CTHE TUFTS DAILY] Medford, MA 02155 Friday, October 5,’1990 Vol XXI, Number 20 Students form liberal newspaper Organizers seek recognition and funding for Links by GEOFF CHALMERS paper to increase its frequency of TheTCUJ makes its decisions Contributing Writer publication. regarding recognition of publi- Links, the ‘new progressive According to Jeff Allen, chair cations based on the uniqueness newspaper at Tufts, held its first of the Tufts Community Union of the publication. “If we feel organizational meeting recently Judiciary, Links has not yet ap- thatLinksisduplicatingthefunc- to discuss ideas for the first edi- plied for recognition. Once the tion of another publication on tion, planned for mid-October, members apply for recognition, campus, they will not be recog- and to make plans for funding the Allen said, the TCUJ will decide nized,” Allen said. publication. whether or not to recognize the The recognition of campus Links is a “collective newspa- organization so that they will be publications with overlapping per,” said McKay Russo, one of eligible for “buffer funding” from purposes and audiences was the founding members of Links. the TCU Senate for their first He explained that there is neither ial issue. see LINKS, page 13 an editor-in-chief nor a board of editors. The reason for this, Russo said, is “to give everyone an equal opportunity to form the paper.” Even the meetings resemble dis- cussions -- thm is no single leader, giving everyonepresent achance to express themselves. The first issue of Links will be entirely supported by advertise- ments and contributions. The source of these advertisements,a major topic of discussion at the meeting, will be both campus organizations and off-campus businesses. Links is currently working to I Photo by Julio Mota obtain University recognition, Photo by Sophia PescamMna 1 An information booth from Operation Rescue, a campaign of which is necessary to publish vlembers of Links, including Claire Nelson and Laura Flanagan philanthropic Jewish organizations working to help settle and anything that associates shown here, have agreed to operate without an editorial board house the large flow of Soviet immigrants to Israel, stands in Tufts* and and hope to make decisions by discussion. front of the succot, which commemorates the 40 years Jews which make it possible for the dwelled in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt. The festival of the succot began Wednesday at sundown and continues until UBuffalo failed to report assaults Thursday evening. **. KdHERST, N.Y. (AP) --The‘ have been mole careful. Said. state University of Buffalo didn’t During the university’s orien- Griffin said renewed efforts Over 650 sign up during publicize two rapes and assaults tation this year, the issue of rape are planned to increase aware- in the university area, and many “was really played down,” Kelly nessof theriskofassault,suchas people foundoutaboutthem only said. colloquiums with students on voter registration drive after a woman was raped and “They concentrated mostly on safety issues. by KRIS MUFFLER tion and education is something slain last weekend, students said. date rape,” she said. But efforts to promote safe Daily Editorial Board we all have in common,” Sciar- Signs telling of the two previ- ’ Kelly said the two previous behavior are hampered because A coalition of over 15 special- ratta said. “There were so many ous assaults weren’t hung in dor- rapes were never addressed, and students often feel invulnerable interest groups organized a mas- groups on campus with a vested mitories until 22-year-old sopho- other students also said they had amid the deceptive serenity of sive voter registration drive on more LindaYalem was raped and not known of the assaults before the suburban campus setting. campus this week, collecting651 strangled Saturday, the students Saturday. “Most people are from Long signatures by Thursday evening. said. Her body was found near a “Campus awareness probably Island or (New York) City, so up With one day left in their drive, bicycle path where she had been wasn’t as high as it should have here they think there’s no crime,’’ the group is less than one hundred jogging. been,” said university spokes- said Dawn Duffy, a junior. people away from their goal of Had signs been posted at the woman Linda Grace-Kobas. “There is a feeling of invul- 750 new registered voters, ac- beginning of the semester, “I’m There are signs on the bike nerability on the part of students,” cording to Tufts Community sure that girl would have thought path advising runners to use the said Griffin. Union Senator Scott Waterman. twice about running by herself,” “buddy system,” said Lee Grif- Kobas said “proactive” efforts “We’ll probably get that many said Jon DiGiorgio, a senior. fin, headof campus public safety, are under way to heighten safety people by then,” said Sue Sciar- University officials said stu- and new signs will be added. consciousness.Ameeting Thurs- ratta, chair of theTufts chapter of dents were told about the two Also, the number of public safety day morning focused on devel- the Massachusetts Public Inter- rapes, which occurred in August officers in student dormitoriesh& est Research Group. 