Moreland & Fleischer Unit Readings from Units 5-8 Cicero, Catullus, Martial, Terence and one summary of story of Aeneas and Turnus from Unit 5. Grammar: participles, infinitives and indirect statement, (unit 6), 3rd declension nouns (unit 6), subjunctive in subordinate clauses in indirect statement (unit 7). m. Reading Moreland Fleischer unit 5 p. 96 Antequam t pius Aeneas oppidum condere2 potuit, bellum Aeneae piignandum fuit. Arma autem Aeneae non fuerunt. Filius deae matrem 3 arma oravit ut inimlcos interficeret. Mater 3 deo imperavit ut arma historia 4 populi Romani Inscripta s faceret. Arma accipiens 6 Aeneas mox piignare incepit quamquam historiam 4 populi Romani intellegere non potuit. Inimicus erat impius Tumus, vir diirus, piignare ardens. Media nocte 7 dea ad Turnum venit ut ei s imperaret ut cum Aeneii piignaret. Ruens ad bellum Turnus socios Aeneae invasit et amicum Aeneae interfecit. Populus socius bellum gestiirus deos auxilium~> oravit. "Auxilium9 ciiris a dis to dandum est," sensit; "si di auxilium9 dabunt, dona multa iiris deorum dare debebimus." Cum Aenea socii magno cum studiO piignaverunt. Turno parsiirus,ll Aeneas tamen eum 12 interfecit. Tumus interficiendus erat ut pius impium superans oppidum conderet.2 1 antequam (conj.), 'before' 2 condo, -ere, condidi, cooditus, 'found' 3 miter (nom.), mitrem (ace.), 'mother' 4 historla, -ae, F., 'history' s inscribo, -ere, -scripsi, -ser~..- tus, 'inscribe' 6 accipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptus, 'receive' 7 node (abl.), 'in the night' 8 ei (dat.), 'him' 9 auxillum, -i, N., 'aid' 10 The ablative of agent with a passive peri· phrastic is regularly used instead of the dative of agent in order to avoid confusion when another dative is closely associated with the verb. 11 parc6, -ere, pepercl, parsus, 'spare' ( + dat.) 12 eum (ace.), 'him' NOTES m. Reading Moreland & Fleischer Unit 6 p. 109 Cicero warns the Roman senators about men plotting against the state (lie Catiltnam• 1.2.4-5, liberally adapted): Opto, patres conscripti,1 mel esse pium, opto in tantis3 urbi perlcuUs mel non sine ciira videri, sed nunc mel inertiae4 nequitiaeques damno. Castra 6 sunt in Italia contra 7 populum Romanulll in Etriiriae a montibus conlocata,9 crescit 1o semper inimioorum numerus; u castrorum 6 autem imperatorem tl ducemque 13 inimicorum intra 14 moenia atque adeo ts in patrum conscriptorum 1 numero n videtis, et intellegere debetis illos 16 de periculo et magnis malls urbi nostrae 17 cogitare. • Catllina, -ae, M., 'Catiline', the name of the leader of a conspiracy that Cicero was eager to put down 1 cOilseribO (com- + scribO), 'enroll'. (The "enrolled fathers" were the senators.) 2 me (ace.), 'me, myself' 3 taDtus, -a, -um, 'so much, so great' 4JJJertia, -ae, F., 'laziness' s ni!Qaltla, -ae, F., 'worthlessness' 6 castra, -Orum, N. pl., 'camp' 7 coutri (prep. + ace.), 'against' s Etriirla, -ae, F., 'Etruria', a district north of Rome 9 conl.:ICO (1), 'locate' 10 crisci, -ere, crevi, cri!tus, 'grow' u numerus, -i, M., 'number' 12 im- peritor, ·llrts, M., 'commander' 13 dux, ducls, M., 'leader' 14 iutri (prep. + ace.), 'within' 1.s adea (adv,), 'even' 16 illiis (ace. pl.), 'those (men)' 17 noster, uostra, nostrum, 'our' · NOTES Moreland & Fleischer Unit 7 p. 123-5. 124 UNIT SEVEN Catullus in 1st poem, after renouncing love for ... Quae tibi manetl vita? Lesbia, addresses her Quis nunc te adibit? 2 Cui videberis bella? 3 Catullus 8.15-19 Quem nunc amabis? Cuius esse diceris? Quem basiabis?4 Cui labenas mordebis?CS 1 m.aaei, -ire, minsi, miDsus, 'remain' " adiblt (3rd person sing. future indicative), 'wiii approach' 3 beUus, -a, -um, 'beautiful' • bislo (1), 'kiss' 11 1abeUum, -i, N., 'little lip' 6 morde6, -ke, momordi, morsus, 'bite' NOTE: For some observations on the rhythm of this and subsequent selec­ tions from verse which will appear in the readings, see A Note on Quantitative Rhythm, p. 401. B. Martial 12.73: Heredem I tibi me, Catulle,2 dicis. Non credam,3 nisi4Jegero, Catulle.z 1 beres, beri!dls, M., 'heir' 2 Catullus, -i, M., a man's name; here, it is in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, Section G) 3 credo, -ere, credldi, creditus, 'believe' 4 nisi (for nisi): occasionally, certain metrical necessities cause a long vowel to shorten in verse. C. Catullus 58: Caeli, 1 Lesbia nostra, Lesbia ilia, ilia Lesbia, quam Catullus iinam 2 pliis3 quam4 se atque suos amavit omnes,s nunc in quadriviis 6 et angiportis 7 gliibit s magnanimi 9 Remi to nepotes.ti I Caelius, -1, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 2 iinus, -a, -um, 'alone' 3 pliis (adv.