Lot ITEM DESCRIPTION Estimate 85/2.8 Culminar (tested). Wray Stereographic Camera and £30-40 Kodak Cameras Retinette 1, 11S £15-20 25. 1. Viewer, Coronet 3D (untested). 11B a/f, Instamatic Reflex (battery 150 Duplex Super 120 Stereo £60-80 cover missing) 2 x 1B + Retinette 26. Camera. 1B (1 shutter u/s). Argus C3, A3 Kodak 35, Graphic £15-20 Retina 111S Camera, 50/19 Xenon £20-30 27. 2. 35 Cameras. 28/4 Curtagon, 85/4 Tele-Arton, Topcon Cameras 1C-1 Auto, 1, £20-30 135/4 Telexenar. 28. Re-Auto (af), PR.11 (af), RE Super. Retina Reflex Cameras, Model S, £20-30 3. Meter (af), 58/1.4 (minor internal Retina Reflex IV Cameras, (shutter fungus), 135/3.5 Topcor case. slightly slow). (tested) Corfield 66 Camera and a Great £20-30 4. Comet III Camera and Case £20-30 Wall Camera. (af) 29. (tested). 7 x Exa/Exakta Cameras (af). £15-20 5. 30. Agiflex III, Agimatic, Reflex Korelle £20-30 6. Contax D (x 2) Cameras 50/28 'T', £15-20 (untested) Cameras. 58/2 Biotar 'T' Tessar, both 1 sec 31. Minolta Camera's, Minolta A, £15-20 only. Minolta A2, Hi-Matic, 110 Zoom 7. Practica IV (x 2), Porst, Practina, £15-20 SLR Camera. Exacta FE (af). 32. 2 x Olympus 35 SP Cameras (1 x £20-30 8. Miranda Cameras EE2, F Black, £15-20 af), Auto-Eye, OM10 (dust in lens), Early, F. Chrome, RE11 50/14 2 x 35RC (af). (tested-some fungus evident). 33. Half Frame Camera's, Pen-F (af), £40-50 9. Minolta Cameras Dynax 800Si £15-20 Pen-D, Fujica Half, Ricoh Auto Half Classic, Dynax 7x1, 28-80, Sigma (a/f), Ricoh-EE Rapid Half (a/f), 70.210 .75 - 300 MD - (AF) Adaptor, Ecru (a/f), 3 x MJU (af), + Pen-EE3 (tested). Cameras. 10. Minolta Cameras SRT 303 (meter £20-30 34. Olympus XA Camera (tested). £40-50 u/s), 50/1.4, SRT 101 50/1.7 (sticky 5 x Olympus Trip, (1 af, red flag £40-50 iris), XD-7, 50/1.7, XD-5 50/1.7. 35. stuck), (tested) Cameras. Voigtlander Cameras VITO B (x £20-30 11. Pentax 110 Camera Outfit in £20-30 2), BL, CD Vitomatic 1A, 11, 11A (3 36. case, 2 x auto 110, 2 x 24/2.8, af). (tested) 18/2.8, 20-40 zoom, 2 x 50/2.8, Voigtlander VITESSA L Camera, £30-40 12. 70/2.8 lens, filters, flash (untested), 50/2.8, (plunger return slightly (nof). slow). (tested) Agfa Optima Reflex + close up £30-40 Voigtlander Prominent Camera £30-40 37. 13. lens. Agfa Ambi Silette Camera 50/1.5 Nokton, (shutter slow, 50/2.8, 35/4, 90/4 lens proxi-meters. minute mark on rear element), 2 x Elgy Lumiere Cameras, Kunik £15-20 tested. 38. Petie, 2 x Mamiya -16 Automatic. Kiev 4 35/2.8, Jupiter, Kiev 4A, £15-20 14. Rollei Cameras x 35 Led (1 af), 35 £30-40 53/2 Jupiter, Kiev 5 50/1.8. (tested) 39. SE (meter u/s), 3 x B35 (tested), Cameras. rolled x 35 (tested). 12 x Fed 4 + Zorki Cameras £20-30 15. 