1989 and last May on the same been doubled since the attack. he see ASSAULT, page 11 The coalition, which includes bike trail. such groups as the Tufts Demo- “The fact that there were as- Tufts professor conducts public crats and Republicans, MASS- saults on that bike path (was) PIRG, the Tufts Community Union Da?y fi/e photo emphasized,” said Robert Palmer, opinion studies in new Germany Senate and the Leonard TCU Senator Scott Waterman vice provost for student affairs. Carmichael Society, was formed Yalem reportedly went run- Political Science Professor Richard C. Eichenberg will be in in order to promote both voter interest that we formed a coali- ning alone on the Ellicott Creek Germany through October observing and conducting public opin- registration and education, Sci- tion. Weal1 have individual opin- bike path the day she was killed. ion work on German re-unification, which took place Oct. 3. arratta said. ions on the issue, but as a coali- Her body was found in a wooded Eichenberg is a visiting scholar at the International Relations “Our goal of voter registra- tion we aren’t taking any stands. area off the bike trail about a Research Group at the Berlin Science Center for Social Research. We just want to register voters.” half-mile off the Amherst cam- Thomas Cusazk, Eichenberg’s partner at the Center for Social The coalition, which meets pus, five miles north of Buffalo. Research, said Wednesday night that he and Eichenberg are evalu- every Monday night, arranged to Police suspect the same as- ating public opinion on a variety of topics, ranging from foreign have three of its members depu- sailant is responsible for the other policy to the capital city of re-united Germany. tized by the Somerville registrar two rapes, which happened within “Berlin will be the formal capital, while the seat of government in order to register as many stu- a half-mile of where YaIem’s body and government officials will remain in Bonn,”Cusazk said yester- dents as possible, said Jane Fel- was found. day. “This will remain so until at least after the elections [in early ton, president of the Tufts Demo- Several students, particularly December]. We found that public opinion was in favor of Berlin, Arts .............................. p.6-7 crats and one of the three chosen. females, said the campus is not although there would be problems in terms of financial costs to ‘M. Butterfly’ encompasses a wide “We sign all of the registra- safe, and they make it apoint not move the seat of government from Bonn to Berlin.” range of dramatic genres, and the Javier tion forms, officially register to walk alone. Eichenberg was travelling last night from Berlin to Cologne and picks his flicks of the week. people,” Felton said. Freshman Maria Kelly said could not be reached for comment. Felton, Waterman and former that since hearing of Yalem’s Eichenberg is the author of Public Opinion and National Secu- Sports ............................ P- 9 MASSPIRG chair Ginny Hamil- killing, she doesn’t travel with- rity in Western Europe: Consensus Lost? and has written many Men’s soccer triumphs, 2-1, and the ton were sworn in as assistant out friends. She said that had she articles on political and economic issues in the Western democra- football team prepares to tackle Colby been told of the rapes at the be- cies. head-on this weekend. Isee VOTING, page 11 ginning of the year, she would -- Patrick Healy page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, October 5,1990 THE TUFTSDAILY Letters to the Editor ness and action we can make a tremen- sports of all kinds, one’s family, televi- Lauren Keefe Tie a green ribbon... Editor-in-Chief dous impact. sion, home retirement, and commercial To the Editor: attraction occupy our attention more than Imagine the academic quad without x Managing Editor: Anna George Darren J Brent A ‘91 the rationale for the institutions with which trees. While the trees on the quad are Associate Editors: Geoff Leper, David Saltzman we specifically identify. To be sure, many more or less safe, countless trees are lost ’roduction Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Mueller of us do take quite seriously our involve- every year to be used as unnecessary Deal with the ‘true NEWS ments with spiritual groups and associa- consumer packaging. Now, 75 percent of Editor: Kris Muffler tions, evaluating their many the paper produced is used as packaging. assaults’ against.us all aspects. Wire Editors: Bruce Schwa-, John Stone Nonetheless, I am tempted to think that OP-ED In addition to destruction of trees, this I have followed with some dismay the recent controversy about the distribution the appearance of legitimacy may be more Editors: Jason George, Silvio Tavares adds to our growing landfill crisis.
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