Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00pm Mass ScheduleMass Sched- Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, Confession available atule 4:15pm 10:15am, 12Noon Saturday: 5:00pm Daily Mass Sunday: 8:00am, 10:15am, 12Noon Confession available at Monday-Saturday, 12:10pm Daily Mass in the Church4:15pm in the Church Monday-Saturday, 12:10pm Masses are LIVE on our Sunday: 8:00am, Facebook & our website Masses are LIVE on Facebook10:15am, & our12Noon website Sunday: 10:15am Daily Mass in the MarchJuneMarchMay 13,9, 1,1, 2021 202120202020 315315 ProspectProspect StreetStreet ♦♦ MidlandMidland ParkPark ♦♦ NJNJ ♦♦ 0743207432 ParishParish Website:Website: www.nativitynj.orgwww.nativitynj.org ChurchChurch Office:Office: 201.444.6362201.444.6362 FAX:FAX: 201.444.5056201.444.5056 EmaEmail:il: [email protected]@nativitynj.org ReligiousReligious EducationEducation Office:Office: 201.447.1776201.447.1776 Email:Email: [email protected]@nativitynj.org Mantich, Parochial Vicar Parish Membership Every family in of our parish is encouraged to register. Sr. Lois Marie Parente C.S.S.F., Financial Affairs Forms are available in the church or at the Church Olivia Harrington, Religious Ed. Coordinator Office. If you move or change your home address or email address, kindly notify the Church Office. If you Alexander Birchwale, Organist June 13, 2021 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time want to add your cell phone to your family information contact the Church Office. Ciarán Sheehan, Cantor Pastoral Staff Penance / Reconciliation Roberto Hurtado, Maintenance Supervisor Saturdays at 4:10pm in the church, or by appointment. Rev. George Klybus, Pastor Penance / Reconciliation Pedro Herrera, Maintenance Staff SaturdaysBaptisms at 4:10pm Rev. Jason Mantich, Parochial Vicar inBaptism the church, arrangements are made by contacting the or by appointment. Sr.Russell Lois MarieKamp Parente & Tia Patterson, C.S.S.F., FinancialParish Trustees Affairs Church Office before or after the birth of the baby. Bap- tismal catechesis is required of all first time parents. Olivia Harrington, Religious Ed. Coordinator Baptisms Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.) Alexander Birchwale, Organist The Sacrament of Baptism takes place at the 12 Noon Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.) Mass.Anyone Arrangements interested in arebecoming made bya Roman contacting Catholic, the or AnyoneCiarán interestedSheehan, in Cantor becoming a Roman Catholic, or Churchany adult Office Catholic before who the has birth not of received the baby. all Baptismal their anyRoberto adult CatholicHurtado, who Maintenance has not received Supervisor all the catechesisSacraments is ofrequired Initiation of andall parents. would like Please to receive call the these Sacraments of Initiation and would like to receive these Sacraments, please contact the Church Office. Religious Education Church Office for details. A member of the Baptism Sacraments, Pedro T Herrera,«®Ý ÝÃÝãÙ please Maintenance ,contact AÙ«®ÊÝÄ the ChurchStaff ÙØç®ÙÃÄãÝ Office. Preparation Ministry will contact the parents prior to the Marriage Parish Trustees:W RussellAÙ GʮĦ Kamp V®Ùãç½ & !!Tia Patterson Baptism.The Common Policy for Marriage for all Dioceses of Religious EducaƟon Program for Grades 1-8: Parish Membership the State of New Jersey require notification of marriage NEW registraon will be taken at the Religious Educaon Marriageat least ONE YEAR in advance. Please contact one of Every family is encouraged to register. Forms are Office. Thethe parishCommon priests Policy to setfor aMarriage date. for all Dioceses of available in the church or at the Church Office. If you Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, 9:00am-4:30pm. the State of New Jersey require notification of marriage want to make any changes to your family information atAnointing least ONE YEAR in advance. Please contact one of contact the Church Office. If anyone is ill, homebound, Our Parish the parish priests to set a date. is Check our website for information or in hospital, please notify the Church Office. Accessible and updates at nativitynj.org Anointing If anyone is ill, homebound, Our Parish 315 Prospect Street ♦ Midland Park ♦ NJ ♦ 07432 Church Office: 201.444.6362 *This year Cardinal Tobin has approved the transfer or in the hospital, please notify is FAX: 201.444.5056 Parish Website: www.nativitynj.org Email: [email protected] of the Ascension to Sunday, May 24, 2020. the Church Office. Accessible Religious Education Office: 201.447.1776 Email: [email protected] June 13, 2021 Page 2-689 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Please welcome Rev. Mr. Peter Volz to Church of the Nativity. Mass Intention & Time Community Thrift Shop! Good New! Our earnings from your gen- Peter is a newly ordained Transitional Deacon Saturday June 12th and will be with us for six weeks in the summer. erosity to the Thrift Store have earned us Week of June 