40. Minox Cameras 110S, 2 x 35EL £20-30 16. Zenith 3M 50/3.5 + 135/4, Zenith £20-30 (one working, one front stuck, 12xP 58/2, EM. (af) Cameras. untested, 2 x 35 PL (both nof) plus 17. (7x) 2.1/4 Folding Cameras £20-30 Minox Flashgun (not working). Dacora Royal, AGFA Isolette II, 41. Zeiss Ikon Cameras Contessa £20-30 III, V. (af) LBE, 2 x Contaflex II (1 original, 1 18. Practica BYT Cameras, B100, £20-30 late), 4 cased Proxars, 75/4 Pantar, Bx20, 50/24 Practicar 28/2.8, 35-70, Tenax 1, Ikonta 522/24, 2 x Baby 70-210, 135/2.8, (Flash af), Box Tengors, Volta 146/8. Cameras and lenses. (tested) (untested). 19. Ricoh 300, 500, MAMIYA Auto- £15-20 42. Zeiss Ikon Camera Contessa 35 £30-40 Lux 35 Braun Paxette Reflex, Sync. Comp. (tested) Lordomat, Lordox Iloca Quick 43. Zeiss Ikon Camera Super Ikonta £20-30 Cameras. 532/16 Camera (tested). 20. A Quantity of Digital Cameras, no £20-30 44. Zeiss Ikon Camera Super Ikonta £20-30 chargers (some untested) 531/16 (paint spot in lens, 21. Baldamatic II Camera 50/2.8 £20-30 untested). Xenar, 35/2.8 Curtagon (af), 135/4 45. Folding Roll Film Cameras £20-30 Tele Xemar, (filter rim dent - (untested). tested), Radix, Edinex, Agfa Karat, 46. Zeiss Folding Roll Film Cameras £30-40 Diax 1A. (untested) (7) (untested). 22. 5 x Pentax PK Fitting Cameras, + £30-40 47. Ensign and Other Cameras, Selfix £30-40 3 x PK/AR fitting lenses. Camera’s 320, Selfix 16/20, 2 x Seagull 203, untested) Proud Chrome 6, Olympus Six I, 23. 10 x Pentax Screw Fitting £30-40 Tasei Welmy 6 (untested). Cameras and lenses, (untested) 48. A 2006 McKeowns Photographic £30-40 24. 2 x Pentax Cameras, 1 x S1, 1 x £20-30 Book, plus Leica 60 years. SV, Bodies (af), 135/3.5 CZ Sonnar, 49. McKoewns 2001-2, plus History of £15-20 2 x 55/1.8 (Filter Ring Dings), Kodak. 75. Rolleiflex TLR Cased Camera £30-40 50. 3 x McKeowns Photographic £15-20 Pentaprism, Rolleikin 35 (af) and Price Guides, amongst others. lens hood. (3) 51. 23 x Photographica World, No. 59 £15-20 76. 3 x Rolleiflex Camera's, including £30-40 Dec '91, No. 2 -113, 205/3 1997. Model 'T' (af), Mod II, and original 52. Leica Fotographie 6/58, 2/69, 1/71 £15-20 Standard 620. and 3/88, approx 115 in total and 77. Fujica GS 645 Camera, bellows £50-60 Leica Photographic International 8 pin-holed (replacements can be issues. obtained), shutter good, close 53. 2 x Boxes Collectable Camera £15-20 focus viewfinder. Books. 78. Mamiya 645 Camera 75/3.5 (nof - £50-60 54. Boxes of Camera Books. £15-20 tested). Mamiya 645 150/45 Lens (nof). £30-40 55. Tamron Lenses 80-210, 35-135 £30-40 79. CF YC, 28/2.5, 135/2.5 CF, 28/2.8 80. Kowa Super 66 Camera, Metered £100-120 BBAR, 2 x 70-150, 70-210 N1, Head (working but slightly loose on 200/3.5 BBAR (Manual Iris) CFD, camera), 85/2.8, (blades have oil), 2X. Pentaprism, waist level finder, 56. Tamron Lens 24/2.5, 28/2.5 £20-30 spare screen T/2 Extension Tube. (tested). 