}, 'more' 4 quam (adv.), 'than' 5 omnes (ace. pl. M.), 'all' 6 quadrivium, -i, N., 'crossroads' 7 angiportum, -i, N., 'alley' s gllibO, -ere, 'bark, peel, skin' 9 magnanlmus, -a, -um, 'great-souled' IO Ri!mus, -i, M., 'Remus', the brother of Romulus, the founder of Rome 11 nep(is, nep(itis, M., 'descendant' D. Martial 1.38: Quem recitas 1 meus est, 0 Fidentlne, 2 libellus ;3 sed male4 cum s recitas,1 incipit esse tuus. 1 reclto (1}, 'recite' 2 Fidentinus, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 3 UbeUus, -L M., 'little book' 4 male (adv.}, 'badly' 'cum (conj.), 'when' NOTES B. Martial 12.73: Moreland & Fleischer Unit 7 p. 123-5. Heredem t tibi me, Catulle,2 dicis. Non credam,J nisi4 Jegero, Catulle.z 1 beris, ber&lis, M., 'heir' 2 Catullus, -i, M., a man's name; here, it is in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, Section G) 3 credO, -ere, credidl, cdditus, 'believe' 4 nisi (for nisi): occasionally, certain metrical necessities cause a long vowel to shorten in verse. C. Catullus 58: Caelf,l Lesbia nostra, Lesbia ilia, ilia Lesbia, quam Catullus finam 2 plfis3 quam4 se atque suos amii.vit omnes,s nunc in quadriviis 6 et angiportis 7 gliibit s magnanimi 9 Remi to nepotes.tt 1 Caelius, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 2 iinus, -a, -um, 'alone' 3 pliis (adv.), 'more' 4 quam (adv.), 'than' 5 omnh (ace. pl. M.), 'all' 6 quadrivium, -i, N., 'crossroads' 7 angiportum, -i, N., 'alley' s gllibO, -ere, 'bark, peel, skin' 9 magnanimus, -a, -um, 'great-souled' 10 Rfmus, -i, M., 'Remus', the brother of Romulus, the founder of Rome 11 nepi)s, ne.,Otls, M., 'descendant' D. Martial 1.38: Quem recitas I meus est, 0 Fidentlne, 2 libellus ;3 sed male4 cums recitii.s, 1 incipit esse tuus. 1 reclto (1), 'recite' 2 Fidentinus, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 3 UbeUus, -L M., 'little book' 4 male (adv.), 'badly' s eum (cooj.), 'when' NOTES UNIT SEVEN 125 E. Martial 1.32: Non amo te, Sabidi,1 nee possum dicere quare:2 hoc tan tum 3 possum dicere, non amo te. I Sabidius, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 1 quire (adv.), 'why' J tantum (adv.), 'only' F. Martial 5.43: Thais 1 habet nigros, 2 niveos 3 Laeciinia 1 dentes. 4 Quae ratios est? :Emptos 6 haec habet, ilia suos. 1 Thiis and Laecinia are names of women in the nominative case. 2 niger, nigra, nigrum, 'black' 3 nlveus, -a, -nm, 'snowy white' 4 dens, dentls, M., 'tooth' s ratl6, -linis, F., 'reason' 6 emo, -ere, kni, emptns, 'buy' G. Martiall2.80: Ne laudett dignos,2laudatt CallistratusJ omnes.4 Cui malus est nemo,s quis bonus esse potest? 'lando (1), 'praise' 1 dignus, -a, -um, 'worthy' 3 Callistratus, -i, M., a man's name 4 omnes (ace. pl. M.), 'all' (i.e., 'everyone') s nemo (nom. sing.}, 'no one' H. Martial 7.3: Curt non mitto meos tibi, Pontiliane,2Iibellos?3 Ne mihi tii mittas, Pontiliane,2 tuos. 1 ciir (adv.), 'why' 1 Pontlliinus, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) J libeUus, -i, M., 'little book' I. Cicero, In Catilinam 11.12.27: Nunc illos qui in urbe remanserunt 1 atque adeo 2 qui contra 3 urbis salOtem omniumque 4 vestrum in urbe a Catilina relicti sunt,s ql.iamquam sunt hostes, tamen, quia 6 nati sunt 7 cives, monitOs etiam atque etiam s volo.ll 1 remanea, -ere, reminsi, reminsus, 'remain' 2 adea (adv.), 'thus far' .J CODtrl (prep. + ace.), 'against' 4 omnium (gen. pl.), 'all' s relinquo, -ere, reUqul, reUctu, 'leave behind' 6 quia (conj.), 'because' 7 niti sunt, 'they were born' a etlam atQIHI etlam, 'again and again' 9 vola, veUe, volui, --, 'want' NOTES UNIT SEVEN 125 E. Martial 1.32: Non amo te, Sabidi,1 nee possum dicere quare:2 hoc tan tum 3 possum dicere, non amo te. I Sabidius, -i, M., a man's name; here, in the vocative case (the case of direct address; see Unit Eight, section G) 1 quire (adv.), 'why' J tantum (adv.), 'only' F. Martial 5.43: Thais 1 habet nigros, 2 niveos 3 Laeciinia 1 dentes. 4 Quae ratios est? :Emptos 6 haec habet, ilia suos. 1 Thiis and Laecinia are names of women in the nominative case. 2 niger, nigra, nigrum, 'black' 3 nlveus, -a, -nm, 'snowy white' 4 dens, dentls, M., 'tooth' s ratl6, -linis, F., 'reason' 6 emo, -ere, kni, emptns, 'buy' G. Martiall2.80: Ne laudett dignos,2laudatt CallistratusJ omnes.4 Cui malus est nemo,s quis bonus esse potest? 'lando (1), 'praise' 1 dignus, -a, -um, 'worthy' 3 Callistratus, -i, M., a man's name 4 omnes (ace.
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