www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• Ambassador Shcherbak’s Independence Day address — page 6. •A personal reflection on Independence Day 1991 — page 7. • News on the theater and music scenes — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVI HE KRAINIANNo. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1998 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine Canada’sT new envoyUUkraine marks seventh anniversaryW of independence to Ukraine signals a shift in strategy by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj Toronto Press Bureau TORONTO – A brief address deliv- ered in the past week by Canada’s newly appointed ambassador to Ukraine, Derek Fraser, has signaled an apparent shift in Ottawa’s foreign relations strategy vis-à- vis Ukraine from a political to an eco- nomic focus. On August 21, the Canada-Ukraine Business Initiative and the Canada- Ukraine Chamber of Commerce hosted a luncheon with Canada’s envoy to Kyiv at the Board of Trade in the provincial capi- tal’s downtown, in concert with its annu- al general meetings. Mr. Fraser’s predecessor, Christopher Westdal, had spoken at length about Ukraine’s potential as a linchpin in a realigned European order, particularly with regard to cooperation with NATO and other international bodies. The new Roman Woronowycz appointee asserted that his mission in Kyiv would function as an agency to fur- The dais at the Ukraina Palace of Culture during the commemorative government session marking seven years of independence. ther Canadian business interests. by Roman Woronowycz gala concert. in Moscow brought down the already Mr. Westdal and officials such as for- Kyiv Press Bureau Ukraine’s recently elected chairman of crumbling Soviet Union, Mr. Tkachenko’s mer International Trade Minister Art the Verkhovna Rada, Oleksander emphasis seemed to be on what he Eggleton, who recently visited Ukraine KYIV – Ukraine celebrated its seventh Tkachenko, gave the single address at the described as the seamless continuum of as minister of defense, had noted that anniversary of independence on August 22- commemorative session after being intro- Ukrainian history since the Communist Ukraine and Canada are not major trad- 24 with statements by leaders and images duced by the presidential representative to Revolution in 1917. ing partners and are not likely to become better suited to an earlier time marked by the city of Kyiv, Oleksaner Omelchenko. “I ask you not to be ashamed of the 70- such in the near future, even as they red banners and hammers and sickles. Mr. Tkachenko was invited to give the plus Soviet years,” said Mr. Tkachenko, expressed Ottawa’s abiding interest in At the official celebration of independ- Independence Day speech by President who was the minister of agriculture of the Kyiv’s political security and sensitivity ence, held on Sunday, August 23, at the Leonid Kuchma. Ukrainian SSR at the end of that era. “This to the sentiments harbored by Ukrainian Ukraina Palace of Culture, the country’s Although the rambling one-hour speech Canadians. is our history, our life. Without those years leaders gathered with thousands of invit- did mention the successes and failures that there would have been no sovereign Mr. Fraser, on the other hand, drew on ed guests for a special commemorative Ukraine has experienced since it declared his experience as ambassador to Hungary session of the government, followed by a independence in 1991, after a failed putsch (Continued on page 3) in the recent post-Warsaw Pact transition period. He proudly recalled that during his tenure Canada became “Hungary’s sixth largest trading partner, on par with Embassy in Washington hosts Independence Day reception Britain and the Netherlands, and ahead by Yaro Bihun Ukrainian National Association, Jenkins, executive director of the of Japan.” Special to The Ukrainian Weekly Wolodymyr Sochan, with the Ukrainian Ukraine-U.S. Business Council, headed “Let’s see what we can do in President’s Award for Merit medal. the business community presence. Ukraine,” Mr. Fraser said. WASHINGTON – The Ukrainian Among those present at the reception Addressing the guests, Ambassador The envoy, who was formally appoint- Embassy in Washington marked from the U.S. government were Ross Shcherbak underscored the historic ed on July 15 but did not arrive back in Ukrainian Independence Day with an Wilson, the principal deputy to the State importance of Ukraine’s independence, Canada from his previous posting in anniversary reception on August 24. Department’s ambassador-at-large and which, he said, “radically changed the Athens until August 20, called himself “an Ukraine’s ambassador to the United special advisor to the secretary of state for geopolitical map of Europe.” activist,” reiterating that he intends “to States, Dr. Yuri Shcherbak, who hosted the new independent states; Melanne Despite the many, primarily economic, operate as [the Canadian business commu- the Embassy event, recounted Ukraine’s Verveer, the first lady’s chief of staff; and problems that remain to be resolved in