^'•^-E* I fyy^:-:-V ■» AVSRACn JbAlLT CaOCTATtON THURSDAY. MAT SS, 198S.T for tha BMrtk ef April. U88 PoUeeman JosM>h A. Prentle*. The 5 , 5 0 1 Fklr and eonttaned eool wMi Tba reunion of the First wrecked sedan and the trailer were Metnbar at tka Aadit t t i n g frost, mostly Ughtt la oxpoasd phierir I ’ ^ StrOAOBMEMT Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, |OPERATOROFADTO towed to the Depot Square garage. BUroMi at arealatloaa tonight. Spaidsh-American War. will be SHEA TO DELIVER Dime Letters Supplanted ItieJWHALtCo held at the Oasis club. Hockanum. Mr. Norris said this morning that iwi Derby Orchestra East Hartford, June 16. A short his esu- eras covered by Insurance. IN ACCIDENT FINED He was represented Attorney 3 to 6 Specials 1 Adverttslag on Pago 16.) Beiiool Sticet Beo business session will be held at MEMORIAL SPEECH Here By ^Guaranteed*Plan VOL. U V - NO. 201. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1935. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) noon followed by lunch and dlimer. Harrison D. Schofield o f West Hart­ Friday Eveniiig, May 24 Thomas F. Mullen of Hartford Is ford, deputy county coroner, who Friday Afternoon president of the association. Tick­ Dim* letters have been supplant-X^hose name is at the top of the pleaded nolo contendere for hU AdntatoB SSo. Mrs. Phyllis Thompson of client. ets may be secured from the secre­ Eulogy at Center Park This ed In Manchester by what is known T list. This assures the top person of Hauptmann’s Case In Bulk tary, George K. Dwyer, 18 Asylum to be "merry go round robins” In ■ receiving his money, Unable to pay a fine of 810 and ADVANCE GUARD LEGIONS NEXT street, Hartford. which payment of more than 81,000 ; Then he Is told to cross off the costs, Edward Foley who said bis Ovaltine STATE’S SALES TAX Year to Be Given by Ward is 'guaranteed to those willing t o , top name. Insert his own name at RockviOe Injnred in Crash home was Bangor, Me., arrested last SENATE SUSTAINS ABOUnOWN Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, L. take the gamble. the bottom and send copies of the night at East Outer and Porter Streets on a charge of Intoxication, OF STATE OEMS O. L. I., are sponsoring a setback Instead of a dime payment, how­ letter to two others. On Tolland Turnpike. MOVE ON BONUS Cheney Camp. Reports today Indicated that sev­ was taken to the Hartford county The SocleUat Labor party wlU hold party to be held In the home of ever, the robin letters call for t l 28 < the aecond of ita aummer eeriea of being put on the line. The person eral persons In Hartford and vicini­ jail. Policeman Raymond Griffin, IS IN ANOTHER JAM Mrs. Esther Haugh. 36 Proctor road, GOVERNOR’S VETO ' weekly outdoor lecture* In. Center approached is asked. In the pres­ ty have received r much as 8500 who arrested him said he was afraid 8-onnce can. 14- Saturday night. Playing will start Charged with violating the rules AT W A ^ G T O N U P T O J ^ E R S Park. Saturday night. May 2S at 8 at 8 o’clock and refreshmenU will Attorney William J. .Shea ence of another, to encloso $1 In ah from tho merry go round robin let­ the man would be injured by an au­ ounoe can, 88c. A o'clock. There will be a queatlon ters. of the road aa a result of an acci­ tomobile because of bis drunken T be served. The committee In chosen by the Permanent Memorial envelope and mail it to the person nonrisblng, whole­ period at the end of the lecture. H. charge Includel Mrs. Margaret dent last night, Joseph N. Norris condition. some food drink! After Hour’s Bitter Debate LABORITES DEMAND Ladetenskl of New York city will Day committee last night to deliver ON RECEIVERSHIPS Neville, Mrs. Minnie Brown. Mrs of 1104 Farmington avenue. West McNeil Heads Group al Capi* National Commander De­ ■peak Saturday nlfcht on “Revolu- the Memorial Day address during ans of Foreign Wars. Mary Dunlop, Mrs. Jennie McCree- Hartford, was fined 815 and costs by Confectionery in House Recess Is Taken tioBary Industrial Unionism.” dy, Mrs. Elisabeth Smith and Mrs. the annual exercises In Center park Manchester Chapter, No. 17, Dis­ VOTE TO ORGANIZE Judge Rajrmond A. Johnson in police EXTENSION OF NRA tal Today, Bulk of Throog Ethel Jones. this year. abled American Veterans. court this morning. clares It Is Now Up to A card has been received In this Plans for the observance of Deco­ United Spanish War Veterans. Mrs. Phyllis Thompson, 32, of Sugar pkg. 7 c ~N o Indication When NRA FUNDS ASKED Cross Upheld On His Opposi* office from Lawrence Redman, of Walter N.Leclerc The Manchester Rod and Gun club ration Day and for the Pro-Memo­ Grand Army of the Republic Longview street, Rockville, a