM/ Fully Cooked ’The oppoaltlon ranged from dations, Johnson may make WINDOW SHADES American Legion Auxiliary; terday’s meeting was dedicated fears of a radiation buildup in Mourners pause In homage and strew rose petals on crude brick construction some iniUal decisions on the EASY TO USE . U.S. course of action. from Columbia, Mrs. George to the memory o f the 49 mem­ the area to the posaible detri whole or buH half ........lb. 79e containing the ashes of India’s Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru near the With the Communist offensive LON6 WEARING Oreenway, Girl Scouts; and Mrs. Czerwinski Cited bers who have passed away JUST POUR i SPREAD mental affect on fish life. Jumna River in New Delhi today, (AP Photofax.) from Rockville, Mrs. Bernard since the club was organized In Anthony Wallace, vice prea- In Laos apparentiy slowed Both Hams are hockless . wasteless. ..................... ■ ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------4 ---------- do>vn, the air of urgency over INTERSTATE Gorman, Business and Profes­ February 1966. Ident o f the C<»mecticut Light W. H. ENGLAND and Power Co., told the public the Southeast Asian situaUon CLEANTEX sional Women, and Mrs. Leland By Senior Citizens Club In memory of the departed, has eased. Welton, Patont-Teacher Associ­ Mrs. Bertha Payite, a club mem­ LUMBER CO. hearing that Yankee Atomic Made to Order officials have not yet formally India Faces The Honolulu conference will ation. The highlight of yesterday’s^ achieve the success it has over ber, sang "Abide with Me.” 640 MHMDLB TPKE. EAST Johnson to Spend take a long-range look at the WIUi Yonr Rollers decided that the Salmon Rivar ’The women will assist teach­ final dinner meeting of the sea­ the past four years, and for ren­ would be used as a diiqk>Ml problems of trying to secure ers in the six classes at the con­ Ofhsr Holiday Suggestions By FULL LINE OF CUS’TOM son of the Senior Otizens Club dering an extremely invaluable area. Crisis Over peace and stability in Laos, Viet ference, and serve as hostesses was the presentation of a Na­ service to the ’Town Recreation Nam and Cambodia, as well as VENEUAN lUNDS at a limcheon at 1 p.m. Dr. ConnOctleut Light and Power tional Recreation Association Department. la one of 10 arms partieipating Holiday at Ranch discuss the immediate problems /Eather M. Westervelt, a mem­ award to 'Mrs. Erma E. Cser- Part of the program of yes- Pinehurst's Service Meat Dept, arising out of the Communist ber of the committee on home In the atonic project. ’The plant Next Leader wlnskl of 254 Henry St., who, will be located on the Oonneetl- offensive*. L A. JOmiSON and community of President for the past four years, has Expanded miliUry action by Kennedys Commission on the FARM FRESH CHICKENS eut River, but the coolant JOHNSON e m r , Tex. (AP) '^future, "offer new programs to NEW DELHI, India (A P )-A served as coordinator of the water would empty into the the United States is another of Status of Women, will speak at ' 4 President Jedmson made a solve new problems.” struggle (or the government PAINT GO. Sponsors Committee for the Salmon River, a nearby tribu­ leadership left vacant by the the possible courses to be con­ ■■ t: .
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