Hiring Policy Will Face NAACP Test The Memphis Branch of NAACP this week launched a cam­ paign to farce a change in the hiring policy of Southern Bell MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1961 Telephone and Telegraph Compa­ ny. Action was taken after South­ ern Bell officiate stated bluntly ! that the company will not hire qualified Negroes as operators, linesmen and repairmen. Jesse H. Turner, president of the branch issued the following state­ ment: ‘The Memphis Branch of the J NAACP has begun efforts to secure equal job opportunities for Negroes with the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. A campaign is now underway by the local Branch to have Negroes hired by the Tele­ phone Company as operators, lines­ men, repairmen and in any other position without regard to race. “Members of the Labor and In­ dustry Committee of the local Branch of the NAACP were told In a conference with the Division IS, i Church's Founder Commercial 'Manager and the Di­ vision Personnel Manager of the Southern Bell Telephone and Tele­ graph Co., that qualified Negroes would not be hired as operators, Eulogized 5 Hrs. linesmen and repairmen. When this report was made to the Branch Memphis had its largest and perhaps longest funeral Tues­ at its regular monthly meeting on November 26, which was well at­ day when approximately 7,000 persons packed spacious Mason tended, the following resolution Temple to pay a five-hour tribute to the late 99'year-old Bishop was unanimously passed by Charles Harrison Mason, founder and senior bishop of the world­ Memphis Brandi of the NAACP. wide Church of God in Christ. RESOLUTION The body of lhe little man was buried in a copper casket in WORKING HARD FOR UNCF - These three Memphians are doing the foyer of the Temple. WHEREAS, the primary aim of an excellent job soliciting contributions dor the United Negro Col­ the NAACP is to work to the elim­ It was estimated that nearly 25,000 viewed the body from lege Fund in the Menrohis area. Left to right: Alfred Rudd, of Bar­ ination of every form of racial the lime the casket was opened early Monday afternoon until rett's Chapel County High School; Mrs. Ann L. Weathers, a teacher discrimination from this county it was closed Tuesday morning shortly before 10 o'clock. at Florida Street Elementary School and president of the LeMoyne and city; WHEREAS, the elimination of The fimerai started tit 10 a. m. Mason. Alumni Club, and Alfred Myrick, hotel worker. ' discrimination against Negroes in and was nut over until around 3 Bishop Mason was born on the - the field of employment is essen- p. m. Prior Farm not far from Memphis. Nearly One-Third Of Goal Raised I tial to our attaining our goal; The widow, the sons and daugh­ He moved to Plumerville, Ark. in ters. their husbands and wives iukI 187(1 with Ids parents wid later at­ I WHEREAS, Soulhcin Bell Tele- relatives were escorted into the tended Arktuvias BapUrit College. ; phone company operates in our Temple a few minutes before the He began <is a Baptist minister , city under a franchise which pre­ funeral got imdeiway. Three of the and later was associated with lead­ cludes competition; daughters wept as -they entero.I. ers of the Church of God .He start­ Universal's Gift WHEREAS, thousands of Negro-' Sitting with the family were Mr. ed the Chtircih of God in Christ, i cs in litis community utilize lhe and Mrs. A. Maceo Walker, Mrs. G. over 50 years ago. service of Southern Bell Telephone Stanley Ish Jr. and Mrs. A. A. Lat- Company; ting. Today, the Church of Got! In ( WHEREAS, Southern Bell Tele­ Traffic was no big problem be­ Christ, has units in nil .sect ions of To UNCF: $1000 phone Company refuses to hire the workl and chums more tlwfi cause policemen kept cars moving, qualified Negro operators, lines­ but automobiles were parked in four million members. IW W The United Negro College Fund campaign in the Memphis men or repairmen; every available space on church 40 Church of God in Ohi'W church es in Memphis. , area gained an additional $869.82 at the report meeting Monday BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED grounds and streets surrounding the that- the Memphis Branch NAACP Temple. night, pushing the total raised to date to $4,388.07, The goal this hereby instructs Its executive com­ The casket, while opened to the year is $15,000 with the deadline set for Dec. 31. mittee to proceed, without delay, public, was guarded by a special with all legal means at Its disposal corps of churchmen and Memphis Bigges*: contribution so far was to secure a change in the hiring detectives. $1,003 from Universal Life Insurance policy of Southern Bell Telephone A SON'S LAST LOOK - The Rev. Chariei H. (Bob) Mason Temple. Many of those witnessing the There were banks of floral de­ Company. This was reported last Company so that Negroes will have Mason, Jr. takes a last look at the body of his rites are delegates to the Church of God In signs despite the fact the family week by' Miss Naomi Gordon who is equal employment opportunities. heading the South revision. late father, 99-year-old Bishop Charles H. Ma­ Christ's annual Convocation!