CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-I 1 KARNATAKA PART IV-B (ii) RELIGION (TABLE C-9) DIRECTOR OF aNSUS OPERATIONS, KARNATAKA CONTENTS Paces PREFACE v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vII INTRODUCTORY NOTE 1. .:.Jote on RellK10n Table 15 Table C-9 : RellKIon 18 APPENDIC~ APPENDIX-A Details of religion shown under 'Other Religions and Persuasions' having population of 100 or more at the state level In main ·rellglon table. 169 APPENDIX-B Detalls of rellafon shown under 'Other Religions and Persuasions' the strenath of which Is less than 100 at the State lev~1 In the main religion table. 172 ANNEXURE Details of Sects/BeUefs/RelJafons dubbed with another rellgfon which Is shown at the head of the table In block letters. 177 PREFACE The 1991 Census of Population was conducted In February-March 1991, with the sunrise of 1st March, 1991 as the reference point of time. Extensive ubulatlon of the data collected In the Census has been undertaken by the Census Organisation and the tabulated data In the form of tables under different Series depicting various characteristics of the population are being made available to data users through a number of publications according to the Tabulation Plan of the 1991 Census. In this volume, Table C-9 : Religion which gives the distribution of population by sex and by rural and urban residence for the six maJor religious communities viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and )alns, 'Other Religions and Persuasions' and 'Religion not stated' Is presented. The returns of religions were Initially complied at the Regional Tabulation Offices established to undertake the manual processing of the census schedules and for attending to few basic compilations on full count basis and further processing of the returns and preparation of the table were undertaken In this Directorate. The 1991 Census Operations In Karnataka was conducted under the overall supervision of Ms. Sobha Namblsan, lAS, Director of Census Operations, who left this organisation to take I up an assignment with Government of Karnataka. The processing of data on religion and preparation of table presented In this volume were completed during her tenure. 1\ gratefully acknowledge the guidance and valuable advice received from Shrl A.R. Nanda, lAS, former Registrar General, India, Dr. M. VIJayanunnt, lAS, the RGI and Shrl S.P. Sharma, DRG: (Census and Tabulation) and Shrl A.K. Singh, Deputy Director of Census Operations and his' Colleagues In the preparatIon of this volume. My thanks are also due to Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (SS) and his colleagues who scrutinised the religion returns. I acknowledge the great assistance received from Shrl S.R. Raghavendra Rao, Assistant Director of Census Operations (T), and Shrl V. Thlppa Setty, Investigator In processing the religion returns and In preparing this volume. The names of the officers under whose supervision and guidance the compilations were carried out In the Regional Tabulation Offices, and the names of the officers and staff In the Directorate who processed religion data and have rendered valuable assistance In bringing out this publication are given separately. It Is hoped that this publication will be useful to sociologists, demographers, administrators, planners, research scholars and other data users. S. blendran Joint Director of Census Op~ns, Karnataka v ACKNOWlEDGEMENT OFFICERS AND STAFF BEHIND THIS WORK REGIONAL TABULATION OFFICES ReatonaI Tabulation Deputy DIreI;:tDrs of Investlptors 0ftI0Is Census OperatIons 1. Banaalore-I Sri P. Prahlad Rao Sri )ahangeer Pasha 2. Banplore-II Sri R. Y. Revashettf Sri G.B. Chougala 3. 8elpum Sri P.S. Patl! 4. I)harwad Sri K.B. Koppad Sri M.R. Seetharamalah Sri K.R. Narayana -5. GuH;arga Sri Bhlmsen Rao Sri M. Satya Babu 6. Hassan Sri Adonl Syed Saleem Sri M.J. )agadeesh 7. Mysore Sri S.S. Patlan Shettl Sri B.S. Gopal Rao 81 Shlmoga Sri K.H. Aswathanarayana Gowda Sri B.K. Ramanjanappa OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATONS, KARNATAICA. BANGALORE '1. Sri S.R. Raghavendra Rao Assistant Director of Census Operations (T) 2. Sri .V. Thlppa Setty Investigator 3. Sri M.S. NagaraJ Statistical Assistant 4. Smt. Sree Leela Devi -do- s. Smt. N. Rukmlnl -do- 6. Smt. C.S. SaroJa -do- 7~ Sri S.Sundar Kur~ iar Computor 8. Smt. M.N. Rathna -do- 9. Smt. B. L. Sarala Devl -do- lO. Sri K.RaJaram Pal -do- ll. Sri Pramesh Chandra Babu -do- 12. Smt. M. Vanltha Typist 13. Sri B.C. Das Senior Hindi Translator 14. Sri G.R. Suresh Data Entry Operator , 15. Sri N.K... Ravl Shankar -do- 16. Sri S. Sidda Settl Supe~lsor VII INTRODUCTORY NOTE INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion Is one of the basic cultural characteristics of II For a person entered In col. 2 of the Household the population. In a