pass­ fo r Cofflinings’ Dmner to Committee; Keeps SUent Delmont street, who Is In Barre. rial Day services were completed by members (In cars). A COMMUNin au B enger In N oiils’i car when It Largs Package Vt. this week on business. will have Its quarterly meeting Sat­ Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. R.) Funeral Director Vote Will Come CIllhan^DaIy Bank urday at the Columbia Lake cottage the committee last night. crashed into an Ohio truck at Tol­ Wflliam Green Declares FOR PRISON WORK A change In the program, made (in cars.) 858 (To. Slain St. Staocliester Arrive Tomorrow. Mons-Yprea Auxiliary will conduct of WlUlam Knofla. land turnpike and Oakland street at pkg. On President’s Veto. materially to reduce the duration of Daughters of Union Veterans (In 11:45 p. m.. Is In Manchester Memo­ Rinso 18® ___ Measure; Eiecnthre De- a food sale In the vacant store In the cars.) Purpose Is to Promote Fra Strikes Wifl FoDow Rejec* Manchester's famous "Spirit of the exercises In the park, will be In­ rial hospital with a broken right State Cbipltol, Hartford, May 24. State Theater building Saturday troduced Oils year. Previously each Speakers and (Committee (In Worcester from 9 o’clock in the morning on. 76” trio, compose<l of Joseph Fer­ arm, a deep scalp cut and lacera­ — (A P )—^The sales tax municipal Washington, May 24.— (A P )—The Salt Lake City, May 24. —(A P )— of seven organizations gave sepa­ cars.) tions of her body. Officials Say Other Things dares It Wonid Canse Potato bread, soda bread, baked guson, Julian Palms and M, J. Memorial Committee temahsm and Fellowship box lid bill ran into another serious tion of Wagner Bill first of 2,500 Connecticut Democrats The American Legion’s next step In Barry, will go to Middletown Sat^ rate eulogies and prayers for their As the light sedan driven by Nor­ Salt beans, pies and cakes will be sold. departerl comrades. Starting this Hon. Chairman, Chauncey B EHIS- itorm today aa Democrats renewed expected to attend tomorrow night's the bonus fight Is up to the ."lation- BJverybody solicited should have urday afternoon to take part In the ris turned from Oakland street Into li/j-pound box. ' .etr fight In behalf of an amend­ Than Shoes and Garments Great Expense to State Tercentenary parade In that city. year there will be only one eulogy worth. Among Manchester Jews. Tolland turnpike on ita way to 0) Washlngton-ConnecUcut Day dinner al committee says Frank N. Bel- their food at the store before 9 and one prayer, with the organiza­ Chairman, Albert Downing. JOHN L. JENNEY ment seeking- to exempt all food­ New York, May 24.— (AP)\— The They will accompany the East Rockville It crossed to the left side stuffs from the proposed 2 per cent arrived today under the leadership grano, Jr„ National commander of o'clock Saturday morning. tions taking turns from year to Secretary, Neal A. Cheney. Salads American Federation of Labor ar­ Hampton delegation. of the road and struck the trailer 10 Depot Sqnars Phone 6850 levy. o f National (bommitteeman Archi­ the Legion. Should Be Made. and No Benefits year. Representatives from G. A. R., of a tractor truck driven by Edward rayed ita forces solidly behind the The Bolton Athletics Association An enthusiastic gathering of 6U After an hour of bitter debate bald McNeill. The party included “We feel just ns strongly about This year the eulogy will be given Sons of Veterans, Daughters of Tlmen of Akron, Ohio, and carrying Tea B alls during which a clarifying amend­ Wagner labor bill, the 30-bour week the bonus as we ever did.” "he as­ will repeat the minstrel show which by Ward Cheney Camp. No. 18, Unit­ persona met at the Hotel Sheridan Union Veterans, Orford Parish as passengers, Lawrence Miller, Its ment was attached to the blU, the State (bhalrman Francis Smith of serted In the course of a visit last State Capitol, Hartford, May 24.— It so successfully staged In Bolton a ed Spanish War Veterans, and the last night and unanimously voted Insurance bill and the two-year extension of Waterbury, Raymond Hackett of Washington, May 24.— (AP) — Chapter D. A. R., Citizens, United to organize a local Jewish Commun­ owner, and Robert Miller, both of box ^ 8 ® Hous* recessed at 1:54 p. m„ with NRA today, with a warning of a night during ^’hich he addressed n few weeks ago, at the Itallan-Amerl' HOSPITAL NOTES prayer by Col. F. W. Cheney Camp, Spanish War Veterans, Veterans of tea- Stamford, former State Chairman NRA planned to ask the work relief (A P )—The Senate received a vet* can clubhouse In Rockville at 8:16 ity Club for the purpose of increas­ Akron.
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