‘now in session. had roquesded "no flowers" Itela tivts had oxkcd ttfel titsmortai« ho The North División, headed try son, Sr. Nearly 25,000 viewed the body before Bishop Mason founded the ehbrch over 50 years sent Io Uie C. H. Mason Memorial Mrs, Juanita Stanback, reported the 5-hourlong funeral was held Tuesday bi ago. Fund for educaittoiwl and mission­ $123.50 Monday night, including a check for $100 from Dr. W. O. Sellout Seen For ary work. Speight Sr. Story Of AMAkhooli Will Bp T^ld * *> ,.;7 Th» Temple was arapek In Avp- WDIA’n Teen Town Stagers sent proprlale mourning colors. -t Eoftaral sttovlcps 13? William in $47417 through their director, A. Funeral services, were tong, but C. Hueston, farmer grind sec­ C. Williams who is also co-chair­ touching, live Tennessee State retary of the 'Improved IJene* man of the overall drive. It’s going to be the wildest night Choir and its soloists — Mrs. Pearl County .School teachers through the moon ever saw. Westbrooks Hines, Miw Ann Fletch­ volent and Protective Order of Prof. R. J. Roddy .redfin $317. But, on the other hand, there'll Essay Contest To er, Mrs. Ruth Davis and Mrs. Mattie Elks of the World, were held on be some peace and quiet, and Another consistant volunteer Wigley — etectelfled live mourners Nov. 29 from Metropolitan AME worker is Mrs. Ann L. Weathers the satisfaction of religious music, with blood-tingling numbers. who has solicited nearly $200 for for those who want it. Church. Burial was in Lincoln Appearing on Hie first part of Memorial Cemetery. t'he fund. the services were BLshops R. E. That's the Goodwill Revue, which Mr. Hueston died at his home Another report meeting will be Open Centennial Ranger, V. M. Barker and D. M. held Monday night in th? faculty goes on toe Auditorium stage nt Saturday after a heart attack. He 8 p. m„ Friday, December 1. It al- Williams. was 81. lounge at LeMoyne. National departmental expressions mdy lopKf, lta J $W-. , There is a story behind every college and university, and the Morning Star Lodge of Elks, of UNCF is a na:tonal fund-raising were given by Bishop L. C. Patrick, "We believe both The North and story behind six of these institutions, oil founded by the American wiildi he was a member, held a agency for 32 member colleges, in­ Elder O. T. Jones Jr. Bishop L. C. cluding LeMoyne which -receives ap­ South halls will be jammed," pre­ Missionary Association nearly 100 years ago, is an intriguing Page, Mother Ida Baker -rod Bishop (Continued on Page Two) proximately $33.000 a year from the dicted David James Mattis, who is planning the production for the E. Lenox. fund. Inspiring remarks were given by sponsoring radio station, WDIA. ! The story behind these six REV. C. J. GASTON Bishop Charles Pleas (Bishop Ma­ "This means that about 7800 will schools — LeMoyne at Memphis, son’s second convert). Bishop W. G. see it." I Fisk at Nashville, Dillard at New Students To Hear Howard Students Shipman, BLshop C. E. Bennett, Dr. Mr. Mattis said the big show - Graduation Dates ! Orleans, Tahadegg to Alabama. St. Peter Baptist Dr. Arenla C. Mallory, Bishop B. 8, with all proceeds going to chari­ Tougaloo SoutliArn Christian in Lyle, BLshop C. H. Brewer and Start Study In ties — will have twice as many Set For 7 Schools Mississippi, and Hunton-Till itson in Bishop F. D. Washington. Peace Corps Talk Enters New Church star performers as it has had in the A graduation schedule for public. Texas — is about to be told in a Sunday, Dec. 3, will be a great HERE'S Expressions from the Executive Liberia Hospital past. Latest to “sign on" for the MISS LEMOYNE - Mis') high school seniors in Memphis has dramatic and emphatic fashion. Carl Wleck, field representative day in the history of the 25 year- Elsie Amita Lewis, a sophomore at' Commission were offered by BLshops MONROVIA, Liberia -( ANP)— hot music session were Johnny and been approved. of Peace Corps In Washington, D. old Saint Peter Baptist Church. U. E, Miller, S. M. Crouch, 0. M. Glenn Bynum, of Detroit, and Jackey .singing sensations from LeMoyne College mid daughter of The American Missionary Associ­ C„ will be on the LeMoyne Qol- The congregation, ted by Rev.
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