Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 3-7-1994 Columbia Chronicle (03/07/1994) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (03/7/1994)" (March 7, 1994). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/193 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. THE ffiLUMBIA COLLEGE MARCH 7, 1994l the reason Wes Junior said. Wea Meinhaldl, a 27-year-old "He waa always helping out Columbia SIUdent llld fal1lez d police and firemen," Junior two, died in the early morning added. "He was going to take the hours d Feb. 19 due to injuries test to become a fueman soon." resulting from a highway accident. Meinhardt died after the Meinhardt was in his second motorist's car was struck by a hit year at Columbia and took cour­ and nm driver. The owner of the ses mainly in film and video disabled vehicle was also injured. production. The car that left the scene of "His goal was to becane either a the accident was abandoned and fireman a have a aweec in film and found by police. Its driver sur­ video, whicheverwakedoutbest," rendered last week. said Meinhardt's wife, Debbie. A memorial service was held Circumstances surrounding for Meinhardt on Feb. 24 at Gib­ Meinhardt's death are still not bons Funeral Home, 5917 W. known. Police are investigating Irving Parle Road. He was laid to the accident rest at Queen of Heaven A! Junia, friend Sid ~wala:cof Cemetery in Hillside. Meinhlrdtat B's Brahers ~ Meinhardt was born live and Towing, believes !he February 9, 1967. Mf.W !)F./I qualilieslhatmadehim lllexceplioo­ He is survived by his wife, I STILL*> al pmoo may have putMeinlatlt in Debbie; sons, 2-year-old Andy the wroog pla;e 811he wroog time. and 1-year-old Matthew; falher, "Weswasalwaysdoingstufffor Bob; molher, Anna; stepfalher, Search for ·dean continues other people," Junia said. "He Frank Dawson; stepsisters, Mary would have given you the shirt off Belh and Shawna; and many his back. He's actually the reason olher relatives and friends. lhlt I llllmd waddng here. At the request of the family, Finalists for the dean's second time," said Paul Johnson, dealh of Hermann Conaway. Con­ ''He was corning back from a donations should be sent to local position have finally director of Human Resources and away died in December of 1992. member of !he search committee. tow when he spotted a car pulled chapters of Mothers Against been narrowed down. For !he remainder of !he 92-92 over on the Dan Ryan neM 951h Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D). "When that's over which will be school year, Steven Russelll­ Street. The car had a fireman's over !he end of !his week, !he com­ Thomas took the role of acting By Scott Nychay mittee will then meet as a whole, go dean. EditoriAl Ozrtoonist lhrough and evaluate the people in­ Marie Kelly is currently the acting terviewed for a second time and dean, a position he has held since Joseph Schrank then make a recommendation to !he !he beginning of the school year. Nrostditor president (John Duff)." Some Columbia students say !hey Johnson expects two to three wonder why Kelly is not made the fmalists, from over 80 applicants, permanent dean. The Chronicle has learned that to be presented to the president and "Even if you wanted to, say, the search for a new Dean of Stu­ a new dean to be named liy !he end dent Life may be over soon. of March. See Dean "We've come to !he fmalists who Columbia has been wilhout a per­ page3 we are now interviewing for a manent dean since the untimely Columbia's top d~ers to showcase talent By Larry Brown will auend !he exhibit's opening Corrtspondrnt reception and speak to students on April 21 in room 130 I of the Fashion Columbia, an exhibit Michigan Building. sponsored by !he Columbia Col­ The Columbia College Fashion lege Fashion Association, will Association, in its second year of feature clolhing designs, student To Wea ancf to ili011e who lovecflilm, existence, is made up of seven ~­ work and appearances from profes­ dents, each one a committee sionals in the fashion industry. He had a story for everylhing. I wonder if he's done telling his fellow chairperson. They work in conjunc­ The event will showcase fashion­ tion with Columbia's Fashfon angels about the accident yet? related student work, including Of course, he'll have a lot of stories to tell - growing up wilh a Advisory Board, which consists of jewelry, paintings, photography Chicago professionals in the fashion loving, yet hot- blooded Italian mother, a talkative German falher and and writing. an always happy Irish stepfather. industry. The advisory board aels