secular state Irke India, several relfgloll5 Schedule, check If H,M,C,S,S and) or actual religion returned have thrived and every decennial census provides an Inter­ by the person has been recorded In Question 8 of the esting picture of religious persuasions of the people of __the Individual Slip. If so, copy the same In column 9 of the country. The data on religion yielded by the cell5Us are of Household Schedule~. - great Interest to the public as well as to the scholars, anthropologists, sociologists, demographers,· administrators, The processing and basic compllatloll5 of the rellcJon planners etc,. data were undertaken In the Regional Tabulation Offices established to manually process and compile the 1991 census At the 1 991 Census, the returns of the religion of data. The editing and matching Instructions Issued to the the penons enumerated were collected through question tabulation staff In the Regional Tabulation Offices for number 8 of the Individual SUp. Census enumerator had p'rocesslng religions returns are reproduced below: instructioll5 to record the religion as actually returned by a respondant. The Instructions to enumerators for tilling up of IIQuestion 8 Religion- question 8 on rellglon are given below. Match the entry In col. 9 of the Hou~hold Schedule "In answering this question, u~ the following abbre­ for each member of the household with corresponding entry viations: against Q. 8 of Individual Slip. Please note that thls check will be made for all types of households, whether normal, H for Hindus or Institutional or houseless. If these are not the same for any member of the household, correct the entry In column M for Muslims 9 of .Household Schedule on the basis of the entry In Question C for Christians 8 of Individual Slip. If the entry in either of the Individual Slip or Household Schedule is missing for any member of S for Sikhs the household, copy the entry from the Schedule In which B for Buddhists it has been written into the Schedule In which It has been missed. If by chance the entry is blank In both the Individual J for Jains Slip and Household Schedule for any member of the For others, record the actual religion as returned/fully. household, look Into the entries of religion In respect of other -If a penon says that he has no religion the answer may be related members of the household and write the religion recorded accordingly. Do not mistake religion for caste which indicated therein in both the Schedules. II will not be reC;9fded here. You should also not try to establish any relationship between religion and mother tongue. Do not After a thorough editing of the return against Question write anything In the dotted boxes, but write on the line". 8 of the Individual Slip and editing and matching of the entries in column 9 of the Household Schedule following Further, the enumerators were also Instructed to copy the instructions reproduced above, the religion data for Table the returns regarding religion of an Individual from Question C-9 have been complied from the Individual returns of the 8 of Individual slip to column 9 of Household Schedule. religion available in column 9 of the Household Schedule. The instructions In thls regard were as follows: Table C-9 Religion is prepared on a Full count basis. 1 A summary The following are the main religious communities In strength at state level. t~ state as a whole. These are arranged In order of numerical Sex rado Religious (females per Communities Persons Males Females l000·~) 2 3 4 5 Hindus 38,432,027 19,605,625 18,826,402 960 Muslims 5,234,023 2,681,164 2,552,859 952 Chrfstlans 859,AJ78 '28,826 430,652 1,004 lalns 326,114 168,824 157,290 932 BuddhIsts 73,012 39,503 33,509 848 Sikhs 10,101 6,128\ 3,973 648 The percentage of population In the tota~ population and Sikhs along with "Other Religions and Persuasions' and of state accounted for by each of the six major religiOUS "Religion not stated" at 1991 census Is liVen below. communities viz., Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists R.elidous CommunIdes 2 Hindus 85.45 Muslims 11.64 a.rlstlans 1.91 lains 0.73 Buddhists 0.16 SIkhS 0.02 Other Rellatons S: persuasions 0.01 ReRgion not stated 0.08 100.00 The distribution of population of six major religiouS communities between rural and urban areas as follows: Percentaae Percentaae ReRgious to toaI I1Ir3I Urban to total urban communities Rural population population population populadon 2 3 4 5 Hindus 28,132,846 90.55 10,299,181 74.05 Muslims 2,329,321 7.50 2,904,702 20.89 Christians 327,512 1.05 531,966 3.82 lalns 188,389 0.61 137,725 0.99 Buddhists 61,007 0.20 12,005 0.09 Sikhs 1,226 N 8,875 0.06 5 · For the benefit of the reader two statements are creation of a new district called Banealore Rural district from provided.
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