Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 2011 8-26-2011 Daily Eastern News: August 26, 2011 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 26, 2011" (2011). August. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_aug/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2011 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” Friday THE DAILY AUGUST 26, 2011 VOLUME 96 | No. 99 E ASTE RN ILLINO IS U NIVE RSITY CHARLESTON, I LL. DENNEWS.COM EastErn nEws T WITTER.COM/DENNEWS Check out the first Team heads to edition of the Verge Northwestern for opener Section B Page 8 ACADEMICS THE SUITE LIFE WebCT Deluxe double rooms a hit By Melissa Boydston own furniture. Staff Reporter “This was intended to give stu- to be dents a different living configura- “Part of what makes them special This year at Eastern, students tion,” Hudson said. were offered the opportunity to e dorms are two regular dou- is that there aren’t a lot of them.” expand their living quarters by ble rooms conjoined by a door in Mark Hudson, director of University replaced moving to the new deluxe dou- the connecting wall, with the full Housing and Dining ble rooms offered in Andrews and room floor measurements being By Rachel Rodgers Thomas Halls. 22 feet by 14 feet, 10 inches. Administration Editor Each deluxe double comes The connecting doors were Hudson said the exclusivity of The dorms’ additional cost with two beds and two dressers, added 10 years ago, but were not the dorms is what makes it ap- does not appear to decrease their One of the main goals of the new assistant and the other room holds two put to use until this year, Hud- pealing to students. appeal, Hudson said. Accord- vice president for academic aairs for technolo- desks. Each room also has four son said. “Part of what makes them spe- ing to Hudson, the deluxe dou- gy is to nd a replacement learning management closets as opposed to two. e deluxe doubles are not lo- cial is that there aren’t a lot of bles were filled by students who system for WebCT this semester. Mark Hudson, director of Uni- cated in all of the residence halls them,” Hudson said. submitted their housing contracts John Henderson, assistant vice president for versity Housing and Dining Ser- and are only available on the ninth The dorms do come with an early via Eastern’s Early Bird academic affairs for technology, said Eastern’s vices said the new layout allows oor of Andrews Hall and fourth added cost of an additional $450 Contract. contract with WebCT expires in January 2013. students to bring more of their oor of omas Hall North. per person, per semester. SUITE, page 5 “I would like to have something in place by this spring so I can start a test run with facul- ty and students as guinea pigs,” Henderson said. HIGH ART “Two or three years ago, the company Black- board bought out WebCT and, after changing and altering certain features, they basically did Acrobatics bring art to life away with what we knew as WebCT.” Henderson said they have written a bid and are waiting to hear back from companies. By Samantha McDaniel “ere are probably 10 to 12 companies that I Activities Editor gure are going to respond, given our parameters and features that our faculty committee specied The audience gasped in amaze- after a lot of hard work,” Henderson said. ment as dancers from the Pendu- He said there are several steps to follow in the lum Aerial Arts did acrobatics in search process. the air using various aerial rigs. “We will set up rubrics of what we feel are The High Art performers com- the most important features and the companies bined dance, aerobatics and tra- will be graded, not necessarily on price, but fea- peze moves to bring artwork to tures, functionality and ease of use for the facul- life and entertain students, pro- ty and students,” Henderson said. “en we will fessors and residents Thursday. probably narrow the companies down to four or Cheryl Body, an Eastern alum- ve and invite them to campus to present to our na and Mattoon resident, said she committee.” was intrigued by their muscles Henderson said the next step in the search and what they can do. would be to invite normal users, such as faculty “It’s like Cirque du Soleil not on the committee, to test the system. comes to Charleston,” Body said. “From that we will look at price and the com- Kaitlyn Kavanaugh, a senior mittee will make a recommendation to me,” communication studies major, Henderson said. said, “I’m just astonished at the WebCT was implemented at Eastern in 1998, amazing strength and how they the same year Henderson came to campus. just tell a story through their Henderson said his new position includes bodies, it’s incredible.” dealing with an array of technology that profes- Tristan Ferry, a Charleston sors and students use. High School student said, “It was “We support all of the technology that gets either this or trig homework, so I infused in the classrooms and the labs with ser- was like trapeze artist, cool.” vices anywhere from web services to multime- High Art is inspired by multi- dia, training and graphic design services,” Hen- ple artworks such as Pablo Picas- derson said. so’s “Girl Before a Mirror” and He said his new position includes many dif- “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. ferent responsibilities. Suzanne Kenney, the artistic “I am basically the front person for the depart- director of Pendulum Aerial Arts, ment so I attend a lot more meetings and I assess said High Art is the story of a the needs of particular projects,” Henderson said. journey through life. “I also work more closely with the deans and other It is based on artwork because upper administration members along with dealing she believed the human body to with the budget for CATS directly.” be a work of art. Henderson said he also works closely with Fac- Bill Hill, a retired faculty ulty Development where he does more collabora- member of Eastern, said he en- tive work, not just technology. joyed the performance. Besides nding a replacement for WebCT, Hen- “You can go look back at var- derson said another goal he has for this semester ious places and it’s obvious how is continuing to build more support at the Gregg they are doing the art,” he said. Technology Center, especially in software training. Hill said the dancers were art- “We also want to build on the equipment that ists who brought the paintings to students probably don’t bring to school like vid- life. eo cameras and video editing equipment so they Becca Worthington, a fresh- can work on their own projects,” Henderson said. man French major, said, “I’m “We have been doing that for a couple of years very impressed with art. I want to but we want to expand it for the students.” go look at the paintings and com- SETH SCHROEDER | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS pare them.” Josie Oleson, a member of Pendulum Aerial Arts, practices Wednesday for High Art, a performance featur- Rachel Rodgers can be reached ing mid-air dance and acrobatics. Two more performances will take place this weekend, with one 7:30 p.m. at 581-2812 or [email protected]. ART, page 5 tonight and the final at 2 p.m. Saturday in The Theatre of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2011 2 DENNEWS.COM N o. 99, VOLUME 96 EIU weather Sticker time TODAY SATURDAY Sunny Sunny High: 85° High: 88° Low: 61° Low: 58° For more weather visit castle.eiu.edu/weather. ONLINE On the Cheap video blog Online Editor Christo- pher O'Driscoll returns in his internet series about the cheapest ways to live during college. In this episode, Chris discusses resources online where you can get free things, as long as you do not care what you get for free. Go to DENnews.com to see the rst episode of the school year. NEXT WEEK Air show recap RACHEL MORRIS | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS e Daily Eastern News will be covering the air Junior special education major Sam Rosell gets stickers from Kate Brown, a junior secondary education major, and Kelsey Kruse, a senior el- show this weekend at the Coles County Memori- ementary education major Thursday on the Library Quad. Every Thursday, Prowl, a transition-to-campus student group, will be out on the quad al Airport. handing out stickers and asking one trivia question to promote Panther spirit. Look for a full recap of the air show in Mon- day's edition of the News, including photos and OUTREACH THE DAILY Campus outreach comes to Eastern EastErn nEws a Christian organization, but I would say that “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” By Rachel Rodgers Administration Editor “I feel like I'm a people have had different reactions,” Rogers Contact said. “Some people hate that and don’t want to If you have corrections or tips, please call: Members of Campus Outreach, a campus be friends, which is ne and that is denitely ex- ministry, have traveled almost 500 miles to East- student that doesn't pected in some situations.” 217•581•7942 ern from Tennessee to befriend students and Rogers said one aspect that is dierent about or fax us at: have classes that 217•581•2923 help them feel comfortable.
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