as Diane Erpenbach, c<Khairman of aconsultantfor theCCFA and serves A lot of stories. Eight plus years as a disaster volunteer for the the advisory board, encourages stu­ American Red Cross, where we met, going out to fue and flood victims as a liaison to !he fashion industry. dents in all areas of study to submit enabling students to come in contact and giving money out of his own pocket for food, shelter and clothes. work. ''This show is unique in !hat Wesalso=vedintheMarineCorpsforoverfouryearsandsawcombat wilh designers such as Hilfiger. in addition toclolhing, weare inter­ The exhibit will be in !he Holcin three times. He also volunteered at !he recruiting office one summer. ested in work such as drawing, Other stories include working at !he "Hangge-Uppe" while on leave AnnexApril21-23,from lOam. to film, sculptures and writing, as b b L' Adds 5 p.m. A private opening reception and after !he corps. And all the towing. long as it pertains to fashion in . P oro Y ,,. But his best stories are probably about riding wilh Squad 2 and gomg someway,"Erpenbachsaid. "Wilh Coordinator of the Fashion Design will take place Apri121, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m. Proceeds from the out endlessly shooting film footage of fue and accident victims. And, the vast array of interests and talent Department, Dennis Brozynsld. of course, some trying and many fun moments wilh sons Andy and reception will be used to start a Matthew. at Columbia, we wanted to find a Among !he many professionals in fashion scholarship fund at Colum­ We can alllhink of millions of stories of our own, as Wes seemed to way to incorporate as many as pos- attendance, most notable will be bia. live a full lifetime already. sible into !he exhibit" New york designer Tommy Hil- Individuals wishing to submit Allhough !he event is not_com- figer, who will be promoting his God bless all who loved him and I think we can all !hank God for at work for consideration should con­ petitive, a panel of professionals new tine of men •s clothing. least one story to laugh at and keep in our hearts. Whoever sees him tact Dennis Brozynski at (31 2) from the fashion industry will "We feel it is a tremendous honor next, please give him a kiss from me, Andy and Matt 663-1600 ext. 374, or in room 1301 God be wltb you, award fust, second and lhird prizes to have such a respected member of of !he Michigan building. to works of exceptional artistic !he fashion world attending our ex­ quality. hibit," Erpenbach said. Hilfiger --------· ~~~----------------------------~--~~~ 2 ~ MARCH7,1994 Sportscasters offer advice Panelists present views on creativity By Denine Zenere Prince" and Castiglione's "The Boydisadocumentaryandc:or. Aloertising 1-Ainuzger Courtier." porate television producer. He Ia Mueller has a Ph.D. in Com- a full-time faculty member of Aspartofthe"Intcrdisciplinary parative Literature, specializing the of the television department Forum on Creativity" series, a in 16th century literature of at Columbia College. forum was held on February 24 Spain, Italy and England. He has produced docwneruary that featured four speakers who Mueller currently teaches projects in the United States and examined the aitist's role in humanities and Spanish and su- overseas that have aired nation- society. pervises foreign language in the ally on WTTW in Chicago and The forum was sponsored by deparunent of liberal education. other public broadcasting sys- the deparunent of liberal educa- She has received awards in terns. tion and was under the direction humanities and language, in- Boyd recently completed two of Dr. Kim McCarthy, eluding a fellowship with the collaborative video-documen. (Left to right) Bill Gutman, Steve Kashul, Skip Myslenskl, Mark The speakers included: Justin National Endowment for the tary projects with Michael GlangrecoandJefTDavis,alltookpartlntheSportsSeminartoshare Niimi, student assistant at the Humanities Institute at Neidennan from the department Ideas on finding and keeping that first sports-writing job. Center for Black Music Re- Northwestern University, "Italy, of television, entitled "Voices By Laura Otto effort is involved in acarcctsearch. search; Dr. Roseanne Mueller, 1494-1527: Culture in Crisis." From Norther Ireland" and St•ff Writtr "My advice is never give up," humanities scholar in the liberal " The artists were socially "Shades of Gray," both of which said Giancreco. "There is no education Depart- have aired bn The Columbia College Jour­ prescribed way to look for a job.
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