14th 12:10PM - $447 for the first quarter. With these In Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers funds, we were able to again buy our First Marlene Nardone Communion Children - Prayer Book and Rose Piegaro Rosary Bead sets. It is only through your Dominick & Cherie Piegaro donations that we can continue our chari- 5:00PM table works. Donations to the Thrift Shop Dennis Priestner are accepted on Mondays between 10:00 The Priestner Family AM and 12:00 noon. Do not forget to mark Sunday June 13th your bags with #18 on each bag. They are 8:00 Mass now accepting current paperbacks & hard Vincent Gallagher cover books, toys in good condition, bric-a Joe & Dorothy Collins -brac, & summer clothes only. 10:15 Mass Rudy Flora Nick & Liz Paladino STATEMENT OF THE NEW JERSEY BISHOPS Reinstating the General Obligation to Attend Mass 12:00 Mass John Mooney “Therefore, we the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday Mary & Bernie Convery and Holy Days Mass obligation beginning on Saturday, June 5, 2021, and Sunday, June 6, Monday, June 14th 2021, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. 12:10PM We welcome the Christian faithful to return to the regular participation in the Sunday Eucha- Patricia Ferrone Church of the Nativity Staff rist, the source and summit of our Catholic faith (cf. Code of Canon Law canon 1247 and Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2180).” Tuesday, June 15th 12:10PM Jack Murphy Fletcher & Diana Hock Following the Daily 12:10PM Mass Monday thru Saturday in the Church Wednesday May 16th 12:10PM Ralph Lombardi Family Rosary each Monday in the Chapel at 8:00PM Antoinette Acampara and Thursday June 17th Each Friday at 3:00PM in the Church 12:10PM (Also streamed on our website www.nativitynj.org and Facebook) Mr. & Mrs. Farraro Mr. & Mrs. Griffin Friday June 18th 12:10PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Paul R. Cantilina Fr. George & Nativity Church Staff First Anniversary Dies Natalis in the Church Saturday June 19th 12:10PM Fridays - 11:00AM-12:00PM Mary McNamara The McNamara Family 5:00PM Kevin Yali Please remember the sick Daisy Yali who have asked for our prayers Jack & Sue Krenner Stan & Claire Laikowski Helen Moser, Patti Hill, Rosemary Maso, Terry DeSimone, Sunday June 20th Jesica Tasca, Doug Gianelli 8:00 Mass ▪▪▪▪▪ Rosemary Taylor Diane Nahas Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased 10:15 Mass Kathleen Priestner Thomas Caroline Ginty, Mary O’Flaherty, Diego Padilla, Marie Terese Tobin, The Priestner Family Marion LaFemina, Dan Bardzell, Patricia Ferrone, Ralph Lombardi, 12:00 Mass Colette Mitchell, Elizabeth Eide, Maria Martinez, Fr. Pius Sammut, Robert Scavone Thomas Scavone John Mohlmann, Fr. Pius Sammut, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time A Word First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22–24 from the Pastor I, the Lord, bring low the high tree and lift high the lowly tree. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 92:2–3,13–16 They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6–10 - The lives of all are to be revealed before the tribunal of Christ. Gospel Reading:Mark 4:26–34 - The reign of God is like a mustard seed. Background on the Gospel Reading After Lent, the Easter season, and three Sundays of feast days—Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity, and Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ—the Church returns to Ordinary Time. This Sunday’s Gospel from Mark carries a significant message regarding faith and the Kingdom of God. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus appears reluctant to reveal his identity as the Son of God. After performing miracles of healing, he warns those cured to tell no one (see Mark 1:44, 3:12, 5:43, 7:36, and 8:26). Also, when preaching, Je- sus chooses to speak to the crowds in parables, leaving them to discern his message. Only to his disciples does he explain the parable’s meaning, and he does this in private at a later time. Today’s Gospel Reading consists of two parables about seeds. In the first, Jesus tells those gathered that this is “how it is with the kingdom of God.” A man scatters seed which over time sprouts and develops. Then when the grain is ripe, the man harvests his crop. The emphasis in the parable is on the seed, which seemingly has the power to grow on its own. In this it is like the Kingdom of God. While on earth, Jesus planted the seeds of the kingdom by his life, miracles, teaching, and suffering. However, the kingdom is not yet fully established. Although already pre- sent in Jesus and his group of twelve, it has yet to come to fruition; just as the seed in the parable needs time to grow, so does God’s kingdom. The second parable focuses on the tiny mustard seed. Though not the smallest of all seeds, it is most likely the smallest that a first-century farmer in Jesus’ part of the world would have sown.
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