81. Kowa Super 66 250/56 Lens and £20-30 57. Tamron Lens 17/3.5 SP NA1 £20-30 hood, (optics clear, shutter stuck). (tested). 82. Mamiya 23 Camera, + 6 x 6,6 x 4.5 £30-40 58. Tamron Lens SP 500/8, 2 x SP £40-50 Rollfilm back, 90/3.5 lens (nof). (tested). 83. Kiev TTL 80/2.8 Biometer (iris £30-40 59. Tamron SP Lenses, 35-80 SP £30-40 open), Pentacon 6 (shutter F/AX, 35-210 SP M/ND 24-48, 2 x sticking) 80/2.8 biometer, Kiev 60 70-210 SP (1 iris open)CFD, 35-105 TTL Camera, shutter tested, 80/2.8 SP A5L, NAI, 28 - 80 SP Y/C, (iris sticky), waist level finder, 300/5.6 SP Y/C, 28-80 SP. vertical magnifier. (5) 60. Tamron Lens 180/25 LD/1F 35th £50-60 84. Pentacon 6, 50/4 Flektogon lens £60-80 Anniv and Teleview P/K Adaptor. (tested). 61. Tamron 90/2.5 Macro Lens. £40-50 85. Pentacon 6 120/2.8 Biometer £50-60 lens, 2 x Converter, Extension Tamron Lens 300/2.8 LD and £100-120 62. Tubes (tested - nof). (3) Case. Kiev 30/3.5 lens case (tested - £50-60 Tamron Lens 200-500 Tele-Zoom. £100-150 86. 63. nof). 64. MPP Micropress 5 x 4 Camera £80-120 87. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 300/4, + £50-60 No. 4043 135/4.7 Xenar 6 x DDS. M42 Adaptor. (nof) (tested). 65. TLRs Cameras, Flexaret Automat, £30-40 88. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 300/4, + £50-60 Seagul 4, Lubitell 2, Voigtlander T2 adaptor with Leicaflex T2 mount. Brillant, SEM, Halina A1, Lubitell 89. Pentacon 6 Camera Lens 180/2.8, £50-60 166B, Voigtlander (Comp/Heliar), Sonnar lens + M42 Adaptor, (iris Brillant (all af). sticks otherwise nof) + spare 66. 2 x MPP Cameras, Microcord II £50-60 dismantled lens. Camera (Brief Time af), (1 x side 90. 2 x Zenza Bronica ETRS £30-40 back release screw needs cameras, 2 x 120 Backs, 2 x tightening) and a Microflex (only Metered Prisms (winders not fires on front button) cocking shutters, unable to test). 67. Yashica 124G Camera, meter £50-60 150/3.5 Zenzanon Front Scratched responsive, shutter ok, lens clean. (15430500). 68. Mamiyaflex C330 Professional £100-120 91. 3 x Zenza Bronica Lenses, 75/2.8 £30-40 80/2.8 Blue Spot Lens, (shutter Zenzanon EII lens, (filter ring dent slow to activate), Porroprism. and lens hood). 75/2.8 Zenzanon 69. Yashica Cameras, Model A (rear £50-60 EII lens (nr 7959156) (nof), Zenza mirror fungus), Yashica 635 (no Bronica 150/3.5 Zenzanon MC (nr faults), Yashicamat (minimal 15416724) (nof). internal edge fungus) - tested. 92. Zenza Bronica 40/4 Zenzanon MC £30-40 70. Soho Reflex Camera, Case, £20-30 lens (4213023) (nof). Cooke 158m f 3.5 Series III, 6 x 93.
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