nity’s] lobbyist and agent in Kyiv.” accomplishments over the seven years of Ambassador William Courtney, until Ukraine, there is “much to celebrate,” he Showing that he had a diplomat’s its independence and some of the prob- recently special assistant to the president said: Ukraine has been free of inter-ethnic knack for speaking to his audience, Mr. lems that still have to be overcome, and and senior director for Russia, Ukraine and inter-regional conflicts; it transferred Fraser told his CUBI-CUCC hosts he is stressed his government’s determination and Eurasian affairs at the National executive and legislative power through from “the Canadian equivalent of to achieve its goals as Ukraine enters the Security Council. free elections, introduced economic Transcarpathia” – British Columbia. 21st century. Russia’s ambassador to the United reforms, adopted a new Constitution and Asked after the luncheon whether Before a packed Embassy reception States, Yuli Vorontsov, led the list of election law, rid itself of nuclear weapons, Ukraine had achieved a stable presence room that included U.S. officials, diplo- foreign diplomatic guests including rep- joined a number of Western structures, on the geopolitical map and is entering a mats, businesspeople and members of the resentatives from Kazakstan, Poland, established diplomatic relations with new phase of international relations that Ukrainian American community, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, France, more than 150 countries, opened 70 would enable it to concentrate on trade, Ambassador Shcherbak also honored a the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, embassies and other diplomatic missions, Mr. Fraser said he wasn’t ready to com- long-time executive officer of the Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan; Kempton (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 13) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1998 No. 35 U.S. to finance pipeline feasibility study Eastern Economist ing Ukraine’s energy self-sufficiency, the NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Pivdennyi-Brody Oil Pipeline also would KYIV – The U.S. Trade and reduce Bosporus tanker traffic, provide Value of ruble plunges telephone conversation on August 22 that Development Agency (TDA) has another outlet for Caspian crude oil and he expects the IMF to soon approve a loan MOSCOW – The value of the ruble announced a $750,000 grant to the gov- provide alternate oil supplies of higher to Ukraine. Mr. Camdessus assured the ernment of Ukraine for a feasibility study continues to fall against the dollar, Ukrainian president that the fund supports quality crude to the refineries of Central falling 10 percent and closing at 7.86 to on the proposed Pivdennyi-Brody Oil and Eastern Europe. Ukraine’s economic reforms. The IMF Pipeline Project. $1 on August 25. It was the biggest drop loan is widely expected to stabilize The pipeline, which would include since “Black Tuesday,” October 11, The grant agreement was signed in two pumping stations along its route, Ukraine’s financial market in the wake of Kyiv by U.S. Ambassador Steven K. 1994, when the ruble sank more than 25 Russia’s financial crisis. (RFE/RL would have an initial capacity of 14.5 percent. Acting Prime Minister Viktor Pifer and Valerii Shuliko, deputy chair- million tons per year, increasing later to Newsline) man of the State Oil and Gas Committee. Chernomyrdin told reporters that the fall an annual capacity of 30 million tons. of ruble is both an “economic and a Kuchma for Chernomyrdin’s approval The $1.5 million study will evaluate the Following the signing ceremony Mr. construction of the pipeline, which would political issue.” He said that “our econo- Shuliko and Ambassador Pifer met with my is too closely linked to politics.” KYIV – President Leonid Kuchma serve as a connector between a new oil the media. Mr. Shuliko said the told Interfax on August 24 that he hopes terminal at the port of Pivdennyi, near Andrei Illarionov, director of the Ukrainian pipeline was discussed during Moscow-based Economic Analysis the Russian State Duma will confirm Odesa, and the existing Druzhba pipeline the recent meeting of the Kuchma-Gore Institute said he can envision a 15 Viktor Chernomyrdin as Russia’s prime system. commission during which U.S. Vice- ruble/$1 exchange rate if Russian finan- minister. The president of Ukraine added In addition to the TDA funding, the President Al Gore was non-committal on cial policy is not overhauled and the that the latest developments in Russia U.S. contractor for the feasibility study, support for a Caspian oil pipeline leadership of the Central Bank replaced. emphasize the importance of a “strong Gulf Interstate Engineering of Houston, Earlier Mr. Illarionov had declared a and stable government.” An official from will contribute $750,000. While improv- (Continued on page 14) devaluation of the ruble inevitable. the Ukrainian presidential administration (RFE/RL Newsline) told ITAR-TASS the same day that Mr.
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